The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 16, 1962, Image 5
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1962 TODAY ON CAMPUS Lectures Only 60 - student tickets and 1101 non r remain for the - University Lecture Series presen tation of. Eric Sevareid, CBS news, analyst and: correspondent, at 8:301 tomorrow night Tickets will , be distributed froire 9 a.m. to 5 p.m: today at the Hqtiel• Union desk for the talk, tilledl Ile Shape of Things to Come.!"- ; Sevareid, one time winner of the', Peabody Award and an Overseas Press Club Citation, is currently, On assignment for CBS in London. • • * ! Dr. Charles R. , Dairson. ro s•• 1 sor of chemiitry ' from, Co lumbia Uniyersity, will speak on "AsCcir., bic Acid Oxidase" at the Bio.! 'logical - Science Lecture at 4 p. m ? in. 112 Backtiout. .Dr.- Charlei G. Overberger of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute Will speak on "Some Aspects of lonic IPolymerization" at a meeting of the American Cheniical Society, 'at g p.m. in 111 Boucke. ! • ! Dr. Owen H. Sauerlender, asso ciate professor of economics, will speak on "Personal Utility and SubjectiVe Probability" at the Psi Chi Colloquium at 8 p.m. in • 112 Buckhout • Penn.State* Singers The -Penn State Singers will meet at B'a.m::aricl - 13.p.m.iin the HUB AiseMbly Room. 'They will present their first concert of the year at .8 p.m., the HUB .Assembly Room. ' Haney Will Head Women's Judicial Mary Site •Heriey;junior In home economics from Easton, has been named chairman of the Central .Tudicial'Board of the As sociation of Women Students. , - Her appointment was approved by: AWS .Senate at its meeting Nednesday,:night. Miss • flertey • will succeed Pat Dyer. senior in arts and letters - from Shippens burg. • In other business, Marcia Cher nbsky; junior in home economics from Towanda, was appointed chair Man of a spring retreat. The , i retfeat ' will be held a f tie r ' t the Intercollegiate Association' of Women . Students Regional Con I ference; which will meet during ithe winter . term recess. The AWS retreat will emphasize topics' covered at the lAWS meeting. EUROPE .eiata too_ much to take Just the East tour heard of. Spend. 4c & learn 'Ahead a bargain unregimeated fun tour. Reduction for three or more. EUROPE SUMMER .TOURS 214,C Sequoia ' needless; Cat. Nittany Dell home of delicious sandwiches - Lox and Bagels . Served Sunday - Till 2 P.M. . - semi from girls dorms . 7 ): 362 East College Free Parking In Haar solailooNso.ll~ ",geo , 4aA , ,,rf MIL BALL CORSAGES O F O L D 0 L vw 1- - E Ft • R G S 5% AD' 1.0566 • • ' Applications University Party research com mitte applications will be avail able 'at the HUB desk starting to day. This committee will work on background of the Undergraduate Student Government Congress to provide Congressmen with infor mation. • - 45 • • • • Applications for outstanding seniors in the College of Education are to be returned to the HUB desk by 5 p.m. Peanuts Poll A Peanuts Popularity Poll in West Halls, East Halls and Nit tany-Pollock residence halls areas ends today. The residence halls' Religious Affairs Committees are sponsoring -the poll to collect money for World University Serv ice. The winner of the contest will be announced tonight at the West Halls Record Hop, East Halls Council The AWS East Halls Community Council will - sponsor a Valentine's Dance from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the recreation room -of the East Dining Hall. Music will be sup plied by Mike Raymond and his "Midnighters" and admission will be free. Other Meetings American Chemical Society, 9:15 p.m., HUB main lounge - Graduate Chess Group, 7 p.m., HUB card room Interlandia Folk Dance Club, 7:30 p.m., HUB ballroom' - - Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow ship, 7:30 p.m., 111 Boucke Placement, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 212-218 HUB • , ilipprcrad Fraternities All social fraternities are ap proved for social activities today and tomorrow except Alpha Phi Alpha. Zeta Psi is approved for tomorrow only. WE'RE LOOKING Nail THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVMIA - • i I - ';,) • Univeriity Status 'Exf)lained. (Continued from page one) Iment to the original bill of 1863. Pennsylvania that the state has:while o her state-aided colleges, ! no state universities. must havela new bill each year,l "Although many people think to the fact! that we act as an in -1, ! Penn State - is a state university.istrumentality of the state in'deal-I l it is not, because government ing with the U.S. Department of' representation on its board of Agriculture, and so on," Walker! !trustees is less than 20 per centsaid. . I 'of the board." - According to Poorman's report! _ __ ... On another occasion. Polen toldbof Hull's statement, Hull trieed, a group of Penn State students Ithe history of the University up, (May 23, 1961). that "the Univer-Ito 1921 and stated his opinion as, sity is not a. state university. It' follows: is a Land-Grant college.' There is! "gly a process of accumulation, l a difference." iand by legal pledges, tike Corn- Poorman quOted President Eric'monwealth of Pennsylvania es- A. Walker's comment: "All thi sr tablished and maintained Penn furor about whether or not Penn'State--ThFarrner's High School, State-is the state university puz..'The Agricultural College. or the zles me. I believe every president ' University! whateVer it has been in the past has believed it is and'called—as ,;the State University." his said it is, and I do also. . "THERE ARE literally dozens( 'An English brewery offered to of pieces of evidence, ranging all, help the Rid -Cross ,blood drive the way from the fact that our,by exchanging beer, pint for Pint, appropriations ,bill is an amend-'for blood. i THETA, XI JAMMY Saturday 9:00 -1:00 music by "THE SCREAMING EIGHT" Frosh Only Schokwships CHfimmi lily Eng-Arch Counal, Three full-tuition scholarship* 'for sophomores in engineering ars ,b6ing offered by the Engineering and Architecture Student Coua. cil. The scholarships will be award. ed to applicants chosen by tit* oduncil. This year, all threo schol arshitis will be awarded during the spring term, DISGUSTED WITH OUT OF DATE CLOTH! It so, don't togs thein out friend. Drop in at Campus Cleaners,' where a-;profes- sional alteration • seriee at your disposal. If t " e cut of your older clothes doesn't suit you, we'll be hartpy to alter them as you desire. Expensive You'll be surprised at how good that present wardrobe can look with a few alter- ations. So check your cloth. 1 ing today ... pick out what you want brought up, to date and head for-Campus . . ' Cleaners. CAMPUS Cleaners 110 E. Beaver Ave. Next to the Postoffice STATE COLLEGE PAGE FIVE not it ill.