The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 16, 1962, Image 3

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    FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 19b2
, , . • ' '
. i - it - • . • . ii . ...
Students Will. -Discuss •Disarminenti'M'i Bail
•; . • Queen
' ; W (Continued iS fr w El t pap! one"
• • . '
t pinalists Nam ed sciences from Moorestown, N.J.,,
' : . • 1149-707, for secretary. .
By KAY MILLS 'meals,' but -free lodging will 'be . of inspection in arms control, the' 1 .
provided in homes of Swartli-teconomics of armament and dis-. Five coeds became finalists in SUSIE STOUGH. sophomore in
Students interested in _the prob-, arts and letters from Pittsburgh,
lemi and promise' of alternativest more community residents. armament , treaty negotiations and;th:r Mil 'Ball Queen contest last
:was elected 'treasurer, 912-662, :I'm sure no interested s t u d en ts p roblems •of treaty ratification:night. I .
to . the international arms 'race! • !eating Jean Mellin, junior in
may attend the. first InterCalle-'will be turned away from the three possibilities: deter-' The five were 'chosen from .
~ education from Wayne.
giate Conference on D' ainent; conference," Rozen . said. :rence, disarmament and arms con
lalring 10 semi-finalists.
and Arms I Control held today' . The conference is designed to,trui- , - l'The finalists include: Penny; Jane Adam, arts and letters
through Stinday at Swarthmore inform students about the contro-! Sen. Joseph S. Clark, D.-Pa., Gray, senior in arts and letterslfrom Pittsburgh, defeated Bonnie
Ifrom Berea, Ohio, sponsored by:Helmig, in liberal arts from
College, , Dr.l Marvin E. Hazen, as_ vermin]. issues and • proposals that , will . deliver the keynote address
listant : professor Of econoinics ,divide American experts. It should'at 8 tonight. .... • : T i ny Wayne senior in arts and Springfield, for Sophomore rep
said yesterday.. 'lalso encourage students to become THOMAS C. SCHELLING of the ' le lets , from Hingham, Mass;•resentative, 1090-590.
The conference will be led- by!rnore conscious and thoughtful' • LeedY• junior in arts and' Sue Finch, freshman in liberal
letters from Lebanon, * sponsored : arts from Bethel Park. 212, and
thoughtful; Center for International ' Diana
21 authorities concerned with re-.about their rotes in the searchl
-- —Affairs and author of "Strate b Scabbard and Blade MilitarY ; Cynthia Cohen. freshman in ed
search and decision-making irifor international stability and orb' fairs
Arms Control" will speak t g o y.
this field. 1 ' . - - ;der, the Swarthmore News Office • • iety;! Marilyn Mango. sopho
, ~ morrow morning. ucation from Allentown, 174 , were
ore inisecendary education froMelected as the two WRA repre
! . 1
Although l the conference bilgins'said• ' -. - 'E ie, sPonsored by Karl White'sentatives from their class. They
The roster, ..of 'speakers reads
today, regiStration is also beinol author!- { THE DISARAAMENT • .
a "Who's Who" in disarma- s ohomere in - agriculture biologi- defeated Linda Ewing, in liberal
held from 7:30 to 9 a.m. tomorrow.'ties will direct seminars of 15 to 20' ment. the Swarthmore News Of-.c 1
Science from Media; Mariesta arts from Ardmore, 174. and Joyce
Originally, two students were in -( students eabh as the core of the.fice said. Also included are Pro- Patterson, freshman in art edu-;Woolever, in physical education
vited from' each of 150 universi-; conference. The:scholars will . pre-'f e ,.. B s e lid 1 -
ties. More students, however are best e many author s ation from Oakdale, sponsored from Catawissa. 127.
sent p reliminarystatements on of t he r
recent-- r seller.
encouraged! to attend, Rozen!'said. " The bV Pi Eleta Phi; and Margaret
'their subjects _to, the seminars. •• ißeace Race," and Homer A. Jack, , ,
nn Thompson, sophomore in,
THE . CONFERENCE riestra-. These seminars, which will berkecutive director of the National c unseling from Pittsburgh, spon- 2 Profs Receive Grant
tien 'fee is ; 10. Participant s ' will ;the focus of tomorrow's activity, Committee for a Sane Nuclear s red kv Karl Fink, sophomore The National Science Fouriclas
be expected to pay for their Own - will cover such topics as problems Policy. i chemical engineering from tion has awarded a two-year
ittsburgh. 1941,500 grant to Dr. Ward S.
From the above finalists, aDiethorn, assistant professor of
ueen and court will be chosen by nuclear engineering, and Dr.
le three commanding colonels oflllerbert A. McKinstry, research ..
rmy. Air and Navy ROTC at the associate in geophysics, to study
lilitary Ball Feb. 23, in the Hetzel the "Diffusion of Tr iti u m
flion Ballroom. -Through lonic Solids."
Carter Appoints Macaiady
Chairman. of= Junior Board
Donald Macalady, junior in
chemital engineering from. Sha
mokin, - was apbointed chairman
of the Junior Class Advisory
Board this week by Randy . Carter,
class president. ,
Carter also announced that he
has appointed Judith Welke, jun
ior in jotkrrialism • from Cohoes,
N.Y., as secretary for the board.
Gretchen litiester, junior in `home
economics , from CannorOiurg,
chess historian fromlast year, will
cohtinue in this post, he added.
David Whitsett, junior in psy-i
chology from Pittsburgh, was ap-
Cboard committee
ciairman of an advisory
committee to make 'tenta
tive plans for' next year's, Senior
Ball, Carter said; Whitsett Served
as chairman forthis year's Junior
oT the. Sophomore Class Advisory
Board, said yesterday that Michael
Goldman, sophomore in arts and
letters from Chester. was ap
pointed chairman of a commit
tee to coordinate plane for the
freshman-sophomore dance with
a sinkilar freshman committee.
• Louis Kushner, Sophorilore in
business administration Yro
Pittsburgh, was ,appointed chair
man of the publicity committee
L.# Collegian Classifieds
New College Diner
Western Auto
Satisfaction Guaranteed
200 W. College Ave.
AD 7-7E12
Hill ei Calendar
Evening - Services ... 8:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. John Zimmerman.
"The Unitarian Way" '
Sponsors: Delta Phi Epsilon
Sorority _
Movie ... 8:00 p.rn.,
"Teahouse of the. August Moon"
Lox & Bagel Brunch
Sponiors - : Delta Phi Epsilon
10:30 a.m.
' "Dynamics of Judaism" Class
Topic: Ahad
-Philosopher of Modern Zionism
Hillol Foundation'
124 Locust Lissie
;American Boy for Newspapers'
for the dance, she said. ,Ad Staff." published recently in.
The informal freshman-sopho- Editor and Publisher." 1
more dance will be held March 2'
in the Hetzel Union ballroom. ; The article was based .on re-
Miss into attitudes of news-
Miss Wange said Barbara :search into
managers about
munds, sophomore in elementary,
, i the training and education that
education from Camp Hill. c lass; they seek in hiring personnel for
historian from last year. will con-' newspaper advertising fibbs.
tinue in that post. Jeffrey Edel- ,
man, sophomore in:industrial en-', Dr. Hicks is on leave of absence
gineering from West Orange.-N.J., from the University to serve as
was appointed photographer forotisiting associate professor of
the class history scrapbook, she 'marketing at the. University of
added. • :Utah.
• Mil Ball, February
la coming fait.
If you haven't done tul
already. -you'll better
order one of our
beautiful corsages
for your date.
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rEditoi. and Publisher' I
Publishes Kicks' Artie's, :;
Dr. Roland L. Ricks, associate
iirofestor of advertising, is the
author of an article, "Wanted: All
P :
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