The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 13, 1962, Image 8

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Art Exhibit
A McElwain art exhibit will
mtinue through today in the
residence hall lounge. The ex
hibit contains art work of Mc-
Elwain residents, including the
dormitory's hostesses, Mrs. Winnie
Crotzer and MM. _Emma Slicker.
The display began Saturday.
, •
Valentine Party
Twenty Simmons Hall residents
will hold a Valentine party for
the women at Laurelton State
Village. tonight. The trip' to
Laurelfon, a home - for mentally
retarded women, is b e ing spon
sored by Simmons junior resi
Skin Diving
The Penn State Skin Diving
Club will hold an organizational
meeting at 7:30 in 2)4 HUB. Two
films on skin diving will •be
The dub has instructors in self
contained underwater breathing
apparatus (scuba) and deep sea
diving. The club plans to have
Watcher, s e
, G . d_
Preiented by-Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes
.~eF~s _ .~i~_
~~~ :€~
.. - .a , K
.;;;, ••••)
112 s seal rfo Keep moving
Ope of the most important rules of girl watching is this:
keep moving. In fact, it is always a good ideanot only
tolno - ve, !but to appear to be going somewhere. (This is
especially important on group field trips.) Beautiful girls,
although they enjoy being watched, are instinctively sits
picious of• strollers and downright fearful of. loiterers.
1 .
WHY BE AN, AMA) &.44 n ?
FRU . MEMBERSHIP CARD. Visit the editorial office of
this publication for a free membership card in the world's
only society deFoted to discreet, but relentless, girl watch
ing. Constitution of the society on reverse side of card.
This ad bated on the book. 'Mu Girl Watcher's Guide." Te:t•
Opotieht . by Dooaid 3. Doom. Drawioss: , Copyristo ter Eldon
'WOO. Reprinted by per:macaw of Harper fit &others.
v:te. aiiiiir est
diving trips and will hold future
meetings at Glennland Pool. Al!
udints are eligible for member
Agriculture &West Council, - 7 g 21.7-
212 HUD -
A Ws, 7 p.m.., 222212 HUB
A W$ nectione, 21 :20 a.m.-4 :22 p a., HUH
ground Mar
MC, 11 :US p.m., HUB assembly ball
English Colk.miuns, 7:30 p.m, Nittany
1CC15..6 p.m., 216 HUB
I.Theral Arta Lecture Series, I :30-4 :31
p.m.. HUB swain, locate
NCA, E:45 p.m., 2111 HUB
t,t.el :20 p.m., 203 HUB
A'.orkan Norsety for, Metals, 7 :30 p.m.,
Ytearal ladtastrlet auditorium
lic.P - M.l,it,re Clans A dviaor7 Board. 9:15'
.in.. 214.210 HUB
Women's Chorus, 4 p.m., HUB assembly.
Young Democrats, 7:30 p.m., 214 HUB
New College Diner
Downtown Between the Movies
ISA ChanOes Na
The Independent 'Student As
•:tion voted last night to
become the Orcanization for Cam
pus Social Aft4irs and passed a
by-law to its new• constitution
which will be submitted to the
• ate Committee on Student Af
fairs. ,
ISA voted last month to strike
the word "independent". from its
name -and constitution in an ef
fort•to make the organization more
acceptable to the Senate commit
tee. _
The new by-law'atatea that the
group will - receive all funds
through the Associated Student
/ 470 OA
z-4 1 r .4 0 116 41 4t.C3 - ti t
Spudnut Shop
„The man who Ii walking briskly, who' looks like he's
"going places.” makes a better girl watcher. For one:
thing, he sees more total girls and In the end be enjoys
his hobby more,' ere Panning an extended field
trip—to Paris "DO Rome, for example—be sure to pack
a couple of cartons of ?all Mall.)
natural mildness
is so good
to your taste !
So smooth, so satisfying,
so downright smokeable!
e, Constitution
Activities office on the basis of an
allotment which will be deter
mined by the USG budget com
mittee each term.
OCSA - will seek to fulfill the
non-affiliated student's needs in
planning,, pfomoting and executing
campus-wide service and' . social
affairs, Barry - Rien, presidentsaid.
All undergraduates will be
eligible for, membership in 'OCSA.:
-"OCSA will be essentially the
same organization atilSA 1 except
1 that it' will- not be limited to
independent students," Rein said.
People who" fly; •into 'a rage
alWays mal%e.a bad landing.
BANJOS. UKES. Guitars. Pianos, lians
;mond Organs—otrinats. Woke., nil 113nsie
incrpliex Pifer Minsk Centers. Benner PLke.
Open 'til p.m. daily except Weds. •Pbone
lif,L 5-UM
ROOM CONTRACT for salt. For further
Informative call Jim UN &MO.
PURE BLOODED Irish Setter Pepe. 4
1 weeks,,old : reasonable price. EL 6-3637.
HARDTOP FOR A Triumph. Asking UN
or best offer. Call AD &24M PauL
. .
4'i'; :i-' ,1 -. 11. •i•:':,
11 4,
l;) ;
E; .r 1 , 1:
', :,
- 41;
Pall Mall's
t t , l
1 .
AP 'Cage Poll
.t, Ithio Slate X 143 (Is -o) 430
- 2. Xehhaclry (17-1) . 375
• 3. Clacinnati (19-2) . : 345
4. Xenia! State (17-2) 285
Sr Bradley 415-31:- : 234
" -5. Oregon State (17-1) _ 155
7. Duke (15.3) * 448
6. *lisalasippl . St. (18.1) 123
9. Duquesne (18-3) 77
10. Bowling Green 415.2) '53
Others - receiving* votes irs*-
• eluded:. West NV e, Colore
d% LOyolis .(Chicago), DMA,
Southern California, Villanom
SL Man's. Virginia Tech, Utah.
Illhscia, Utah State, Louisville,
Arizooa State. Wisconsin, Cali
fornia. Centenary. Colorado
Stale land Arkansas.
COMPLETE SCUBA .diving satat- Used.
In toed condition:. Chem": Call John
UN 5-4681.
1936 CHEVROLET two-door cedilla. black.
Goodtoodition. perfect post-Eliat Ness
era ear. $75. HO 6-6374.
- -
'6B BSA, sup6r-bantum. 176 et. 6,000
" • $l5B. Can Dick .DI 9-530$ after 6 , p.m;
taro. UN 54766. •
HOUSE TRAILER. Most sail dtiriarrbeat
two tax, Iran' Marlette .2.4cdroom;
priced taw aril. AD 11.01111. •
PORTABLE ELECTRIC Sawlike Machina. _
Sews rrfeet and in A-I condition. Guar
anteed. 1119. AD .8-8361.
niabeiS one bedroom apartment: beat.
water. Oars and refriererat,or furniabeL
For further information call AD 114681.
ONE SINGLE and one double room. cen
trally located: cooking facilities and
free parking. UN 54t51 or Al) 7-407 L
GRADUATE STUDENTS. -Upperebuarneri
--comfortable rooms :with hot and cold
rtmoing water or private bath;. inner
spring mattresses, central. parking oc
tal:mod bona. To Inspect and compare.
The Colonial. 1211 W. Nittany. AD 7-7792
or AD 1-4050. .
N. A •
FOR RENT—dose to carnpum. ,
ertoo. Vail AD 7-4107. •
NOM.. ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••111011011111.
WAITER FOR Sigma Pl. Can AD 7-4924
ask Om treasurer.
DINING HALL workere--espeeially - hie
Strom:ono to work over the noon boor.
Apply (Wire of Student Aid. , .
ENGLI.4II MAJOR with Philadelphia stu.
dent tasehing assignment, wants Pitts.
burgh area—fall term. Call ITN 5-6940.
ONE RIDE' to New York. leaving Friday.
Feb. 16. Call Ellen UN 6-71118.
WAITED WANTED. Call caterer. AD
URGENT I RIDE TO Miami needed oft
March l
16 for two. Call Priscilla 'UN
1114110•••••••• Male*
L. • LOS T
41 , 11•••••••
BLACKI RAINCOAT with black lining- 1 -
last At; Waring on Friday night Please
call Toni ;UN E.-4923. -
PENN :STATE Class Rine—Friday; bears
Greek ,letters Beta Tbeta.PL 910 reward.
Please Bob AD 7-3981. •
BLACit ONYX Bracelet, Friday morning.
.Silitiriental value. Please sell Carole
UN .'l2B.
PAIR • (OF brown leather :loves—whits
-wool-llned. she 7 1 4 at Ansel THOM
ten: Wed.; Feb. 7. If found old) UN 5-8008:
FO I BEST. BARBSR Shop in town 1
Geor des Barber Shop, under Western
Auto: Two barbers. no widtins.
PAIR iI.ADY'S Gloves on Celle* Ave,
last eek. One lady's sicore in ?font of
Carnes Thursday. Owners please call
Joe or Tam UN 54U7.'
lilzioPteikt;P(4 l ll
PART EINE Employment. College stodesde.
zani t s i +or female. Afternoon and evening
work. bouts pe,seek. Working schedule
will , arranged.tOr suit chum and
ae.hednli whenever possible. Call Mr. i lt a l
fer 9 Cm.. g.m. AD 6.10111.
slo gat week.
E WHO attended Welt Read/air
School last year call Ralph. UN
THESIS PRINTING, roooonolik rotes.
?boo AD S-0774 or EL 63142c►tter
OF Albert N. Veri.
TES NEED black leather mate* , .
Jacket far Mariana- Call UN
OFFSET PRINTING of theoLe-tjrplng. Ca.ll
AD •-7055.
RUSHIIG SMOKER, Rim Epsilon. Nan
tional Roal , Estate Fratornitf. Feb. 11
an 4
7:30 p.m. aßetteshtneats. t ZBT. Open to 'ooPlosanotint
15 - '44 1;4,
done on all articles at clothing.
7-2312 after 6 *o'clock.
EMENT CLUB. Wednesday, Feb.
30 p.m..- Beta Theta PL . Speakers
.portunitki in a Dynamic hulas.
U. 7
topic: I
try. I
FOR STANDARD and electric trternritfir
repair seri
ice aced, an- ' Piet? taping ier itupplies slum
Nittanyl Office Equipment. Sill a r Alias
Street A) 141.21.