The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1962, Image 7
TUESDAY, MARCH 6.1962 Rutgers Uses 'Plenty of fteait' To 0 pset N ittany Cagers y 67-62 By *JIM KARI Sports Editor ] Rutgers basketball coach Tony Kuolt wasn't disillusion ed by any means when his cagers scored a. 67-62 upset over. Penn State in (the final game . for both teams*; at New Brunswick, N.J., Saturday night. "I’ll be truthful with you, coaching didn’t have a' thing to do with this win,” Kuolt said with a smile afterwards.; “These kids just have plenty of heart. They wanted to win -this game and they won it on guts alone. Sure, We shot well in the first half, and that was a big fac tor in the win. "BUT IN THE END we won it on guts. l You saw how we matched State in size. We didn’t, have one bdy taller than the man he was paired with, yet we were getting the rebounds. “One of our starters, Jerry Mel ksn, has a crippled hand,, but did you see the way he was. clearing the boards. We recruited' him from intramural'ball last year. ' “And, Bill Craft, who scored 17 IM Results » bowling] INDEPENDENT LEAGUE K Lyctwlnc t Cumberland Ral—m t Jordan \ Ltrdu I Carboa, : ttJti 6 Chestnut Walnut fi’Elk 2 Higb Game—TERRY KARHAN. Walnut. Side ‘ Hl(k Scrie*—PßANjt DUZT, Jordan, 169 Rich Gama (team) —Lycomln*, S4l INDEPENDENT LEAGUE D Ki'Ffre r V t Live *>e Birch 4 Butternut .- Berk* 8 W«ahio|ton Butler 8 Erie, i o SerewfctlU 8 Petroleum Enf. 0 Hifli Gtm*—BOß SPENCER, Birth, 214 Hfrh, Serin—BOß SPENCER; Birch. 572 High jGarae (team) —HI-FiveJ 916 ; FRATERNITT LEAGUE D Delta; Phi • - (Alpha Zeta 2 Siena Chi * Phi Kappa Theta ) 2 Theta ’ Delta. Chi 8 Delta Thu Delta 0 Zeta Pii I Alpha Chi Bl*raa 2 Hi** Game—BOß KIZIS. Phi Kappa Theta. Hich Seriea—BOß KIZIB. Phi Kappa Theta. UI HUcb.Ciine, ltcua)->TbeU Delta 1 Cbi, 311 basketball i FKATERNITT Be.! The. Pi (T-I) IS Kap. Del Rho ./*-5) 17 Phi Ka. Tan (1-7) 21 Delta Phi (04) 17 Phi Ka. Pat (7-1) St Beta£i*. Rho (4-1) 10 Phi Si*. Del, (T-l) SUDeI. The. Si*. (24 1 15 Biah. icorer—GERALD CINSBURG. Phi Si*ma Delta. IS INDEPENDENT Gailwyntts (7-0) 57 Reject* : (2-5) 21 Brandy vine (6-1) 48 Hustler* (1-6) 35 Hmtcfeetmen (7-0) 28 Northerners (2-4) 17 Hewta*n Club <2-6) 1 Light fir. f/L (4-3 j 0 Vod Bears (2-4) 17Naey <2-5> 1.3 BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto Satisfaction Guaranteed 200 W. College Are. AD 7-7992 i CREDIT STAFF MEETING TONIGHT 6:45 Of Jacket! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVKSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA -t * * * GENE HARRIS in final game * points,- is a football player, not a' basketball player." j Coach' John Egli’s Nittany Liens were beaten at the foul line. Rutgers made 21 of 31 attempts while State hit on 10 of 12. State had the edge in field goals (26 to 23) and rebounds (41-35), but still Rutgers won the game, its 10th in 22 games. Rutgers was 23-for-49 from the field, State mad 4 26 of 61. 1 The • game ended lack lustre WINSTON TASTES GOOD like a cigarette should! campaigns Car both teams. Rut gers finished with a record of 10-12 and the Lions ended up at 12-11. •! AL AMMEHMAH and Vince Ciaglia scored field goals in the final minute of the first half to gitm Rutgers a 37-31 lead going into the second half and State never caught : up. , In the final 20 minutes the Lions played like the season was already over. Three times in a row State was called for walking vio lations and minutes later John Phillips was detected carrying the ball by the s Rutgers went ahead 19-18 at the 10 mark on a jumper by Melkon and the Scarlet Knights never lost the lead. '' TOE CLOSEST STATE could get in the second half was five points. 52-47. • . With the Lions down by nine points and a little over six min utes remaining in the game, coach John Egli removed Gene Harris from the game and minutes later he cleared the bench. j Harris, who led the Lions with: It points, and Phillips played their last game for 1 State. r*SV STATE 41 KtTGERS ST re rj tp re f it Hotfmu « X-tllCrm/t 4 I-U II Karri. *, M llOntiU S 1- • II; Kart « l-.l IlMkw X I- X I MiteWl 4 t- t ItCUatU * 4-* It Donat* I 9> • t Am’ermtn' I 4-4 li Phillips 9 0- 9 0 Marcti* • 0- • 4 Hulrh'too l l*. P IPftrraon 4 0-00 M»rin 2 t- t SAshley 0 0-00 Srrifin • 9-14 4 Krrrick 0 0.4 4 Htaub 4 4- 4 4 Ceil i 4 4-44 Crmk'Titk 4 4-44 T.uis :i 10-ix cx Tot*!, n 1141 rr Hut-One, Hut-Two Cha Cha Cha By JOE GRATA “Earl Bryce (freshman football College football players will try many things to keep in condition Y}' y* stressed the importance of during the break between the Thu jwompt regular season and spring drills. ” to try the program. Perhaps the most unique and; At the beginning of the 10- novel way of eliminating physical! week program, the players in both drudgery—dancing—is practiced'lhe dancing and weight training by, Penn State's freshman grid- were given similar tests dfrs. !<» strength, agility, and coordina • n_i» . . . | tion. These same tests will be « I**l freshman team given again this week and the u^n m Ji n<a Sf se f? lt ' ns . results will be compared to deter- Rec Hall, while. the other halfj m j ne the success of the expeel is in i weight training program. ! ment 1 Each group meets separately for; _ hourly sessions on Tuesdays and BUT HOW ARE the {ridden Thursdays and. both have a com- !rearti mt to such a program? A* mon calesthenics and running , firs t. they were rather shy and workout on the other weekdays, hesitant, according to Beake. The THE DAKONG raOTCCT i.j under the direction of John Beake, sometimes a half hour early a graduate student in physical!and start dancing it up on their education, who is conducting the own j m’SS’K.ri,*??,?**£l You can fet that there are few ments towards a Masters Degree. jSiat|f fpotball pi ayer3 who “During freshman football prac-j get caught with “two left feet" tices this past fall,'* Beake said, on the dance floor. Campos Restaubaht Lunches 70c and up (with 2 vegetables, bread. 9t beverage) Dinners . (with salad. 2 vegetables. bread, k be re rage) Oft the Corner of College and Pugh 1 \4e'»4«»«4t4»»«444>4M44«44»4«44444»44«>44»»4M«j| ...... 80c and up i PAGE SEVEN