The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 18, 1961, Image 7

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AN HONORARY PHI CHI THETA PIN was presented to Ralph
Hetzel, son of former University president, Dr. Ralph Hein', by
Patricia Shockey, society president, at a luncheon held in Helzel's
honor on Friday at the Nittany Lion Inn,
Phi Chi Theta
Awards Hetzel
Ralph Hetzel, son of Dr.
Ralph Hetzel, former Univers
ity President, was awarded an
honorary lifetime membership
to Phi Chi Theta, professional
women's commerce fraternity
in the school of business admin
istration, on Friday.
The honor is awarded each year
by the fraternity to outstanding
ing persons in their chosen fields.
Hetzel was chosen for this honor
in May, but was not officially
made a member until Friday's
luncheon at the Nittany Lion Inn
when Patricia Shocked•, president
of the fraternity, presented him
with the Phi Chi Theta honorary
Iletzel is a member of the Board
of Trustees and is also vice presi
dent of the American Motion
Pictures Association.
Others who have been given
this award include: Ossian Mac-
Kenzie, dean of the College of
Business Administration; Milton
Eisenhower: President Eric A.
Walker; Dorothy J. Lipp. dean of
women; Mrs. Eric A. Walker; Miss
Mary Jane Wyland. professor
emeritus in education; and Ralph
Wherry, head of the Department
of Commerce in the College of
Business Administration.
Council Elects Hupper
The North Halls Council at its
meeting last night elected Rich
ard Hupper, junior in secondary
education, as president of the
In further business the council
decided to hold a record hop in
Warnock lounge every Saturday
evening from 8:30 to 11:30.
Have Something
(Our Free Delivery
doesn't extend to Wash., D.C.)
112 S. Frazier AD 8-8381
ar-:-P hicken
'Leave It to Jane'
All coeds named "Jane" will he
admitted free to the State College
Community Theatre's production
of "Leave It to Jane," upon pre
sentation of matriculation card.
The play will be presented at
8 p.m. October 26 through 28 at
the State College Senior High
School auditorium.
Members of Players and Thes
pians are participating in the
Community Theatre production.
Ws what's up front that counts
Up front is FILTER-BLEND and only Winston has it!
Rich, golden tobaccos specially selected and specially
processed for full flavor in filter smoking.
Food Service 'Plan Ahead'
If any University group has
taken heed of the sayings'
"Plan Ahead" and "Be Pre-1
pared," it is the Department!
of Food and Housing. Besides'
storing foods for regular mealH
time use, this has!
ben saving goods for times of !
All foodstuffs used in Univer
sity dining halls are shipped to
the Food Stores Building, located
on Route 322 next to the Univer
sity golf course, The modern brick
building, built three years ago,
houses a bakery, butcher shop
and offices besides regular stor
age space,
"National headquarters of civil
defense have been informed of
our normal supply of food and
our capacity to produce goods
in our bakery and butcher
shop," Robert C. Proffitt, direc
tor of food service, said.
Times of emergency would be
defined by the national civil de
fense office, Proffitt said. The
Finance Club to Meet
Tonight at Sigma Pi
The Penn State Finance Club
will hold its first meeting of the
term at 7:30 p.m. tonight at Sig
ma Pi fraternity.
New members will be intro
duced to the club at this time and
the function of the club will be
President James Roberto has
announced that plans for the an
nual trip to the New York Stock
Exchange will be discussed. All
interested students have been
invited to attend.
food service office would then de-! facts may be achieved if one
termine to what sources and areas knows that each car contains 3,000
the University food supply would3o-pound cases, or an impressive
be distributed
With the amount of food tires-kielight
ently on hand in the Food Stores, Dry stuffs cereals, salt,
Building, the approximately 15,-I sugar (the average weekly ship
-000 students now on campus; ment is one-half of a railroad
could eat according to the regu-, car), and paste products are
lar menu for about five days.' also stored in the building.
This is the estimate of Miss Louise' Although planning has been
Sehermehorn, manager of the done by civil defense concerning
building. national emergencies, many clues
"Except for fresh fish and tions are Mill unanswered eon
produce, which we receive eerning proper procedure during
weekly, we would have enough an atomic attack.
food to last 10 days if a substi- At the University one tin
tute diet were introduced," Miss answered question is how rood
Schermerhorn said. will he transported to dining areas
About 14,000 pounds of meat during a period of fallout, Stan
are processed per week in theley 11. Campbell, director of Uni
building's butcher shop, Missversity Services, said his depart-
Schermerhorn said. On hand i»!me»I has been working an such
the building is an impressive'questions, but no definite plans
100,000 pound meat supply. ihave been made.
A spacious storeroom holds 48: Campbell attributes most of the
50 railroad cars of canned goods. indefinite plans to lack of infor-
Twelve to 14 railroad cars of fro- mation about fallout. Little in
zen food make a weekly appear- formation has been disseminated
ance at the loading platforms, through government or national
Better appreciation of these'agencies, Campbell said.
.. ... ..
214 HUB
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R. J. Reynold' Tobacco Co.. W [nylon-Salem, N. C.
90,000 pounds worth of frozen
k j , 4
4--:-: 4-'-
7:30 P.M.