The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 06, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO FCC Explains TV Denial The University's request for an; educational VHF television ehan-j wa * questioned by a member of the - - suk;, because the University failed to half hour lime limit to present its meet the criteria established by icase. The FCC counsel was then the Federal Communications Com-iasked why the commission was mission for the Channel 3 assign-!considering granting a Channel ment. |3 assignment in Johnstown to a This reason was stated by the] commercial interest at a much legal counsel for the Commission-shorter inter-station separation in answer to the University’s ap-jthan that requested by the Uni peal of the FCC decision. Roy'versity. - Wilkinson, University attorney, l One of the six commission said. The case was heard in thejtomeys at the hearing said FCC U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for! policy is to assign a third channel the District of Columbia. to •a > community which already Wilkinson said the FCC posi tion was based on the University's request for a channel assignment at a shorter inter-station separa tion that FCC regulations specify. Silver Plays Silver To Student Cheers By JOAN HARTMAN Dirzy fJillespie and Charlie Park and SANDY tEABUCK Parker and Gillespie were most With shouts of “Go, go. go,** papular during the 11140*1. from the audience, John Harris. SILVER SAID be thought the Jr, of -the Horace Silver Quintet concert audience was very nice drummed his way through a- G- and very receptive. However, he minute solo at the Jazz Club said v he peelers nightclubs to con concert Saturday night. cert' halls because of the more The solo was part of Silver's 1 intimate atmosphere ,and better composition of "Yeah** which acoustics. he wrote while still in high school. Silver, who has toured Europe Silver, whose only formal train- and Japan, said, “The. European ing came from his hometown audiences are more receptive music teacher, played all his own than the ones here in' the United compositions at the concert States. The reason for this is that "I started to play the piano," Silver said, "when t was in gram mar school. I had a crush on a girl who was older than L and you know how kids are: if one gets something the other wants it. She got a piano, so I had to have one."- SILVER SAID he started out 1 listening to boogie woogie and, at the age of 16, became interested in jazz. . He is termed as being a "soul" jazz musician. “The record com panies conjured up this term to sell, records. I play bluesy-type or funkey jazz. Really, 1 just play Horace Silver music,” he said. “I don’t believe," he added, "that the avant garde movement in jazz:is going to affect anyone. There’s, room for everybody .in jazz. Nothing has changed since LOCAL AD STAFF NO MEETING TONIGHT Remember the last issue is Saturday see yeur accerntts STATE da?! “THE HAPPY THIEVES” STARTS TOMORROW AT 1:30. 3:31. &3L 7:32. 8:33 —STARRING— - OLIVIA de RAVILLAND ROSSANO RRAZZI YVETTE KOttEUK GEORGE HAMILTON THE DAILY UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA THE REASONING OF the FCC has two channels before licensing a coramumtyjwithout any stations, Wilkinson said. The policy of the commission, he said, was understood to have they don't get as.much jazz there' as U.S. audiences do. 1 The New Conservatism... Myth or Movement? >■ spokesmen for ’the > movement draw on the past t? mold the future is this, ! your future? A ■i■ t ' ; i. Or Don’t you know? 1 La CRITIQUE A special supplement on the new conservatism plus the best in penn state prose, poetry and art work On nl* now at— HUB ... Boudko... Downtown newsstands ... Sparks 25c HANDSOMELY STYLED! PRICED) TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET! CARDIGAN SWEATERS 85% Shetland Wool 15% Nylon Budge* $ 99 Priced at only . Beautifully Fashioned Cardigan of Shetland Wool 15% Nylon Link on Link Shoulders, Long Sleeves Boxy. Crew Neck, Washable 'Assorted Colors All Sizes been that an unservked commu nity among several license appli-j cants would have preference. THE UNIVERSITY stated in its! case brief that “inasmuch as the need for a VHF educational tele vision facility was fully estab lished, and me request ,.. was in accord with established commis sion policy to reserve, wherever possible, VHF'assignments in com munities designated as primarily educational centers," the commis- ; non incorrectly denied the request for a TV channel here. Wilkinson said the University ' felt fee issues in this case were 'so broad and the. treatment of > them so. cavalier, that there was a need’for the case for education , al television to be put before the : public. SDT Wins 3 Pan Sigma Delta Tap sorority mon opolized this year's Panhellenic award competition by capturing the Miss Panhellenic scholarship and scholarship improvement awards. HPXH GtJTMAH.' senior in arts and letters from fanriite. .was elected Miss Panhellenic by the Paabel. council delegates. Miss Gutman served as council parlia mentarian and chairman of the constitution revision committee! this Tear. < The award is given to the sen der who has/contributed most to the Panhellenic Council through- out her sorority membership. An all-sorority average of 3.154 won the highest scholarship tro phy tor Sigma Delta Tau. Because the group also showed the most LADIES SHETLAND TYPE unlcs-|fc STATE COLLEGE 3 Assigned Lead Roles In Players 1 Production ' Fred, the part played by Carol jßurnett; in the Broadway version of the show. Miss Hart was the diresctosj of o>e recent Thespians production, "Bells are Ringing." Gordon, sophomore in arts and letters from Summit, NJL, will play prince Dauntless,! who is lookingj for a wife. Gordon was also, cast in "The Cave Dwellers" and' the Theatre Arts production of “A Sleep of Prisoners.’* ;. Miss {Marshall, senior! in sec*. ondary 'education from Connells ville, will play Queen Aggravain,; the mother of Dauntless.; j * j Glicktnan, graduate student in physics [from Brooklyn, NJ., will play King Sextimus thi Silent, who is mUte throughout the show. { Glickman recently played' in the. State College' Community Theatre 1 production of “Leave It to Jane”! JUST. FRESHMAN in chemis-j try and physics from Hicksville N.Y„ recently played the lead in “Bells Are Ringing.” He will play Sir Harry, the romantic lead lead , Miss Alinkoff, senior in second ary education from Kingston, will play Lady Larken opposite Just. Miss Alinkoff has had | previous [roles in “Wonder _ Town” and. Sandra Hart, Fred Gordon and >Louisa Marshall will have the leading roles in the forthcoming Penn State Players' production of “Once Upon a Matress" which will be presented May. 15,11 and 12 in Schwab. . • . i Also to be featured in the cast are Nancy Alinkoff, Wally Glick man and Alan Just ; The musical-comedy is a take off on the fairy tale "The Prin cess and the Pea." The music was composed by Mary, Rodgers, daughter of Richard Rodgers, and the? play was written "'by Jay Thompson, Marshall' Barer and Dean Fuller. ' MISS HART, senior in the arts from Clarion. , will play -princess ihel Awards scholarship improvement, .288 points, it made a grand sweep of the award competition. THE AWARDS were given fol lowing the installation of new Panhel officers at the Nittany Lion Inn, Saturday. Soph Class Newsletter Copies pf the sophomore class! newsk' the He) resident /gt 'TOMORROW LAST ( TIKES ( TO KITE ) LAST DAY: "LOVER COME BACK" in TECHNICOLOR $ Begins TOMORROW ® NOMINATED FOR 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! Geraldine Pass BEST ACTRESS! Una Merkel BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS! BEST MUSICAL SCOREI r BEST ART DIRECTION! COLOR __ / > ' ‘ i TUESDAY. MARCH .A. 1962 “G3DSET GOES HAWAIIAN” also 7THE DEADLY COMPANIONS"