The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 01, 1961, Image 6

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Committee Schedules
Centennial Events
In celebration of the Land- 1 Farm Show in January.
An agronomy guide has been
Grant Centennial the Univers- dedicated to the centennial. About
ity's Centennial Committee 50,000 copies will be distributed
.bv the committee.
headed by T. Reed Ferguson, - Colored slides of Old Main and
vice president for develop-'the Land-Grant Seal have been
placed at the front of each box of
ment, is sponsoring various slides distributed by the visual
events and activities on campus aids division of Agricultural and
and throughout the state. Home Economics Extension.
In Harrisburg, the 1962 Penn:, The committee has had a Land
sylvania Farm Show will be dedi-1 Grant Centennial symbol built
caled to the University and to the, on the stadium scoreboard. The
celebration of the Land-Grant , symbol measures 8 by 16 feet.
Centennial. The theme of the show! During the month of November
will be "1862-1962—A Century oflthe committee distributed about
Progress" 50,000 leaflets giving a brief his-
The June commencement pro-
tory of the Land-Grant Act and
gram and decorations will fol
lits meaning. The leaflet is en
a theme based on the cele-
'The Idea of a Land-Grant
bration of the centennial. The college."
homecoming football game with An exhibit of photographs and
California Oct. 28 was also dedi-
paintings dedicated to the cen
cated to the centennial. tennial will be held at a later date
A film entitled "The Land-Grant`in the Hetzel Union lounge.
Mural—A Fresco Painter in Ac
tion" has been prepared to be dis
tributed to television stations,
civic groups and schools through
out the state. The film concerns
11w painting of the murals in Old
Main by Henry Varnum Poor,
The committee has distributed
postage meter postmarks to 16
postage meters at the University.
It alsc has distributed centennial
seals for use in publications and
small gummed seals for use on
letters and brochures.
A new Burpee marigold named
"The Penn Slate Marigold" was
presented to Mrs. Eric A.
Walker, wife of the president,
Oct. 13. The marigold was
named in honor of the Univer
sity in celebration of the cen
tennial. It will be shown at the
Land-Grant Idea Started--
(Continued from page one)
agriculture and mechanical arts,
yet they were to give classical
courses as well.
The stipulation that military
tactics be taught was added to the
original bill after the Civil War,
Mrs. Riley said,. because citizens
realized that their sons had not
been prepared to fight such a
"Our 68 land-grant colleges and
universities in the country today
continue to advance the concept
of their founders," Mrs. Riley com
mented. "Their curricula still
combine the classical with the
practical in subject matter and are
still offering a higher education
to all of their citizens desiring it."
FOR THE GLORY of the new
Farmer's High School, the "old"
Old Main was completed in 1863.
As the only building on campus
if then housed students, ad
ministrative offices, and class
rooms. The picture was taken
by President Evan Pugh, the
first president of the Agricul
tural College of Pennsylvania.
The Morrill Land-Grant Act
was responsible for the change
in status from a high school to
state college.
Halls Record Hop
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Books, Film Exhib
A display of books published by
the University Press and a 15
millimeter color movie "Land
Grant Murals" were part of the
University exhibit at the Centen
nial Convo6ation of the Ameri
can Association of Land Grant
Colleges and Universities held
Nov. 16 to 20 in Kansas City.
The film, shown at the 75th an
nual convention of the 70 col
leges and universities, depicted
the murals in Old Main being
painted by Henry Poor.
The convention, which was the
official kick-off for the nation
wide land grant centennial ob
servance, featured the world pre
mier of "Centennial Film". Part
of this motion picture was filmed
at the University.
Representatives of the Univer
sity presiding at division meetings
or giving reports to the conven
tion were Dr. M. A. Farrell, di-
Contact us for Party Arrangements
Your Favorite Beverages MEYERS'
No Minors 238 W. College Ave.
led at Convention
rector of the agriculture experi
ment station; Herbert R. Albrecht,
director of the agriculture exten
sion service; R. B. Dickerson, as
sociate dean of the College of
Also Ben Euwema, dean of the
College of the Liberal Arts; Mer
ritt A. Williamson, dean of the
College of Engineering and Archi
tecture; E. L. Keller, director of
continuing education; and Grace
Henderson, dean of the College
of Home Economics.
Lawrence E. Dennis, former
vice president for academic affairs
who is now with the U.S. Peace
Corps, spoke on the Peace Corps
December Collegiate Digest
The Collegiate Digest for Decem
ber will be distributed with to
morrow's Collegian.
lur waistline is medium to slim,
a candidate for this distinctive
,rint Arrow sport shirt. Contour
tpered for a trim, neat fit .. . in
ie muted colorings, styled with
ton-down collar and back pleat.
Sanforized labeled.
From the
' 4 Cum Laude Collection"
YAW' , *S.."