•L..... FRIDAY. 30. 1962 inberg to Lead Orchestra . Steinberg, music ! di the Pittsburgh Sympho itra which wOl appear at >rrow night; in Recrea has served as conductor ither orchestras before his present position; s co-founder and > con the Israeli Philharmonic and later served as con the Buffalo Philharmon tra.ln addition, he i was conductor of the NBC yin New York. .' ( • r 2,000 student-, tickets jeneral admission tickets available for tomorrow erformance and can be today land tomorrow at >1 Union desk. :rg's musical career start- | wuuan rectorjdf ny Orche 8:30 tom tion Hall, bf two .} - He- -wb (ductor of Orchestn ductor 1 of ic Orche associate Syxnphor ABOtT andi6oo , are still night’s i obtained ihe Hetz Steinb Driver Injured Scooti As Vehicle Hits Tree Michael junior in! architecture from York, was in' Centre CJounty Hospital last night following an unusual accident in which he fractured his right knee. State | College police 1 said Schneider was west on W. College Ave. and intended to make a- left turn onto S. Burrbwes St, He | reached for the brake, police .said, but ended up ac celerating his motor scooter. He lost- control under the increased speed arid collided with a trte. Hospital perspnnel .reppj-ted his condition as good. 'ii 1 J Lewis Plans'; Research Research on Utopian fiction will be carried on by Dr. Arthur 0. Lewis, Jr., professor of English, during a leave of absence until June 15. He plans to work in the Congressional library in Wash ington, D.C., and in the libraries of this University an'd Harvard The ultimate aim of his research Is to prepare a book on Utopian literature, a general comparative study involving . sociological as well as literary, aspects. —■ A Cornmon Expression at PENN STATE Bk A Yksu Can Get It At Arl With The Black Granite Front 111-115 S. Allen St. Open Tonight and Monday Till f REGULAR HOURS:—B:3O to 5:30 ' AD 7-7605 : > ■» : '-'i ■' -il edjtm the violin. He was rec-j several seasons' - in this capacity, ognized as an exceptional mu-] Steinberg became conductor of |siqan before he was 10 years old.]the Buffelo Philharmonic, a post! By the age of 15; he had gainedjhe held until he assumed his! recognition as a piano recitalist position in Pittsburgh. I At r? Sf‘!! e ß te. I Genn 0 ansr l Once after a .performance of 4116 w l lUner Prue ; Bruckner's massive Fifth Sym-, for conducting. phony, an onlooker told Steinberg After conducting In the opera' with some satisfaction that he was houses of Prague. Frankfurt, Ber-lfPi ‘“Wpied with the performance! -iXucuorsSs ’™.' n s £ <£? i Jlyfexl lo°Scw m N*S ^"ityi.iin«wg, »ni i Cl ~. j •. I 'd|- ' " ’ ■ ■ Y COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENI THE DAI AD 7-7606 [ | < t - for rent $17.50 ! PER term MttZGERS CoHee® Avenue I Store VANIA ewnpan Resigns Chairmanship diversity, party chairman HI- the. party. With a heavy clasa Newman announced yes ter- schedule I won’t, have the time to that he ‘is resigning his posi- devote to the party that I should." Newman also said that he had is academic program. appointed Louis Kushner, party :wman said he will be carry- vice chairman, to be acting chair a heavy schedule ot classes man until a new chairman can be term so that he Can graduate elected, •larch. 1963. rather than in \ 1963, »s he originally ned. feel that as party chairman ust consider both myself and liot day ition lot Y I inf this ;m : |Jun ,plar What touches off the vicious vacation riots in resort towns from coast to coast? What madness causes tfie drunkenness, open immorality, violent battles with police? What sudden mob impulse can moti vate a crowd of 30,000 educated young men and women into a rampage of destruction? Perhaps it's a new way to "let off steam" ... a savage kind of self-expression. But why are so many college students—presumably the nation’s most "adult" and sophisticated young people—involved? Why dcj they knowingly risk their futures, even their lives for a few hours of wild abandon? In the new J . \ April McCall’s, don't miss the unbelievable, yet true, report on the spread of this insane activity... the terrible price you may have to pay if you’re Involved... and how you can help stop the insanity. McCall’s NOW ON SALE AT All NEWSSTANDS TZGERS niversity Stores The Black Granite Frofit 358 E. College Ave. Wit : Open 8:30 - 9 Daily i Call AD 8-0441 's■ il i ! V:' PENN STATE j SOUVENIRS I •! '■ ) Let Collegian Classified* WORK FOR YOU in the new Aptil Pennants Sweat Shirts 1 T-Shirts Novelties Glassware Scrap Books Stationery Mugs 1 PAGE SEVEN 3 f y-. * . ;