The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 18, 1961, Image 7
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 18. 1961 Gymnasts Host Pitt In Final Home Meet The Penn State gym team, fresh from last week's win over defending eastern champion Army, plays host to the winless Pitt Panthers in Rec Hall tonight at 8. The meet marks the last home appearance of the year for Coach Gene Wettstone's forces. * * * The Panthers, 0-3 so far this season, has a veteran team that could give the Lions trouble if they hit their routines. Pitt has lost to Navy, Army and Syra cuse. Injuries to key men have ham pered .1 the Panthers all year but I : they will be at top strength to-1, night. Last year Syracuse handed Pitt t . its third loss but Earl McConnell, a top tumbler and consistent per- E•. former on the side horse, did not compete. McConnell, one of the , best p. tumblers in the East when he is healthy, has recovered complete ly from the cold that kept him ?. out of last week's meet. Joe Battaglia, Ron Daugherty, Jack Lehner and Ed Zaminick team with McConnell to handle . the bulk of the scoring. Battaglia is a tumbler, rope r, s climber and ringman. Lehner also , competes on the rings. Daugherty is Pitt's leading per former on the side horse. Zami nick competes on the parallel bars and horizontal bar Lion captain Bob Mumau will be making his final appearance before the home crowd. The slim veteran, who hoisted him self up the 20• foot rope in 3.6 seconds against Army last week, is favored to take the rope climb. Mumau; rope-climber Bruce Fosnocht and ringman Jack Dina hue are the only seniors on the team. Penn State's lineup will be the same as last week except for Tommy Seward's switch from tumbling to the side horse. Gene Harlecher. Tom Page The BX has a Complete Line The BX refunds 50c on every $5.00 By JOHN MORRIS GREG WEISS * * * and Dick Criley will tumble for the Lions, followed by Sew ard, Greg Weiss and George Sayre on the side horse. Weiss and Seward team with Keith Hagenbuch on the hori zontal bar, one of the Lions' strongest events. Sophomore Bud Williams joins Mumau and Fosnoeht in the rope climb. Weiss, Seward and Kenny Mor row are the Lions' leading scorers on the parallel bars. Donahue, Gerry Schaefer and Larry Yohn give the Nittanies one of the strongest ring teams in the East. Coach Jay Werner's freshmen have a meet with Pitt and Slip pery Rock Teachers at 6:30. Engineering Supplies Spiral Notebooks Thesis Materials and, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Army Set for Trackmen Penn State's indoor track squad, which won its - first dual meet since 1947 at Navy last week, will try and make it two in a row against Army at West Point, N.Y., today. Coach Chick Werner's thin clads surprised the Middies with a strong corps of distance run ners and some unexpected per formances by unheralded sopho mores. But Army is aware of State's potential and won't be caught sleeping. Besides, the Cadets have four meets under their belts compared to one for State, and the added competi tion may be a factor in the final outcome. Bob Brow makes State threat in the CI yard dash. JI AlMagUer, A. My's top sprint er, has bee timed aroul 6.4 all ye a Brown did (3. in the Nay: meet to win go. ing away. Gerry Norman heads State's mile and two-mile entries. The ,Drugging Incident Denied WASHINGTON (11)) Inge mar Johansson's denials that he was drugged the night he lost the heavyweight boxing champion ship to Floyd Patterson apparent ly has headed off a formal Sen ate investigation of the story. GET AWAY FROM IT A•ll Stop by the Poet's Corner Hub Reading Room Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:05-10:35 he ÜBA Returns Money for Sold Books MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Unsold Books Will Not be returned until the ÜBA are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. By JIM KARL Jerry Wettstone TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 purchase flashy sophomore won both events against the Middies. Army's top milers are Howie Roberts and Ted Bens. Stan Thompson is another possible entry. All three have recorded times of close to 4:20 for eight furlongs. Steve for will . run in the 600 for the second time in his life against Army. In his first try he ran 1:12.1 to win at Annapolis. Don Davies who came in third, will back up Moorhead. Dick Campbell and Jerry Wett stone, a pair of 6-4 plus high jumpers, should give Penn State some points in that event. - Gene Laßorne, who, holds the Army high jump record, will compete for .the Cadets. Gary Brown, a 13-foot pole vaulter, will battle State's Dale 0 0 0 miesse Our New Hours to Serve : You Better Will Be 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Daily. Injoi t r it3 CIIP=I,7 Q 3,.. FAMILY RESTAURANTS 230 E. College Ave. State College, Pa. • •1 11 11 * I TCO 4 **O *OOO ' LARGE COT — TRY STYLE STEAK, Grilled or 1 to your choice and served w' t Garden Salad, Golden French Jar Own Baked Bread, Creame:y nutter and Apple Butter. from 9 to 5 Peters and Ciro Risoldi for the top spot in the pole vault. Army is 2-2 so far this year. They beat St. Johns and Pitt and lost to Manhattan and Harvard. Varsity Golf Candidates A meeting for all varsity golf candidates will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the ice skating rink. ==:l Brdisteh, _ 06 , Tiok , s „r, 4 • ; 0.011 TAXI RETURN GRATIS TUESDAY IS STEAK DAY $1.29 PAGE SEVEN