The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 15, 1961, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Term Curtails Ag Activities—Althouse The big question created by the term system is how much material students will absorb and retain when it is coming at them at a much faster pace, Paul M. Althouse ,assistant di rector of resident agriculture instruction, said yesterday. This question has not been an swered yet, he said. The system has not been • in operation long enough to answer this and many other problems. Although this apepars to be the major problem, the system so far has affected agricultural extra-curricular activities more than it has affected lhe sched uled courses, Althouse said. He said the new system has not affected the faculty or the courses in the agricultural col lege any differently than it has the other colleges. All colleges on campus are having difficulties adjusting teaching methods and work loads to the term plan. It is the extra-curricular nctiv- H. T. MESEROLE "April 19, 1777" SIMMONS Lounge 7:30 WEDNESDAY Sigma Tau Delta (Belles Lettres) + CLASS WANTED RIDE TO New York City needed des- perately; Friday, Nov. 17 or Saturday, Nov. 18.' Please cull Margo UN 6-8609 or UN 6-2631. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Call Charies Vaclavik AD 8-2185. RIDERS TO Houston, Texas, Dec. 7. Call Harold AD 7-4444. THESIS ANI) Term Taper Typing—in expensive, efficient service, {.’all Elaine AD 7-4082. SMALL APARTMENT near campus— winter term. Phone AD 7-4151= ask for Hill Rothman. ONE TRENCH PAINTER lost from Can Can. Needed desperately. Please return to Schwab this 'weekend. STUDENT’S WIPE desires ride from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, Nov. 24th. Hill. ADams 8-9375. WORK WANTED Wll.h TYPE term papers, hook reports, etc. Can pick up, deliver. Call AD 8-0342. FOR RENT nitnmiininiiMMMKnimiiiimMiiiHMMiiiilHiia GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperclassmen comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bnth, innerspring mattresses, central parking. Accommoda tions to,inspect and compare—The'Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. ADams 7-7792 or ADams 7-4860. TWO RKDROOM brick home. Store, school, church nearby; 16 minute drive. $B5. FT. 9-2547. ONE DOUBLE room and one single room. Close to campus. AD 8-8639. DOURER ROOM for next quarter in quiet. house two Mocks from campus. 243 S. Pugh St. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY Apartment with kitchenette, shower, and parking. Available Nov. 16, Located 126 E. Fair mount Avo. Phone AD 8-0883. AVAILAHLE IMMEDIATELY unfur nished one bedroom apartment. Heat, water, stove and refrigerator furnished. For further information call AD 8-0686. RANCH TYPE Home, oil heat, three bed rooms, basement, garage, large lot. HO 6-6427. GRADUATE STUDENTS, Upperclassmen- Comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bath, innerspring mattresses. Central. Parking. Accommoda tions to inspect and compare—The Colonial. 123 W. Nitlany. ADams 7-7792 or ADams 7-4860. FOR SALE BANJOS, UKES, Guitars, Pianos, Ham mond Organs. Strings. Rooks, all music •upplics. Pifer Music Centers, Renner Pike. Open 'til 8 p.nv daily except Weds. Fhone EL 5-3441. HI-FI RECORDING of Penn State songs by the Glee Club and famous Rlue Rand at 107 Armory and HUH desk. 1960 MG, wire wheels, white walls, R&H, Must sell. Call evenings UN 6-8921. TAPE RECORDER for sale excellent condition. Call Art Al) 7-4933. *6l CHKVY, power glide, $46. Call Vince at AD 9-2189. FRESH .CIDER, no preservative added. Truck jtl Freeier Fresh, Dale Summit, Bat. evening, .Son. afternoon and evening. FORMAL GOWNS, sizes 7-9, white floor length, luce ruffles: also floor length double hoop pink ballerina original, lace ruff lea, embroidered n«t overlay. UN 6- 4846. ities which are being reconsidered at the present time, Althouse said. Judging Team activities are under intense study by the col lege. It is felt that crop and cattle judging events are valu able for a student, but Althouse said, the college does not want to schedule them and harm a student's academic studies. In previous years judging teams have gone to such places as Chicago, 111. and Norfolk, Va. to judge while classes were sched uled. Under the new system, a stu dent who misses two successive classes in a course is missing the equivalent of a week’s work under the old semester calendar. As a result, he said, some judging trips have been scheduled for between terms. Extensive field trips will also have to be cut down or eliminated, Althouse said. Ip the past, the College of Agriculture and the College of Mineral Industries have relied on field trips as a means of instruction more than any of IFIEDS + PUPPIES Welmaraner, 8 weeks old. Howard Swank, Bonlsburg. HOmestead 6-6213. CLASS RING (men’s) 1961, heavyweight, size 9, antique gold, red stone. Originally $46.00, asking $25.00. Cali UN 5-4033 after 10:00 p.m. 3960 PEUQEOT sedan, 4-door, 30 mpg, two extra snow tiros, excellent condition, overdrive—sl2oo.oo. Call UN 6-4033 after 10:00 p.m. MOTOR SCOOTER—LfimbretU, red ; fast, will do 60 m.p.h. Excellent buy—asking price $250.00. Contact Larry AD 7-3188, 126 E. Fnirmount, Apt. 2. WEDDING GOWN —size 10-11, unused. Ballerina length, lace, scalloped neck line and hem. Call Sarah, UN 5-4G52 or AD 8-0256. TRAILER, College View Trailer Park. Perfect for two $9OO. Call AD 8-1168. DESPERATE 1 Man’s Black Onyx Ring. Lost in Hammond. Call UN 6-6178, ask for Low or Joan. Reward. LOST: ’62 CLASS RING, blue stone. Reward. Call UN 6-7328. LOST: KNICAR Wrist Stop Watch on Wednesday, if found please call Toni. UN 6-4012. CLUE PENN STATE Jacket, white tide panels, Rogers sewn on left front. Re ward. Call UN 6-6787 after 6. MAN’S OOTHOM Watch with stainless steel band—basement M.I. Building. Call Tom UN 5-4214. FELLOW RUSHEE will exchange loafers for those taken by mistake in Pollock 4. Call Sheila UN 6-495 J). LOST:"''ETHICSHOOK liT~HUB. If”’found call Al) 8-2130, Reward. PART-TIME JOBS available immediately for college men ; 15 hours/week working schedule. Salary $45/weck. Call Mr. Rich ardson 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. AD 8-2051. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The Nelson Griffith Quartet (piano, bass, trumpet, drums) has a limited number of dates not yet booked. This is a professional combo specializing in music for dancing and listening. Call Carl at UN 6-6367 or AD 7-2770. LUNCHEON SUGGESTION: Fish and Chips just 40c. Our own made soup and sandwiches. Open 6 a.m. - \ a.m. Next to Murphy’s Lillian’s Restaurant. COLLECTORS-DEALKRS, Nisei, Japanese, ex-servicemen Specialist (Japanese philately) wants covers, accumulations, occupation issues, literature, BUY’ —SELu —TRADE. J. L. Phllapy, 4968 Kubicam, Phila. 44, Pa. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The HI-FIVE have openings for Nov. 18, 24, 26. Good rates. Call Barry AD 8-6186. GREAT FIVE-PIECE Rand available Fri day and Sunday nights. Variety mnsie by THE CRESCENDOES. Steady work de sired. Call MI 3-2713 or write William Greenleaf. 312 Third St.. Huntingdon, Pa. WILL DO typing in my home. For further information call Al) 8-1348. Very cheap, LIBERAL ARTS Lecture Series. Nov. 21. Prof. Oldsey will speak on “The Aspects of Literature.’’ LOLLYPOPS. LOLLYPOPS, Lollypops. Buy you “Lick 'em Lions” Lollypops Sat urday when Chimes Hat Society sells Lolly pops ftt the game. , JIM ROTH Please call Hob M. at , AD 7-4626. 1 Must Talk To You. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA FOR SALE LOST the other colleges. Attendance at clubs in the agriculture school has fallen off, Althouse said. Whether the drop is permanent or only temporary because this is the first term has not been discovered yet, he said. Students, Althouse said, seem ingly have had to make a choice between extra-curriculhr activ ties and keeping up with their work because of the switch to the term plan. So far, they have decided to study, he said. IT FEELS GOOD TO WATCH MY OWN CLOTHES BEING CLEANED IN MY OWN SPECIAL DRY CLEANING MACHINE SAYS Paulette Zander CENTRAL PENN CLEANERS Pitt Came Buses North Halls Council will spon sor buses to the Penn State-Uni versity of Pittsburgh game. Round-trip tickets go on sale today for $4. The buses will sup ply transportation directly to Pitt Stadium and back to campus. Tickets are available at the Hetzel-Union desk and the Wafr nock post office. Ticket sale is scheduled to end Saturday. Stu dents Who wish to travel together are requested to purchase tickets at the same time. The buses are tentatively sched uled to leave at 7:30 a.m. Satur day and will return immediately after the game. I Oth term Elementary and Kindergarten Education UNIVERSITY SHOPPING CENTER Westerly Parkway • State College WEDNESDAY "NOVEMBER 15. BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto Satisfaction Guaranteed 200 W. College Ave. AD 7-7992 Let Collegian Classified! WORK FOR YOU