PAGE EIGHT Pigossi Says IFC Must Unite For Success The Interfralernily Council must work as a unit and not as individual groups if the fra ternity system is to improve under the four term plan, Richard Pigossi, IFC president said Monday night. At the final meeting of the semester, Pigossi said that, the fraternity system is faced with two major problems, drinking and discrimination, and that Iho coun cil must solve these problems os a unit. "Many fraternities arc living in the past, but we must look to the future as a system and not as individuals,” he said. In other business, IFC decided to investigate the possibility of getting the State College Borough Council to lower the initial fee levied on fraternities for trash collection next term. The same amount has been levied on all fraternities regardless of size, .Tamos Stalter, chairman of the trash committee said. Compulsory borough trash collection will be effective in July, he said. The council also decided to in clude individual fraternity fees in the rush booklet to be given to incoming freshmen for summer counseling. In addition IFC approved the appointment of Steven Zitin, Sig ma A'pha Mu, as rushing chair man and Dean Wharton, Phi Kap pa Psi, as workshop chairman. Tareyton delivers the flavor... Here’s one filter cigarette that’s really different! The difference is this: Tareyton’s Dual Filter gives you a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with a pure white outer filter—to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton delivers-and you enjoy-the best taste of the best tobaccos. DUAL FILTERTOTCytOTI Ettelson Reports Increase Of 83 Alumni Memberships A total of 83 additional mem berships in the Alumni Associ ation have been repotted to the alumni office by class agents, Jim Ettelson, Senior Week chairman, saitl yesterday. The Senior Week campaign to solicit Alumni Association mem berships from seniors ended offi cially Sunday, but class agents are still continuing to report addi tional memberships to the office, Ettelson said. Although 19 class agents re ported drive results yesterday, 9G still have not reported, Ettelson said. He added that a total of 395 memberships have been reported so far. This figure includes both CAMP CODY A well-established boy's private camp in the lake region of New Hampshire has openings for men in the junior or senior class, graduate students or instructors. Positions available include head waterfront, tennis, dramatics, music, riflery, and nature. Minimum age 20. For information, brochure and applications. The Office of Student Aid, 218 Willard Building. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA paid and pledged memberships, he said. The 263 paid memberships solicited so far this year equal the number solicited at the same time last year. The remaining 132 members this year are those who have pledged to pay membership fees before graduation. The College of Engineering leads both in the number of mem berships solicited and the number of class agents who have turned in their results, Ettelson said. He said 89 of the memberships re ceived are in the Engineering College and only nine of their 37 class agents have failed to report. : :;V:: : :-:Yi • r ,V / ' ,> , v. '* A * *> , , • CLASSIFIEDS 1053 CHEVROLET. Powergliiie (recently overhauled), power steering, radio and heater. Excellent mechanical condition. Clean, 66,000 miles. AD 8-2536. $226. 1666 MOBILE HOME 46'; excellent con dition ; automatic washer, two bedrooms. Less than $2OOO. Call AD 8-8074. 1964 TRIUMPH Motorcycle 200 c.c. Call AD 8-0373. 1967 NASHUA Trailer, 85’x8’ 2-bedrooms (one converted to study). Perfect for married couple. No. 8, Penn State Trailer Park. AD 8-1769 after 6:30. 1961 DODGE, standard 3-speed transmis sion. Excellent mechanical condition. Must sell. $99.60. AD 7-7026. _ 'mTMERCURY convertible; power brakes; seat, windows automatic; good tires. $6OO. Cali Ed UN 6-6307. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, Swiss made; slightly used, in excellent condition. Any reasonable offer accepted. Call AD 7-4679, ask for Werner. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN in excellent con dition, with all desirable accessories, Must Bell quickly. Phone AD 7-3240. 1960 FALCON 2-door; standard trans mission, radio and heater. Excellent con. dition. Call AD 8-2987 after 6:00. BRAND NEW Hi-Fi speaker 12" co-axial 45 16,000 cps, 20% off. Also Win. cheater model 70 80 - 06 standard grade Monte Carlo stock, sling and case. Call George M. AD 7-1957. 1961 CHEVROLET, forest green, in excel lent condition. Reasonable. Call AD 8-1440 after 6:00 p.m. KEYSTONE CAPRI 8 mm. movie— Koda. scope projector (760 watt) light bar and lights. Like new. Whole outfit $85.00. AD 8-2761, Jim. 41-FOOT 2-BEDROOM Trailer. You must see to appreciate. Call AD 7-2642. FOR RENT MUST KNOW by Friday—if you want the best in summer living. Free TV, laundry, parking; three blocks from cam pus. Room and board or either. Phone AD 7-4819. APARTMENT FOR 3 or 4 ,* available June or August. Excellent location. AD 7-2501. DOUBLE ROOM for fall semester for *juiet students. Call AD 7-4346. LOOKING FOR male student to share furnished apartment for summer. Bent $36.60 month. Call Allen AD 8-6264. / DUAL FILTER DOES IT! \ \ \ ■ fe'sft* id mot ©*•*■«■»> FOR SALE ura white Xfter filter '.TIVATED lARCOAL mr filter WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1961 CLASSIFIEDS • FOB BENT FOUR - FIVE MAN apartment, one block from campus. Available June Ist. 132 S. Pugh St. AD 8-2620. THRFiE ROOMS and bath furnished apart ment, near campus; cool in summer. Available June 10th. Phone AD 7-2666. SINGLE ROOM for summer semester, male or female. 406 E. Prospect Ave. AD 7-2761. FURNISHED OR unfurnished 2-bedroom and bath apartment adjacent to College Township Sohool. Large kitchen featured, abundant storage and closet space. Quiet, spacious, recreational surroundings; 6 min. drive from downtown. Ideal for couple or couple with small child. Enjoy friendly tenant-owner relationship. Available June 16th. Phone AD 7-2058. SEMI-FURNISHED Apartment. Avail able June 10. $70.00 a month. Overlook Heights. Phone after 3:30, AD 7-3002. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, bed in- eluded if desired. Excellent location, 228 S. Allen St.; 2 rooms, bath, complete kitchenette. Quiet, parking in rear. $6O month. Only married couples or single grad students. Call State College TV, 232 S. Allen St. ROOM AND BOARD at Alpha 74eta fra ternity. Summer term board on five day week basis. For information call Mre. Alice Crandell, AD 7-7621. FURNISHED APARTMENT near Potters Mills by a sparkling stream. Kitchen, living room-bedroom, private bath and pri vate entrance. Cool pines, hemlocks; near highway but seculded, $5O per month. Available June 1 - Sept. 1 or permanently. Cali UN 6-6591 before 6 or EM 4-1648 after 6. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate week end accommodations for family and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany. Mrs. Cox AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860. PROJECT APARTMENTS, one and two bedroom, duplexes, available for June 6, July 1 and September 1. Federated Home and Mortgage, 710 S. Atherton St. AD 8-8500. MODERN THREE MAN Apartment, dur ing summer. Furnished; two miles from campus. Reasonable rent. AD 7-7924. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, one-half block from campus for rent during summer term to male students. Single, J6/we*k; double, $5/week, 125 S. Pugh St. AD 7-3412. • •(■MMMtMMMaMaMtMfMtItIIMttIMStMCCMMMMIICVM GOLD GHARME Bracelet without charms 1 Lost Sat. morning. Finder please contact Sheila UN 6-4418. WALLET LOST on Thursday. May 11, between Our Lady of Victory church and Niltany. Finder call Led, UN 6-6882. RONSON IMPERIAL Lighter, chrome finish, Inscribed with initials G.T.W, Reward. AD 8-2542 after 7 p.m. MASYN FOUND auiaiita ita aaniiMtaai mm •■•s»*■ M* lit! MlMliiaMitllHlt GIRL'S 1960 Bellefonte H.S. ring. Initials M.M.M. Call AD 8-2542 after 7 p.rn. WANTED WANTED RIDE to New York City on Friday after 12:00. Call Richie F., AD 7-4409. TYPING—EIite and Efficient. Call AD 8-1416. TWO RIDERS to California. Leaving after June 10. Call Larry between 1 and 4 p.m. AD 7-4737. TYPING Book reports, term papers, etc. 25c per page, 6c carbon copy. Call AD 8-1248, 412 S. Allen St. WAITERS, KITCHEN Help, to work dur ing the summer term at the University Club. If interested call Mrs. Parsons, AD 7-2391. TYPING—FAST and accurate. AD 8-2648. WANTED: two or three man apartment for seniors next fall. Close to emnjnie. Phone AD 7-3441 after 7 p.m., ask for Bob. WANTED—A FURNISHED home for a group of xipperclass male, students 1o be occupied in the fall. Call Bill, UN 6-6064, FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students, needs one more male student Within walking distance of cam pus. Phone AD 8-1409 after 6:00 p.m. TYPING AND multilithing thesis reporta, etc. Reasonable sum. Call AD 7-7066. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT SHOE SHlNE—'Davidnon's Barl'er Shop, next to Murphy’s 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. FREE PICNIC on May 21, 1 p.m.—Holmes- Foster Park. Meet in front of Eisenhower Chapel, 12:S0 for transportation. Newman Club sponsored. HELP! TWO third-place 1900 Spring Week trophies for Carnival and Float missing. Please phone Donna, UN 6-5489. GRADUATE STUDENT married or single. We have apartment furnished or un furnished rooms with or without board that we will rent in exchange for work as follows: Grading and seeding lawns; mowing lawns and vacant lots; washing, greasing and waxing cars and child care. In replying state marital status, size of family, if married whether you would want apartment or room or room and board—your past experience in cnUnorira mentioned. Whether you would want to work for all or part of rental. Reply to: Collegian Post Office, Box 261, State Col lege, Pa. NF.ED RIDE for two to Bach Festival, Bethlehem, Friday. Call Lynn at UN 6-8510 or Jeannine at UN 6-8618. DESKS, DESKS, DESKS, Files, Chairs, Shelving. For a complete selection of new and used at the lowest prices in the state see Equipment Manufacturer# Inc., 487 Pine Street, Williamsport, Fa. DESPERATE—SAVE beautiful friendship! Borrowed ladies’ tan leather jacket mys teriously disappeared from Willard. Re ward for information concerning where abouts. AD 8-2693. TENNIS FANS—racket stringing and re- pair# the No-Awl-Way by Hassinger, Large selections of nylon or gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E, Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. PIFER'S: Your one-stop music center on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line accessories. Open daily from 9-8 except Wednesday* FJfer Music Center* Phone EL 6-3441.