The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 08, 1962, Image 9

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Harris Goes. Unnoticed
But Lions Keep Winning
Gene Harris speaks in quiet tones: shoots
with a soft touch, impresses you
.with. his
sincerity, and • except for a few rare occa
sions, goes•unnotiCed on the basketball court.
If figures always spoke for themselves,
Harris would be a'shoo-in for all-East honors.
; ,
He is one of the top rebounders and scorers
from Maine to Maryland. , •
r '
But Gene usually gets the job done so
efficiently and effortlessly that no one but
oppoking coaches seem to notice.
OF COURSE THERE have been excep
tions. Against Holy Cross in the Quaker
City Tournament at Philadelphia Harris put
on a terrific "
scoring display, racking up 46
points to tie one record an&break two others.
Arid japt month against
Carnegie Tech Harris scored
over half. of his team's points
in 'a 52-45 victnry, over the
Mit those "rare ocasions"
usually•occur only when his
teammates can't find
range, which doesn't, happen
too often
The Lionsare fairly,well
balanced 'in_ the . scoring' de-
partment with Earl Hoffman, Hauls
John . Phillips and John Mitchell capable of
scoring ,20 points on any given night.
When the Lion offense bogs down, how
ever, Harris is the ;ban who picks it up.
A fe* weeks ago a scout from Army
watched Penn State play at Rec Hall, and
in the 'confusion after the game he left
behind-A very important item—a copy of his
scouting report..
His, comm e nt on Harris was short and
to the point; It, read like. this:
•, "Gene Harris: He makes Penn State go."
New York Man Pleads
NEW ',YORK (AP) 7-- Joseph
Hacken, a New York man with a
long list of gambling arrests and
one of the first to be indicted in
the 1961 basketball Scandals last
March, pleaded guilty--yesterday
to two counts of bribing college
players to. shave points. °
Hacken, 42, And Aaron Wag
man, also-of ! New•York, were ar
rested last March 17 when Dis
trict Attorney Frank Hogan first
broke the'.fixing
. scandal which
mushroomed and involved 37 , 22 collegei and univer
sities.- Wagman, called the master
fixer, had pleaded guilty last Nov.
30. to 38 ',counts of bribery and
conspiracy. ".,
Joseph ..A. Sarafite continued
Handball, Tourney
In • ilia :Independent quarter
final round of • the. IM. hand
bill tournament lait night. Bill
Brighffelt, nosed :out • Nittany
24's Dm: Benner, 21-20, 20.21,
21-15: Bob Esbenbaugh (Ni
tiny 24) defeated Terry Bice
(Hickory) 21-7. 21-3; and Bruce
. Shinning beat Danny Fritch
man (Nittarrr 24) 21.5, 21-3,
Cons The paddleball courts,
at. HUB .Desk
for Vacancies
• Left by Graduating Seniors
in tho
- Twin Indittendeni Hen's Coundl,
in Cage Scandal
Hacken free in ;MOO ball and
set sentencing for March 14.
Hacken was indicted last March
24 on 17 counts of bribery and
one count of conspiracy.
Hacken pleaded guilty to these
1. That he offered $1.500 to Ray
Paprocky of New York Universi
ty to shave points in a game with
Utah State Dec. 3. 1960. The fix
did not go through.
2. That he paid $l,OOO to Henry
Gunther of Seton Hall to shave
points in a game with Holy Cross
on Feb. 12, 1961.
Wagman and five others who
have pleaded guilty to bribery
charges in the basketball scandal
are to 'be sentenced tomorrow.
ear Completion
George Coulter (Lackawanna)
won by forafait over Gary
Wadding (Watts II); Dave Gibbs
(Watts I) defeated Bob Weiss
(Butternut) 21-9. 21-10; Larry
Greenberg beat Lackawarusa's
John Datagram. 21.1, 21.19; and
Mat Laiecki (I 4 ittan v 24)
squeezed by Leo Scoda (Barks)
15-21; 21-9. 21-5.
The semi-final round will be
held tonight starting at 7 p.m.
for nought in . the Quaker City Tournament
in December when State was reduce(' to an
eight-man squad by injuries' to Bobby Do
nato and Hoffman and the abrupt departure
of, Wayne Lundy. , , •
Harris pgt on a one-man show at Phila
delphia's Palestra against Holy Cross, but'
State lost the game . 79-66. • • •
`ln that game Harris broke Jesse' Ar
nelle's school record of 44 points, bettered
Oscar 'Robertson's visitor's record of 43, and
tied the floor r ecor d set by Villanova's Bob
Schaefer. ' .
Neither liarFis nor Egli was aware that
Harris 'was appioaching the records until
late. in the game. -
"With 40 seconds to go I was informed
that Gene needed just two more points to
break the Palestra record," Egli said. "Then
I realized that he had already tied the Penn
State record.'.'
At that point Egli had the-team call a
time out and he set up a play lo give - Harris
at least one more good shot.
come off and Bob Hutchinson ended up with
the ball. He tried to get a pass in to Harris
but was bottled up and the seconds ticked
away. Finally Harris got the ball and took a
shot, but it was off the rim.. With cat-like
agility. Harris moved inside, took the re
bound and scored to set a new school record.
State lost all three games in the tourneys
but Harris was named to the all-tourney
team along with lowa's Don Nelson and
George Leftwich, Hubie White and Wally
Jones, all of Villanova.
He was by far the outstanding player
in the three day event, leading all competi
tors in scoring (86) and rebounds (57).
But even then Harris didn't get the pub
licity he deserved. Why? Penn State finished
in . eighth place in the eight-team tourna
Vilimners H. ,Dugaaana •11
West Virginia NO. Pitt 71
Army 70, Colgate 13
Navy 71, Peen Itilitary ♦0
LaSalle ri, Badmen
Lafayette Si. - Label $1
Scranton, SO, Susquehanna 10
Drexel lA, Swarthmore 57
Sports Editor
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March 8, . 196
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Amapa e x poiftniti asekileit. WILMINGTO
WerOer Will Depend
On Distance Runners
(This is the first of a two part series on Penn State's indoor track
team. Today, the running events. Tomorrow, the field events.)
With the loss of star sprinter Bobby Brown. Lion track
coach Chick Werner is counting on a solid group of distance
and micidie diStance runners to do most of the point-getting
in the i door Competition this year.
Lea•ing tte distancti men will be Gerry Norman who
placed ourth in the .NCAA .three mile at Philadelphia's
Frankli Fieldjl6'st season. •
Nor an will put most of
during he indoor season be
fore switching t 4 the longer event
when the thinglads move out
Normar's best 4ime for two miles
is 8:08.5, but tile lanky English
man thinks he! can lower that
mark. "I've belts working hard
and I think 1 con get under my
best tim- for two miles," he said.
IN A I DITION to N6rman.
Steve M orheadi Mike Miller. and
Howie D ardorff all have topped
1:55 in the half mile and alimg
with Errie Noll or Lionell Bas
sett give State a strong two-mile
relay tea-n.
Deardorff and Moorhead will
l ,
hold do n the, top positions in
the mile run with both shooting
for 4:10 r under.
Moorhead, who placed fourth
in the NdAA steeplechase in 1960,
recorded a 4:15 Clocking in finish
ing seco d in the IC4A indoor
charriplo ip last year. Although
i 'this is fa from,the school record
of 4:01.3 eld t:4 Ed Moran, Wer
ner rega ds the senior speedster
as one o the top distance men
'', 1
in the East. ' . , Barnhillwas competing as a
freshman. Both boyshave shown
ner is still juggling his lineup:good form in practi:e, and could
trying to 'come up with a winning' Lions. valuable points for the
comb!nat on. 1
Steve opp and Tony Wayne l , Werner has had to insert soma
will bete mainstays in the 0-"ot his distance inn in the 800
yard spr nt. Wayne.. who has Yard run. " Miller And Thin
done 9.7 outdoors, ran behind Mettr;ck will hold down the top
Brown I t Yepr, while this is.spots in the 800 and also the 440.
Popp's ti t season with the team ." ' '
A big surpritm ,for the Lions
could be two strong hurdlers in
George - arnhitl and Bob Gran
HAM WAS the top
'ler last year, while
Lion hur
chemical organl
, sponsibility . to
Chemistry and
rid ion-the-job
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TRIES. sae.
his attention on the two m
• .. . Lion miler
* *
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