The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 15, 1962, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Architects Prepare HUB Addition Plans Plans of - the proposed extension to the Hetzel Union build ing are currently in The hands of'an architect for final draw ing, Stanley H. Canipbell, vice president for business, said yesterday. • • However, he added, this,, dOes not mean that immediate action is expected on the project. Original plansjor the extension project were made about two years ago. Mter authorization by the Board of Trustees,•' Campbell said. "Plans proposed at that time were' not acceptable and" are now being reworked CAMPBELL 'SAID : it will be his job to present the: completed architect's plans to the trustees for approval. Recently, Robert G. Bernreuter, special assistant to the president for student affairs, said when the first plans were .submitted to the trustees it did seem like a good time to make the necessary capi tal outlay to complete 'them. -- Commenting on the project, Bernreuter cited plans made for a Recreation Hall extension. He said that although these plans were made a year before those for the HUB, they hive not yet been implemented. 'TT TAKES A long time to complete plans that are agreeable to everyone involved in the proj ect," he said. After general plans are ap proved by the trustees, he said, the detailed plans must also be presented for approval. Construc tion bids are then accepted. Only after the bid is let can construc tion begin. it is not unusual sor such a process to take two or three years, process said. If the board feell it is a good time for Such spend- Singers Concert Set for Tomorrow The Penn State Singers will present their first concert of the year at 8 p.m.,' tomorrow in the Hetzel Union assembly. Dorothy Muller, contralto, and Dale Livingston, baritone, will be the featured soloists. Miss Muller will sing 'Back's "Schlage doch gewunschte Sttinde" and will be accompanied by a string ensemble. Livingston will sing "At Her Faire Hands" by Martin Peerson. 'A brass quartet with Henry Yeager and Fred Swope on trum pet; Maynard Burley and David Pluck on trombone will be fea tured in the choral number 'Tin reste Burg ist unser Gott' by Bach. Leonard Raver, chapel orgattist. will play in "The Car man's 'Whistle" by William Byrd on the harpsicord. Prudence della-Cioppa, soprano, and Miss Muller will - sing a duet,' "Sing, love is blind" by Peerson. A. trio with Roger Clisby, tenor; David Watkins, tenor; and Dalel Livingston, baritone, will sing "Amo, Amas I Love a Lass." You'll never be popular if you spend all your time taking ad vantage of your right of free speech. . SALLY VICTOR: HRIWKR TO ii; :4 i ':::111:14 :'-61:-: • Sally Victor has designed hats for ! Grace Kelly, Queen Elizabeth; Ma mie Eisenhower, Hedda Hopper and many others—ln This week's Post, you'll meet Sally and her clients. You'll read about her 'feuds" with Lilly Licht , and Mr. John_ Learn why Jackie Kennedy's headgear makes Sally moan. And hcri Eleanor Roosevelt gave het the Idea that doubled her business. Ille Setarier Eros Is ir • l e Y)S r i l st mow «awe* wax. BY SANDY YAGGI ing, it can hurry the architect's planning, This does not seem to be the case, he said. George L. Donovan, coordina tor of.student activities; said that he feels there is definitely a need for more facilities in the HUB. - ALTHOUGH DETAILS about the additions are not yet avail able, Donovan said that the HUB needs more meeting rooms, a arger ballroom and facilities for quite a'-few - organizations which have no - space alloted to them at present. "lf any extension is going to be added to the HUB," Donovan said, "it is the students who are going to make it possible." The money for the HUB comes from fees paid by the students every term, he said, and the stu dents are going to have to take an interest in this project_ if it is going to be developed further.: Who is offering COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS t i...o.......•••••••••••••••••&.•••••••••*•....••••••• BANJOS, UX:F.S. Guitars, Planar, Ham mond Ortrans--etrints. hooks, all music supplies. Pifer Music Centers. Benner Pike. Open 111 8 p.m daily except Weds. Phony VOL 54441. 1936 CHEVROLET two-door sedan, black. Good condition, perfect. port-Eliot Ness era car. 576. HO 6-6374. IS /ISA auper-baatuni. 175 cc. 6.000 co/ 5150. Call Dick DI 6-S5Oll after 6 pain. HOUSE TRAILER. Must sell during next two weeks. B'x36' Marlette 2-bt.driiorn; priced to sell. AD R.OHIS. TRADE-IN TELEVISION Stu, complftely reconditioned. 1962 Zenith T.V. Elec tron lc Service. TELEVISION SERVICE CENTER et STATE' COLLEGE TV. ' TUX—Sire 40-42 : tailored trousers with braers, ktrentnerbund. , tie and shirt. DUI, AD 84477. RALEIGH BICYCLE, brand new. Call Frank Sadowski AI) 8-2223 or AD 7- 4358 after 6:30 pan. 1912 CADILLAC Ambulance. fine running coodition.•lduat sell! Call - Lee AD 7.2818. tall.? CAR COAT. Never berm worn. Must ►ell immediately. Only 116. Call Henry AD &VOLS. ONE SHARE In Penn State Flying Club KO. Don. 689 W. Foster. Al) 8-1979. COMPLETE SCUBA Diving Outfit third. In stood condition. Cheap. Call John UN 6-46C1. AVAILABLE; IMMEDIATELY: Unfur nished one, bedroom apartment; beat, water, stove and refrigerator furobthed. Foe farther information all AD 8.0686. NE S:NGLI: and one double room, cen trally located : cooking faellitiee and tree parking. UN 6-5851 or AD 7-4078, EQUit ROOM k bath apartment to litelk fonte—SGO.oo per month. Call EL 64E46 "'flier 4- p.m. ONE DOUBLE room oentraily located. Cooking facilities and free parking. UN b-58.61 or AD 74078. NNMI ••••••••••••••••••••• PENN STATE Class Einst--Friday bean Creek /effete Beta Theta PL $lO reward. Please call Bob Al) 7-3951. PAIR OF brown leather akree•--white wool-lined, • sive 7 1 ‘,, at sAniccl Farb/. Um. Ned- TA, 7. If found call UN 5-14008. LOST: HIGH SCHOOL Hint In men's. room or Al - miby IDickson High School) on Feb. 1. Call Joe Dirlak UN E.-700. A GOLD WATCH in Bee Hall locker room on Sunday. afternoon. Seward. Call AD. 13.3315. SET OF KEYS--Clarrrolet, loiter and others. Coataet "finder' at 333 E. Foster . Ave. or call . AD tt-%417. 'COMING SOONI Mimi D. Little and LVR ' —'THE AMERICAN SCENE." Visaed, for THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA SPAR* See—Tues., February 20, in Collegian; FOR SALE rOR RENT LOST FOUND PERSONAL 10 Cictssrooms Open for Study Oh Evenings Ten classrooms -are now avail able for use as study rooms on are available nights and two rooms are available for use' Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Barbara Johii son, Inter-College Council Board secretary, said yesterday. The rooms were opened to alleviate the crowded conditions at :Pattee. • Library, • she said. ICCB received permission for students 'to use two rooms in Boucke last term during finals, she explained, but these rooms have proved to be inadequate accomociations for all the students. -THE FOLLOWING.BOOMS will be open from 7 to 11 pill.: 309 and 310 Tyson, Sunday through Friday; 107 and 211 Boucke,, Mon day through Friday; 113 Osmond, Sunday through Friday; 229, Mineral Industries, Mon d a through Friday; White ' Hal general game room, Sunday through Friday; 313 Willard, Mon day through Friday; 109 Tempo rary, Monday through Friday; and second floor Hammond, Sunday through Friday. Rooms 107 and 211 Boucke will fie open from 1 to 11 p.m. Satur day and Sunday. WANTED •••••••••••••411141011111•••••VM• 00110•0•JANSIMMOIN ENGLISH MAJOR with Philadelphia "stu dent teaching assignment. wants Pitts burgh area—fan term. Call UN 5-5940. URGENT! 11IDP, TO Miami needed on Marcia 16 for two. Call Priscilla UN 16-51397. 'ONE RIDE from Scranton to Penn State Friday. Feb. 23. Call Ronny UN 64983. IDE TO Washinirtots. D.C., Feb. 16 or 17 Call Ilob UN ,/-3004. I WANT TO buy an Allstate Crusair Motor Scooter. Phone Greg AD MOPS after 6 p.m. DESPERATE! RIDE Wanted to Water. street: Would like to leave late at night. Call Hob Emrick AD 8.6795. ONE PASSENGER to Florida, March la Call Nancy AD 7-3‘OS. , EXPERIENCED TYPIST wants tiPing to do at Dome. quick service. Call Al) I -1990. ••••••••••••••111•••••••••01.4110410 ......... •••••••••••••••••••• HEMP WANTED HELP WANTXD—kltchen help. Call MI 84718 ask for caterer. MING WARTED ovissalonasetesamunte.4•••••• .......... immea* WILL DO typing in my home. Available any time. Please call AD 74949. MISCELLANEOUS PART TIME Employment, College 'guiest', Inak or female. Afternoon ■nd evening work, 17 hours per week. Working schedule will be 'granted to suit elms and study schedule whenever possible. Call. Mr, Mutt. ter a.m. 2 p.m AD 11.2061. ari IWO per wear. STUDENT CHECK CASHING AGENCY airra Honda, Ihria Friday• 9ao - AM!: Saturday 9:$O4110. OFFSET PRINT/NO of thesis-typini• Call Al) 1-7055. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS -- alter. ations" done on all articles of clothing. Call' AD zzatz .after & o'clock. • ETJROPF, ON a - rnodeet budget? les pos sible! For dettils call Mr.. Isieban. 6.4548. ,SOCIOLOGY 421. !Social Case stork: Is over—enrolled tor , spring. If you hallo scheduled It. please contact the Sociokuty I office t UN, IS-2511) at once giving' name: major. 'present form Sind aslldrese. , DEAR SIJZIE. hive rPen• Pirate eat( after 10. Charlie Chan. LA CALLERIA . O !Thursday, Special: Spit chetti with must' sauce. salad and garlic bread 86c. 233 East Bearer Aye. ' CRADCATE STUDENTS, t r pperelasartien Comfort:Nes nam cot e with hot. and d rimming water or private bath_ lan - spring utattreasts. CENTRAL. Parkin Aeceitomandaticnn - to Intpeet and Comp* The C.4loniaL 123 Wcst Nittan7. AD 7-71 2 or AD 7-4 O. TONIGHT STATE COLLEGE Cosnmiini y Theater prreeskts Mature of His Compiter" at Sr. High Atailitoriutr. Sat stk. THESIS PRINTING.. ,r_sasmisbit rata wt AD S-411741 er EL 4.214.1 atter Judges Pick: Queen.' Semi-Ritilisti Ten co-eds • have been selected from 53 applicants in the Mil Ball Queen semi-finali. Twelve non commissioned officers represent ing Aimy, Navy and Air ROTC acted as judges. I Those ' selected a r e I Robin Brooks, senior in elementary ed ucation form Erie; Joan Dereole, / sophomore in artsland letters from, Aliquippa; Kathryn Dodge, junior in arts and letteri from Framing-' ham, Mass. ; Janet Geiger, soph Omore in rts and t letters from Verona, N.J.; Penny Gray, senior -- • -...- 1 -HOW TO PE A B OC ~- - -' le s . dwindle • -- - -- - Ladies, le t, be frank. The d ays of th college year . down to a pitelous few. And some of yoii7-let's 'face it—have not yet become BWOC's; Yes, I know, you've been &my what with going tO class and walking your cheitab, but really, ladies, becoming a BWOC is so easy if you'll oniy follow a few simple rules. i The first and mostbila . ic step on the road to being a BWOC le to attract attention. Get yourself 'notiided. :But be very e very careful notto di it the wrong way*. limean, any old girl is ' bound to be kotioed if she goes around_ i placard that says, "HEY! LO9KIT ME!" Don't you e such a'horrid gaffe. . bir?'your placard put: "ZUTI REG EZ MOI I" This, as you can see) lends a whole new dirnensiT of tone and dignity. • Once you have been noticed , it is no lo ger necessary to carry the placard, It will suffice if, ftom time to time, you make distinctive noises. If, for instance, every; Three or four minute; you:cry, "Whippoorwill!" you cannot but stay fresh in the minds of onlookers. .. • We come iriow to clothfs, a vital .•:•••• iry to the BWOC— Indeed, to any girl who Wishes to . : . out of jail. But to the BWOC clothes are more than just a decent covet; they are, it is not tool much to say, a way of Me i j i ' • •- . This spring the "little boy look" is the rage,on campus. Every coed) in's mad effort to look likela little boy, is wearing short pants; knee sox; and boyshirts. But the BWOC is doing more. She has gone the whole hog in achieving little boyhood. She has frois in her pockets, scabs on her knees, down on her • upper lip, and is followed everywhere' iy a dog named Spot. All this, ck course, is only by day. When evening falls and her date Comes calling, the BWOC is the vry picture of chic fem ininity. She ;dresses in severe, simple basic black, relieved only by a fourte n pound charm binielet. Her hair •is exquisitely , . ~ ,c oiffed,, with a fresh rubber band around the pciny tail. Her daytime !Meekera have been replaced by fashionable high heeled pumps, and she does riot remove them until she gets to the movies.l After the i , movies, at the campus caf , the BWOC undergoes her severest test. The true BWOC will , never, never, order the entire Dion'. This is gluttony and n'only cause one's date to blanch. The true BWOC will pick sec or seven good entrees and then have nothing more till d rt. Thin is doss and is the hallmark of the true BWOC. Finally,e BWOC, upon being ask by the cigarette vendor which is tht brand of her choice; will ways reply, "Marlboro, of courael" For any &I knows that al Marlboro in one's hand stamps instantly as a person of -and discernment, sa the of an educated palate, as .connoisseur of the finer, loftier pleasures. This Niariboro, badge . of saroirgair: comes to y4u in flip-top boxes that flip or in soft packs thltt are • noft; , with a; filter that filters and a. flay r that is flavorful, in all fifty states' the Union and Duluth. • o lass rum eludara • • \ • • • • BMOC: Bap 'Marlboro On Campus. Buy Shun dountorine Sao. 41,Wtoratkest, jai pets kg to like. ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15,. 7962 in arts and letters from Berea, Ohio. - -Diana Leedy, junior in arts and letters from Lebanon; Marilyn Mango, sophomore in secondary education 'from Erie; - .Mariesta Patterson; freshman in art educa tion from Oakdale; litargaret.Ann Thompson, sophomore in counsel ing from Pittsburgh; and Carole Wenner, junior -in - ,medical tech nology from Emmaui. Five finalists- ,will be chosen after each of the semi-finallits is - interviewed by three ; as of yet, unnamed, .judges at 01101topght • in'2l3 Hetzel Union Building. ''• . • -- - L . WWI , / I M a ca t ki n )1' 'Rally Round:The Flag, Boys", "the - '44 - Loves of Dobii eie.) ._s; ~A _~