The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 22, 1961, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT illiams to. Speak \t Schwab Service The Reverend Preston N. Wil liams, Assistant University Chap lain, will speak on "The Tempta tion of Law" for the University Chapel service at 10:55 a.m. to morrow in Schwab:- Williams served for two years as assistant professor of religion at Knoxville College and Lincoln University and as college chap lain of North Carolina in Dur ham before assuming his post at the University. The University Chapel Choir, directed by Willa Taylor, will sing "Surrexit Pastor Bonus" by Orlando di Lasso, The Reverend Donald Mellvride, director of the Westminster Foun dation, will speak on "Eternity's Circumstantial Evidence" for the service at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Eisenhower Chapel. The Medi tation Chapel Choir, directed by James Beach, will sing "Souls of the Righteous" - by S. Marchant. The Westminster Fellowship will hold a reading retreat on "Love and Justice" at 2 p.m. to morrow in the home of a church member. At 6:20 p.m. the group Nvill meet for a panel discussion moderated by Rev. Mcllvride. The Newman Club is attending a convention at the Penn-Shera- Skull and Bones Cards Tapping cards will be available through April 2B for Skull and Bones, senior men's hat society, in 109 Old Main. All sixth semester men with a 2.0 All-University av erage are eligible Tareyton delivers the flavor... Here's one filter cigarette that's really different! The difference is this: Tareyton's Dual Filter gives you a unique inner filter, of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make the taste of a' cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with a pure white outer filter—to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton delivers—and you enjoy—the best taste of the best tobaccos. m MAL" FIZTEB areyton ton Hotel in Pittsburgh this week end. International firesides, spon sored by the Student Christian Association, will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at the home of Dr, and Mrs. Gordon Pritham, 265 Woodland Drive. An informal discussion will offer the chance to meet and question persons of the other cultures. The Baptist Student Association will leave at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow for Bucknell to attend a speech on "Zen Buddhism." The Lutheran Student Associa tion will hold elections for next year's officers beginning at 6:30 tomorrow. Women Debators Place in Tourney The Women's Debate Team 'placedp second to the United States Military Academy Saturday at the Invitational Debators Tourna ment at City College of New York. Twenty-five eastern colleges par ticipated in the tournament. Lurene Jochem and Nancy Huber won all of their debates and tied for the award of the best, speaker on the negative side. Two weeks ago, Christine Ir win, Janet Friend, Lorraine Fro-' kopowicz and Helen Will tied with St. Joseph's College and Uni versity of Maryland for first place' in the Delaware Valley Tourna ment at Rutgers University. This year's debate topic is: Re solved: the United States should adopt a program of compulsory health insurance for all citizens. THE TAM THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA HomeEc Wing Dedication Held The new home economics build ing was dedicated at 9 a.m. yester day with Dr. Howard A. Cutler, executive assistant to the presi dent for academic affairs cutting the ribbon. Dr. Grace M. Henderson, dean of the college, gave a brief history of the growth of the college of home economics and stressed the importance of producing quality. The purposes of one's life must "remain constant," she said, and must be "rooted in the intelligent use of one's daily life." The "basic social unit of life is the family" and society will always concern itself with this unit, she said. The function of a college of home economics is "to accept the challenge of service and knowledge to build a college to serve," she concluded. Liberal Party Meeting Liberal party will meet at 6:30 tomorrow night in 121 Sparks to endorse candidates for student government offices, Dale Harris, party chairman said last night. WANTED! UMPIRE for TIM SOFTBALL Saturday Interested Persons Call AD 7-7003 AD 7-7996 After 5;30 is Yd: / 0 1 1 / 1 2 / , / • 4.40÷% ••:••cv "15' . 4. . ,e? .`•': • :;.• . - • • ) „,:v f.. -.';'.'..: .. ). eiP ., ..: ''`:.:": ; i .:l;...' ''. : :! , :'S'{ ...I ,: r .:::::' *0 .„'..:.:' VV.:::. Judges to Choose Miss Penn State Thirty-six coeds have entered the Miss Penn State contest. The girls will be interviewed on Monday and Tues day nights and five finalists will be chosen. The judges for the preliminaries are: Clifford Nelson, associate professor of account in the College of Home Economics; Robert Beam, director of the Alumni Fund; Lawrence Perez, assistant dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture; and Mrs. Lillian Larson, associate professor of clothing and textiles. The contestants and their sponsors are: Mary Higgins, Zeta Beta Tau and Theta Phi Alpha; Jayne Buckley, Alpha Gamma Rho and Sigma Sigma Sigma; Pamela Moberly, Gamma Phi Beta and Lambda Chi Alpha; Nancy Williams, Kappa Delta and Phi Delta Theta; Barbara Brooks, Kappa Alpha Theta and Phi Gamma Delta. Freya Waster, Delta - Zeta and Delta Upsilon; Ann Ghiglione, Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Pi; Judy Weiss, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Beta. Sigma Rho; Marianne Ellis, Delta Delta Delta and Tau Kappa Epsilon: Pat &titian, Phi Kappa Sigma; Sondra Schrenker, Phi Sigma Delta. Judy Marple, Alpha Kappa Lambda and Tau Phi Delta; Elaine Lawrence, Simmons UM, LTER OES IT! . • ": ••.' 4 =ql', z 117 - 9/ 1 haled qf ckinearats Weatter u our oil& wax . a. s~rx.~ :::.:. < >'>~-`# - e white ter f►ltet ,CTIVATED !f-lARCOAL inner filter SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 1961 ng, and his wife, a secretary and Pollock B; Dottie Rhelner, PM Kappa Tau; Paulette Zander, Sigma Nu; Nancy Alinkoff, Phi Sigma Sigma and Sigma Chi; Joan Rittenberg, Delta Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Theta; Marjorie Gantor, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Sigma Phi 1/0051) Phillips, Theta Chi and Alpha Gamma Delta; Diane Lindell, Alpha CM Omega and Delta Sigma Phi. Natalie Holland, Alpha Xi Delta and CM PM; Helen Gutman, Sigma Delta Tau 'and Phi Epsilon Pi; Brenda Pierce, Theta Xi; Nancy Madson, Chi Omega and Beta Theta Pi; Carel Hodges, Delta Comma and Phi Kappa Psi; Sharon Stafford, Alpha Delta P 1 and Phi Mu Delta; Linda Jeffries, Atherton and Acacia; Sandra Pomerantz, Alpha Epsi lon Pi; Patricia Bartram, WDFM. Pam Baker, Alpha Omicron Pi and , Delta Chi; Pat Higgins, Phi Mu and Theta Delta Chi; Susan Furminger, Pi Kappa Alpha; Jane Prutzman, Zeta Tau Alpha and PI Kappa Phi; Gloria Barton, Lyon' Hall; Lois Maccubbin, PI Lambda Phi. CLASSIFIEDS CASH-17 words or less CHARGE-12 words or less 3.50 one insertion 5.75 two insertions $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-3 for s.os for each day of Insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY FOB SALE a 1860 DECCA Miami Stereo lii-Fi $6O. AD 8-8236. CHANEL MASTER 6 Transistor Radio* one month old $2O-215. Call UN 5-4501 1959 TR3 TRIUMPH good condition. Write or call Bill Thompson, 401 E. Locust St., Clearfield, Pa. PO 5-3868. 1957 TRIUMPH TR3, white, wire wheels. disc brake. See at 113 Hiester St. '57 TRAILER 38')E8', 2-bedroom, com pletely furnished; half-mile from cam pus. Call AI) 7-7631 until 5 p.m. LATE 1959 MGA Coupe, excellent con• dition, dark blue, RAH, wirer, ww. Goes like a Twin-Cam Honest 16,000 mi.- 81796. HO 6-6862 after 6:00 or contact Bill Jackson, Rm. 114 Carnegie. THINK SMALL. Must part with my lovingly maintained 1967 VW. Has radio, heater, and extra spare tire. Excellent condition. AD 8-2686 between 6 and 7 p.m. only please. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD for fall. Family style meals. Rooms only for summer. Clean and quiet. 243 S. Pugh St. ONE 4-ROOM Apartment—W. One small efficiency apartment completely fur nished—Uo per month. Morning call AD 7-2207, Evening tall FL 9-2850. NEW TWO BEDROOM Duplex, available for Immediate occupancy. Centrally located. Call Federated Home and Mortgage Company AD 8-8500. • FURNISHED ROOMS: bath. kitchen, rec.- 1 reation room, TV at no extra charge; downtown, home-like. Call after 6:30 p.m. AD 7-2967. WANTED RIDE FROM New York City for spring weekend. Call Arlene UN 5-6437. DESPERATELY NEED Ride to NYC or Phila.. Friday, April 28. Call Vicki UN 6-8207. RIDE DESPERATELY wanted to and from Boston, Mother's Day weekend. Call Jeri Schwartz UN 6-2190. USED BOOKS for Asian countries' will he collected in the dorms Saturday. Support the Sophomore Class Project. PIANO PLAYER who plays by ear. Apply Meyers .Restaurant, 2 till 4. DESPERATELY NEED ride to N.Y.C. Friday, April 28. Call Vicki, UN 5.8207. TYPING AND nraltllithing thesis reports. etc. Reaganable elm. Call AD 74056. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students, needs one more male I atudent. Within walking distance of cam pus. Phone AD 8.1409 after :00 n.m. LOST LOST—IN SIMMONS area, white gold Hamilton Watch. Reward. Call Sandy UN 5-7158. MISCELLANEOUS NEED SPRING Clothes Shortened? AD 8.2901, Marilynn. Straight skirts 75c ; full or pleated—sl.oo. 1.50WL AND MEET your friends at down town Dux Club. Public lanes—rates 32 cents. No waiting. 128 S. Pugh St. FOR STANDARD and electric typewriter rentals; complete typewriter repair serv. ice; and all thesis typing supplies. Shop Nittany Office Eouipment; 231 S. Allen St. AD 8.6125.• SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: Rock 'n Roll to the "HI-FIVE." Jam Sessions our specialty. Bookings, still available. Call Barry or Mike, AD 7-4400 or AD 0-61k6. TENNIS FANS—racket stringing and re. pairs the No-Awl-Way by Messinger. Large selections of nylon or gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. PIFER'S: Your one.stop music center on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete I musk line accessories. Open daily front 9.8 except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Phone EL 64441.