The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1962, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Spring Term Books listed ART EDUCATION A Ed r—Creative wad Mortal CrwwtJi. Dowcnfeld; Maesnlilan A Ed 14—Mo nine In CrnfU, MattlU; P rentier A Ed 514—Ovation af Sratytare, Strap perk; Holt A Ed 221—D< Katalai, Hew A Ed 464—Prtatmaklng Today. &«ller; HaU *_ A Ed 426—Onaiict, Ndsen; Bolt A Ed 464—Tfce Tenth Mm, Rood; Cr*r* pr«M ond Do XMininr, Hess - A Ed 466—Creative ond Mental Growth, Lowenfeld; Macmillan A Ed 664—Printiaaklnr Today, Heller; Bolt A Ed 616—Crestien of Sculpture, Strap pock; Holt A Ed 626—Ceramics, Nelson; Bolt; ’ A Ed 686—Growth of Art In American Schools, Logan ; Harper Once Again The Famous TCE EUROPEAN STUDENT TOUR , Vajhive severe tofi ■ eveomf •ntertimmwrt. Nd» ■r-“f& " £WI “ Mi Defuxt Motor Coach [ £t lBsf ß •53 Days in Europe $625 • Vi Transatlantic Transportation Addition*! f \ : TRAVa & CULTURAL EXCHANGE, INC. (V; f 601 Fifth Ave. * New York 17. N.Y. • OX 7-4129 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES SALUTE: As Manager of his Telephone Business Office in Long Island for $ .young man in his fourth year with the company! City, Jim King is responsible for the performance of six ; Jim King of the New York Telephone Company, and supervisors, nineteen business office representatives, and the other young meai like Kim in Bell Telephone Companies fourteen order -clerks.. It takes a staff this large to help throughout the country, help bring the finest coimnunica* Jim provide topnotch telephone service t o the 33,000 sub- tions service in the world to the homes and businesses of a scriber* in his area. Ah impressive amour! of responsibility ; \ growing, America. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA PSYCHOLOGY P*f 2 Piyrti>l>n> Widtff*: Drydca P«y I—General Experimental PiydMbo, - «L; Harper and The Human Bwww, Geldard; Wiley Pity 4—LdaraUg and ; Bdurkr, Uvmb; MaeMJlU* Piydnlity of Bsmaa Growth and DrVdopiMiit, Bailer; Holt Pay 14—Educational fiycbokry, MeDoaaldj Wadaworth and Educational Piychokn, Lorre : Ronald Pay 16—T# he announced Pay 17—Making the Meat of Marriage 2nd'Ed.), Landis; Appleton Pay 21—Practical Psychology* Berien; MacMUlan Pay 461, 466, 412, 414—Ta he annonneed Pay IXs—Biometrlka, TaMca far Bta ti aticana (2nd Ed-), .Pearson: Cambridge University Prow and Statistic*! infer* mee. Walker; Bolt Pay 4X7r—Ttw Paychetogy af Affiliation, 41969 Ed.), Sehsebter: Stanford Uqlv. Preen and When Prophecy Falla, (1966 Ed.), F«ting#r, cl at; Uni*, of Minne } aota Press Pay 419 sMarriaga AnalyaU, <Bev Ed.), 1 Christensen: Ronald ] Pay 422—TUaearch Method* In Social Re* iatkma, (Krv. £d.), Sellltx, et al; Holt' P*y 422—Ta he annaaseed 1 JIM KING Tmj 422—CUM Drtcbraot |M Pcraaa .aiit,, HuncnrHupw Pc,. 424—The JlMiwnU. <*er. Ed.); ' flrlAnun; Halt Pij 421—Adyerfyia, rncMbc u 4 Ra ■carcfc; L«u; MtCn, P»y 42t~8ay It With rfearao, <4tk Ed.). ZoiU: Hirivf Par Ul-lMtrtM firtUvr u 4 It* SoeU FainJttiOTS <Ber.. Ed.), Blum; Hupvr Fir 4tt—Bnu* Eaciwmriw*. HcGnwkk; MrCrkw Pij 412—T* h anaaoneed P«7 417—Readily* ia PndviefJ rf A - - Jortrneat, Carlow; VeCisw Pip 441—T. to UHOnt Pay 42*—EtaentieU of P*rctoio«tcal Teat ini, 1 3,60 Ed.) Cronhaefe; H»n»r F*y 414—CKaiqJ Prtdolmr of. Zitrt tkma] CbiUrtn, Loettit; Harper P«r Ut-rntumtil Cewcepta ia CUaWal PiveluikCT. ShUfvr; McGraw mad Pay cboiockal BoHarck, Urderwood; Aprla~ ten 1 Pit Stl—ZiptifaaUl Pajetolecy, Wtili worth: Holt Hiilel-on-Camptn Lecture Series “Feelers Info the Future” presents ! ' ■ Speaker: Dr. Signell Topic: "The New Universe as Viewed Through Physics" TONIGHT 111 Boucke 8:00 P.M. All Welcome BULL TELEPHONE COMPANIE P*r I*2 BWmgkal and BiactomlcaZ Braea, Barlow : Vniw, of Wlwrah Pnw Pay Ito—Ta to ■aa.waiwdx \ P*7 21*—A Hbtary fl EiptionW P*J -chelotT, (2nd. Ed.), Eorin*; APWftea Pay 212—T* to isamaot ' j.- P«T 212—Hama DmMuit ul Ut calioa. Harichunt; Uucaat ui Pij* cholacieal Statirt Of ■ Hainan Dmto mnt. Kohler: Appfetoa j Pwj tn—Pmrduioer a MMtrsUmi HaU; Lippiacott • -■ Pwj 242, 242—Ta I Pwj ill—P>rck«ls*kal Totiaf, Austral; MacMillan | P*7 222—T* to UUOttt Pwj 122—htopnwil Bhmult *f P»r aosalitr, Lrary; Eonald Pro* and Ana lytic Interpretation la Borachacb Testinr. Schafer: Grtmc And Eaploratkau in ' PoMulity, Murray; Harvard Pey 661—8dmel PeyehMegfati a Century, CutU; Ptychi Aie&« , 1 i Pty 664—rertesafity-'tAd Peyehei TUESDAY, MARCH 6. 1962 Dollar,; McGraw and Ito Pirchcthoraw Snyder: MacMillan =i P»y Ml—To to aaaaatoa* Pry. 149 Prlarfpfto of tnllilv, Pryeto ttonpy lPapeihack), Fnasa; TJalr. of Chlcms Proa and The Prjehotherapy EcJatlomMp. S Bjia; UicMiUan. , Pry ill—Ta to aasoanerd Pay 221—CaUrc* Track las. Baxtam; Bar . court ; • , , 1 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR'SALE < BAKJOS, TOES/ Guitars, I Hun* moed Ortnne gtricr»*\ bpeke, nU‘ Aousie nppSet. Piter Music Centers, Benner Pike. Opca 'til t n.m. dnily except We 6. Phone EL 6-S44L i*' * , SPORTS CARS: We’ve gotten. AU eaekea -* end color*. Over 200 pew hfid. ahed Porscbee. Alfs-Bonwo^i; Jafun ; MGTC’a ; TD’s, TILS'e, Henley’*; lands Sprite’s: Volvo’e; VW’i; Gbia’t; 4*whee! drive i Land Rover's. Complete finsflcing and trade t in all can. B*4*U BUT B*SUp~Z get R d4mL ; Open tili- 9 p.m* Write pr phone! Sale* Manager for list and T>ri«* on mode!* and colon interested in. European Motor*, BoMville, York County, i Petma. Phono Dillsburg 4661. • • ■ DORM CONTRACT, 276 Hamilton. Call Bob Morris- UN 6*4606. TRADE-IN TELEVISION jScu. completely reconditioned, 1962 Zenith T.V. "Elec tronic Service. TELEVISION SERVICE CENTER at STATE COLLEGE TV. COMPLETE SCUBA dtvii In good condition. Chi UN 6-4661. | 1965 T-BIRD, fall power hardtop pin* . new aoft top, automatic [shift. AD £-1206 between 6*7, ‘ ' | 1962 MG TD; red. new rubber,' good leather, beat, beautiful fhxigbtwork. Call HO ~ PACKAGE .DEAL—*3h Pontiae. Inspected, new snow tire*; ■ Wluird Motor Buy— -6115. Call Al UN 6*5062 Except mealtime*. f6r RENT HMiWMiimroJiniiinii AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY; Unfur* nls bed ‘on* bedroom apartment; heat, water, stove andx refrigerator furnished* For AD 2-6686. GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperclassmen— Comfortable rooms L with hot and eeld running water or private'bath. Innenpring mattresses.. CENTRAL. jParking. Aeeom modstions to Inspect aed eompar«C>>Tha Colonial, 123 West Nittaby, AD-7-7792 or AD <MB6O. i ' 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, suitable for B or 4 male students. Private en trance. AD 7-3231. j TWO-ROOM Furnished Apartment. Prefer married couple. Rent! 666 per month. Call AD 7-2027. • DOUBLE ROOM with ! kitchen for male students. Free parking, three-‘ blocks from eampo*. Phone AD-2-6667. FURNISHED THREE-ROOM apartment for married couple—child welcome. Un usually attractive Urge; rooms, first floor, three blocks from eampus with parking. Available spring term. IPhone AD 8-6667. SINGLE ROOM and double room near campus, parking. AD 8-6679. • TWO SINGLE ROOMS fpr spring Urn. Parting. College Heights, ADJ-2174. " wanted’ " *" *—«!•* miIMMIimMMWMWHHaMIHUIKWMimiHW RIDE FOR two to (Washington area j March 16 or 17 after 5:00 p.m. Call Susan iUN 6*7240. I ALL FORMS of typing desired. Fast and economical. Call AD. 7-7719. Pick-up and delivery. ' j (EN TO SHARE' apartment for spring term. Call- UN 6-4923 after 11&0 p.m. MALE TO SHARE an' ipariment In Wash ington, D.C. area after March gradua tion. Call AD 8-1989.. V- ; RIDE TO Green a burg area* Friday! March 9J*Call Nancy AD 7-3405 before 10:20 p.m. j i THREE MEN to. sublet furnished two. bedroom apartment : for summer term. Cal! Don AD T-7247. RIDE TO Flbrida Thursday, March 18 evening or March 16 morning or early afternoon. Call Hollaij UN 6-6610. HELP WANTED H<2MMM*»lltU*lMW4MW«22l«MM>2»»«»W***ll>l*m*m WAITERS TO work. for meal*. Call AD 7-4928 and Vie. LOST BLACK UMBRELLA) with ease' In 122 Hammond. Reward. Call Diek AD 8-8688 after 6:00. , - MIS' PART TIKE Employment, College etodenta, null or female.' Afternoon and cvcslai work, 17 boon per'week. Working, ecbednlo will be arranged to gait elate mad etndy etbedalt whenever Call Ur. Kttu« ter 9 man, • % mb. HD 1*2051.. Salary— |Jso per week. [- ALTERATIONS DONE expertly. Clothing modernised at . reasonable prices. Call AD 7-20*7. I , 3 STUDENT WILL DO' typing athonyef any undergraduate work. Call AD 7f2*Bf ask for Joan. . . j OFFSET PRINTING *f thesis-typin*. Can AD MOW. t - 13 YOUR radio or phonograph operating properly* For fast Service and free pick up and delivery sail AD 7-2281. ' rctw&tU* rat**. EL 6-2642 after i. THESIS PRINTING. Phone AD S-07H oi RHO EPSILON. National Real Estate fraternity. Meeting! at Surma . Pi. 101 Thompson St. 7:11 p-m. Wednesday. Elee tioa-of officers. Refreshments. - FOR STANDARD and electric typewriter rentals, complete typewriter repair serv ice and all UwaiS typing supplies shop Nittauy Office -Eduimnent, 231 S. Allen Street AD W 125. 1 I • RIDE WANTED te Farida. March It. Ist* Ttrarmday evening of Friday morning or early afternoon. Molla Edebtein, UN b *6lo or AD 7-917*. ‘ INTERESTED IN seeing Europe completely and inexpensively this summer 1 Csl Mr. Kelson UN MUt g outfit. Uied. IPs Call John, :ous -