The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 21, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO Around the Gains CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. XP, Astronaut Jahn Herschel Glierna.Jr. the MBA in the foreground of America's I:siggest space effort to dire, tried desperately to keep himself and his family in the background of his orbital mission around the world. In orrery way ft eras typical of the superbly conditioned. isn measlier dedicated Marine neutertant colonel. - So concerned was ,tho 411-year-old Glenn over the public's losint-sight of the ecierdifii aspects of his flight that he blurted out bisierdings t• the President of the United States. . AND YET, as John P., Neanedy retarded him, is their While 'Haase chat. Glens —the mart and Yh,a blatiaa--were inseparable tram his Mos& saisiiica. • Despite a habitual zalicenca Glenn rovealsd himself In subtle ways as a woo= sad'sibeant human being. Theo was Glenn 'Ow daolicated astronant, jogging along L the binds In the early masoning mists to icsp Isis muscular 1641-pound body is "go" conelitbau. going op and off the low residue diets as plowed flight days emus and wand. sweating out inch countdown with /be tersaity l if * Saidhist monk. THERE Wag •GLEMIIt the :explores and adventurous. excited aver the prospects et what he would see and feel in crakes sple, booing up on constellations and e.otul formations in his spare lime. There was Glenn tba Shrsaut Presbyterian. driving over to 'Cocoa Beach .at lisaday to add his sturdy tenor voice to the brain singing at gar Britserside Presbyterian church. Them mew Cisiast law gamily mart, faithfully reading a diary ed Ids daily activities late a tape recorder for his wife and taiiohama. .. Vans was Glenn tho'hosnolown hero of Now Concord. Ohio, whore be played center en the high school football loam. had Iho 3ood in the *maw plitp. THERE WAS GLENN: the man of dastiny, the "741Lig-inid Marlon" who once Folurand tram * Kaman dog fight; with 275 Was in his plan*, than winner of five Disiingnishod /trying Comes and 1.11 sir niedlotk. - icy -nerved' jot pilot who ml_o ouporionic spool ascord em sr flight from Los Angeles to New York in irk?: - "Thesell bs mother dap," a . disappainhal Glean, had an nomicad upon theabiag dawn boat Ms capsule laa. 27 altar Ms Bight had base jantomool. Tuesday was that day. Area React*- . • (Continited from some ent) she. but I was the one who) ended up being informed!' Ronald Sackawitz, freshman in, counselling from Roosevelt, N..T.,' said he was sleeping and didn't hear of the space slat until he sirriired at the lllgt. The news reached Joseph Schuster, graduate assistant political science, as. he had lunch: to a local restaurant. "When I did hear it," Shuster said, "I was elated" . . • .. New Ccleoi - e - Diaer- - . . and the Marine' World Spotlight Sy HUGH .MULLIGAN INIT V TONITE at 7:60-11.40 P.N. The all time great film about ;HE DAILY COLLEGIAN UNIVERSITY PARK: PENNSYLVANIA men in battle! World with -Glenn Glenn's Feat Pleases Family NEW CONCORD. Ohio CR) Astronaut John EL Glenn Jr big gest boosters its his space flight yesterday were not act his rocket, but in his own hometoWn. Chief among them .were the parents „cf the astronaut, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Glenn The couple, Their faces lit by broad smiles, iwalked into Mus-, kingum College gymnasium for a' news conference after they knew, their son's speak capsule had been AFTER SPENDING the day recovered sal*. flight by MEATIW keeping track of Glenn's WHILE. in Arlingto n, lTV broadcasts, Mrs. Glenn and Va.; Mrs. John H. Glenn ; Jr. was smiling and happy after her astro-i the two Glenn children, Dave, 16, input husband's historic triple and Lyn, 14, emerged from their orbit. , 1 - 'home to face a: milling, happy The children are so pro ud crow' 41 of their father and the• Mercury team Fe/Porters, cameras, microphones and neighbors. Flight Stows Capitol Work WASHINGTON (1?) —l'he U.S. she,said it was "faith that makes l oin t like government _educe to a virtualithi4s going to be fine every standstill yesterday during' the!thil l g's takeoff and landing of the first THE ASTRONAUTS perm American to orbit the earth. pa rticularly Mr. Glenn. gave tb In between it may have slipped. • a few cogs as clerks and stenog.l raphers, bureau chiefs and cab inet member s , kept one eye on the, television urea while shuffling the papers on Their desks. , In the -liourge; debate on a as-, tional debt limit bill was. hated) twice while members applauded" news of Glenn's safe return fromi space and his recbvery by the destroyer Nos. The Senate ) gave up and ad journed for the day as the dimwit; approached " at, 2:30 pin . Most of; the members 'already . bad ad journed to watch television andll listen to radio reports. Gbilf7e into my guest nxtat MEE lOW , 410 WING anssiniiregammi NOTE fi c t o fr i g r ACCOMMOD THE A WILL aiifirTE CROWDS amiamL and everyone 'else who made this possible." the petite brunette. 41. told reporters about an hour after her 'husband 'completed his mis sion safely. , For Mrs.4lenn there was more joy to came--=telephone calla #ein President Kennedy Ind from her husband. At about 410 p.m G called from abdard the- destroyer. USS Noa. He talked to their two children ancr Mrs.,Glenn. Her worst moments, Mrs. Glenn said, were the last 15 seconds be- fore liftoff. - Had she leen- worried? "Well, yes," she replied, "I think I pith ably .was some of the time But FRI. ...said the RPCK HUDSON DORIS. DAY T3NY RANDALL 6 19 1151 09 2 li r ge wB4CX " ME PICTUME arnrN yip ! -EDE ADAMS • JACK MOE • JACK KRUSCHEN rafter UAW Dante mg 111311116 ram • KUDZU NMI - wear* STANLEY SWIM •WINITIN NOMA boo. grow EOM AMR 4 mos Liman-yr aggro.. or :Aft tellimpa te Pen ‘ ISM CATRAI/MI WEDNESDAY."FEBRUARY 21. 1062' best indication that Lhe tension. had lifted by The Jocular manner used to- answer reporters' atui tions: Mr. Glenn was Baked if hia son had any ambitions for a Moon flight "I woulditt be soli:wised &when the time- comes,' hell want to make the trip." he answered.- I MRS.' GLENN was asked lie* she- felt when the blastoff Caine. "That's a hard question to an swer," she said.. "There never has been a .moment: since John was chosen for the spade flight that we had 'any doubt s about his success." . Asked if „they r believed that 'prayer had played , an important part in their son's summit, Mr. Glenn replied: "We certainly ; do." He pointed out that Jahn always has been a Christian boy whe_at tended 'church regularly. • Phila. 'Hain' Hears Glenn e PHILADELPHIA VP) -:—Thainas A. Benham. instructor of physcis at Itaverford College, said yester day he heard the -voice of John B. Glenn Jr direct from the• Friend ship 7 spacecraft on a radio set he and some students constructed. LAST 2 PERFORMANCES FiNiER'EXERUSI 8 P.M. SAT. CENTER STAU PENN STATE PLAYERS ictitri to the at 140 3:30 &so - 7:20 - sew P.M. NEW TWIST IN THE ART OF ORTIZ PERSUASION! -- "..4... _ 0, COLOR