The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 13, 1961, Image 6

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Corrected Schedule for Final Exami
Filing of Exam
Begins Today
The period for filing final examination conflict requests
for the spring semester begins today and will extend through
next Wednesday. Requests may be filed in the scheduling
office in 2 Willard.
Students who have two f
time or more than three examina
tions on the same day should file
a request for a conflict examina
tion during this period.
Those with three final exam
inations on the same day, but
without an actual time conflict
may file a request for a conflict
if they wish to do so, John E.
Miller, scheduling officer, said.
No conflict requests of this type'
will be accepted after next ,
Wednesday, he added.
Students with three finals in
one day will be assigned con
flict examinations only when a
section has been set up because
of direct conflict situations, he
Grades for students graduating
in June are due in the Registrar's
Office not later than Wednesday
morning, June 7, so seniors should'
file conflict requests if they have
finals scheduled later than 7 p.m.
June 3, Miller said.
If a student fails to file a re
quest for a conflict examination,
within the conflict period, he will
have to pay a charge of $lO for
the privilege of filing a late re
quest, according to rule 0-8 of the'
Senate Regulations for Under
graduate Students.
The filing of a late conflict
request is a privilege, not a
right, and does not insure that
a conflict examination will
be set up in a situation where
a conflict section was no% need
ed previously, Miller empha
Final examinations begin at 8
a.m. Monday, May 29, and end at
9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 8. The
examination periods are 8 a.m. to
10 a.m.; 10:20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.;
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
1 June 3 7:90 See Lint
June 2 10:20 Ree
3 June 1 10:20 M S
4 June 2 100 109 Tyson
May 29 8:00 107 Bourke
May 31 10:20 See Lint
15 June 2 8:00 1117 Bourke
15 May 30 1 :1(1 1(16 For
403 May :11 7:00 105 0 1.
404 May 30 7:00 100 A B
407 May 29 3:30 107 Bourke
409 June 2 9:30 1119 Bourke
94)0 June 3 8:00 109 Bourke
May 29 1:30 :130 II 11
7 May 30 10:20 219 H
8 June 1 10:20 219 FE
404 June 1 3:30 202 E
412 June 1 111:20 216 II 11
413 May 29 1:10 215 H
411 May 31 1:10 219 EE
419 May 30 :1:30 330 H
101 June 1 8:00 :430 H Il
901 May 31 3:30 330 II B
911 June 2 7:00 330 H
519 June 3 3:30 330 II B
920 June 3 7:00 330 H B
1 June n 3:30 121 Sparks
May 317:011110EF.
3 June 1 1:10 109 A II
90 June 8:00 105 AB
402 June 3 7:00 105 A B
417 May at 7:00 11)5 FL
4211 June 3 3:30 105 F L
439 June 2 8:00 105 A 11
511 May 30 ft:00 101 F 1,
519 June 1 9:041 ton F L
I May 29 8:00 10 Sparks
I May 20 7:00 201 vre.
Thursday, April 13 8 p.m.
Armstrong-Circle Theater
The Life and Deeds of
Rev. Samuel Gibson
Director, University Christian Associati(
in Willard
nal examinations at the same
6 May 29 1:30 121 Sparks
10 June 1 7:00 201 Wes
17 June 2 1:30 204 Wes
32 June 3 7:00 112 0 L
421 June 1 8:00 104 Wea
426 May 31 3:30 206 A B
690 Appt
6)3 Appt
501 May 30 3:30 204 Wea
005 June 2 8:00 204 Wea
515 June 5 3:30 201 Wee
520 June 2 7:00 204 Wee
535 June 0 3:30 204 Wee
I June 3 7:00 108 Tyson
4 May 30 7:00 205 Ag
11 June 1 3:00 204 Wea
13 June 3 7:00 206 Art E
14 June 2 3:30 206 Ag E
102 June 1 8:00 206 Ng B
105 June 3 8:00 206 Ag . E
410 June 5 7:00 206 Ag E
500 Appt
508 Appt
509 Appt
1 June 1 5:00 121 Sparks
28 June 6 1:10 108 Tyson
116 A May 29 1:10 310 Tyson
4161) May 29 3:30 310 Tyson
431 May 10 7:00 310 Tyson
501 May 29 8:00 310 Tyson
503 June 6 7:00 31(1 Tyson
518 May 31 3:30 310 Tyson
630 Appt
1 June 6 8:00 109 A B
6 June 3 7:00 206 A B
7 May 29 3:30 296 A 13
8 June 6 1:11) 206 A B
17 June 3 3:10 206 A B
21 June 1 7:00 105 A B
29 May 30 3:30 206 A B
426 May 31 1:30 206 A B
102 May 31 /1:00 206 A B
1 June 6 1:11r10 Sparks
10 June 6 8 :00 105 A B
31 June 1 3:30 219 E E
45 May 31 3:30 105 A 13
101 June 2 8:00 214 Wil
442 June 2 7:00 13 Sparks
145 June 3 3:30 13 Sparks
110 Appt
1 June 15 7:00 105 Al 3
1403 June 2 3:30 Anthy Lab
5 June 6 1:10 117 Sac
43 June 1 8:00 203 Wil
21 June 5 8:00 26 M S
402 May 29 7:00 203 WI/
303 May 30 3::30 118 Sec
432 June 3 7:00 118 See
1 504 Appt
1562 Appt
357 Appt
15 June 1 6:00 303 Wit
17 June 2 3 . :10 303 Wit
12 June 3 1:10 See List
55 May at 8:00 107 Sae -
77 June 3 7:00 117 Sac
1.1 May 29 :3:30 128 Sac
1.2 June 3 7:00 128 Sae
1.3 May 31 7:00 128 Sac
1.1 June 3 8:00 128 Sae
1.6 June 2 7:00 12R Sac
2 June 1 8:00 117 Sac
5 June 1 R:00 112 Sac
7 June 2 8:00 128 Sac
R May 31 7:00 117 Sac
II June 1 8:00 128 Sac
15 June 1 8:110 303 Wil
17 June 2 3:30 301 Wil
413 June 3 1:00 112 Sac
421 May 31 7:00 112 Sac
503 'Appt
508 Aunt
1.1 May 31 3:30 135 Tem
3.2 May 311 3:00 136 Tern
3,1 June 6 10:20 138 Tem
3.1 .tune 6 3:39 135 Tem
3.5 May 29 7:00 136 Tern
3.6 June 5 3:30 138 Tern
3.7 June 5 3:30 1:16 Tern
6. May 30 3:30 See List
. 11.1 June 1 3:30 134 Tem
14.3 May 31 7:00 134 Tem
11.1 June 6 8.30 136 Tem
10 June 1 7:00 140 Tern
21 May 31 7:00 See List
401 May 29 7:00 138 Tem
j 414.1 May 30 8:00 129 Tent
414.2 May 29 1:00 132 Tem
,420.1 June 6 10:20 137 Tem
1420.2 June 3 7:00 137 Tern
'434 May 31 7:00 128 Tem
434 C June 1 8:00 128 Tern
487 May 29 7:00 140 Tern
HlB9 June 2 3:30 129 Tern
014 May 29 7:00 129 Tern
1020 May 31 1:00 137 Tern
588 June 2 7:00 138 Tern
90 May 30 1:10 10 Sparks
29,1 June 2 8:00 105 M
1 June 2 :1:30 110 E E
6 June 2 7:00 121• Sparks
8 June 3 3:30 108 Tyson
21 May 30 8:00 100 Wea
411 May 29 7:00 206 P
412 June 1 3:30 204 Wea
416 .Tune 1 8:00 206 P B
2 May 31 1:10 121 Sparks
3 June 3 3:30 100 A It
14 June 6 8:00 108 Than
22 May 30 :1:30 10 Sparks
27 June 0 10:20 See List
400 June 2 3:30 108 Tyson
400 .Tune 1 8:00 105 A B
414 June 2 8:00 220 11 L .
419 Appt
422 June 1 3:30 220 B L
5271, June 6 1 :10 220 B L
482 May 29 7:00 113 Houck,
1 June 3 10:20 See
2 May 30 7:00 See List
4 June 1 8:00 220 Houck.
590 Mny 31 3:30 220 Boucka
202 June 3 8:00 229 M I
303 June 3 3:30 229 M I
394 May 30 7;00 229 M I
305 June 3 7 :00 229 M
492 June 2 3:30 229'M I
411 June 2 8;00 229 M I
112 May 29 7:00 229 M I
501 June 5 3:30 229 M I
511 June 1 8:00 225 M I
20 June 6 1:10 109 A B
31 June 3 7:00 105 W L
403 June 2 3:30 214 Bourke
406 June 2 8:00 206 W L
120 June 6 10:20 105 () L
430 June 3 7:00 112 B L
505 May 29 8:00 105 0 L
520 June 1 7:00 106 0 L
1 May 30 8:00 10 Sparks
2 June 3 1:10 Ree
S May 29 8:30 10 Sparks
4 June 2 7:00 10 Spark.
5 June 5 10:20 Ree
23 June 4 3:31) 105 W B
30 May 31 3:30 105 For
31 June 5 8:00 119 0 L
35 June 5 8:00 105 For
47 June 6 1:10 109 0 L
405 June 3 3:30 103 0 L
410 June 1 3:30 109 0 L
426 Ann(
441 May 29 3:30 100 We.
461 May 29 8:1)0 112 B L
165 June 3 3:30 112 IS L
471 June 2 7:00 109 0 L
477 Aunt
490 Juno 2 3:30 103 0 L
194 Aunt
517 May 31 3:30 103 0 L
518 ApUt
526 May 31 7;00 103 0 L
531 May 29 3:30 109 0 L
536 May 29 8:00 109 0 L
545 May 30 3:30 103 0 L
560 Aunt
565 May 30 8:00 103 0 L
18 May 30 7:30 Pee
129 June 3 3:30 105 W B
318 June 1 1:10 See lAA
329 June 2 10:20 100 Wee
418 May 29 8:00 117 H. Fe
129 May 31 3;30 117 H Fe
441 June 2 8:00 117. H Fe
445 June 3 8:00 117 II Ea
11 May 31 3:30 105 W B
12 May 31 10;20 105 St
40 June 1 1:10 128 Sac
41 May 30 7:00 128 Sac
44 May 30 7:00 219 E E
51 May 29 7:00 219 E
61 May 30 3:30 110 F
71 June 1 7:00 128 Sac
1 90 June 3 3:30 105 AI H•
140 June 3 7:00 109 Sac
421 May 29 8:00 108 Sac
1441 June 3 7:00 107 Sae
446 May 2)) 1:00 106 Sae
1485 June 3 7;00 108 Sac
10 May 51 8:00 136 H Fe So
100 June 3 7:00 110 E
101 May 31 3:30 131 H He So
102 June 3 1:10'133 H Ea So
103 May 29 7:00 131 H Ec So
201 June 2 3:30 133 H Ea So
301 June 5 10:20 12 H Fe So
403 May 29 3:30 131 H Er So
406 May 31 3:30 136 H Fe So
408 June 2 3 :30 44 H Er So
411 May 29 7:00 126 H Ec So
510 Annt
2 June 2 3:30 211 Snuck.
5 May 29 10:20 See List
6 June 3 7:00 211 Snuck.
7 May 30 10:20 Se, List
8 May 31. 1.0:20 110 E
Sponsored by
Young Democratic Club
Young Republican Club
Cost of Trip $12.80
Includes Transportation
and One Meal
Meeting: THURSDAY,
APRIL 13, 1961
7:30 P.M.
10 June 3 0:00 107 Boucke
11 June 1 8:00 211 Houck.
15 June 1 10:20 110 E 14
16 May 31 3:30 211 Boficke
17 May 31 7:00 105 For
19 June 2 8:00 211 Boucke
20 June 2 10:20 See List
23 May 29 1:10 109 A B
21 May 30 1:10 121 Sperka
25 May 31 1:10 See List, •
29 June 1 1:10 112 II L
30 June 3 1:10 See Liat
31 June 3 1:10 See List
32 June 3 7:00 217 Boucke
33 June 3 10:20 100 Wea
34" June 8 7:00 105 For
50 June 2 1:10 105 W B
54 May 29 10:20 105 For •
55 May 31 8:00 209 II Ec So
56 June 1 8:00 117 Bor
57 June 2 8:00 213 14 L
58 June 2 7:00 213 B L
62 June 2 3:30 105 For
65 May 29 1:10 105 For
406 June 2 9:00 217 Houck*
416 June 1 7:00 217 Boucke
124 May 29 7:00 217 Bourke
CIO June 1 10:20 117 Bor
434 June 1 8:00 217 Bourke
435 June 2 7:00 107 Boucke
436 June 1 7:00 105 For
437 June 2 8:00 105 0 L
438 June 3 7:00 301 Bolick*
451 June 1 6:00 105 0 L
474 June 1 1:10 105 W
500 May 30 7:00 217 Boucke
501 June 1 7:00 211 Boucke
505 May 81 3:30 211 Bourke
523 June 5 7:00 217 Boucke
574 Appt
577 June 5 8:00 217 Boucke
403 June '2 3:30 210 11 Er So
2 May 31 7:00 203 Wit
3 June 2 3:30 211 Wil
500 Appt
4 May 31 8:00 211 Bor
7 June 2 7:00 211 Bor
16 June 8 3:00 11/0 Wea
27 May 31 3:30 117 Bor
131 May 29 7:00 117 Bor
2 May 31 10:20 See tiat
14 June 5 1:10 See List
15 May 39 10:29 See Lilt
23 June 3 10:20 112 B L
50 June 5 10:20 310 E F.
51 May 31 10:20 105 A B
72 May 29 3:30 117 for
105 June 1 7:00 103 0 L
418 May 29 7:00 205 Houck.,
419 June 1 3:30 205 Mick*
420 May 29 3:30 105 0 L
133 May 31 8:00 205 Hondo
450 May 29 10:20 109 A B
500 June 1 8 :00 200 Boucke
115 June 5 10:20 And
290.2 June 2 7:00 117 for
290.4 May 30 3:30 117 for
403 June 3 7:00 219 E
404.11 June 1 7:00 200 Wil
409 May 20 7:00 214 Wll
417 June) 11:00 203 Wil
420 June 1 5:00 202 Wil
425 June 3 10:20 110 E E
435 June 1 10:20 See Mit
436 June 2 7:00 202 Wit
438 June 3 3:30 202 Wil
443,1 June 2 7:00 201 Wil
443.2 June 2 8:00 201 Wil
4110 June 2 7:00 208 Wil
490 June 2 7:00 203 Wil
494 June 2 3:30 202 MI
508.1 June 2 7:00 303 Wil
500.2 June 5 8:00 202 Wil
509 June 3 3:30 208 Wil
516 June 3 8:00 009 Wll
517 June 2 8:00 311 Boucke
540 Ain't
557 June 3 8:00 202
500 June 3 10:20 202 Wil
571 June 3 10:20 208 WU
578 June 3 8:00 200 Wil
580 June 2 7:00 209 Wil
598 Appt
8 June 1 8:00 10 Sparks
9 May Id 3:30 128 Sac
24 May ' 3l 7:00 202 E E
31 June 6 10:20 See Liat
32 June 2 10:20 See List
33 June 1 7:00 105 W B
35 June 6 10:20 110 E
37 June 2 1:10 110 E
39 June 3 1:10 See Liet
41 May 30 1:10 105 M E
43 May 29 1:10 112 II 1,
46 May 30 10:20 110 1 , 1
49 May Si 3:30 202 E
103 June 6 1:10 219 E E
425 June 2 3:30 202 E
1426 June 1 8:00 111 Boucke
428 June 3 3:30 120 Sac
432 May 31 7:00 219 10 E
435 May 31 8:00 202 10 E
439 June 2 7:00 210 E E
431 June 2 0:00 202 E E
450 June 2 8:00 219 E E
170 May 30 8:00 109 A 11
171 June 1 1:10 215 H B
528 Apot
538 Appt
571 Aunt
580 Appt •
1 May 20 7:00 106 M E
431 May 30 3:20 105 M E
450 May 21 R:00 210 H B
11 June 5 1:10 See List
12 June 2 10:20 Rec
11 June 1 1:10 Rec
14 May 29 10:20 10 Sparks
LIS June 5 8:00 202 E E •
214 May 31 1:10 See List
400 June 3 7:00 213 Sac
101 June 5 7:00 214 Wil
102 June 1 3:30 213 Sea
403 May 29 7:00 213 Sao
408 May 29 8:00 117 Sac
507 May 29 3:30 117 See
511 May 51 8:00 218 Sas
516 May 29 8:00 213 Sao
520 June 2 3:30 117 Sac
523 May 30 3:30 213 Sac
Unit B June 1 800 213 Sao
630 May 29 7:00 -117 See
531 June 3 7:011 215 Sac
534 Jnue S 3:30 215 Sac
5541 Appt
61 June 6 3:30 202 EE
81 June 1 3:30 203 E E
0 - May 29 7:00 13 Sparks
• 1 May 30 10:20 See List
2 May 29 7:00 2 Spark*
I June 2 1:10 See List
10 May 30 8:00 12 Sparks
12 June 5 10:20 See List
16 June 5 1:10 See List
17 June 2 10:20 See List
16 June 1 10:20 See List
It May 29 10:20 See List
108 May 30 10:20 217 Wil
116 June 2 8:00 2 Sparks
120 May 31 8:00 111 Boucke
122.1 June 2 3:30 317 Wll
122.2 June 2 7:00 2 Sparks
131.1 May 31 7:00 100 Wes,
131.2 June 2 8:00 117 Bor
131.3.1 May 31 10:20 10 Sparks
133.1 May 29 8:00 301. Ens B
133.2.6 June 2 10:20 119 0 L
133.3 June 1 3:00 301 Ens B
133.1 May 31 8:00 301 Ens B
133.5 May 30 7:00 301 Ens B
133.7.3 June 5 1:10 See List
111 June 2 :00 1 Sparks
112 June 2 3:00217 131i1
113 June 3 8:00 1 Spark,
119 June 2 3:30 10 Sparks
185 June 2 3:30 109 A
189 June 1 8:00 105 For
197 June 1 3:30 217 Wit
300 Appt
403.2 May 30 10:20 217 Wil
422 May 31 7:00 217 Wil
131 May 31 8:00 1 Sparks
416 June 2 3:30 1 Spark,
417 June 3 8:00 2 Spark.
149 June 3 7:00 217
458 June 1 13:00 2 Sparks
462 June 1 3:00 217 Wit
475 June 2 5:30 117 (tor
133 June 2 3:30 2 Sparks
2 Jnne 2 7:00 109 A B
9 May 30 8:00 113 F 1.
15 June 2 8:00 113 F L
101 June 2 3:0) 105 F L
100 May 30 7:00 117 If Ea
119 June 6 1:10 117 H Ea
120 May 30 7:00 106 H Sc So
220 June 1 7:00 108 H Ea So
351 May 29 8:00 100 If Sc so
420 June 1 3:30 DPI 11 Ec So
152 June 3 7:041 106 Ii 1 3 ,c. So
156 June 2 7:00 308 H Ea So
157 May 29 3:30 106 H Sc So
458 June 3 3:30 117 H Ec
49 June 3 7:00 I 1 For
79 June 2 3:30 100 Wea
76 May 31 3:30 100 Wea
1(15 June 1 8:00 100 Wee
107 June 3 7:00 103 For
421 June 2 7:00 100 Weft
127 June 3 6:00 11 For
166 June 3 3:30 DPI Wea
181 June 3 2:00 103 For
310 APIA
500 Appt
I Judi 5 10:20 121 Spark.;
10 Appt
2 June 3 1:10 121 Sparks
3 June 1 1:10 110 EE
j 4 May 29 10:20 110 E 5
30 June 6 8:00 203 Wit
40 m a y 31 3:30 217 Wil
51 June 2 3:311 12 Sparks
54 May :31 7:00 303 WI!
302 June 2 8:00 203 Wii
113 June 2 3:30 13 Sparks
421.1 May 31 8:00 13 Sparks
1190.3 June 2 8:00 203 Wil
'552 June 3 8:00 13 Sparks
'4411 May 30 3:39 229 3,11
402 June I 3:30 229 hi I
14/I June 1 8:09 121 AI I
109 May 31 3:30 229 IR I
411 June 3 2:30 223
2 June 1 8:00 Ree
2 May 30 31:20 Aud
I May 31 10:20 See List
2.1.3 May 30 10:20 105 M E
2.2 June 1 3:30 128 Sac
2.1 May 31 3:30 219 E
2.5 Juno 3 8:00 219 H
2.6 June 5 8:00 217 Wit
308 June 1 1:10 10 Sparks
1.1 June 3 7:00 317 Wll
1.2 June 2 3:30 124 Sac
I May 31 3:30 111 Boucke
Prexy to Attend
NATO Meeting
President Eric A. Walker left
recently for LaSpezia, Italy,
where he will attend a meeting
of the management board of the
NATO Anti-submarine Warfare
He is expected to spend a few
days at the laboratory and about
two weeks in the general area,'
according to Wilmer E. Ken-!
worthy, executive assistant to the
The LaSpezia laboratory is now
under the general management of
the University. The underwater
research, which is similar to that
done by the Ordnance Research
Laboratory, is conducted by a
staff composed of scientists from
all of the NATO countries.
15 May 31 1:10 Aud
1.1-5 June 1 3:30 26 M 3
1.6-9 May 11 3:30 128 Sae
2 June 3 3:30 219 5 5
19 June 1 1:10 Rec
20 May 29 1:10 See List
24 June 1 7:00 105 M E
26 June 6 10:20 105 M
40 June 1 8:00 214 Snuck.
405 June 2 3:30 203 Wil
442 June 23:302195 5
152 May 30 7:00 121 M I
460 June 3 8:00 121 M I
490 May 31 8:00 229 M I
20 May 31 10:20 See List
21 May 31 7:00 119 0 L
30 June 6 1:10 26 M S
31 May 31 3:30 303 Wil
32 May 30 8:00 26 M
70 May 29 8:00 229 M
420 June 1 8:00 229 M 1
424 May 29 7:00 121 M I
48.4 May 30 7:00 225 M I
183 June 2 8:00 121 114
507 Appt
510 ANA
2 June 3 7:00 121 M 1
406 June 3 7:00 303 Wil
408 ANA
409 May 31 8:00 225 M 1
1 May 29 10:20 See List
IG May 31 5:00 203 Wil
2 May 29 1:10 105- W
20 May 29 1:10 100 Wee
2T May 31 10:20 See List
3 June 1 1:10 12 Sparks
ST June 1 1:10 13 Sparks
4 May 31 10:20 See List
4T May 31 8:00 2 Sparks
11 June 2 3:30 15 Sparks
12 June 1 8:00 15 Sparks
17 June 6 8:00 15 Sparks
45 May 29 7:00 11 Sparks
85 Jima 5 8:00 12 Spark"
1420 June 6 3:30 12 Sparke
12 June 6 8:00 1 Sparks
; 26 June 1 8:00 12 Sparks
150 June 5 10:20 See Liat
1125.1.3 May 29 8:00 317 Pill
128.2.1 June 3 7:00 214 Houck,
215 June 5 8:00 203 Wil
244 May 31 3:30 106•109 H He $o
2 .tune 2 7:00 1 Sparks
10 June 3 3:30 109 A H
1.2 Jvne 3:00 110 F.
17 June 2 3:30 121 Sparks „.
18 June 3 10:20 121 Spark'
19 June 3 1:10 See List
20 June 1 10:20 See List
21 May 29 1:10 See List
23 May 31 8:00 317 Wil
1170 June 3 8:00 317 Wil
233 May 31 1:00 12 Sparks
1301 May 29 7:00 1 Sparks
1408 June 3 8:00 15 Sparks
1413 May 31 7:00 15 Sparks
419 June 1 8:00 217 Wit
428 May 31 3:30 15 Sparks
431 June 2 2:30 16 Sparks
133 June 2 3:30 17 Sparks
136 June 3 7:00 203 Wil
443 June 1 7:00 155 Wil
157 June 2 8:141 12 Sparks
1 171 May 31 7:00 17 Sparks
481 June 3 8010 17 Sparks
502 May 29 7:09 17 Sparks
105 May 29 7:00 16 Sparks
134 Appt
538 Appt
139 Appt
550 Appt
563 ANA
590 Appt
14 June 2 1:10 35 H Er So
'215.1 May 31 7:00 39 H Ec So
211.2 May 29 7:00 39 H Fe So
1215.3 June 3 8:00 39 11 Fe So
210 May 30 I:10 14 II Er
:317 June 6 3:30 39 11 Ec So
409 May 31 3:30 35 II Fe So
440 June 3 10:20 35 H Ec So
391.3 May 29 7:00 11 H Er
. 504 May 50 7:00 lig H Er
200 June 5 10:20 203 H F:c So
319 June 2 10:20 200 H Er So
439 May 30 I0:20 207 11 Er So
445 May 31 8:00 207 11 Ec So
524 Appt
144 Appt
3 June 3 7:00 100 Wen
39 May 29 8:00 111 Tyson
52 June 3 3:30 105 For
13.8 May 30 7:00 111 Tyson
127 May 31 3:30 10 Tyson
411 June 2 3:30 111 Tvesn
456 May 29 7:00 10 Tyson
526 Appt
160 May 31 3:30 14 11 Re
306 May 30 :00 14 H Ec
805 June 5 7:00 104 H Eo
811 May 29 7:00 18 H Ee
8)4 June 3 7:00 DI 1I Ee
213 May 31 1:10 107 Boneke
14 May 29 7:00 123 Tem
Club Announces
Jazz Workshop
A Jazz Club Workshop will be
held at 1 p.m., April 23 in the
Hetzel Union ballroom, Alan Pol
lon, Jazz Club president, an
Jimmy Depreist, drummer,
composer, arranger and president
'of the Contemporary Music Guild
of Philadelphia, and Philip
Brooks, president of Jazz , Hori
zons of Pittsburgh will discuss
"Experimentalism in Jazz." They
also plan to comment on the work
of those jazz musicians present..
The workshop will also include
a discussion of reorganization of
the club's constitution to meet the
need of increasing membership
and the four-term system.
4 June
6 May `;
13 May
14 June
17 May
20 June
22 June
40 June
41 June
42 June
00 Aps t
66 May i
72 May
tut May
tOS May
424 May
430 June
441 June
443 June
16S June
55 Jun•
57 June
425 June
455 June
442 May
461 Mai
12 lune
11, May
34 Juno
46 Mnv
500 AMA
I Mny
:t May
2 June
6 June
8 June
G re