The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 25, 1961, Image 8

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Disci linor Action
Student Dismissed,
3 Others Suspended
One student was dismissed and three others suspended
from the University recently for theft, according to Leroy S.
Austin, associate dean of men. The action was taken by the
Senate Sub-Committe on Discipline, he said.
The student who was dismissed, a junior in education,
Colwell Gets
'Prof Snarf'
Title, Gifts
"Best Liked Professor" was
the notation on the trophy
presented to "Prof Snarf" Dr.
Richard C o I w ell, associate
professor of accounting.
A total of $221.84 was collected
during the two week campaign
which ended at 5 p.m. last Fri
day. The proceeds will be used
by World University Service for
educatibnal, building, medical and
technical aid to foreign students.
In past years much of the money
has gone to Africa and Algeria,
Janet Goodman, chairman of the
contest sponsored by WUS, pre
sented the trophy and gifts do
nated by local merchants to Col
well Sunday evening at the
awards program in the Hetzel
"This is just like Christmas,"
Colwell said as he opened the
gifts. "I want to thank the stu
dents who voted for me and the
merchants for all these gifts."
Colwell mentioned that al
though he didn't know it, men in
the graphic arts department had
made campaign posters an d
flashed them on the television
screen between classes in Boucke.
Among the gifts he received
were free restaurant meals, candy.
a nebbish figure, a tie and belt
set and stationery. Several gifts
were for his wife.
Shoe Repair SPECIALS:
Men's Half-Soles and Heels only $2.75
Men's Rubber Heels only 85c
113 South Pugh St.
The term official, to be meaningful, must have
earned the acclaim of purchasers. Balfour has
thousands of Penn Staters who wear the official
ring with justifiable pride.
You owe it to yourself to be a part of this cen
tury-old tradition. Stop in today and speak with
Crum Jenkins. He'll be glad to tell you about the
style, the eraftmanship, and the care that make
Balfour rings the finest.
Buy one ring buy the best. Buy Balfour. A
$5.00 deposit is all that is necessary.
was caught taking goods from Jo
cal stores, Austin said.
A freshman in engineering was
suspended for the remainder of
the semester after he was caught
with a bicycle which did not be
long to him, Austin said. The stu
dent admitted taking the bicycle.
In a similar case, a sophomore
In liberal arts, was suspended
until the winter term of /962 for
taking a bicycle. The student
was given a more severe penal
ly because he used physical
force in liesisting . apprehension.
Austin said.
A sophomore in business ad
ministration, caught shoplifting in
a downtown store, was suspended
until the winter term of 1962,
Austin said. The student was on
disciplinary probation at the time
of the incident.
The sub-committee placed
two other students on suspend
ed suspension for the remainder
of the semester. Suspended
suspension is a penalty placed
on a student who will be sus
pended from the University im
mediately if he continued his
One of them, a senior in agricul
ture. was given the penalty for
entertaining women in his down-
(Continued on page twelve)
et 7
e 3
Pizza & Sub Shop
15" Subs 21 Ingredient's
Pizza 10" - 12" - 14"
Oven Hot Delivery
To Your Door •
AD 8.0526
400 W. Beaver Ave.
AWS to Take
'Coed Survey
A survey to determine what
coeds want in the way of activi
ties, counseling and rules and
regulations will be taken by the
Association of Women Students,
according to Margaret McPherson,
outgoing president.
At a recent meeting, AWS
Senate decided that a lack of
effective communications was the
reason for the "unsuccessfulness"
of AWS this year. The survey was ,
decided upon to further commu
nications between students and
the organization.
Richard Haber, president of
SGA and James Ettleson, chair
man of the Supreme Court spoke
at the meeting.
They call it
if I
"kiss mist
New Lavoris Oral Spray • • . they call it "Kiss Mist" on campuses across
the nation! "Kiss Mist"! Exciting new way to freshen your breath in
stantly! Use it anytime, anywhere—after eating, drinking, smoking—When
ever you want to be close . . . stay close!
One spray does what breath gums and mints can't do! New Lavoris
Oral Spray freshens breath—kills odor-causing germs on contact! Comes
in a carry-it-with-you bottle, handy for pocket or purse.
University Readers to Sponsor
Annual Intercollegiate Festival
ing the festival were chosen at
the end of February by members
of the Speech Department. They
are Mary Louise Papis, Sue Wertz,
Helen Jewels, Roy Altman and
Peggy Mitchell. The co-chairmen
for the event are Mary Louise
'Papis and Juliet Howells.
Since the festival is not a con
test, there will be no judging or
The University Readers will
sponsor the Thirteenth Annual
Pennsylvania Intercollegiate
Reading Festival Thursday and
Friday. Twenty-three colleges will
Each college participating will
have students reading prose, nar
rative, poetry and drama. The
students may read any selection
they wish in one of these cate
gories, but are required to limit
the length of the readings to be
tween 8 and 12 minutes.
The festival will be divided
into four sections: poetry, prose,
drama and multiform. In the lat
ter section students may read
selections from any one of the
other three fields.
The University Readers enter-
250 sprays • Less than a penny a spray 69c
Orientation Applications
Today is the final day for sub
mitting Women's Orientation
Counselor applications, Applica
tions should be turned in at the
lletzel Union desk. Women of sec
ond semester standing or higher
are eligible.