PAGE EIGHT Booklists HOME ECONOMICS CDFR ]*—Marriage tor IMan* <4lh ad.), . Bowman, M Hi raw CDfX !2l—Knku FayA. Vtonat, KonoW Pr«M CDFR 214—Baiidto* a o*cce**fgl Mar* rtace iBrd cd.j, Landi*. .Preatfec CDPK 2*4—Grawth & D*v. of the Tmg Child <144*1. H reckon ridge, Bwm4m CDFR '334—The Karacry tkhaat <3rd *d.>, Saundm CDFR 224—Behavior * Per. fra* ft to 22, 11962). Hawkte, Harper CDFR 441—Teaching to Dm Naraary School. Moor#, Harper CLTX 4*2—Oath tug tor Modern*, Irwin, MacMillan CBEQ 443—Saw to Write fer Homemaker*, Richardaou, low* State FN )to-P#M tor th# Family . Wllmot. Lipplneott; a*d Handbook of Food “Trep., Am. Home Br. Aaaoe. FN 119—Practical Cookery, Kent State, Wild?; and Intro. Food* <4 th edJj* Hughes. MacMillan FN 224—Faod tor Family tftth ed.). WH root, ‘Lifiiiincott FN SSl—Prla. ef Notrltlew. Wllmm, Wiley •CHE IS—Saetal Uaag*. Free, Appleton H ART 244—Madam Hasae. USA (1942), Dodger*. Harper ,H<*K 291—Family Health (2rd ad.). Wil liam*. Lipplneott HMPE 2CC—Man. for Modtra Panina*. Grom, Appleton HMFE 319—Per*. Finance, Caben. Ihrin HREQ 244—Hoiuiinr Chakra 4k Homing Constraint*. Foote. MoCraw HHEO 2lS—Hauaehald ed.l, Feet. Vilry lIFH U(iS—How to ttupcrrUe People (4th ed.i,- Cooper, M*4#raw. IK A 324—F00d Her, in Inutitodon* (3rd ed.l, Wei»t. Wlhy: Hniiwvt at Moderate Cost (2nd ed.j, Hart. Appleton IN‘A 342 How„to Make Advertising Pay for Hate]*. A Restaurants (Ist ed.i.- Knehl. Ahrrns NflEKd 4Hov—Ttwehlng Home . Kcenhmlrs, , Hall, W4iey ; ' PHYSICAL EDUCATION a HI Ed (t—Thr Krlrnr, of H«)fh )d 2. lhlM—Manukl for ftwlmmlng and. Diving, Red Cro*a. MdCraw ; and M«mual ( for IJtoKaUing and Water Safety ed ). |{*. Ed. In the Elem. ErhnoD, Van Hpjgcn. Calif- Ih pt. of Ed. Ph Ed ftft-vA World* Hktory of Phys. Ed. «lli&3 ml.I. Van p&>ti, Prentice Ph Ed I4JA—lndividual; and Team Sports tor W*>mon, Miller. Prentice> and Jn " di Vidua j Sport* for Women, Ainsworth, Saunders Ph Ed )#3B —Stunt* gnd Tumbling tor •Girl*, (1943 ed. I, Roiti, Ronald Pre*«C Ph Ed 103 D—Soccer Couching (1944 yd.). 'Winterbottom, Naldrefh Pn*ws Ph Ed 212—Toward Better Teaching to Phys. Ed., Davis, J?r4ntlce Ph Ed 223 B—Dance , jaty : Published Titm 71—Tfc. Udkrt Art, KslcM, VtmmUt Tfc*a II! Htitn i Tb*s Bcffncr, Appleton i TkM MI-TnUdif tfc* Pity, £untr, iHolt TW* '4Jl—Pltrvrlfklt M, fkyvrftlat, Cole; HOI, TkM a.m-12 noon at Alpha -Epsilon Pi, 129 E. Hamilton Ave. ■HI 4957 MARLETTE—.fcCW with I tiro - bed-. | rooms: porch included. In excellent con*' jdition. For further * information call AD 1 jS-0416. . ; - - ■ j BICYCLE, J. C. ■ HiefiM, HrhtwWzht, calfber brnkr*. cood ojxratfoff condition. lIS. AD b- 3349 after € p.m. DORM CONTRACT. Call Bill Hartman i UN 5-3020. \ station if odds on survival were 50-50? MAH 'WASTED to itw faiutitori twrtfcwf aot term'; two block. Inia wyß> Al AC trSttf. WASTED; TWO.'BIDES, to WiuMufftcu, DXL, l7'after 11 u. C*U C*ro ly»UW t-tm. - DESPERATE 1. NEED rM, to Mrw Pnuu - wick. Tmtoa. Tudlcr or Zute.«k.lcncß uw ca inside com rtaj .F.A-B- Cafi is. ■ ; i -rv - i ; . ■ ONE Ki IniOali raw 'S3 ALFNA CHI OMEGA airk pictured to their compoaite. If found call UlTMta —Detjxjtate pledges. jj 'ij' - "j’'-- j i; -- FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: Unfur. ' nhbcj ■ pat . bed/ooa j a^trinent; beaL water.. ;ud/- refrigerator; foraithed. For further ►inforsaatkraTrail )Al> 8-66SS.* £ GRADUATE* STUDENTS, j upperclassmen— ComfdrUblS' .rooms Wltb- hot awl-cold running .water or private battiMnnenpring mattram. - CENTRAL j Farming. Accom modations ti Inspect and -oocopai'c.. The Colonial; 123 West Nittany. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4850. I 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, suitable for 8 or 4 male students.’ Private en trance. AD f7-323L- | ; SINGLE ROOK in- quiet private home* for quiet male student for spring term. Phone AD 7-2598. j 1 • NICE- SINGLE room, three j blocks from eampmu Available after; March-17. Call AD 7-3245. I - f | ■ WOULD LIKE tijp rDerJ students to share large , unusual apartment, private hath. Very reasonable" rent. Phone Mrs. Beaman AD 7«2PSS, ' ,•pJ « j - ‘ READY. SOON apartment with hath, furnished.!'■Complete kitchen facilities. Parking. Central location, close to eampexs. Suitable couple \or bachelor who will be here until 1 September. ‘ Call AD 7-7t92 or AD 7-4830 j ! \ SINGLE ROOM with refrigerator and free parking. to .campue. UJO per month. AD 7-7888; Ail; J DOUBLE ROOM,- two jbtoeks from earo i pus. 1 Quiet bouse. 242 St Push ! St. AD 7-3832.; \ \ ' l . ‘ J ’ LARGE THREE ROOM Apartment across from Old Main; available end of term* Contact Dick UN fi-252f.J : i FURNISHED THREE :;ROOM apartment for married couple—child welcome Un usually iattractive large jrooms, first floor; three Mocks from campus with parking* Available spring term. -Phone AD 8-6657* LARGE FIRST FLOOR; one tearoom, bur nished apartment. 380 ! perj month with al{ utilities furnished. .Couples preferred* Located on E. Prospect.’ AD 7-7888. i GARAGE FOR RENT at!BU S. Burrdwes St. Phone to another location. AD S-6667. ONE-HALF (lv,male with parking; two. blocks -from campus. :721 Thomas Street. Phone AD .f-7151,’ j ARE YOU 'satisfied tritfj your room? Mbve now, no charge bet we m semesters. One single and one double room available,' Free parking, cooking | allowed. 409. S* Allen. -Call Mr. Heekepdorn AD 8-3772) evening 'HQ • 6-3320. { * • 1 APARTMENT TOR RENT —three or four rooms and private bath,.first) floor; handy to campus. One double loom back of cam* pus; five minute walk. iCall AD 8-3443. 1 FOUR ROOM furnished pletely prlvale. Call L DOUBLE ROOM with for tuale • students, free parking j -three blocks from campus. Phone AD 8-4(47. FURNISHED THREE ROOM Apartment for married couple—child Welcome. Un usually attractive Urge rooms, first f|oor, three blocks from tf campus with parking. Available spring term. Phone AD S-3W7* f\ i-y] -rv’J SINGLE ROOM for spring ti College - Heights, AD 7-2174. SINGLE ROOM and double (room: quiet* near campus, parkinr. Call AD- 8-3379. FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR efficiency apartment, three from campus. Boahburg area. $5O monthly including utilities.' AD 7-2015. I j . LARGE!PLEASANT single room; spring term. ' Near campus. (Male student. week: AD 7-7212. 519 Vt 7 College Avr. j... „ RIDE-WANTED to Florida, March 15, late Thursday evening or Friday! morning or early afternoon. • Molls' Edels rin, -UN 5- 6510 or AD 7-9178. TREAT fOR tired taste buds Herlocher's fish suppers (sole and shrimp).and fish Spax aandwiebee—delivery from daily. - . ;L l ' INTERESTED IN* seeing EdVope completely - and inexpensively- this summer 7 Call Mr. Nelson UN ■ | » FOR LENT or just for a cl locher’s fish suppers (sole ; and fish \ snax sand wkh—try ATTENTION SOCpkL Chairman: Thinking about a Jamxay or a Pledge Formal in the- spring.' THE COLLEGIANS have a limited number of bookings still available. Rock *a roll standards, or jarx. Contact Jeff Brown. AD 7-7588. j ■ , FOR STANDARD and electric .typewriter rentals,' complete type writer! repair serv ice and all thesis typing supplies—shop Nittany Office Equipment, 281 S. Allen Street. AD 8-312 L - > | i PART TIME EMPLOYMENT js now akall akie fori 12 young men; with the following qbaUfieatßms: (!) C plus average in school: (2) business-like appearance; (3)' capa bility to devote between 13 to 20* hour* a week; (4)j‘ over ‘4B. years; of ige. College students ' jwishing • to jappplanent - their present funds with a cnnsfaSe able income are -to .egU Mr. Richardson.' AD *-2051 between’9:3o and *:39 ptm. daily- EMBLEMS AND fettering printed on< *njr apparel, also feH jfetebca m*<3« [to order.' {Free athute. AD 74(09. jßo* 87C, Pennyyfeonfe Furnace. . j •' '"aWt atjtha miag. \_Cfetw RKfVttlOM AND fine food aral Aar HOI Din In* and Ro 2K E. 'P»rk Arann. Vab for qiiU lam now* ‘I;;;. -4 : ' Ail ,-i *cndla ’ Variflg fter t: Reward. 1 : apartment, eom. 0 «-<6lI. Parking. lann: ■ Her* rnd shrimp I at ttreigfrU