'AGE TWEINE Folk Dancers Add To Campus Fame The University is now gain ing recognition in a field be skies scholarship and sports. This new source of fame, which has been brought about by the Penn State Neu Bavarian Schuh plattler Dancers, is German folk dancing. This group has entertained for the Aryan Singing .Society in Syracuse in celebration of the German War Veteran's Weekend. Recently, the club was one of seven dance groups chosen to par ticipate in the Rochester Folk Dance Festival. They also per formed at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg. This folk dance club does the authentic dances of Germany. specializing in the Schuplottle of the Bavarian Alps. The Schu plottle is a dance imitating the action of the wood grouse It includes much slapping of the thighs, heels and soles and sides of the dancer's shoes to achieve the rhythmic sounds. The Schuhplattlers were organ ized in 1954 by a group of male students from Reading who had danced with a Bavarian Dance Moans . at 'Center' Mean Blubie Near By SANDY WALL and JOAN HARTMAN. "AAAAAAhhhhhhhhh . . . . I'm dying." This is the familiar moan that is frequently heard by doctors at the Ritenour Health Center. It is especially used by feminine patients on Thursday to get out of a Friday bluebook with hopes of regaining their health for the big weekend. If the hospital is fairly vacant, the coed is led to a cell and plunked on a high, hard hospital bed. An attractive young nurse walks cheerily in with the accustomed attire of a Rilenour resident: lav ender V-necked shirts which reach to the knees, violet trousers which wrap around the waist twice, and an orange kimono. The patient is told to make herself comfortable. She is given a few aspirins; and, with reassur ing words that the doctor will be around soon, the patient leafs, through a few of last year's Sat urday Evening Posts. Diversified amusement con sists of looking out of the win• dow and watching the boys go by in their neat, trim ROTC uniforms. It does not take long Spaces Open for Tour Places are still open for stu dents, faculty,. staff, and their families who would like to 'tour Europe with the Chapel Choir• this summer.. Music Festivals. in Bayreuth, Salzburg, Verna, Verona, and Edinburgh will be included in the five week tour from July 17 to August 26. Additional infOrmation may be obtained at the Helen Eakin Ei senhower Chapel.- FEATURING THE "B E L-A R ES" West Halls Will Rise Again I Positively There will be a JAM SESSION in WARING LOUNGE an SATURDAY - FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE • FREE group there. The club is currently limited to 10 active and 14 in active members. Members are chosen mostly from Interlandia and square dances held on cam pus. The costumes worn by the danc ers are the authentic dress of the Alpine area. The men's outfits, ordered from Germany, consist of lederhosen, short leather trous ers, fancy suspenders, shirts, knee socks and Tyrolean hats. The girls make their own Cos tumes of full skirts, with rib bon trimming, peasant blouses, shawls, pantaloons and garters. The garters of different colors; worn at the knee, are the means by which the men identify their partners. Choreography for the dances is done mostly by the president. Stanley Christman, senior in phys ics from Centerport. Some music and choreography is obtained di reCtly from Germany. In order that the students may know more about the club, its members are planning an exhibi tion with Interlandia sometime in the near future, according to Christman. before the silence of the health center is broken by the cheery voice of a bustling nurse bear ing handfuls of white cards. When asked about her family history, the quick-witted coed will respond with, "I've got an older brother on campus." This is supposed to be a clever maneuver to enable her to see her boy friend during visiting hours (which, of course, is strictly forbidden.) By late afternoon of the same day, the coed really begins to miss her radio. For a change of pace, she dons her orange robe and strolls out on the sun porch which is so stifling that she im mediately returns to her room. Between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m_ the patient receives visitors. They usually are her roommate who brings some 1961 magazines, a git'l who took the bluebook and supplies the patient with the ques tions and the wrong answers, and a helpful friend who has the gall to smoke in front of the invalid. By the time the doctor finally arrives on Saturday morning, the patient learns that she is genuine ly ill and must remain a Ritenour resident for at least another week. Two HEc Seniors Receive Awards Martha Wilson, senior from Wilmington, Delaware, and Lu rene Jochem, senior from Pomp ton Lakes, N.J., were presented with the Edith Pitt Chace awards recently. The awards are given annually to seniors in the College of Home Economics who have demon strated "excellent citizenship, scholarship, and professional in terest in home economics." The award is in honor of the late Edith Pitt Chace, director of home economics from 1918 un til her retirement in 1938. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ICCB Elects . Hill Chairman Ervin A, Hill, president of the Engineering and Architecture Stu dent Council, was elected chair man of the Inter-College Council Board recently. Running against Hill was How-1 and E. Needleman, sophomore in business administration fr o m Bala Cynwyd. Needleman was elected vice chairman over avid Reynolds and Richard Riter. Barbara Johnson, president of the Education Student Council, was re-elected secretary-treasur er. The council recommended that the ten college council presidents be elected before the spring elec tion for the council members. CASH-17 words or less CHARGE-12 words or less $.50 one Insertion $.75 two insertions $l.OO three insertions Additional words-3 for s.os for each day of insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY 1968 TURQUOISE MGA, recently rebuilt. Top running condition, Torma cover, ra dio, heater. Call AD 7-4934, Gerry, after 6 p.m. , 1966 RENAULT 4-door sedan in good con dition. Price $326. Call AD 8-1269. TRIUMPH Bonneville Motorcycle, 1960 Excellent condition. Call AD 7-7046. 1957 TRIUMPH TR-3, wire «•heels, disc brakes. 113 Hiester St. or UN 6-4809. Sandy. • 1953 DODGE Gyro-Torque; good condition but borne repairs necessary. $l5O or best offer. AD 8-8901. MG-TD, excellent condition. New tires El nil engine. Cull Bob, OR Graduate Circle. FORMAL GOWNS, sizes 9, 10, 12. Any reasonable offer accepted. Call AD 7-4768. HIGH STANDARD .22 Automatic Pistol. Two interchangeable barrels. Seldom used. Call evening AD 8-2609. 38'0 HOUSE TRAILER, two bedrooms with bunk beds, large porch; near cam pus. Reasonably priced. Cali AD 8-3118. 195 S TURQUOISE MGA, recently rebuilt, top running condition, Toneau cover, radio, heater. Call AD 7-4039, Gerry, after 5 p.Ol. 1967 GREAT LAKES Trailer, 46'0', ex- cellent condition, 2 bedrooms tone for study), storm windows and screens, fully insured, excellent location. Park Forest Trailer Park, AD B-1432. 1957 MARLETTE, 46x8. 2 bedrooms, washer. Choice lot in College View Trailer Court with. trees and brook. Price is right. All 8-1085. WILLING TO swap for cash 1950 VW convertible in excellent condition, very low mileage; a Vespa G.S. motor-scooter; Leica Camera and several lenses. Call AD 7-4454. 195'1 TRAILER, 39'x131. Two bedroom fully equipped. One-half mile from campus. Inquire 1245 N. Allen after & p.m. HAVE TRAILER, Will Sell. Highest offer Call AD 8-8074. THREE SINGLE VOOlllB in quiet home for fall semester. Call Al) 7-2596. FURNISHED APARTMENT near Potters Mills by a sparkling stream. Kitchen, living room-bedroom, private bath, and private entrance. Cool. Pines, hemlocks. Near highway but seculded. $5O per month. Available June 1 - Sept. 1 or permanently. Call UN 5-6591 before 5:00 or EM 4-1548 after 6:00. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED one bed room and bath apartment in quiet, friendly neighborhood with country setting. Five-minute drive from downtown. Every thing provided. You need only cooking utensils and linen. Available June 7th. Phone AD 7-2058. APARTMENT FOR RENT: unfurnished (but includes bed if desired). Excellent location at 228 S. Allen St. Consists of 2 rooms, bath, kitchenette complete. Only graduates or married undergrads should inquire in person at State College T.V.. 232 S. Allen St. or call Clearfield Po 5-8803 and reverse charges. TWO ROOM furnished Apartment, first floor. near campus. Utilities included. Men preferred. AD 7-2665. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR RENT Wife of Professor Establishes Grant A scholarship that will aid and encourage a junior in civil engi neering has been established by Mrs. Leland S. Rhodes, of State College, in memory of her late husband, Professor Leland S. Rhodes. The scholarship will provide $2OO annually to be awarded to a civil engineering student begin ning his junior year. The recip ient will be chosen at the close of the sophomore year on the basis of high scholarship, charac ter and financial need. - The Sultan of Socotra (largest island in the Arabian Sea) is ab solute monarch over his people, who are kept law-abiding by stern punishments decreed since medie val times. FOR RENT SUMMER ROOM - BOARD, sBo.per month ; 3 blocks from Main Gate; free parking. free clothes wash-dry; TV. Phone AD 7-4819. TWO FURNISHED basement rooms. Sum- mer term. Shower, refrigerator, cool near campus. $6.00 each. AD 7-7212. 519 W. College Ave. APARTMENT,,Furnished. Available for summer term. Second floor, 129 South Pugh, State College. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate week- end accommodations for family and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. ,Nittax9. Mrs. Cox AD 7-7792 or AD 74860. LOST DARK BLUE-TRIMMED glasses in brown case Wednesday morning between Pol lock area and White. Call Kay UN 5-8887. GREEN RAINCOAT with red paisley lining at Tavern 6/3761. I have yours. Call Arlene UN 5-8458. LOST SATURDAY Night, Chi Psi fra ternity pin. If found please call Barbie UN 54034. WANTED COUPLE WITHOUT children desire nicely furnished apartment starting Sept. I. AD 8-0876. RACKS IS IT GUYS? Extra beds needed for Mother's Day Weekend, May 13 & 14 at Kappa Sigma. Call AD 7-2044 and ask for Jim Dean. KITCHEN HELP wanted, Phi Epsilon Pi Call Butch AD 7-49.53. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students. needs one more male student. Within walking distance of cam pus. Phone AD 8.1409 after 6:00 D.M. RIDERS TO Scranton, Port Jervis, New Haven. Leave early Friday morning May 12. back on campus late Sunday evening. Call Warren AD 8-0642. COLLEGE MEN SUMMER JOBS FULL TIME WORK TRIS SUMMER EARN $4OOO BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER 30 30 30 —.30 $lOOO Cash Scholarships and Grants to Colleges • Earn in excess of $133 per/week • Travel to resort areas with plenty of time for boating, swimming. and golf •Win an all expense paid holiday to London for a week • Some qualified students may work overseas for the summer' BASIC REQUIREMENTS: 1. over 18 years of age 2. at least 6 months of college 3. neat appearance Those students who qualify may continue their association with us next semester on a part time basis. Cali nearest office for appointment. Buffalo TL 3-0495 Utica RE 3-1468 Elmira RE 4-8634 Pittsburgh AT 1-8385 Rochester LO 2-6220 Syracuse HA 2-0718 State College AD 8-2051 Albany HE 4-4981 Johnstown 5-4856 Schenectady FR 2-2610 Altoona WI 2-3232 NEW YORK OX 5-8731 Brooklyn,- N.Y. MA 5-7640 Hempstead, L.I. IV 6-4167 Jamaica, L.I. AX 1-7396 NEWARK, N.J., MA 2-5283 or MA 2.5282 Trenton OW 5.1973 Staten Island SA 7-3355 PHILADELPHIA XI 6-2258 Reading FR 3-7358 Allentown HE 2-6681 Harrisburg CE 3-1512 Camden, N.J. WO 3-2718 SATURDAY. MAY 6. 1961 Players Set . Up Display in. HUB The Penn State Players have set up a photography display in the Hetzel Union Building.. Larry Epstein, who took the photographs; said the display de picts the series of steps leading up to the production of a musical comedy. The 25 pictures included in the exhibition show the Players at work on "Paint Your Wagon," the musical they are scheduled to present on May 11, 12, and 13 in Schwab. Camera Club Picnic The Penn State Camera Club will hold a picnic today at Stone Valley. Transportation will be provided at 1 p.m. in the park ing lot of the;Hetzel Union Build ing. WANTED , TYPING AND multilithing thesis reports. ate. Reasonable sum. Call AD 1-1056. SIX MALE Students for a unique summer opportunity. In an old, run-down housing area, apathy and pessimism flourish, breed ing further decay in a seemingly endless cycle. Ten students can help break this cycle in Syracuse, N.Y. by showing how it's possible for a family to repair its own home. Full cooperation of the Painter's, Electrician's, Plumber's, Carpenter's Un ions; of the Urban League, the F.11.A. and the Mayor's office has been secured. Students. would live cooperatively, repair ing the house and encouraging neighbors to do the same. Four seeds have volun. teered to work from July 16 to August 6. Free transportation from Penn State. Scholarship and loan funds are available. Men are needed immediately. Could you be one of them? If interested call Jim Ilalfaker, AD 8-2411 as soon as possible. DISHWASHER WANTED—work 2 mesh!, eat 3. Call caterer, AD 7.2161. MISCELLANEOUS 'WOMAN DESIRES typing to do in her home. AD 8-8194. 611 W. Deaver Ave. WILL DO daily baby sitting in Hearer villa area. Call AD 8-3190. FOR STANDARD and Electric Typewriter Rentals; complete typewriter repair service: and all thesis typing supplies shop Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. AD 8-6125. DR. ROBERT W. GREEN will speak on Louis XIV. May 9. 1961 at HUB Assem bly Room, 7:80 p.m. TENNIS FANS—racket stringing end re• pairs the No-Awl-Way by Ilassinger. 'Large selections of nylon or gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. 'University Tennis Service, 514 E. Beaver Ave. Phone Al) 7-2316. PIFER'S: Your one-stop music center on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line accessories. Open daily from 9-8 except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Phone EL 5-8441.
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