PAGE TWELVE Bikes- (Continued from -page one) were buying bicycles or bicycle parts, that he has been so busy that he hasn't tried to keep track of the number of bikes he has sold. But, he said, he has been reordering by the hundreds. Another reported that he had already sold over 100 bicycles and had another 75 on order which he expected to sell. Only one thing does not seem to fir into this bicycle-buying frenzy. The police have been excluded in the great rush. The State College police re quire that all bicycles in town and on campus be licensed with them, but since the last licensing period began in April only 1,600 bikes •have been registered with them. So. those thousands of you who have not gotten your bicycles licensed' yet, had better hurry down to the police licensing sta tion -in fropt of the Borough Building on .S. Frazier St. this Saturday between the hours of 9 a.m. -and 12 noon or 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and 'settle up' with the law Artist Series -- (Continued from page five) present Sean O'Casey's "Pictures in the Hallway" Jan. 27. February 4 begins a series of many different kinds of music when the Modern Jazz Quartet comes to the University. Next, Felix de Nobel will con duct the Netherlands Chamber Choir Feb. 28, and closing the winter series on March 10 will be a concert by Pierrette Alarie, soprano, and Leopold Simoneau, tenor. In the spring term, on March 31, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orches tra conducted by William Stein-, berg will arrive and finally, vio linist Issac Stern will appear in Schwab on April 27. Tickets are available at the Hetzel Union desk immediately preceding each performance. *a I 0 GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperclassmen. •Comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or privnte bath, innerspring mattresses, central. Parking accommoda tions to inspect and compare. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. Aflame 7-7792 or Aflame 7-050. MEAL MODERN, large a rooms and bath 1J nfiirnishtd apartment for partially fur niahcill, clone to carimun. Suitable for 2 or S. Electric range and 2-door E.E. refrig erator with freezing compartment. recreation area. AD 7-77112 or Al) 7-4850. STUDENT PARKING adjacent to CIITHPUB on l'ark Ave. Minimum walking to all huildintra on campus. Inquire at 207 E. Park Ave. AD 8-1330. ROOM—private bnth, shower, for two stu dents; central. Call Mrs. Cop, AD 7-7792 or AD 'l-4850. APARTMENT IN Boalsburg above store; 6 room; and bath. Stove and recrliterotor. Suitable for couple or students. Call 110 G -6832 or HO 6-6812. WANTED—ONE BOY to share an apart ment. Al) 7.7295. DOUBLE ROOM for rent; cooking facili ties. Central location, parking. UN 5.- 5E51 after 5:00 AD 7-4078. FURNISHED APARTMENT for 4 or f, students. Call AD 8-0763 or inquire 622 West Beaver. ROOM FOR ONE or two men. Close to campus, prefer ones who go home week ends. AD 8-6C79. MAN WISHES TO allure nice Country home with three men students or work ing couple with car. All conveniences, shower, kitchen, parking. $4 per week each. Call AD 7-2965. DESKS, TABLES, breakfast sets, dressers, chest of drawers, 6On igh t chairs. Hoy's Used Furniture—just off Mountain St., Lemont. Al) 8.0420 after b P.m. FRESH CIDER, no preservative added. Truck at Freezer Fresh, Dale Summit, Sat. evening, Sun. afternoon and evening. FRESHMAN ENGINEERS—OfficiaI slide rule, used one term, less than half price. Cal! Dennis AD 7-4326. HAIRCUTS, an stytes in stock. Rudy's Barber Shop. One mile from married grad dorms on Benner Pike. Weekdays: 12 :30 to 9 :00, Saturday 8 :00 to 6 :30. GREAT DANES—AKC registered show and pet stock, cropped and innoculated. Nomad's Dane Kennel, AD 1-3980. 1954 131.110 E SPECIAL, hard-top, excel lent condition. Must sell. Make us an offer. AD 8-1875. rr • . „. . . . .• •.. ..• •••:: . . TRUE ORIENTATION HAS JUST BEGUN I 4 116 1 ,H ... ..f . ';:?...' ' , C1 ,1 :- ..i: ; ,....i*t. „,-;; . 7:!::;......! .. .. ; -...';';''..!::i vi diii',..; : '1;.g . :4.:.; . :4 --.: .. ..,.i.,..,.,- . 4 ;"' ......z . ......,....: ..r. : ..., , ., : ., - ... .. . .4... . -.. , . ALL UPPER-CLASSMEN KNOW OF OUR FAME ALREADY, FRIDAY 8:00-12:30 in Waring Lounge THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA • COLLEGIAN FOB BENT FOR SALE Come to the Traditional FOR SALE BUY A 1968 2-bedroom, .9-bed Trailer .for $lOO down and the balance as rent. Suitable for a trio of Ancient& Call AD 7- 4762 after 6 p.m. SINGER PORTABLE Sewing Machine, need, perfeet condition. Guaranteed 5 yrs. $3O. AD 8-8367. TO ENHANCE the floors and/or walls of your fraternity, sorority or dorm. Penn Kato rugs-14.00. Call UN 5-7400 or AD $- 0703. MEAL TICKET in Waring Mall for root of terra, Reduced price. Call Ray, UN 5- 7416. 1960 TRS SPORT'S CAR with back seat, racing aat'ety tirfri and racing clutch. Price $1,600. Call AD 84968. 131NOCULARS, 7 and JO power excel lent for, sport events. Coated optics. Call AD 8-6408 after 6 p.m. BOOKS FOR RALE—English 110, CDFR 818, Commerce 161. Call Neal AD 8-6118. 1961 OLDSMOBILE-98, good tires, brakes, heater, automatic transmission, window washers, spot light, other accessories. AD 7-4412. 1853 FORD, recently repainted, mechanic ally good, condition good. Must sell. $175. AD 8-87E4. RENTAL PARKING, 201 South Atherton Cull Witt Stine, AD 8-6259. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle, 166 c.c., windshield and saddlebags; top condition. Call AD 8-9082 after 7 p.m. 1952 PLYMOUTH 2 dr., R&H. Good con dition. Snow tires. Call AD 84858 be tween 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. LOST ' BLACK LEATHER Wallet, $B7 and cards. Reward It returned. All the money I have. Call UN 6.6683. FANISfIED: SDT PIN. If found place emergency call to Dont UN 6-8680. PAIR OF black and white framed glasses in a white case at Saturday's game. Reward! Call UN 5-2809. BROWN RIM GLASSES lost on Saturday between McElwain and Beaver Stadium. Please return, Tom Saxer, AD 7-4332, Chi Phi fraternity. LOST—ONE WALLET. Reward depends on condition when returned. Please re turn wipers. UN 5-4434. PAIR OF black and white framed glasses in brown ease lost last week. AD 8-6025. DARK BLUE Wool Suit, 8 pieces, in West Halls area. If found call Roger, AD 'I -4082. Reward! WEST HALLS RECORD HOP i JUST ASK CLASSIFIEDS • =:!l=L 1:MI WANTED WANTED—POSITION AS Baseman with any group playing locally. Experience with name groups and Air Force Band. Write or contact Bob Umbaugh, Woody crest Trailer Court. WAITERS SAND Dishwashers—work for meals in the new modern kitchen at Delta Chi. Call AD 749139. MEN TO WORK for meals in fraternity house kitchen. Best foal in town. Call AD 7.4161, ask for caterer. MOTOR SCOOTER, in goal shape, $125 or lest. Will Day cash. Thane AD 84786 ask for Dave. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share apartment Call Marilyn, AD 7-3943 or AD 7-2776 WANTED—GUITAR MAN for Comloci. Can Al, AD 7-8383. STUDENTS—EARN UP to $1.60 per hour setting bowling pine. Two or three eve nings of your choice. Downtown Dux Lance, 128 S. Pugh. WANTED—WAITERS. Tau Kappa Epailon Contact Cook or phone AD 7-4444. GIRLS WANTED to sell part-time in their own dorms. Requires little time. A chance to make extra money. Call Mr. Shaw, AD 7-7818 after 7:00 p.m. GRADUATE STUDENT to share apart ment. Call AD 8-8918 in the evening. PANTRY ROY to work for meals. Excel lent food, no dishwashing, Call AD '7.4937. HELP WANTED DISHWASHER WANTED. Call caterer at AD 7-2961. PART-TIME EXPERIENCED female foun tain help. Hours between II and 2, Tues. through Fri. Apply F. W. Woolworth, Mrs. Facer, fountain manager. PART-TIME HELP wanted evenings. Call AD 8-8381 after 5 p.m., ask for Frank. TABLE WAITERS—work for Your meals. i Call caterer at AD 7-9908. ASSISTANT MANAGER---work for room. See Mrs. Stitzer, The Colonial. AD 7- 9850. AD 7-7792. PROOFREADERS WANTED. Experience preferred. Apply to The Daily Collegian after 6:10 p.m. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN wanted to represent growing concern handling out standing line of college items. Must be 21 and not a senior. Send resume to Royal Crest Corp., 627 Ridgcdale, Birmingham, Mich. WANTED TO BUY 1937 FORD COUP. Call Bob Bartlett, AD 7- 4444. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1961 INS MUCTION TUTORING IN German and French for courses and graduate language require manta. Call 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. 7 p.m., A 1) 8-1254. f=llE= MEALS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or West .Go North to Eat .the Best; Mom Isenberg's Famous Horne:style Cooking; your home away from home; no standing in line, no dishes to carry, fine food at its beet: Breakfast 45e Lunch 51Se Dinner 11.15. Call Mr. Reamer at AD 8-1330 for your meal ticket, Ag Hill Club, 207 B. Park Ave. I====l ACCOMODATIONS TRAVELER'S LODGE MOTEL, North Atherton Street, one mile north of 'Ur& I versitg. Single rates $4• double rates 36; I triple sf: quadruple $10; dorm accommo. dates seven people, $2 per person. MISCELLANECUS STUDENT CHECK CASHING Agency now open. Hours: 10:30 n.m. - 6:16 pm. at HUB desk. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: THE HI-FIVE are back, featuring two electric guitars, bass, organ, sax, drums. Need more be said? il Contact Barry, Al) 8-6166. ATTENTION SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The Twisters are back on campus with rock and roll or Jazz. Bookings now available. Call Al AD 7-3383. P.S.O,C. ROCK CLIMBERS l Introductory trip. Meet front of Rec Hall 10 p.m. Sunday. Bring sneakers and lunch. SGA HOUSING Committee will have office hours 7-9 p.m. weeknights—behind 203 HUB or calf UN 6-7112. IF YOU DON'T like Women's Government, then run for AWS community council and change It. "Jf yc'. can't beat 'em, join 'em." YOU'RE SUCH A charming co-ed. Why you ought to he in Women'e Government! Run for AWS Community Council. REFRESHMENTS FOOD GAINES —SPORTS. Newman Club Picnic: Sun day, Oct 1 at Holmes-Foster Park. Starts at 1 p.m. Transportation furnished. Meet at chapel at 12 :30 p.m. TO THE PERSON who adopted my ratty bike, complete with blue seat cover and 'red grips—it has bad brakes—ride In heavy I traffic. YOU'RE SUCH A charming co-ed. Why you ought to be fn—Women's Govern. ment I Run for AWS Community Council.