PAGE TWO Reviews: Area Plays Called Season's Significant Arthur Miller's modern tragedy "A View From the Bridge," now at Mateer Playhouse under the direction of Max Fischer, is a candid examination of a man and his fate. .. It should earn for Will Gregory, in the starring role as Eddie Carbone, a "most valuable player of the year" award at the theater, .ing. Eddie's attempts to break up Gregory so far this season has: this romance, his actions guided demonstrated his abilities as '-" selfish passions' of fear and dynamic character actor in roles bate lead him inexorably to his which naturally complimented his own' destruction seemingly irrepressable sense of humor " NOW IN THE ROLE of Eddie'."The Heiress" by Ruth and Aug- Carbone, Gregory establishes him Justus Goetz presents an intriguing self as an actor capable of taking study of what sometimes can be an audience to the depths of a thin barrier between love and :hate' in human relations. man's soul. He bares all to real- istically show the human appetites SUCH A STUDY, concerning a and fears of Eddie an n ordinary 'daughter's realization of her fa man in whom is mirrored a weal:-., er's feeling of intense disgust l i ness of humanity itself. 'for her and the impact of this re- The play deals with Eddie's lovelalization on her personality, calls for a parentless niece whom he and for the highest development of his wife have raked from child - !emotional expression in each hood. She has suddenly emerged character. - . as a physically mature woman i Director Jon Barry Wilder has and with this, Eddie's love for herichosen a cast, admirably led by takes on a more sensual character.iMiss Jeanne Harris, whose sin- The inevitable conflict comescerity of expression makes this when the girl meets and fails in; play the most significant pro love with a man of her own choosiduction at the theater this season. Runkle Residence to House 300 Women For Fall Term About 75 independent wo men "approved by the dean of women's staff" will he in tegrated into the North Halls community for the fall term. Mrs. Marion B. Davison, assistant to the dean of women, said yes terday. THE DELAWARE HOUSE in Runkle Hall will be used for the "further development of the com munity living plan" by the se lected group of women, she said. They will have no staff member in their house but wilt select their own leader to work with the new coordinator, Mrs. Davison said. Miss Dianne Hunt, residence as sistant in the community living plan from Stanford University, has been appointed coordinator of Rankle Hall. THE OTHER THREE HOUSES in Runkle Hall will be integrated with other women—freshmen, transfer students and "a few late registering upperelass wo men," Mrs. Davison said. The group of women selected By DEX HUTCHINS Collegian Reviewer The Boal Barn production of for the Delaware House had lived together last year and requested as a group at the end of the spring semester to have one of the va cated suites in McElwain. Mrs. Davison explained that this group and others were selected for the' honor experiment in Runkle's, Delaware House. The men in North Halls area "were clamoring for women" and this experiment with an inte grated community is the first step, she said. The other three houses in Run kle will each have senior women who will be staff assistants but have duties similar to the junior residence counselors, she said. The only renovation in Runkle Hall to make accommodations for the new plan is the construction of an apartment for the residence hall hostess. Let Collegian Classified, WORK FOR YOU FRIDAY MITE PATTY BIGELOW at the Piano ILuncheons . Dinners Sandwiches Pizza your favorite beverages MEYERS' RESTAURANT 238 W. College Ave. SUMMER COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Borough Extends Free Meter Plan Until October 1 1 The State College Borough Council decided Tuesday night to extend the moratori um on free parking until Oct. 1. This decision affects cars' parked at meters between the hours of 6 and 10 on weekday evenings. During this extended period, committees from the Council and the Chamber of Commerce will study and compile the data col lected during the last trial period that lasted from April to July. BECAUSE SOME people were putting money in the meters dur ing the free period, a suggestion was made from the gallery that bags be placed over the meters during these hours as a reminder to the public. Paul Mazza, Cham ber of Commerce president, said he would take this suggestion un der consideration. Profs to Speak Abroad Two professors have been awarded Fulbright lectureships for the academic year 1961-62. Both plan to spend the year in Austria. They are Dr. Kent Forster, pro fessor of European history, who will lecture at the University of Vienna and Dr. Neal Riemer, pro fessor of political science, who will be at the University of Inns bruck. WMAJ Program Highlights 6:30- 9:30 Alan in the A.M. 9:35-11:00 Dick Homer Show 1:30. 4:30 Bob Zamboni Sh. 4:30- 6:00 Dick Homer Show 7:05- 9:00 Curtain Time 10:05- 1:00 Groovology 54 NBC NEWS ON THE HOUR NBC EMPHASIS Monday through Friday MONITOR From NBC on Weekends PITTSBURGH PIRATES BASEBALL WMAJ 1450 Wide Range Radio Night & Day Ye Olde Burger Shoppe and the Mymphay both serving HAMBURGERS HOT DOG and SAUERKRAUT 25c 20c 10-oz. RIB STEAK with French Fries, Lettuce and Tomato, Bread and Butter $1.29 Now! Every Nite from 5 to 8 Spaghetti, & Meat Sauce French Bread ALL YoU 1 $ CAN EAT 11, both Directly Across from Old Main • THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1961 ?r4 ' 34 SARRE/ * DRIVE-IN THEATRE .** Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 10 11, 12 Show Time 8:40 "THE BIG SHOW " Starring Esther Williams and Cliff Robertson Also "ALL IN A MIGHT'S WORK" Dean Martin & Shirley MacLaino Sun. thru Wed., Aug. 13-16 "THE NAKED EDGE ), Gary Cooper & Deborah Kerr Also "THE UNFAITHFULS 5! Gina Lollobrigida & May Britt "Meet the Stars under the Stars at STARLITE"