The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 02, 1962, Image 3

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    FRIDAY. MARCH 2L 1962
■ | j “ ~ TjT
Diem Assumes New Post Countries Assigned
At Bridgeport University For Spring Week
| Countries have been assigned I Kappa Gamma and Alpha Sigma
ito the 34 groups participating in'Phi, India; Sigma Delta Tau.and
thel Spring Week carnival Sat-i Phi Epsilon Pi, Ireland; Zcta
urdjay, April 28, and these coun-,Psi and Simmons, Italy;, Alpha
tries have been divided into three!Epsilon Phi and Pi Kappa Phi,
[categories, Paul Krow, carnival|Japan; Kappa Sigma and Sim-
Ichairman, said, last night. ‘mons, .Madagascar; Alpha Colony
i IN THE "AMBASSADOR Tour.’’,*™* J h j^ a ,ta Chi. Mexico; and
the first category, are the fol-l^ 1 fj*™» 1 $? p P a J nd S, * ,nn S,g '
lgvhng groups and their assignedt ma Sigma, Monaco,
countries: . 1 "THE FOLLOWING groups have
Delta , C4mma and Phi Kappafe '‘£°^ inentßl
Pst, Arabia; Pi Lambda Phi and| TouiPl th * thir ? cate £°Dj- ‘
Cnlnr»!..n McKee,i Australia; Pi Beta Phi Phi Kappa Theta and Theta
aeiecrive service and Phi.Dclta Theta, Brazil; Alpha'Phi Alpha, Norway; Delta, Phi
iAppßcations may now be ob- Chi Rho, Canada; Phi Sigma,Epsilon and Theta XL, Rumania;
tained fori the Selective Service Delta and Runkle, China; Chi:A!pha Zeta and Ewing Hall,
college qualification test from Mrs. Phi and Kappa Delta, Cuba; Tau'Russia; Kappa Delta Rho and Phi
Sara Case in the dean of men’s Kappa Epsilon and Gamma PhiJMu, Scotland; Beta Pi and Chi
office, 109 Old Main. Beta, Egypt: Sigma Alpha EpsilonjOmega, Samoa; Sigma Alpha Mu
The’ test will be given here ant * Delta Delta Delta, England; and lota Alpha Pi. Spain; Sigma Pt
April' 17. Applications which are|Zejta Tau Alpha and Sigma Phi|and Alpha XI Delta. Switzerland;
sent to the Educational Testing 'Epsilon, Estonia; West Halls andj Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Tau
Service in Princeton, N.J., must McElwain, France: and Phl'Delta, Tahiti; Delta Zeta and
be postmarked no later than mid- Gammd Delta and- Kappa Alpha Ac&cia, Thialand; Alpha Phi and
night March 27. Theta, Fiji Islands. i Delta Upsilon, Tibet; Alpha Delta
The test scores are used to pro- TVrr , crrmin ciTreoav !*** am * Alpha Epsilon Pi. Virgin
vide Selective Service boards with _>”*•, **•'/Continued on papa eioht)
evidence of the registrant’s apti- Tour - * re the fo»°wmg! -.1 ■ i
TT , ~ „„ . ■ tude for continued college work. * rou " *
jHalsey said, Mr. Diem* will as-. An applicant must be a Selective Alpha Omicron Pi and Delt®|
sume primary responsibility for [service registrant who intends to'Chi, Germany; Phi Sigma Sigma
[the business operations of the Uni- rC q ues t deferment from the draft and Sigma Chi, Goa; Alpha Kap-i
versity. las a student He must have satis- pa Lambda, Alpha Rho Chi and!
■ At the time of Diem’s resigna-j factory grades in a full-time, grad- Westmoreland House, Greece;)
tion. President Eric A., Walkerjuate or under-graduate college Alpha Gamma Rho and Alpha;
said he had accepted the resigna-1 course leading to a degree. Gamma Delta, Holland; Kappa 1
Albert E. Diem, .former vice’
president for business at the Ur ‘
versity, assumed - duties yesterda:
as Assistant to President Jami
M. Halsey at the University
Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Con
University officials announced.
• The University .of Bridgeport
a coeducational, -.private, nou
sectarian school. It was chartered
in 1927 as The Junior College
Connecticut and expanded to
4-year university in 1947. Last
■fall it enrolled 3,826 undergradu
ate and 470 graduate students,
evening division, including
junior college, enrolled 2.467
1 DIEM RESIGNED his post
the University on’Jan. 3Y, V
Since 1958, Diezn had been
overseer of the business opei
tions of the University.
In this capacity he was in char
of. physical plant • planning .
construction, food . and housj
services, personnel services ;
employee relations, m s a in .
nance and utilities, purchases,
general services, security and"
management_engineering. 3
President Halsey said that the
University of Bridgeport was "de
lighted” to obtain a man of Diem's
stature.and explained - that Diem
would assist him for the next six
months in launching the Univer
sity of Bridgeport's 10-year $17,-
500,000 development and expan
sion program. '
"EVENTUALLY," Presi den t
Penn Paper
, (Continued from page one)
detefififfte the validity of the
charge and when the paper could
resume publication.
e An -interim . editor was named
by the editorial board to head the
staff until March 8 because the
original editor was placed on con
duct probation, which excluded
him from extra-curricular activi
ties. r
Meanwhile, other college news
papers came to the Pennsylvan
ian’s 1 aid editorially. - A telegram
signed by seven' editors was sent
to the president Monday'and yes
terday copies of Columbia and
Lehigh Universities’ papers were
distributed on Penn’s campus. !
Hillel Calendar
Services... 8:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr.’John Y.. Fenton
“Old Testament—Mythology”
-• Sponsored by
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
. AVIV song & dance group
8:00 p.m. '
Lox & Bagel Brunch
• - 10:30 a.m. ,
Sponsored by
lota Alpha Pi Sorority
Dynamics of Judiasm Class
10:30 a.m.
Topic;. "The Dynamics of
Group Religion”
Hiile) Foundation
224 Locust Lam*
/.‘SO P.M. (Own Open at 7)
Hear Some
tion with reluctance and regret,!
observing that Diem has “reorgan-,
ized the business sector of the
University in his three years at
the helm and at the present time]
it represents one of the most..ef
ficient and most economical opera
tions in the country." i
Stanley H. Campbell, then di-i
rector of bousing and food ser-!
vices, has succeded Diem in the;
post - 1
In Comfortable SCHWAB Auditorium
of These JAZZ
. ft
"-i * m.
Played By Their Composer
' ,» * ' “’
s ‘S;
'.. -i- ■..•! >.* '■! K '
J »•**&■»*
$| .25
New College Diner
presented by the