The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 08, 1962, Image 5

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"Wiriness for the• Prosecution,"
a Penn State Players' production,
opens at sir .p.m. in Schwnb..rick
ett art on sale -at the Hetrel Un
ion desk for 75 cents. The play
will continue its run tomorrow
and Saturday.
Tire O'clock Theatre will pre
sent "Relatively General" at 5:15
p.m. in the Little Theatre in Old
I The play was -written by Joel
Edelstein,. iuninr in the division of
seuneeling from Asbury; NJ.. and
will be direeted by Grace Shearer,
Denier' iri arts and letters from
The 'American film "The Mal
tese Yukon" will be shown at 3,
7, and 9 p.m.. in the HUB assem
bly room.
The French documentary • • •
!Paris 1900," with nci English sub-' 'Flank Koller, a graduate stu
titles, will be shown at 8 p.m. in • desk irk geography, *ill speak on
209 Home Economics South. The'"Pmpbets in , Business Suits" at
film 'contains rare sketches of 7:30 ‘ p.m. in 2.10 Helen Eakin Ei-
Sarah Bernhardt, Leo Tolstoy,' ,(Continued on page seven)
Tickets Still
For Hodge?
About 800 student tickets re-lhealth and construction on the
Igrounds that these programs will
main for the Universit Let- -- - - - !restore the people's faith in their
ture , Series' presentation ofieovernnierit's ability to take care
lot them when in need.
Luther H. Hodges, secret 1 Discussing business fluctuationi
of commerce, at 2 p.m. Sundavlbetween periods of prosperity and
. ~ "
In Schwab. Idepresiion, Hodges said he doubt.'
• ,
....ed that such cycles could be elimi.
Student, tickets will be •dis- nated except during 9 wartime,
tributed from 9 a.m. tq 12 p.m., when production remains at a
and I to 5 p.m. today throughum. ,
Saturday. Non-student, . ticketsol
" •
I THINK that we've such a
available at $1.25, will be dis - Tremendous productive capacity--
tributed at the same times. ' that we will always be capable
i Hodges was appointed secretary:of producing more than we can
jot' commerce after serving six'sell until the whole world gains
years as governor of North Caro-'more economic stature and is able
line. At 63, he is the oldest numito buy from us."
on President Kennedy's cabinet! On unemployment, Hodges pre
AN ARTICLE by Arthur Her-,dieted a rather high rate: for
zog, free-lance writer, written in,'quite some time." He 'said, how-I
Cietober 1961, gives Hodgef viee 7 :ever, that the country' can stand
an current economic probletnsa limited amount of unemploy-
According to the -article,. Hodgespent with benefits, especially
felt' that compared to other in-.since there is such a great num-,
dustralized nations. the United ber of women working.
States has been running close to; In some cases, he said, the fed-
The bottom in percentage rate of ,eral government is stepping in to
growth. ,create new industries , as in radio
To brin .. g about an expanded a, a n d t e l evision,Which will put
economy, Hodges. recommended people back to work.
More research and development, ;
inventions and patents as well as
greater production at low e r
"The, best hops Is, new ideas.
new things, new packaging and
new methods of sertinras well as
quality products," he said.
THE OTHER HOPE for indus
trial growth is greater exports
and internitional .bade, Hodges
said.. The United States is "smart
enbugh to compete with the rest
f the 'World" in international
trade by setting reasonable - :price
levels and establishing high stand
ards of quality in'the_goods sold
abroad, he said. .
Hodges supported Kennedy's
•rograms of aid :to education,
sij Ili
. ,
1,1 1
Safecracking, says Bobble
Whaley, "is a re-8i ehalleeige
• And he shout know. Ha tow
miffed 43 burglaries 'ad& on
the force. In this rag's Past,
This_ !toren with a badge"
tells why he turned to crime.
How be phonied up police re
ports to covet his tracks. Used
• official cars for his getaways.
. And why he feels...his superiors
101 the real culprits.
- The &lignite, Epode/
. O simactskestese •
. .
, • .
.- .
Auguste Renoir, Auguste Rodin, s By ANN PAtMEI liege Pre4idents completed andito uniformity in zwcountine and
Leon Blum, Andre Gide, Maurice" (This is the second in a series ;putilishet Ustudies on suchaubjects' i budgeting and utilization of plant
Chevalier and others. ' of articles examining various ,as higherieduration in 14Whigan4space.
:college enrollments, expansion,; James Donison, assistant to the
• • • • systems of state-supported col-
Four films by Charles E annes . ! i aoe3 an d an i aerstme in the / the, demand for teachers and ad - 'president of Michigan State Uni
ofitional academic programs. Sines ; versify, described Michigan's situ
" Par ad e," "Communications,'l United States.)
f "Tacata for Toy Trains,", and ' i . . -
is sits beginning, the emphasis of
will be , The state of Michigan cur-)Councii has been. on research inc n it er i nn:
thelation in a letter to The Daily
"baroque Churches"
Irently wrestling with the prob-!tbie field Of educational program- 1 ...... ._
,shown at 7:30- pm_ in ,110 Mee,
,' we cIAVIC TLC roaster plan fog
statewide con-,ni - l g. 1 _
Itricsa EntineePing. The films arel iern 01 coordinating
trol of institutions of higher ed -' 1 "higher education in Michigan. al-
Lsr!•imsored by the Department of
'Architecture. cation. It has, to date, achieved ll ! THE C9UNCIL Is currently en.; though our state constitutional
union of, state universities on asgageir in 'four studies comerninglconvention Is currently wrestlirqg
, • - voluntary basis but is still in the!total credit hours taught per year i
With the problem how to inject l
Iprucess.of developing its pregram.:in leach institution, unit cost, con.,,some system, and order i nto the
1 Mrs: Helen Schoettle; legation s Michigan his three tr i rte i pa i'ce,Pts an 4 procedures, approaches' (Contintord. on page eight)
counselor of the German Embas- state universities in addition to
sy in Washington, D.C.. will spearsix smaller state-aided institu
to the members of the 1%2 Study, tiers.
'SimmonsAbroad peograse at 7 p.m. in the • . 1
The three' principal schools ire
i lounge on student life_'_ .
A social hoar and refreshment s f
, `-- the _University . o Michigan in
Ann -Arbor, Michigan State Uni
will follow. • versity in •East Lansing and
i All members -of the program,Wa te University in De
swho cannot attend are asked tot
Theyhave all at some time
,csontaet Dr. Dagobert deLevie.: . - tween 1850-and 1b59, been made
'director, in 4 Sparks before noon administratively independent in.-
today. .•
stitutions under the - Michigan
'Constitution. •
' The funds of each school. how
ever,- are controlled by corpora
tions which have a degree of in
dependence- from the state gov
ernment. ,
r Ilf THE EARLY part of 1947,
Alex G. Ruthven, ;then president
of i the. University of Michigan!
initiated a circular letter to the,
presidents of eight .other state-'
aided'schools inquiring about the
possibility of creating an informal;
`association of state college prtsi- ,
idents from Michigan. • . ,
1 Ruthven's plan became a reality
and between 1947 and 1956, the]
'organization was engaged in, a
rogram of statewide educational
I '
,stdy. ! I
1 n this nine-year period, the!
Michigan Council of State Col-
r ------- INTERVIEWS
Tuesday and Wednesday
February 20 and 21, 1962
Wo rood 114 and MS ENGINURING and SOENCt maim far
.ppaty ty to build your Mutt by waiting bore—by
contribullAg something ixtro—by doing • iitd• mot* Own
h •;tpectod • -
. VIP •1) tedai Id, roof
rtAahem OFFICE
It *nu respleyem 400 ow nprosontativo
Michigan Co 4 nsitlers Control Question
_ 'Business.
AT 6:30
Bring Blvsbooks And Pens
128 Sackett
Ow. of "Rally Round The Aso, Hays", "Ilto .W 41.64
Laws of Dobie fte.)
When Thorwald Dockstuder —Sophomore, epicure, and Sports
man took up !usioking, he did not simply choose the fleet
brand of cigarettes that came to hand. He did 'wirt say
sophinnore, epicure, and sportsman would do: he sattirled sev
eral brands until he found the very beet—a mild, rich, flavorful
smoke—an etude*: source of conduct and satisfaction—a , mobs
that! neVtx palled, never failed to please—a mains that ago
could not wither nor custom stale—s, filter cigarette Wilk oar
unfiliered taste— Nfariboro, of course!
Siinilarly, when Thonreld took up 'girls, be did not simply
fele+ the first one who came along. He sampie4. Ant he
dated en English literature major named Flisahetk rforcett,
fichirarta, a wisp of a girl with terse, lureinone erased a soul
that; shimmered with, a pale, unearthly beauty. I Triggistey,
trippingly, she .walked with Thorwald upoa the heath Rae at
with him behind a windward dune and listened to a soul Aga
andlsighed sweetly and took out a little soli peed sad a bale
moioeto notebook and wrote a little poem:
. t will he upon the slurs,
/vitt is a dreamer,
f will feel the sea tows more,
4 • Pounding an NV femur. ,
Ttilrwald'a seecnut dlte was with a physical adiatatior major
named Peaches Glendower, a broth of a girl with ri ready aniikt
end a sin 18 neck. She took Thorwald down to the , cinder track
'Where they did WO taps to open. awl pore/. Thee they played
four games of squash-, ads Arts of tennis, hetes of gait, ease
iianin g s of 01311 . 0'111C six. eiinkkera of lactase% sad a aids sad
luarter of leapfrog. Theo they went ten rounds with eight
ounce gloves and had heaping bowls of whey end exchanged a
Irm handshake and went home to their respective whicipest
Thorwald's lasi date was with a, , guldria-haiied, sassasy
lrowed. green-eyed, folbealved girl named Total
'Tydeus. Totsi was not maiorieg is anything. As eke often Niel,
"Gee whillilters, what's College for anykow—to iii your boa
full of ?sky old Nam, Or to discovcr the shining ponenem that to
TOW fl tatted the evening with Thursski• at a luxurious,
;restaurant where the Cot - owned her own weight in Cornish reek
then. From there they went to a deluxe movie palace where
Totai had popcorn with-butter. Then the had a bag of chocolate
covered raisins-000 with butter. The they went to weuntly
ballroom arid did the Twist tilt dawn, tipping the hand every
eight bars. Ten they went to a Orinese mtsurant where
Total, unable to transiste free menu, *hived her problem by
ordering one of everything; Then Thorwald took her to the
women's dorm, boosted her in the "rimless, and went slevratown
to wait for the employment °trim to apes.
While waiting, Thor vald thought over all or his giria and
eame to a sensible decision. "I think," he said to himself, "that
I will stick with Marlboros. I am net rich enough for gide."
• 1.112 Arimiemil
klirlbore, hessian., k rich enough the eseple*. it tikes
'nighty soil Makin's to glee you un4lltired Mite in a Alter
elsorstte. Mars the lbw you set M the famous Marlboro
roe* from ikhnsend, ?Sighs's. You gel s lot to like.
• • •