PAGE TWO WORLD AT A GLANCE Soviets Treat l' 18 Passengers With Courtesy MOSCOW (AP)—Passengers of a Belgian airliner forced doWn Monday by MIG fighters said yesterday that, -once aground. they received excellent treatment from the Russians. "We' had a wonderful recep tion," Said Mrs. _Charles Wiemer of New York on this third day of an involuntary visit to the So viet Union. The comment was typical of the reaction among 18 passengers and two stewardesses of the Belgian plane. which encountered compass trouble and then the MIGs on a slight from Tehran to Istanbul. The group was floWn to Mos- t cow aboard a special Soviet air liner from the southern oil- city of iwos Premier Agrees Grimly. It was to a military fieldlTo Summit Conference near Calmly that the MIGs had, VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)—Pre guided their plane, a Sabena Air mier Boun Oum agreed yester lines twin-jet Caravelle. iday to a new meeting of princes 4 - in Geneva only two weeks -after Reds Sign Trade Packs ihe balked at a carefully arranged TOKYO (AP)—North Korea has princely summit in his own cap signed new trade agreements with,""' two of its Communist partners,! There was no indication he Was Bed China and Bulgaria. The'any more willing now than then to agreements will provide Northlgive in to neutralist Prince Sou- Korea with raw materials, them- I vanna Phouma and Prince Sou icals and medicines in return for,phanouvong, who is pro-Commu steel, iron ore and a line of manu-',nisi, on issues deadlocking forma factured machine products. .tion of a unified government. OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN An executive agency of the United States Gov ernment needs responsible young women of various academic backgrounds to fill interest ing assignments in numerous foreign countries. Starting salaries range from $404044345, plus overseas housing cmd'many Government bene fits. Applicants must be able to type 45 wpm, and be willing to serve in most areas of the world. Initial assignments ,in Washington, D.C. Over seas positions are available following both formal and on-the-job training. A government representative will be on campus January 22nd for interviews. Please see your placement office at the earliest date for further information and for interview arrangements. ... • 'Communist Schools ( Gizeii ga Defies Planned in Cuba Congo Officials 1 HAVANA . (AP) 1 -- The Cuba revolutionary government plans to , LEOPOLDVILLE. the Congo ;launch - a drive this year to indoe - ;(AP) Leftist Antoine Gitezga ltrinate as many Cubans as P os-. yesterday rejected a parlianan- Isible in communism. To advance:ta_ ultimatum and informed the the plan a nationwide network,central government he has no in 'of "Revniutonary lostr ti ct i o n ,tention of leaving his Stanley ' Schools" has b..en set t up. ,vale isolation now. Prime Minister Fidel Castrore cently acknowledged! that actual ly, what is studied :Ls Marxism 'Leninism—the only :subject that :can he studied in such a school. }The institutes for the advance ment of "socialism" will turn out ;cadres of Red evangelizers. Their task will be to win over the masses. The revolutionary :schools plan to graduate some 30,000 students this year. In a telegram to Premier Cyrille Adoula, Gizeriga said he would take up his official seat in the Parliament and his post as deputy, premier only when Adoula showed . sufficient determination to stamp out the Katanga seces sion. Parliament had ordered Gi ienga to return by midnight yes terday to face charges of secession. SFINGER EXERCISE Center Stage JAN. 19 - FEB. 24 2== Good News ! "It's Omega Party, Time" Place: Omega Psi Phi 1, Date: Saturday, Jan. 13, 1962 9 :00 OPEN-DRESS vs. LOTTE LENYA JILL ST. JOHN coral maw( JERtlte SPENSa saws, eILMS .4 CAM UMOIRSt *Acme ws •4004.100 , own.* 105111"10:1 MO MS MAXIM TECHNICOLOR. from WARNER MOIL • FEATURE at 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:30 . . A . 41, 7 T iti The startling story of a hand . picked spy—trapped into fight- TONITE ing both sides of the war alone! Feature ( .. " Circle DiErEpT i 0 at 7:20 t r 9:10 P.M. . AlllMlllll INTERNATIONAL FILMS presenfs "NIGHTS OF CABERIA' ,. - and "THE OVERCOAT" • THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1962 •• The name of Federico Fellini has become common parlance since his masterpiece LA DOLCE VITA was released In this country. The name Fellini was well known for quite some time before 1980, the reason being his two earlier films LA STRADA (1954) and NIGHTS OF CABERIA (1957) both of which the International Films Series is l ,proud to present this term. • • NIGHTS OF CASERTA stars Giuletta Mas l ina • as a street walker who plays her trade nightly on the tiutskirts of Rome. As with all his other films, Fellinijs concern goes beyond , R 4 the immediate Caberia is seen to be a very real, very -4 lonely human being. The film is one in which the eternal battle of the lonely over the despair of misfortune and the - ::= evils of the ,world is symbolized by the triumph of, paradox- - ically, the prostitute over the man who refuses ta marry her. At the time of its release the Saturday Review wrote that "These sounds and sights created out of shadows touch the deepest chord of our sensibilities. They are neither tricks nor effects; but . the product of that subtle interplay !of technique and emotion that we e'en art?! The short subject once again presents Ma4cel Marceau, this • time acting with his company, in a presentation adapted' from Gogol's story "The Overcoat". Unlike THE BESPOKE OVERCOAT which we showed last term, this short, called THE OVHCOAT, this is a magnificent pantimine-ballet that has no slog. In color, and magnificent silence. Thursday, Jan. 11, 1962 NUB Assembly Hell • Showings 3,7, a p.m. $ AT THE HUB DESK ; THURSDAY. JANUARY_ 11. 1962
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