The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 13, 1962, Image 2
PAGE TWO AWS to Hold Primary Today Sixteen candidates for Association of Women Students offices face the voters today in a primary election. Polls located in each living.area will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4:30 to 7 p.m. today. Commuters and town women may vote in the Hetzel Union Building from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. . No Primary is needed for presi dent and vice president, because 'there are only two candidates for each office. These names' will ap pear on ballots in Thursday's final elections. Judy Allen and Jania Somer ville are running for AWS presi dent. Barbara Felt will oppose Merle Stens for first vice presi dent. THE OFFICES on today's bal lot are second vice president, sec retary and treasurer. In the final election, the number of candi :dates will be limited to the two people receiving the highest num ber of votes in the primaries. Running for second vice presi dent are Barbara Brown, Judy ticuette, Lynn, McTavish and Sandra Whiteley. A fifth candi date., Barbara Bruni,- has with drawn because she may study in Europe next year. The second vice president serves as liaison between the local AWS and the Intercollegiate Associa tion of Women Students. CANDIDATES FOR AWS sec _retary are Vicki Caplan, Shannon Klug, Marjorie Moran. .Margaret Raney, Jean Ruhl and Emily Workman. This officer takes - minutes of all AWS Senate and executive committee meetings, handles all Senate correspondence and maintains AWS records. Joan Adams, Carole Kersh, Marjorie Porter, Dorothy 'Ryan, Carolyn Sodini and She r r y Zwoyer are running for treasurer. USG By Laws- (Continued from page one) be closed for the question at hand by a majority vote -of Congress. Such a closure motion of gallery debate shall be voted on immedi ately. •The Rules Committee Chair man shall be elected by a majority of the Congress. - The Rules Com mittee members (four) shall be appointed by the committee chair man with the consent of the Con gress. •7' hese by-laws may be amended by • two third vote of Congress after having been read and discussed at the previous Liberal Arts Student Council Lecture Series Dr. Helen Snyder will spa:ic on "The Discovery of New Ideas" Feb. 13 7:30 p. • HUB Auditorium / THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. •LiNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA The treasurer holds responsibility I for AWS funds and also submits the group's budget, subject to the approval of AWS Senate. - The AWS elections code states that write-in votes will be dis regarded. Those parts of the ballot properly marked, however, will, be tallied. Incomplete ballots will also be counted. - IF A BALLOT contains more than one vote for each office, that office shall be disregarded in counting but the rest of the ballot will be tallied. Ballots will be numbered to guard against. their loss or mis placement, according to the code. Alpha Epsilon Delta ' • - presents "Psychiatry Today"- Speaker: Dr. John D. .Walnier. University Paycitlairist _ - . THURSDAY - February 15 740 p.m. - Roo 11l Boucles FINGER' EXERCISE LAST 2 WEEKS FRI. - SAT. 8 p.m. STATE NOW Feat: 1:47, 3:44, 5:41, 7:38, 9:35 4.* 410 * (s) , DEBORAH ' 4 }ERR trie • 'NJ Ass s • . Starts THURSDAY "Tender Is The Night" Pickets Protest Hodges Speaks to Ste ' den (Continued from page oak) Non4rnion Contract cent tax rebate to expanding !corporations, is passed by ( Con- Pickets appeared at the Ordi- gress. trance Research Laboratory ye s -Answering a question concern terday morning in an apparent ing the possibility of trade with protest against the awarding of a contract for work on the Garfield Thomas! Water Tunnel near N. Atherton St. and Pollock Rd. to a non-union contract. From three to viz pickets walked, the line during the "day, some mtVing signs which read "Floyd Bush Unfair to Organized Labor." W. Floyd Bash, a Martinsburg! electrical and general contractor, is doing improvement and mod ernization work on' the water tunnel under a navy contract. "lam meeting in every way the Minimum ;standards estab lished by, the Navy for project contractors." Bush said fast night. The University is technically not involved in the dispute, Wal ter H. Wiegand, director of the Physical Plant, ;said, The pickets; did not interfere with entrances to the , projeet. The' University operates the laboratory under con tract with the Navy, which is responsible for :all contracts' for modernization and improvement, he added ~ CENTRE STAGE PENN STATE PLAYERS —LAST TIMES TONIGHT-- Big DoublO Horror Show "THE MASK" also "HOUSE OF WAX" • TOMORROW • Ir. Oates Howie at Holly Collahtlral The Country'. Mast Talked About Party. (The Bicce•t fdooie Roll of Voor Life.) AUDREY HEPBURN 'mod. in COLOR CAMPUS RESTAURANT where you always get Good food at Reasonable Prices of College and Pugh Come In And Try ft! HERLOCHERI - - -SUPPER - SPEtIAL NOWSERVEDTIIESDAY.THURSDA,Y,ANDSATLMDAi 4:40-71 0 44. - - ' 4 / 4 lg. Bar-B-Clued Chicken." , • - Choice of one: Potato Salad Cole Slaw $l/5 Baked -Beans .(s) - Peppered- Cabbage Macaroni Salad . Choice of one: . Apple Pie New York Cheese Cahe, Choice of Soft 'Drink , CALL AD .841518 . FREE DELIVERY' AFTER' 4:311 FREUD WOULD HAVE LOVED as a Freudian flip) • . We recently received a very surprising letter from a ii,.sychiatrist who had seen "THE MARICHe said he loved it and felt zt 1-4, sure the 'picture was either written by a psychiatrist or by a man who had a complete knowledge of the subject. We feel fkOred, receiving such praise . from such a critical member of the audience. There aren't many taut 'psychological dramas that are so-real that the suspense comes out honed to' razor sharpness. "Spellbound' was in this unique class, with l a handful of others like - The Snake - Pit.' Now, another member joins the ;fess-- IHE MARK:And, according to psychiatristiLand criticsdoo—it scores a very high mark indeed. You'll be very suspensefully surprised. No need to bring your MD license or even a couch; Everybody's welcome. L''' IRMA sofa SMART • ROO mica Noir A Co.N.APA, Bega TOMMY LAST DAY! Billy WIUM'S "ONE, TWO, THREE" TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1962 Commuckist nations, Hod g es said that pailic opinion in this coun try prevents any, trade 9th the Soviet bloc. "We won't sell an all-day suck er to Rp:i China," he said.'.: .spißcrAnoN STAFF MEETIisiG TONIGHT . . - Collegian Office. ise kno