The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 01, 1961, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Booklists-- (Continued from• page seven) Ph Ed 922 D--Successful Multiple Offense In High School Football, Walker, Prentice llall Ph Rd 950—N0 text Ph Ed 480—No text Ph Ed 489—N0 text Ph Ed 490—Application of Measurement to Health and Physical Education, Clarke, Prentice-Hall . (19159 ed., Ph Ed 550—N0 text Re Ed iso—No text Re Eci 456—The Complete Hook of Games and Stunts, Hindman, Prentice-Hall Re Ed 451—intro. to Community Recrea tion, Butler, McCraw-Hill; Planning Fa cilities, for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Athletic Inrit.•, Recrea tion for Community Living, Athletic Inst. Re Ed 6Ro—Recreation Administration, Meyer & Brightbill, Prentice-Hall and fol.); The Annals—Recreation in the Age of Automation, American Academy Poli tical Science; Sports pad Recreation Facilities for Schools & tionirnunities, Catirlelsen 4lt Milers, Prentice-Han LIBERAL ARTS Math 2—Eamentlala of Colin* Algebra, Rouenbuck et, ul., Cinn nth 6—Plane Trigonometry, Heineman, McGraw-Hill; 'Mies (10th el), Chem Rubber Co. Muth A---Elementary Statistics, Mnck, Holt Math 9—College Algebra (alt. ed.), Rich onlmorl, Math 14—Mathematics of Finance, Fit 11114ft Math I9—A Modern Intro. to Mathematics, =MIZEM=IEM ~..., . ..,., -.. - .: :- ? ,::::::i- -• :.- : . . ,- • :', . •::•, : :::::., .. i,..,.•::, .. :, .. ii:.- : , ,,. ::-. : ::,.•:.,•.:•:'::', .: - - , : 1:;:::i. -i •••:?:::?:,•-•..., : . : ':::, . .•::::::::, ' i. ,. ..;11‘. - .•:._.....,...i. • :••:,..,:..•. ; ',....,....;!:.••:, ! 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' lt ...-..•.. : , , . . .:, ..„.„.. .....-,......,. ....„. ~.., ,-........--.: : :_ii i ii.„: ....i: .........„•.............:......:...............:...........:.,...,............... . .....,.....................:..,.......,.........„....„.....„..„:„:"....„.,.::...........,,,.....::„..............:. offered by PUBLIC SERVICE Elettti" . 6' ,- '' , ''."'aii'd:'•='''.'''- I, 'Gg''s . ' ,, ''''Co'.M"oifiV'' , '"'" , ~,i,-i.!E.i•,:..:..,..:.;:.',:,..._:,::.:::.::;.•:._.•,,,:,._._:,....,..,,..:-J,:-4:_it,.•;,..,.i;..•," 3rd revenues a viri * ves for i) ed mong in. t s elettn*c and gas util See our representative when he visits your college on You may obtain a copy of our brochure, "Train- ing Courses for College Graduates" at your placement office or by writing to Public Serv- ice, Room 2152 a, 80 Park Place, Newark 1, New Jersey. PUBLIC ELECTRIC AND Newark, New Jersey Freund, Prentice-Hall Math 41-Ilrief Analytie Geometry (3rd ed.). Mason & Daturril, (;inn ; 'tables (10th ed.), Cheni Rubber Co. Math 42, 43, 45—Differential and Integral Calculus (6th ed.), Love & Rainvilte, Macmillan Math 16—Intro. to Mathematical Math,ilex 12nd ed.), Itoel, Wiley Math 100-111 if ferentlar Equations 12nd'ed.), Nelson, Heath Math 200—Basle Concepts of Elementary Mathematics, Schwa', Wiley Math 403—Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, Churchill, McCraw-Hill Math 409, 110—Intro. to Mathematical /Un ticticc, Hoff, Macmillan Math 417—Vector and Teneor Analysle, }lay, Dover Math 420, 421—Real Variables, Olmsted, Appleton Math 440—Elementary Matrix Algebra, Bohn, WellllllBll Math 451—Mathematic?' of Phyalc9 and Modern Engineering, Sokolnikoff, Red- hello- McGraw-Dill Math 481—Survey of Modern Algebra (rev. ed.), Hirnoff, Macmillan Musk 6—The Fundamentals of Musk Ap preciation, Fishburn, Music 6—lntro. to Munk, Bernstein, Pren tice-liall • Musk 44-4 Song Cycles, Schumann, Lea Pocket. Scores No. 25; Singing Together, Pitts, Ginn Music 79—Twice 5 Buok (Brown), SunwY- Bircharti; Batons; Essentials of Conduct ing, Gehrkens, Ditaon Music 82—MeJodie (Complete), Dibum: Twice 66 Book (Brown), Bummy-Birch- ard Music 95—Octave Scores (3 misc. num bers): All in the April Evening, Robert son, Schirmer; Sleep of the Child Jesus, CCV/ICrt, Presser; He Never Snid n JANUARY 17 ►Rut stew Masi( up to now . itr Rill ,962 co" ` T RAINING COURSES FOR COLLEGE GRADUATis SERVICE GAS COMPANY THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA '~y~l 4.7,7 . --t::,--... "a" --.:::: Mumblin' Word, Hall & Met:re:ay Muni! Oil—Two-Part Inventions, etc., Hach, Lea Pocket Wares No. 7.1: Musical Offer ing (score) Hans David cd., Baeh, Schir mer ; Well Tempered Clavier, pt I • (open score counterpoint), Hennan, Prentice- Halt Music Ml—Miniature Scores tot Oberon, von Weber, Halmos; Egmont, Beethoven, Halulus; Surprise, Haydn, KAIMUS; Un finished, Schubert, Kahnus; `6th Bym• phony, Beethoven, Italians RI. St. 18—The Essence of Judaism, Bata, &harken: The Belief of Catholics, Knox, Image; The Meaning of Revelation, Nie buhr, Paperback ed.; Basic Christian Ethics, Ramsey, Scribners, Dynamics of Faith, Tißich, Harper RI. St. 400—Utopia, Ogden, Appleton RI. St. 430—Christian Ethics, Beach, Ron ald Press; Morals & Man, Vann, Fontana ed.; The Living Talmud, Goldin, Mentor Nittany Dell home of delicious sandwiches Lox and Bagels Served Sunday Till 2 P.M. across from girls dorms 362 East College Ave. Free Parking In Rear . "; .4. ; , Here is the Training Schedule for Gas Cadet Engineers COLLEGE TRAINING REQUIRED Degree in mechanical, industrial, chemical, or civil SCHEDULE Gas Production Department Operation and Maintenance of Gas Producing Equipment 9 Gas Pumping Equipment 1 Gas Conditioning Equipment 1 Boiler Plant Equipment 2 Control Room Operation—Gas Mixing 1 Laboratory Operation Maintenance of. Plant Equipment 5 Office and Storeroom Procedures 1 Special Assignments—Plant 3 Gas Distribution Department Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Distribution Piping Systems 12 Installation of Meters and Appliance Servicing.. 10 District Office Operations 4 Division Office Operations 3 Special Assignments—Division 2 Engineering Department Commercial Operations Department District Commercial Office Commercial Operations Department Course—G.O. - Vice - President and Comptroller's Department.... Miscellaneous Assignments Network Analyzer Utilization Laboratory Meter Repair Operations Appliance School Street Department School Gas Dispatching Operations—Meter Stations... Instrument Engineer Planning Engineer Underground Piping Protection Corrosion Control Corrosion Surveys Distribution Design Engineer Customer Service Engineer Special Assignments 2 Vacation 2 Total 78 1111 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS ===l AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY unfur- niched one bedroom apartment. Heat, water, stove and refrigerator furnished. For further information call AD 8.068 e. GRADUATE STUDENTS, llinnerrheamen— Comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bath, innerspring mattresses. Central. Parking. Accommoda tions to inspect and compare—The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. ADams 7-7702 or ADams 7-4860. SINGLE ROOM—close to tumuli& Call Idn. Cummings AD 7-3246. ROOM FOR RENT—will consider renting double or single. College Heights. AD 'l - DOUBLE AND Single Rooms for Rent— back of campus. Call AD 8-6443 or AD 7-3401. ROOM—SINGLE or double, in quiet pri vate home. Available for non-smoking male !students for winter term, 512 W. Foster Ave. or phone AD 7-2598. SINGLE ROOM, private entrance, off street parking; in private home. AD 8- 9689. SINGLE ROOM and double room. Centrally located. Cooking facilities and parking. Men only. Call UN 5-5851 or AD 7-4078. SINGLE ROOM for graduate student, 237 W. Beaver Ave. engineering courses. FOR RENT ~ ~ ) ~ j ~ ~ j TRAINING TIME IN WEEKS ..., ....~'f ; :2 v ; f, • ..11.% /kV , ' +7; ;? 4, • Wri:ll>;.: 3 days 4 days 3 days FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1961 FOR RENT ONE-HALF MODERN two floor apartment, winter and eprlng terms. Call AD 7-2415. APARTMENT For Rent, December. Central location, completely furnished. Reduced rate. Call AD 84874. ONE DOUBLE Room and one-half double room, available winter term; Call after 6 p.m. AD 7-2.129. FOR SALE .." BANJOS, UFOS, Guitars, Plano,. Ham mond Organs, Strings, Books, all music supplies. Pifer Music Centers, Benner Pike. Open 'tii 8 p.m. daily except Weds. Phone EL 6.3441. SINGER PORTABLE electric sewing ma chine, in perfect condition. Can be guar anteed. $29.95. Call AD 8-8367. GERMAN SHEPHERD thoroughbred pup pies, 8 weeks oh), Gall AD 8-2202 for further Information. 1959 AUSTIN HEALEY Deluxe. Must sell this week-31495. Call Evelyn Pratt. Un 5-6353 daytime: AD 8.6100 evenings. DRUM SET. Cretch, jet black pearl, chrome hardware, include, cymbal* and cases. Call Chuck Morey AD 8-9130 during day. 8001( RACK. 3 speed Phono, Clotho* Hamper, new Lamp, Ironing Board. Cheap. Call Dale, AD 7-4739 after 6:00 p.m. MC-TD MARK 11, recently rebuilt engine, four new tires. Small enough for (lAA nm stocking. Call Stu AD 8-2415. '53 OLDSMOBILE Convertible fully equipped, good running condition-8450. Call UN 5-5442, ask for Davis between 8-5. 1960 LAMBRETTA 175 cc Scooter. Wind- O&M, bookrack, perfect mechanical con dition. Cheap. Call AD 8-0786. ENGLISH BIKE, all accessories. Call Al) 8-3129 after 6. JUST IN TIME for Christmas--Hi-Fi 3-speed VIM. '4:35. Call &luta, UN 6-65 M. DORM CONTRACT, male. in East Halls Call AD 7-22:07. WANTED SMALL APARTMENT for married couple. No children. Available Dec. 26. Call Mike UN 6-7979 after 7:30 p.m. RIDE TO Gator Bowl fur two. Dick, AD 8-8557 or Bury AD 8.1110. WANTED RIDE to Florida for Christmas vacation. Call James E. Swarm UN 6- 7913. TYPIST FOR term papers In French. Call UN 5-4252. DESIRE, A girl student to share furnished apartment for remainder of school year. Call Karen AD 7-2011. RIDE WANTED to Miami, Dec. 7th after 9:30 a.m. Call Garth at UN 6-8169 or AD 8-1612. ONE UI'PERCLASS student to share 8- man upartment for winter and spring terms, 2 blocks from campus; with parking facilities. Call Bob or Marty AD 8.6477. WANTED—UPPERCLASSMEN to share apartment with two seniors for winter term. For information call AD 7-1422. WANTED TO BUY—Man's bicycle. Call AD 8-2219. ONE MALE student to share coolest pad in town. $9.00 a week. AD 84878. LOST REWARD FOR return of 3fimm Camera lost in junior section at Holy Cross game. Phone Mike, ADams 8-8589. '62 CLASS RING, vicinity of Waring last Thursday. AD 8-318:1. LOST: PAIR OF black leather fur-lined gloves, 3rd floor Willard, Wednesday. Call Kay UN 6-4639. ONE LIGHTER. initials D.M.G. Reward. Can UN 5.5354. BLACK AND WHITE Tweed Coat with fox collar. Sun, sorority open houses. Name in lower right flap. I have yours. UN 6- 8926. BLACK ONYX Ring, Fri., downstairs Sparks. Valuable to owner. Call Vicky K. AD 7-2929. HELP WANTED ADDITIONAL MALE subjects needed for an experiment. $l5 for completion of four 2-hour sessions with opportunity for bonus—no partial pay. One afternoon see 'ion per day on Dee. 5. 7, 12 and 14 or Dee. 4,6, 11 & 13. Apply at Office of Student Aid, 218 Willard. ASSISTANT MANAGER—Work for room. See Mrs. Stater, The Colonial. AD 7- 1850, AD 7-7792. PERSON AL ATTENTION GIRLS: Joe is neat and cool and irresponsible. Just ask BAP or JURE. MISCELLANEC US SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: the Nelson Griffith Quartet (piano, bass, trumpet, drums) has a limited number of dates not yet booked. This is a professional combo specializing in music for dancing and listening. Call Carl at UN 5-6357 or AD 17-2776. PART-TIME JOBS available inimtdiately for college men : 15 hours/week working schedule, Salary $45/week. Call Mr. Rich. ardson 0::10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. AD 8-2051. LUNCHEON SUGGESTION: Fish and Chips just 40c. Our own made soup and sandwiches. Open 6 a.m. - 1 a.m. Next to Murphy's LILLIAN'S RESTAURANT PSOC Sat., Dec. 2. Ski work party; 1.30 Rec Mall. PSOC SKI instruction, Sat. Dec. 2, 2:00 p.m. Water tower. EXPERIENCED RHYTHM guitarist de. sires position in a good rock and roll band or wishes to, meet capable unattached lead guitar to form own band. Call AD 8-9432. FOR STANDARD and Electric Typewriter Rentals: Complete typewriter repair service, and all thesis typing supplies shop Nittany Office Equipment, 'al 8. Allen St. AD 84125.