The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 21, 1962, Image 5
WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY, 21. 1S 0 62 1 •: , • - TODAY ON CAMPUS . .• • 7 - • • -' , • . Town Tow n Indiapindent Men of philosophY. 'win speak to the Psi t fl e u_ :_solloqui_uro at 1.2 noou . _in ; Thp .ToWn 1 Independent Meit's coisneilLtivill:roftet at, 8:34. p, H : ,ALdnunwsvenii:lmulon d ining room ti 203 - Agua And, eleth'°ns t° _, n : re- Frintfulnisi and the Measure at e gre,e.two graduating of fi cers will c oncepts? , pie public is 'wined.' held. Nominations:mill also be ; , , a beldllos. the autstiuriding Senior ' lA` 1 - .1...., ...*.s. . yr.: and ,lindergraclinte award, to be Dry Ain. Simpson , ? 4 '''‘ e m i ": 1 pueerslb - .the mind! to .s u town versify ; ' sem :: BC2l7:noviti 12i s P ea ' sp : rks " , •• en t s t u d ft t, , , the, , Graduate . School Lecture His tbpic will be itatonitructing i a Tu dor Success Story : The Careeri of 'Nicholas Bacon." S'Senisii[Meolitig The Association'of Women Stkt clef& Will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 212 td new officers will ;be - 4 Films • The - film "Fine .Structure and - 'Pafteni of Living Things" - "will • be-rshawn• at 11:10 a.m. in 112 Dieldutut sponsored by the Biolog ic*); Sciences Lecture Series. The' Art Department will spon sor "thelmovie.'"The Savage Eye" of 7:30; p.m. in the Hetzel Union ballroom. It Will be followed liy a' lecture .by Joseph Strick.' dt rectoeiind, producer of the film; . 46Yures • 4.' C.l .Newctimer will speak at aia .Accounting 'Club ,meeting at 7:lstist Theta Chil'His topic will be .`.lThi Accounting Student Looks to the Future? Dues' will be • col lected and refreshments will be served.' - • • • • • • g .Tareer . Opportunities" will he the topic of discussion at the meet ince 'the Agricutture-Econornics CIO. at 7:30 p.m. at' Alpha -Zeta. Dr,•'Hetny A. Finch;. 'profqssor, Panhei to Hold The Panhellenic Council plans a, runoff election !Tuesday for the position of treasurer. I A. thiee way tie resulted in 'last week's rngularly scheduled elections between Donna Stitin. Alpha Phi, Sandra Pohlman, Zeta Tau Alpha and Carol Eckhardt, Alpha ,Omicrob Pi. . I The polls win be set up in ! the same• areas as last , week in I all the dining - halls with the excep tion of'West and Itorth Halls, Pam Chadwick, elections chairman said. • Voting I will be held during 'the lunch and dinner hours. • THE i COUNCIL'S p ropo d , budget for 1962-63, presented; by ,Tan Wanner council president land atcing i treasurer, wks approiref. The proposed expenditures for this period amount to $4.530, while the estimated income is $6,530: Panhellenic workshops and of • leer installation were. scheduled Pic* Again r. The Families 7'CE EUROPEAN; STUDENT TOUR - The' Incitidest'insnl IM feat!get 11161°I3 dip tCtlf tl4 itii t i French fsmily nide friends lin wren' i 11 41.1 misfits, evening entertainment. *lad ' IPeda cut acid ricePticos, at Visits unusual st~a►b fraa~ alt over Wm 'Mt" C " : 111 I - -SUMMER P'da ; Isl 2 14 ;4 pap in Europe s62s . .scul at ;„ • Trsasslisatic TrafisportsWAdditional tr 7 TRAVEL & CULTURAL - EXCHANGE. INC. OF; • 501 Mb Avs. • Hat:York-IL IL Y: •OX 74129 I*.lor • 1 962 . • TE HNICAL GRADUATES Thi Inlond- ftS I CoMpany, East Chicago, Indiana, invites you • to investigate our many career . opportunities. Our representa tive; will be cqt your: campus on Wednesday, March 7th. Con. tact Mi. Roberto. Sihnelle for an appointment. , AU qualified applicants will receive consideiation for 0°0( - Loyrrit -with Out regard;. to race, creed, astoc4 . or national °claim:4 THE - DAILY COLLEGIAN. UN iVERS FIT PARK.foENNSYI I 4VAt! 4IA I . . • - I Thesplints Show Tickets for the Thespians' pro duction' "Bells are Ringing" are now on sale at the • Hetzel Union desk.; _Ticket's kir the, evening performances through Saturday are #1:50 and Saturday matinee tickets' are $1.25:- Other Association ,of Fraternity Coun - aelors; 7:30„p.m.; 214 HUB Chess Club; 7 p.m., HUB card room , Eastern Orthodo x Choir, 7 p.m., • 203' Chapel - , Intem'ollegiate Committee on Stu dent Government, 7:30 p.m.,, 217 HUB• Kappa Phi .Kappa smoker, 7:30 p.m, Pi Lambda ; Phi • I Men's; Residence. Ci?uni/l, 9:15 p_ n.. 218 HUB -- - Nittahy Grotto. 7:15 p.m., 121 • Mineral Industries • Korth. Halls- U.S.G. Representi -215 HUB Riding Club v 7:3o p.m.. 217 Willard Women's Chorus, 8:30 p.m., .HUB 7Lisembly Hall Publicity Committee, 10 234.M313 ._, _ .. `RUI - noff Tuesday -... fOr the weekend of March 3 and 4._. The theme of the workshops will I be Greek Kaleidoscope, Jackie Trone, social. chairman an nounced. In Barbara Yank, Delta tete; Helen Gutman, Sigma Delta Tau: and Jan Abele, Alpha Gamma Delta were nom inated for the Miss Panhellenic Award 1961-62.: The winner will be announced at the work shops. ' 'Company Renews _Grant The Pettinos Graphite Compa ny, of New York, N.Y., has re .newed a grant supporting re search work - of Dr. Philip L. Walker, Jr., chairman of the , di vision of mineral technology in the College of Mineral Industries. Sarah Kimberling, a graduate student - in fuel•technology and a , candidate for a master of science degree, is participating in this research project. . INLAND STEEL COMPANY East Chicago, Indiana Feingold,,Gmce-Named To Hvid USG Agencies The appointments of Allen Feingold,as chairman of the elec tions commission and rty Grace as head of the USG . Ha Public Re lations Agency were announced yesterday . by I,ISG President Den nis PoianmL The Jfwo appointments have been — sent to 'Aber USG Co. where a majority Of the, Congrest: men :must approve.prey' - entird appointments:before theyy become effective. Theis* appointments are on the iigenda for Congressional action "'tomorrow night. Femgold, a junior is phychology fromWynnewood, has worked with 'the elections commission during' . the last 'two years, Foiantni aaidv Z' HAVE. SEEN . him - perform and have•been impressed with his talents. Feingold was one of several persons recommended to me for: the Acsition by the out going commission chairman, Nan cy Willtatne. Foianini said. Feingold said he thinks this year's spring , elections will differ from. those in other years since the4xecutive branch of the gov ernment will,be elected under the new representation system of the new constitution for the first time. Some changes will, undoubted ly haste to be made in" the spring electicin procedure because of the new constitution, he explained. "limy Grace (junior in liberal arts frail% Rushland) is a very personable guy; he`is quiet and thoughtful and I'm Sure 'he can do a good - ob .as head; of the Püblts Foiamni GRACE. COMMENTING on his appoiritinent, said, "I will try to do everything .1 can to better USG's student relations on cam pus." Committee Offers Tour. Applications Student applications for a sum mer European tour, sponsored by the University Inter-Religious Af fairs Committee, are being ac cepted now by Clifford A. Nelson, director of the committee. The group, which will be limited to 20 people, will tour the cities of Berne and Geneva, Switzer land;•Rome, Italy; London', Eng land and Paris, France. Tour memOers will travel by plane from - New York oil June 24 and return July 23. The CIRA tour costs ;889. Ten- day extension tours to Germany and France are also available for an additional cost of $l5O. CAMPUS RESTAURANT whefe you always clef GM food • al Reasonable Prices On the Corner of College and Pugh - • COMO In And Try HI He said that in addition to publishing a newspaper, h agen ey will attempt to hold open meetings f, between students and members ',of USG. At these meet ings, .Prafe said, 'students would be given, a chance to sir their complaint's. Grace is Foianiars second ap pointment to the His first selection, Comer 'illiams, was rtjected.hy the USG Congress. In -- cianmenting on the com mittee Set .up last week -by the Congress to.,,,investigate the dis ciplinary systems,on campus, Foutnixu said he would serve on the cOrnraittee. A chairman will be appointed only after a person with ,a genuine interest -in .the subject is found; he said. • Nominationi Bain. Received for Senior and Non-Senior • Outstanding .Town Independent Man These awards wli3 be presented by-the TIM Council at it's annual banquet to be held Monday, February 26 Nominaffeas Due at NUB Desk • by MOO- p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 No. 3 This Sunday Afternoon 1:30 P.M. HUB lallroom Advanced Sale of HORACE SILVER CONCERT TTlCkilli _ for. Jazz Club Members hoirs to Present Concert Tomorrow • The Protestant and' Roman Catholic Chapel Choirs, under the direction of James W. BoaCk-will 'combine 'to present a concert of sacred music at 4 pm. tomorrow in the Helen 'Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. • "At the Name of Jesus"-will be the combined anthem sung by the choirs. The Protestant Choir will' sing "0 God Be Merciful" and "Psalm lisr. by Thomas Tattle. The Catholic Choir will sing "Missa Antiphonalis" by Joseph McGrath. . , Blaine Shover will be the organ. ist. He will play "Organ Volun: tary No. 2" by Maurice Greene and "A Fantasia for Double Orgaine" by Orlando Gibbons. IM CoNolan Ciassifimis WORK FOR YOU feafuring nor Cool 'Sound of Harrisburg:9's RON WATERS SEXTET andthe KENNY KUIM QUINTET featuring Guest Arita! KEN LECSIGHT PAGE FIVE