The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 15, 1962, Image 6

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Pifer Feels Ski Start Due to Weight-Jump
By DEAN 'MUCK . !relatively poor record and slowa just wasn't strong enough toresiest thin%in the - world] for that weight for the s eastems and
Istart? !muscle it with them and get the State's eastern champ. "It is really nationals.
You're a 1961 Eastern Intercol- "I'm•
disappointed - - . for th e t a k e d own. They both had warn, hard to keep my weight down ,
legiate wrestling champion and There is no doubt that the leg
theesun's sake because my losses: jogs for running away, but Ijonce I make it. I don't eat-much
NCAA runner-up. You've!tling Lion is more e ff ective
;cost the team a .couple of wiris,'couldn't. get them down because at all' and when I do, iustl
wrestled three years of varsity! it 's
'— at 147' So when he makes his
but I am hoping I'll do better in!of their strength." !about a l ways poached eggs." • ! '
competition= and as a seniordrop, opponents had better Be
arey"'future," Pifer ezplained y ea -! r
co-captain of the team. 1n;._... _
; micay before hitting the mats fo' PIFER-- DOESN'T figure that all; LAST YEAR Pifer dropped to ware the eastern champion and
high school you did pretty well. ; wrestlers are better if they 105e,147 - for the Pitt match and kept NCAA runnttr-uo, is in his class.
an hour and half of practice.
You won the state PIAA title la lot of weight to make a lower
twice. • THE GOOD-NATURED grap-,diviiiion. In fact, the lean Lion
ler wasn't speaking through his senior ;figures two of his team-
Your achievements are well h a t either. His reasoning goes like mates I wrestle - better in the
known around wrestling circles this_ - heavier weight classes:
and you are one of the most re- "I expect to move down to the
spected grapplers in-the nation."Ed Pohland aod Phil Myer do
147-pound class for the easterns
YOUR NAME is Ron Pifer and and nationals and I'm sure I can a better job against bigger fellasbecause they. can rely on their
you're Penn State's exciting 157-do a ,better job there than at 157. strength," Pifer explains.
pounder. You lost the nationall never was a real strong person
title - last year to lowa State's ,and to compensate for that I count . ,
P.cia hl' is
nd, who th regular 191-
three-time champ. Larry Hayes, on my legs and - speed to get me Po4nder pounde r,has moved-up to-heavy
and won the EIWA 1 47-pound,through." , weight, twice and won both times,
title. ; Both of Pifer's losses this y ear . 19-6 once and 3-1• the other time.
came at 167, a weight class thatlMyer went from his 177-pound
You started this season with the former Bellefonte high school;post to 191 and, pinned his man.
the hopes of taking everything :tar says he would rather no tiAt heavyweight, Myer won his
but somehow the breaks haven't
wrestle. He lost to Army's Buraonly bout, a 5-3 victory over pre
quite gone your way. You're K re i se i
3-2,. and Lehigh's D av e:viouslv unbeaten John Burns of
record to date is just 5-2, far short
4 Angell. ,
6 - 4 • = iLehish:
of a champion's chart.
'"Angell and Kreisel were tool Losing weight so he can wrestle
Are you discouraged by the big for me to reach and pull-iniin the 147-pound class isn't the
Bubble, Bubble
Toil and Trouble
PEORIA, 111. (/P) Bradley'
University announced yesterday
that sophomore basketball - star
Joe-Strawder of• Belle Glade, Fla,
and two freshman players, Ed
By JIM KARL Moore and Ray Banks, had been
The days of witches, wizards, sorcerers and necromancers 'dismissed from school:
, They were dismissed, the an
went out with King Arthur and his Court. nouncement said, for actions not
e;- best interest of Bradley
' But even in this age of . missiles and ,hula hoops, events
i l3ni t v h ersity.
occur which stir the red corpuscles and cause people to harbor,
various notions and superstitions. - Bradley's basketball team is
currently ranked fifth in the As-
So don't be too surprised if you see John Egli cackling'poll. •
sociated . Press national college'
over boiling cauldrons and .murmuring incantations. : The university ,said the dismis-J
sals had nothin with the
Egli should be excused for anything short. of suicide after Bra ey
'dl bas ketballproms m..
his cagers lost by one point Tues., — ------ -- - ----- __,
The loss of Strawder was a ,
day night to a Bucknell tearnlscorer and rebounder, finished"
blow to Bradley's hopes of win-'
which previously had won only!the game, with 17 points, but he m i n g the Missouri Valley Confer
-4 of 16 games. ; had only two going into the final
90 minutes. - ence title and a 'possible bid to
' ' Going into the game at Lewis - !l0 the NCAA tournament.
burg, Pa., State,- ,- - - -1--1.--3—ef In the first half it looked as if Bradley plays at Cincinnati
had won five of' ' .. Harris and Bticknell's Bill Fry Monday night in a contest billed,
its last six games(,-, !were more concerned with engag
if as a title game. Bradley leads the
and was jockey- • .4 ling in hand-to-hand combat than
,__ •-" • conference with a 9-1 record, with
ing for a berth .-•_ - ;', iplaying basketball, but' Harris Cincinnati a game behind.
in the NCAA: - , • ''. 'said that wasn't the case.
, ,
,tournament. , ia ,/vta.
"I was more" concerned with Tighe Linked to Colonels
Egli put up :: ' I - , .
good front yes-. ,
_,: i. myself l than with fry,
terdav (Gene t " Harris DETROIT (AP) Jack Tighe,
I '''' , said. "I've never really gotten
i --
k ' .
,mad at another player. I- just former manager of the Detroit
-Wettstone to,
Egli: "You're in i didn't have a good night." Tigers will become the new
.ager of the Louisville Colonels of,
a good mood to-1114, 4 , .t ~-; WITHOUT REALIZING it, Har-:,the American Association, it was
.day") but you i ..-- ris paid himself a compliment.tlearned yesterday.
- could tell he was J." *-gsr Not many players can have a bad! A reliable source said that
still boiling from the defeat (Egli night and still score 17 points. ,Tighe,:4B, will replace Bill Adair,
to Wettstone: "I only look that. 'whowas moved from Louisville,
way"). 4 in fact, the Lion captain almost
Ito the,
was the hero of the game. With 'parent Milwaukee Braves
'Sure, we should have w0n.•"20 seconds left' - he scored on ai earlier yesterda
Egli said, "but -we didn't look twisting drive from underneath
sharp—and at times we didn't t o give Sta t e a 68-87 lead.
hustle. But the bucket was nullified by'
ing and we were hesitating be
fore taking our shots. If you hesi
late when you slide into -home State will shoot .for its eleventh
plate you may end up with a'win against eight defeats against
broken leg. When you hesitate in , Army , at Rec Hall Saturday. The
basketball you just lose the game."'Cadets are 9-10, losing last night
Gene Harris. State's 'n Amherst, 75-58.
Northland Skis
reg. $21.95 to $B5
MA fe $6B
Ski Bats
were $39.95
NOW $19.75
iFry, who hit a one-hand push
'shot -from feet with eight sec
onds to go.
Ice Skates
reg. $15.25
All Greatly
• Reduced
Ro 11
(Kappa Sig Bldg.)
Bradley Loses
Saph Cage Star
'1 , 41,7 •Rutgarc 58
. Amherst. 75, Army 111
%inch& teelo Mnitari 11
Miami (Olio) 78, Pltt-72
Air Force 78, Coloracto,Coll. 44
LaSalia 79, Castilian
North Carolina St. U. North Carolina 17
Xavier (Ohio) 79. ',calamine, 97
Delaware 74. Lehiall 44
Fordham 94, Querns tNY) 59
Wail Mk/liana t 9, Toledo CI
Hunting Boots
Bed Wing
Insulated Boots
'reg. ;24.95 •
NOW $18.95
'....~.~~i1~JC.~ L.-
uainid -
Hunting hots
. were $23.95
NOW $17.95
$7.50► a dozen
Beira also
on• Guns,
Hunting -Clothing
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