FRIDAY. MARCH 2. 1962 Long Lion Cage Campaign Ends - What might, have been. That’s the note on which Penn State’s cagers will end the 1981-62 sea son when they take the floor against Rutgers at New Bruns wick, NJ., tomorrow night. With a 12-10 record going into the season firiale, the Lions are 'sure of a winning record. But! coach John Bgli and'his team were thinking in terms of better things l like a 15-8 record at the start of the season. "IF THINGS HAD gone as I hoped they would, we would have had a heck-of-a-record this 1M Results BOWLING FRATERNITY LEAGUE B DeL Sig. Phi . SSic. AL Mb 6 Phi Sig. Dei. *. 8 Phi Slg. Kip. 0 Pi Kappa Phi (Alpha Ep. Pi 2 At. Chi Bho (AL Gamma Rbo 2 Sic. Phi Ep. i Delta Chi 4 High' Came—LoUlB 81LVERHART. Phi Sicma Delta. 22S High Series—JOHN BONEHUS, Delta Chi. (79 , Bich Game (team) —Pi Kappa Phi. - g&* BASKETBALL INDEPENDENT MiMin (7-8) ' 68 Lawrence (0-7) 12 Indiana <4-B) SO Someeaet (o>7) 1( Blair (s—l) IS Watta II (4-0) 14 Cumberland ((-1) S 9 Lycoming (3-4) 33 Annatrrag (5-2) 37 Crawford (2-6) 18 Nittany 23 (6-1) 37 Nittapy 36 (1-6) 1» Nittany 29 (5-2) 34 Nittany II (1-6) « Lebanon (6-1) 34 Mercer (6-1) 2S Franklin (7-0) ISJeffenon (3-4) 26 Jordan'l (4-3) 31 Losers, (6-1) 27 Venango (4-3) 31 Butler (3-4) IS Fayette (6-1) 30 Clearfield (4-3) 21 Washington <l-«> 27 NarthambTd (0-7) ZS -Merth'pton (4-3) 26 Bradford (1-6) 24l Centre (7-0) 24 Lehigh (4-3) IT Bearer (6-2) 21 Elk (3-4). * It Cheater (3-4) 20 Lancaster (2-6) IS Cambria (4-3) 1 Erie <l-61 ((It.) 0 High Scorer—BlLL FENTZLOFF. Mifflin. 22 basketball scores Southern Conferenc* Tourney ! Firat Round George Waabipgton 85, Davidson. SI ; Virginia-Tech! 101, The Citadel 86 Virginia 97, Richmond 76 AAC Tourney First Soaji4 CttiQMoa (7, North Carolina St. 44 Duke 71, Maryland'Sß Wake Forest 81. Virginia 58 »* OTHER SCORES Duqueane 84, Srton Hall 80 > Scholastic WPIAL 1 ■- C!m A First , Roan 4 Clairton €2, 49 piaa : District 1, .First Round Ambler 79. Leyittown Woodrow Wilson Galardi Honored March 24 has been proclaimed “Joe Galardi Day” in Dickson City —home of Penn State’s football captain-elect for next fall. Galardi, a former Dickson City High School star, will be-honored that day at a testimonial dinner. New College Diner Dowiitown. 'Between . the. Movies BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES )* 1 / Western Auto .Satisfaction Guaranteed 200 W. College Ava. , AD 7-7992 PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY ■ Chemical 'Dhbin (SBCtfluer te' COLUMBIA-SOUTHERN CHEMICAL CORPORATION) INTERVIEW DATE: MONDAY, MARCHES Opportunities Available in six plants: Barkwrtoa. 0.. New MartlnsriUe, W. Ya. Charles. La.. Corpus Chris ti. Tex-. /Bartlett* Calif., and Eeauharnoti, Que bec, Canada, -Producers of heavy industrial cbeml .cals: Soda ssh, chjorine, caustic soda, anhydrous ammonia, titanium, tetra efatoridc. and other chlorinated products Research, analytical, plant problems. superriskra.” design. maintenance, plant layout, sad 'Standard procedure oppor tunities open. for mm la those cate gories: ) BS» MS. PhD Chemists: BS, MB Chemi cal Engineers: BS..MS Electrical a«d Mechanical Engineers; .BS industrial Engineer* THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA year,” Egli said one night atjgames foe their best start in over the season he and his team hadjshows you what kind of shape we practice. a decade. envisioned was about as far from were;in."' • “But these kids ha Then, hours before the West reality as Colonel Glenn from the Since that humiliating 95-35 de considering every** game. Lundy left school.moon, j feat to the Blue Devils, the Lions happened to us.” “I think this season has beenfe ™ n iw togS. tarnU. 8 IJu b Sd°^o a th« n fiy 0f Sv ** third bUling behind wrestling Scidal , sSe to l £S*LS O E5ri ha ™ Si eJiV the ha *Zi Lund?* had KjS tht to soohomnre died Egli’s problems. and rna f le a ««** rffort tQ win - 'juries hadn’t come, who knows? Wav ' t ‘“I ;! Donato and Hoffman “We only dressed eight boyV At any rate, the long season an/a hafraee S |et back into the lineup l when we went down to Duke, andiwill "end at Rutgers tomorrow, ini..riATi.t* S £rrr >ns had lost five games injtwo of those eight aren’t even on and Egli may even breath a sigh rial rSnt in thl igainst some of the best the traveling squad now. That of relief. —Jim Karl season » the natioh (Ohio State,! - ] ? ~ Egli’s troubles ol y Cross > Niagara andi 1 started when sen. Jake True- ~ AT THIS POINT in the cam blobd, the sec- J * l, “ K *" paign Egli was fully aware that ond-leading rebounder on the squad last year, had to sit out the r-i: r 0 Address NCAA entire season because of academic l 1 1 difficulties. Penn State basketball coach ! 1 John Egli will be one of 10 speak : DESPITE THE ABSENCE of ers at tne National Association of Trueblood and John Phillips, who College Basketball Coaches con didnt see any action early in thejference March 22-23-24 in Louis season because he was student jville. Ky. 1 1 teaching in the fall term and; He will speak March 22 and his' didnt work out with the' team,'topic will be Penn State’s zone 1 the Lions won their first four'defense. ATTENTION SOPHQMORES 3 Engineering and Architecture Student Council Scholarships NOW AVAILABLE FOR SPRING TERM Apply room 218 Willard Applications must ba in by March 9 at 5:00 PJM. - Dean's Office Hammond Building For Atmosphere, Fine Food and Savings — TR V THE AUTOPORT’S Every Sunday Evening 5-9 p.m. At Rutgers Tomorrow offers opportimities for growth, , advancement and improved technical proficiency for: STjEXDTRONICS EnsronsrEEris j - Challenging design opportunities In Micro wav* Components and Systems, Radar Circuit* Transistor Circuits. Test Equipment and. | Reliability Analysis. See your College Placement Director for interview appointment. ON-CAMPUS INtUtVIIWS MARCH 5 & 6 thTSSm^corporathw YORK DIVISION • YORK, PENNSYLVANIA HEAVY SHAKER ’ ! ! SWEATERS NOW IN STOCK, very popular all wool heavy shaker sweater, per fect for class and campus; is avail Navy, Black, Maroon, Greek and Goia. > ■ > BENDIX® YORK «s tpf+rtnnity tmp&ytr. only $8.95 STORE ‘STATE COLLEGI PAGE SEVEN
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