The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 15, 1962, Image 7
THURSDAY, FEBItyARY 1 . 5, 1962 Bot; Giantham (foreground) and Japanese Olympic CNicli Kumio•Yamantoto. Japanese Olympic Coach Pays Visit to Thinclads Kumio Yamamoto. may riot speak much English. but he keeps his eyes and 'ears open and because of it he's learning plenty about American track and field. Yamamoto, one of Japan's Olympic coaches, is touring the United Stater' in an effort to learn the - fine points behind this cfruntry't auccese in track and field. He. hasspent some time with the track coaches at Southern CaLifornia'.end San Jose State and has been to New York- City to see a track meet at Madison Square Garden. YamamOto is spending the week with Lion track coach Chick Werner and will travel with State to Michigan this Saturday for a four-team meet at Ann Arbor. From there hen go. to i f afayette,- - ind.. to spend a few dayi with'the-Ptirdue coach bef?re heading for London and various points in• Europe. # ' • • Track and field has' not' been a particularly strong Olympic event for the Japanese, and apparently they are trying to do some thing about 'it. But YamargoLO isn't devoting all his energies to learning new techniques, Ile'has spent some time with Penn State's thinclads. and Bob ,Grantham in particular, teaching them new exercises and )elpmg them perfect their styles. . -......iiiiiiiiiiiimuitimmi 'Get His at Hur's mmilimimimme: im . _ - - _Final: . _ Reduction SALE I _ _ _ _ _ _ -. =; 'C.lco a i P -Oat on Special Groups Of. Merchindise. =' - , = Save Now A. We Make' Room For New Spring Stock. , SPORT SHIRTS -1 / 2 Prise _ SUITS 1 / 2 Price Special Group . RAINCOATS • Sale . .. 36.98 ' Values . to 24.75 SWEATERS 3.9 rite and Colored Dress' Shirts $2.00 SPORT COATS $lO.OO llur's 'I: tits #littii OPPOSITE OLD MAIN ; 111111111111111111111111111MIUMMIIIIMIIIM11111111111111111ill111111111111111111111a THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA PAJAMAS 1 / 2 Nita TOPCOATS 1 / 2 Price Just 13 Left TOPCOATS $15.00 JACKETS $5.00 AD'7-4715 IM Results BOWLUMG FRATERNITY A.E.AGVE A Delta ?het* Sigma itlelta Upsilon Alpha Kappa Las. It Pi Laamtaia nil 2 Na Delta TI eta • .Phi Mu Delta *Kappa Sigma 0 Bets Theta Pi 4 Acacia = • 4 High Game--TERRY GIELU. Sigma Nu. 227 Mat Series—LAßßY KILLER. Phi Mu . Delta. 139 nigh Gams (teas:al—Phi 11. a Delta. 391 BASKETBALL FRATERNITY LEAGUE C Phi Del. Th. 0-1) 6171 Al. Sit. Phi (141 16 LEACUr N Lam. Phi (4-24 24 Sid. AL EP.;(!-3) 11 DeL Upsilon (7-11 43 Delta Chi ( 1-4 o 21 Al. Chi Rho (14) 22 S. Tau Clllr4 10-41 24 Pi Sap. Phi (C4l 23 Katrpa Sigma 014') 21 LEAGUIL Arta Th. PI (3-10 IT Phi K . Nzt. Psl ES-11 35 Phi bin DeL 14-31 44 Del. Th.• Sta. (1431 21 Phi Sig. DeL 5-1 I 37Kep. Del. Rbo 1131 32 Dela S. Rbo (4-2) II Phi Rao. Tali 13-61 it Hub St-firer—OTTO BOHMULLER. Kappa Delta Rho. and DAVE ANTENDCUL Kappa Sixtus. I. Irish-Oiange Feud Brings Rule Change PHILADELPHIA T h e National Collegiate Athletic Asso ciation has amended the football rule which caused the rhubarb on the last play of the Notre Dame- Syracuse game at South Bend last year. Under the amended rule. Notre Dame, as it did 'an the controver sial play, would under the same (circumstances get an extra play. The NCAA has said that 'under the 1961 rules, Notre Dame should knot have had a chance to kick a twinning field goal. ..- ' Syracuse led 15-14. when Notre Dame tried a field goal which missed. On the play. however. Syracuse was 'detected running into or roughing the kicker and was penakzed 15-yards. Notre Dame, although time had run out, ' was gi%ien another play and kicked the field goal for a 17-15 'victory. V Held Five Records While competing for the Illinois AC in 1927 and Ina, cross country and track and field coach Chick Werner _held five indoor world records in the hurdles. WE'RE LOOKING IM Soim Meet Hurt by:Forfeits Two forfeits in three meets made for a'rather short IM swim ming session at Glennland Pool last night. Theta hampered by sick ness to halt of its team. forfeited to last year's fraternity champion. Sigma _Pi. The chances of winning e, meet when only two men show up are mighty slim. so Allegheny had to forfeit to Northampton. In the lone contest of the eve ning. Sigma Chi defeated Phi Sig ma Delta 21-Ig. George Sayre paced Sigma Chi with firsts in the freestyle and the breaststroke. Last Losers in '3B fn 1962 Penn State will seek its 24th consecutive winning .season in:football-It last lost more than it' "won in 1938 when the record was 3-4-1. - , , HERLOCHER'S SUPPER SPECIAL NOW SERVED TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY 4:30 - 7 p.m. • Y 4 lg. Bar-B-Qued thicken. - Choice of one: • Potato Salad -' 1, 1 .' . Cola. Slaw 5 &skid Beans . 1 Peppered Cabbage - ' i Macaroni Salad - Choice of one: , • Apple Pie • ; I • New York Cheese Cake 1 Choice of Soft Drink . , . , . . , -CALL AD 11-0510 ,- •1 • : FREE'DELIVERY 'AFTER 4:30 i PAGE SEVEN HOW YOU CAN - 9 out of 10 people can live through a nuclear attack, says scientist Edward Teller. But There'll have to be plenty of warning and plenty of shelter. In this week's Post. he maps out a 4-point plan for sur vival. Tells how . yoU should stock - the ideal shelter. Andwhich people 'Stand the best chance of stiff**. 71k. Sarterday Moak. MEM ==2l