The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 18, 1961, Image 5
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 18. 1961 Rudd to Speak on 'Courage' The Reverend P.. Barrett Pat Smathers; and "Crossroads," Rudd, associate director of the t the young adult class led Mr. Donald Mcllvride. University Christian Associa- Coffee and rolls will be served tion, will speak on "Courage at 9:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Worship services will be held at to be Free" for the Protestant 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. at the Pres service of worship at 9 a.m. to- byterian Church. The Sunday Evening Fellow-1 morrow in Eisenhower Chapel. ship will meet at the V,isenhow-' The leader of worship will be er Chapel at 6:30 win. in observ- I Reverend Sam N. Gibson, execu-• ance of the Student World Day of tive director of the UGA. The Prayer service. Garth Moodie,l Meditation Chapel Choir, direct- freshman in business administra ed by James Beach, will sing the tion from Kingston, Jamaica; Ha- ! anthem, "Unto Thee, - 0 God," by zel Ramos, graduate in sociology! Hovhaness. from Manilla, Philippines; dndl Morning seminars will be held Charles Smith, graduate in busifi at 9:30 a.M. tomorrow at the ness administration from Cape] Presbyterian University Center. Town, South Africa, will speak.l The discussions will be "The Gas- The Meditation Chapel Choir will pel of Mark," led by Dr. Howard provide the music. Hartman; "Fourteen Gteat Chris- Mass will be held for Roman' tian Sermons," led by Mr. James Catholics at 9 a.m. in Schwab and' Halfaker; "Protestant - Roman at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. tomorrow Catholic Encounter," led by Miss ------- Methodist To Speak At Schwab Dr. Stanley R. Hopper, Dean of the Graduate School, Drew University, will discuss "The Word Within The Word" for the Protestant service of wor ship at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab. Hopper was an American dele gate to the First Conference on Christianity and Art at the Cha teau Debossy, Caligny, Switzer land, in 1950. In 1958 he was chosen one of five Americans to serve on the faculty of the first Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies at Lincoln College, Oxford, England. - Hopper has written many arti cles and books, among them the 'Exposition for- Book of Jeremi ah.' for the Interpreter's Bible. . The University Chapel Choir. under the direction of Willa Taylor. will sing "Truly My Soul in Silence Waits" by Her bert Beattie. and "Drop, Drop, Slow Tears" by Ernest Bullock. Hopper will also speak at 6:00 tonight at a dinner-lecture spon sored by the University Christian Association in the Hetzel Union Dining Room. His topic will be "The Devil of the Stairs." Independents Will Hold Dance in HUB Tonight The Independent Student As sociation will hold a Bluebook Bounce at 8 tonight in the Hetzel Union ballroom. Admission will be two used bluebooks. The purpose of this dance is to replenish the ISA bluebook file, according to Barry Rein, ISA president. Music will be provided by rec ords with Donald Rees as disc "ockey. The Choice of the lions is II II I The Penn State Diner GOOD FOOD - REASONABLE PRICES 24-HOUR FRIENDLY SERVICE "Ray General Admissions will be sold This performance will include the Raylettes, and will run the gamut from Rhythm and Blues to pure 0 ...3notiJorelsl bu ry e PENN STATE JAll CLUB , ThE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA at Our Lady of Victory Church. The Wesley Foundation will have a coffee hour at 9 a.m., wor ship service at 9:15 a.m. and dis cussion seminars beginning at 9:45 a.m. The topics will be "Con temporary Issues From Motive," led by Mr. Lester Anderson; "Ex ploring the Bible," led by Mrs. Carl Boyer; and "Major Beliefs," led by Dr. Leon Kneebone. The Lutheran Student Associa tion will hold a Bible study coffee hour beginning at 9:15 a.m. The University Baptist Church will hold a student class at 3;30 a.m. Sunday on the topic "The Reconciling Gospel" with a wor ship service at 10:50 a.m. The B'nal B'rith Hillel Founda• Lion will hold a class at 8 p.m. Tuesday on -the "Dynamics of Medieval Jewish History," .a con tinuation of Rabbi Goldberg's program on Judaism. Charles Comes To This Sunday at 8 starting at 7:00p.m. New York Jazz! Tickets $1.75 Cunningham to Present 'Master Dance Lesson' Merce Cunningham, a leading figure of the avant-garde move ment of contemporary dance, will present a "Master Dance Lesson" at 11 a.m. today in the White Hall gymnasium. Cunningham, who is on campus to present an Artist Series pro gram, will describe and demon strate his form of dance. SEE US FIRST FOR ALL YOUR TASTES IN MUSIC ALL RAY CHARLES ALBUMS IN STOCK Dave Brubeek George Shearing Chris Connor . Cal Tjader Nat King Cole Frank Sinatra Kingston Trio Brothers Four 4.* (c MUSIC ROOM 143 S. ALLEN ST.. STATE 'COLLEGE OPENi 9:00 fit 5:30 TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY OPEN: 9:00 til 9:00 MONDAY Penn State" (Mock BusAd Soph Receives Delta Sigma Pi Award bavid K. Downes, sophomore from Springfield, was chosen for the annual, award of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business frater nity, presented to the student in the College of Business Admin istration who attained the high est All-University average his freshman year. Bob Newhart Ray Conniff Mitch Miller Benny Goodman Count Basie Dinah Washington Jonah Jones Ahmad Jamal at Rec Hall PAGE FIVE