The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 18, 1961, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Religious Staff Expands Offices Through the University Office Of Religious Affairs staff mem bers have now established office hours in West Halls, McElwain- Simmons and Nittany-Pollock liv ing communities on an experi mental basis., • Personnel will be available for counseling with Individual stu dents and student groups and will also refer them to the chaplains Of - their own faiths. Under the new program they will also act as advisors to stu dent religious affairs committees which will be part of the men's and women's councils in each area. These committees will take charge of planning educational programs on various aspects of religion and religious culture. The student committee functioning in McElwain-Simmons has already organized forum discussions. CLASSIFIEDS CASH-17 words or less CHARGE-12 words or less 3.50 one insertion 5.75 two Insertion' $l.OO three insertiona Additional words-3 for 5.05 for each day of insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11100 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE p 1969 MCA. blue. carefully maintained for MON miles. Call UN 64852. q. 6 MCA white convertible, wire wheels, R&M, top condition, gift-wrapped—s 996. Al) 7-7683, Mikesell. USED TV Seth. All makes—table models $3O ~ $6O. All In good working condition. _Call Phil at AD 7-4332 or AD 7-9131. 1953 BUICK with standard transmission. Best cash offer. Phone AD7-4702, ask for Dave. BRAND NEW C-31 Wrico Lettering Set, purchased value 6127.—wi1l sacrifice for $7O. Call UN 6-4217. MUSICAL INSTRUMPNTS and supplies, strings, methods, etc. Used string bass, new 5-stringed banjos, guitars. Pifer Musk Center, Benner Pike, Bellefonte.. PLgin 6-3441. TROPHIES AND Carnival Novelties in stack for any erasion—immediate de livery. Engraving—"big discounts"—Quick "Sign Painting and Show Card Service." Sam Troutman's "Trophy and Novelty" Shop. RD I, State College, Pa. Phone Al) 7-2402 after 6 pan. FOR RENT • FURNISHED APARTMENT vacancy for one student to share with male student: two blocks from West`Canipus. Free park ing. Call Al) 8-1409 after 6 p.m. SINGLE ROOM In Quiet bowie, block and a half from Post Office. Call AD 7-2768. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. everything furnished. After 7 p.m. call FL 0-2890; before 7 p.m. call AD 7-2208. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: Everything furnished. After 7 p.m. FL 0-2890 before 7 p.m. AD 7.2207. IDEAL MODERN furnished efficiency apartment; sun parlor, own thermoatat, private entrance, parking. Suitable couple or bachelor. AD 7-7792 or AD 1-4860. MALE STUDENT to share double room, $5. Call AI) 8-0393. APARTMENT FOR two nude atudenta nt 129 South Pugh. Call AD 7-2095. SINGLE OR Double Rooms, two blocks from compus; (Mot street. Phone AD 8-0044. LOST LOST: PAIR OF black framed glasses in pink case in vicinity of West Halls. Call UN 5-61.06. SILVER BUTTERFLY Vin near' Ree Saturday night. If found Please call UN G-5828. Reward being offered. FOUND FOUND 11 , 1 E.E. on, Tees,lay, black anti white scarf. Call Hank, AD 7-2232. ray WANTED NEEDED—'l'w•elve copies of "Stories for Here and Now." a Bantam Book. Want to sell yours? Lynn Christy, 243 Sparks Bldg. ANYONE INTERESTED In playing drums In II combo plense conlnet Ron Wcetcr, AD 741181. WANTED: PERSON TO wash dishes for mals. Call AT) 7-1402 UMIM3=MMW= typist. Call At) 8-04(38. WAITER TO work for meals. fiTsti food in State College. Chi Phi. CRII AD 7-4332. DISHWASHERS FOR fraternity work, two meals, rat three. Call AD 7.2161, ask for caterer. MISCELLANEOUS ROOM AND BOARD; parking; or mettln alone. 'lnquire Ag. llill Club or mull AD ALL CLASSIFIED AD STAFF member's meeting Weilneesinf night at 6 :30 Please be there. MIIEZI1=1:1=31!= town Dux Club public Intim Rotes 32c No walling I 128 S. Pugh St. THE. RELICIOUS DEBATE of the Cen- tury—''The Dead Sea Strolls." A talk to be . given by Msgr. John J. Dougherty, 'l'lleEtiaw. Feb. 21. 7 p.m.. 111111 assembly room. Presented by Newman Club. repair and reationabic rates including pick up and delivery call AD 8-1006 or AD 8-8G67. Coeds May Enter Beauty competition' University coeds are eligible for the Miss Centre County contest to be held on May 12. The contest is sponsored by the Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce. = All applicants between the ages of 18 and 28, single, and high , school graduates. All appli cants , must be 18 before Sept. 1. Girls will be -judged on poise, personality, charm, beauty and figure. ' The deadline for entries is April 15 and forms. may be obtained by contacting John H. Auman at Elgin 5-4245. FRESHMEN -DON'T FORGET! P 1 KAPPA PHI'S CASINO SMOKER SUNDAY, FEB. , tOels W444#1,1i,?, 0 . - AS t othA V . iihkl'‘lNF; • . ...,„.....1 *e lm ww. 4 , 0% ....CZ ow rElor sy =CII . . 0 y d ~ls Every 24 hours, the world's largest distillation unit separates crude oil into ten different categories which end up as six million gallons of finished products, This involves continual monitoring of 196 Instruments, fol. lowed by precise balancing of controls. To operate at peak efficiency, control directions are changed seventy-two times daily to compensate for a multitude of variables. The IBM computer that recently took over this job now reads the instruments, makes the calculations, and issues the orders for the control changes. It is guided In Its work by 75,000 instructions stored in its electronic memory. Just a few years ago electronic control of such a complex THE DAILY COLLEGIAN.• STATE -COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Sorority Open Houses Continue-Thla Weekend •Sorority open-houses will con tinue today and tomorrow, start ing at 1 p.m. each day. As before, rushees will. visit • six sororities each day spendlng 25 minutes at each. • • Rushees. may pick up invita tions for chatter dates from 8 a.m. to noon Monday in the !Utz el Union recreation room. Twelve invitations may- be accepted for the first round of chatter dates which begin on Tuesday. • Norridgewock, Maine, was estab lished on the site of an old Indian 19, 2 o'clock You naturally have a better chance to grow with a growth company. WRY! Open House Hours The Women's Recreation Asso elation has expanded its open house hours at White Hill to in clude the hours of 1 to 4 Am, on Saturday in addition to,-the hours of 7 to 9 -Friday and Saturday nights. CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS CONTROL SYSTEMS: ORDERS FROM A COMPUTER NOW CONTROL GIANT OIL REFINERY UNIT Industrial process would have been impossible. But such is the progress in computer systems that in the sixties it will become commonplace. This dramatic progress means exciting and Important Jobs at IBM for the college graduate, whether In research, de velopment, manufacturing, or programming. If you want to find out about opportunities in any one of these areas, you are invited to talk with the IBM representative. He will be interviewing on your campus this year. Your placement office can make an appointment. Or write, outlining your background and Interests, to: Mgr. of Technical Employment, Dept. 898, IBM Corp., 590 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. IBM COLLEGE MEN Partilme Employment 15 Hours Per Week Sales work for internationally known firm with offices in every major city throughout the world. Local calls to establish customers. Car furnished. Rapid advancement offered on competitive basis. Careers In management available to qualified students upon graduation. Must have at least average grades. Working schedule will be arranged to suit class and study schedule whenever possible. CALL MR. RICHARDSON 9:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. Mims 8-2051 SALARY $47 PER WEEK IBM will interview February 22-24 SAIURDAY. FEBRUARY 18; • 1 .factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Paris ilarvlcs ' $162 4 1.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 .E. and fil. Williamspo