The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 01, 1962, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT . - Today .on Campus-- _ .... . - _ 'Court Will Hear . i _. (Continued from page five) f (( Gamma Sigma Sigma, 6:30 P-m- , '' TV Channel Case r Atherton AWS Council, 10,l 217 Willard - 1 ... Atherton second floor lounge - Home Ec Student; Council Coffeel The Circuit Court of Appeals of 1 .....:._ .....:._ Chess team, 8 p.m.; 212 HUB ' Hour, i2to 4_ p.m., Home Ecthe District of Columbia will to-1 ' • Council for Exceptional Children, Living Center / IVY begin bearing the University'si -6:30 p.m., 214, 215 HUB ' IKappa Phi Kappa, 5:30 p.m., 212, I.IOI3EDIATMA: Maur. Eastern Orthodox Choir, 7 p.m., 213 HUB PPeal, protesting the F e d era l' . netbed one bedroom apartment; beat. ' ;Communications Corn m i ssion's,waor, sume and refrigerator furnished. Chapel rehearsal room , 'Scabbard and Slade; 1a - P• m 9!denial of an educational TV chap -IFor further information call A D f 8-068 I Freshman, Sophomore Class' Ad-I Lambda Chi Alpha . • I nel in State College. , , 'GRADUATE STUDENTS. MWerOlaurooll— visbry Board, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,SPanish • Club, 7:30 p.m., Delta; 1 Comfortable rooms with hot and cold • HUB ground floorl Sigma I Phi :'•— . 1 Roy Wilkinson Jr., the Univer-,runninir water or private bath. Innerspring -------. 'Spring Week Carnival Committee , 'sity ' s attorney, said the appeal wasin°66rr.""- . t 5 1 1 ; 1 : 1 11AL • pect av r d arking- Ater& s ; I 7 p.m., 201 Bourke = 'filed Aug. 30, 1961, following -;Colonial,l23 We s s t Nittany. compare. or l Renewal Defeated..., Spring Week - Committee, B:lsjruling - by the FCC that if an ad -:AD 7-14). ! p.m., 214 HUB , iditional channel is allowed in this'THREE ,ROOM Apirtment, suitable for (Continued from page one) .University party, 7 p.m., 212 HUB areapreference will be given to al two itodroLl or married murk- $6 O vet activity fees that are approved by i USG, 7:30 p.m., '203 HUB • 'commercial outlet. intonth. Available March 19. Call AD 8-1959: the student government.MODEßN. COMPLETELY furnished of -i' ' fieleney as of Itar,:b 21. Call AD 6-20031 "We would be able to 'print; SINGLE OR DOUBLE room. One block , without their funds for at !cal 1 from campus. Some with cooking privi-1 a week," Varet said. hires. Parking available . Call await's/is! after, 6:30 AD' 7,4401 or AD 64443. The dean of men's office con-: curred with the vote of the Men's! Student Government association. concerning the suspension, Robert R. Longley, dean of men, com-1 mented last night. ' 1 THE SUSPENSION of the pub lication of The Daily Pennttyl-! vanian occurred Saturday: after the Men's Student Government; Association voted to recommend the suspension. A Daily Pennsylvanian parody' 'of Penns' coeds' paper. The Penn .sylvania News, triggered the sus pension, Longley said. • Many things in the issue led to the suspension. These, he said, were mostly matters of quality and taste. However, feelings against• the newspaper's editorial: policy had been growing over a period of time, he said. HORACE SILVER =EI , :, ~.._ , 1 . , , . :._,-, -•-. - , - ,:1 - ,, s-,i).-.--L ' ::: • 4„.4, - ."!,, .. . , i - • ‘' - ,' •r. . - TICKETS NOW ON SALE! $1.25 Jazz Club Members 51.75 Non-Members Lion's Den Booth . HUB Desk Nittan'y News BALLENGER'S PET & HOBBY-RAMA 104 W. BEAVER AVE. AD 8-0401 Acillialandßl Exotic Tropical Fish MODEL SUPPLIES • SPECIALS THIS WEEK • LIFELIKE TREES, PREEN SWORDS GRASS, EARTH PERMACENE 50c pi. BALSA Reg. 7k PAINT & ,DOPE • BLACK MOLLIES The New. 77Cpr. COATI MUNDI Reg. 9k . Has Arrived! ~{ '•'' ' 'l'4:- . , 7'4 :::::: 1 ' '4 Ul'44: .:::' 1 THE DAILY'COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA' and h is 44: 4; t ` " " 1 . " ,,2 1,: ! . . ; V *- 7,7 1; i,r1.0 oAttr;;Ttit 4 ;" - C1 .;' 1., vti,.! "%,.. -':-- ENIII y ~~, ~ ..;:i"1 '' . V. fr'f n t - ", 1 t• n' . ' -- - - --' , --_:;•-t.- .n—, 1 , .? v : _: n 1 •1,. = ..`" 4 , l i,f. T... -' -=': •- ? ' -';;' -:'''''''''-'-• -• , .- . . - .4. -- .i',1, --- :, ....., . •• • 1 1, 7. , •'-; - - .s' , ' - ,:- f Y- _ ook . . .. 1 c . --, -,..„ . Blue M'l hell -- junior ( ..„ I { - f-f.. - • 13 .."- T , 1 .'.;' , .. , ; J -1, • • ' SCHWAB • AUDITORIUM presented by the 'PENN STATE • . JAZZ - . CLUB .fa-~r d -• ..3 ; r: : ;: ::2 1 :, ‘ i 1 7: , . ; 1 1 4 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT SINGLE ROOM available far spring term.' 254 S. Atherton.. Call AI) 7-2152. 'COMPLETE STEREO system. Includes two 1 20-watt Altee fine-tuning amplifiers, Garrard R.C. 121 automatic record changer, i two matched blond speaker-cabineta, each twit]) one 12-inch woofer and two 2-inch i . BANJOS. ORES Guitars, p lum. H am ( tweeter speakers. Call Al) 14053. , I mond Organs--strings, books, all mask "' '"''''''' ""'"""*"""""""'"'"" "'" "'" "*"""'""'"" " 'supplies. Pifer Music Centers, Benner Pike. WANTED Open 'til 8 p.m. daily except Weds. PbonelwwwwwwwWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe EL 5-2441. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Cell caterer, 'DORM CONTRACT for uprng term. Pres-1 A P 7-49°8 ' ent occupant wishes to move into Ira-, ,ternity. Call UN 54608. FOR SALE ;SPORTS CARS: We've gotten. All makes' and Colors. Over .200 new and used Porsches. Alfa-Romeo's; Jaguars; MGTC's; TO's, TR-3's, Healey'. ; and Sprites , Volses; VW'a; Chia's; 4-wheel drive Land] Rover'a. Complete financing and trade In ! all cars. B-4-U BUY B-SUR-Z get R deal.t Open till 9 p.m. Write or phone Sales! !Manager for list and prices on models' ;and colors interested in. European Motored ;Roseville. , York County, Penna. PhonaiWANTED-- SINGLE breasted tuxedo suit, Dilleburg 4881. , use 40. abort. Good condition. Phone ;DORM CONTRACT, 276 Hamilton. CalP AD " 605 - Bon Morris UN 6-6605. WORIC. WANTED • featuring Ily is "Po 4l, 411 44 10 , 7:30 ~,4P.M. in comfortable THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1962 FOR SALE TEADE-IN TELEVISION seta, completely reconditioned. 1962 Zenith T.V.. Elec tronic Service. TELEVISION SERVICE CE 4TER at• STATE. COLLEGE TV. DORM CONTRACT in Holmes for Indio or Greek wishing to more back oa campus. Call Dale at .UN 5-4310. , SPRING DORM contra& Present nem pant wishes to live in fraternity. Call UN 15-4113,-: ask for AL PORTABLE - ELECTRIC Sewing Machina with new m4or in excellent Condition with guarantee. $1!. AD 84367. COMPLETE SCUBA diving outfit. Used. In good condition. Cheap. Call John,. UN 6-4661. , 1953 OLDSMOBILE convertible needs • painting', $lOO. 1953 Austin convertible, 30 m.p.g., $126. Sell or trade •on newer convertible. 121 E. Butt*. Joe. AD t 4-13062. PING ESSAYS, Research Papers. 25e/page. AD A-3161. URGENT! RIDE TO Washington, D.C., Friday, March 8 anytime. Call Stev♦ AD 8.-1805 or AD 8-0317. RIDE WANTED: No reasonable offer refused. N.Y.C. or L.I. anytime March 3, Call Mike immediately UN 5,4,015. RIDER TO Fort Lauderdale. leering Fri. day. March 11 at 6:00 p.m. Call Bud. AD 8-6166. ;RUSSIAN-BORN Student to belt) intere.Led student learn this laniruage. Call Dabs at UN 5-4310. DRESS MAKING . and alterations; D. Al. bertaon. R 23 E. Foster Avenue. AD 8-1525. j. doviq ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• ;DISHWASHER WANTED. Call AD 7-4161, ask for caterer. 040,1 a. VIM 0.011•01;••••••• WNW LOST pry .we..«....... 000000000000000000000 BLACK TRENCH COAT swapped at West Halls Reword Hop -Friday. 1 have yours. :Call Betky UN 54744. . • • LOST SATURDAY at Phi Epsilon Pi one raincoat with yellow lining. 'Reward. Plume UN- 14167. Lit LACK FRAMED Glasses In brown ease r between Pugh and Garner. Needed /In;. rnediately I Call AD P-1667. ONE PAIR man's black rimmed slaiems In black leather ease. Phone John. .UN .54665. WILL PERSON who picked op Geo. chemistry textbook. Sunday night in Music Rohm please return it to HUB desk. ;RAINCOAT LOST at Sigma Pi Pledge Formal Saturday night.• Contact Join UN. 5-3364. !DELTA TAU DELTA ' fraternity pin Monday. Good reward! Call Ratio; UN 54343. diee•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••011•••••feem••••• FOUND •••••••••••.• ZONE WRISTWATCH, black. Owncr may have by calling and Identifying. UN 16-5213. Terry. • ••••••••••••••••••••••14.1•••••••••••• MISCELLANEOUS PART TIME Employment, Collrge students. male or female. Afternoon and' evening work. 17 hours per week. Working schedule will be arranged to suit class and otndy schedule whence? possible. Call Mr Kauf. for 9 a.m. - 2 p.m AD S-2051. Salary S5O per week. STUDENT CHECK CASHING AGENCY open Monday tutu Friday 9.30. :00 Saturday 9 :30-2 :30. SCIENCE FICTION fans—see Forbidden Planet,' Friday,. March 2, HUB. 7 p.m: and 9 p.m. Tickets at HUB desk. JUNE: 21—JULY' 22 can ,sbe the most memorable month of Tout life.: For de tails call Mr. Nelson UN .Jl5-65.411., PSOC CANOE DIVISION meeting. Thum. day, Marrb 1, 7:00 p.m.. 112 linekbout Lab. Important meeting for all interested_ canoeists. Beginning of White Water Canoe . 'season. Start with easy trips, instruction. , 24orks„ instructional talk. ISIYOUR RADIO or obonovraPll operating :properly? For _fast service and free pia uo and -11clivur7 vtiZ. AD 7-2251: CLASSIFIED STAFF: Meeting Thursday. 4:30 p.m.. 14are Please bring pens: Ali must attend. Probably_ wlll be the hist mdeting this term. PSOC SKI DIVISION meeting coming up March b. IEIPERINIMIT IN international Urine i Paranizatbonal meeting Sunday. March 3, it . .0.m.„ rear of HUB Dining Room B. or 7:30 pan.. 219 HUB., , Irrnsr. • ' - . . tENBLENS AND Lettering printed on any r !wearing apparel. also felt patches made to:, order. Free estimates. AD 7-3609. Box jile. Pennsylvania Furnace- • IPSOC CUMBENG DIVISION I meeting !ecitniat uP March 7. HELP! TO ALL elementary ed students I [planning to student teach in the falL Dtee anyone Wish to switch aasiammenta tfromtim Philadelphia to' Pittsieb? Contact Akiene UN /4413. lilnnwzmi=c3=l ;Chapel lama. Friday; March 2. After tie first Tricia:, 11111 a Serving !merino at :00 p.m. 'Everyone welcome- F.posaafrwl by the Newman Clot, TUESTS PRINTING. reasonable rates. 'Pima, AD S-0774 or EL 5-2542 after 2. 'NOW! AUTO INSURANCE Too an at. !fort Phone for A. Testaelef after 6 AZ 84133. Repreaestias - Eris Isaszaaap fieekaaga.