The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 18, 1961, Image 2
PAGE TWO Students May Buy Microfilm Copies For ten cents a sheet, students can now have for their own use a copy of material that is contained on microfilm stored in Pattee Library, Mrs. Margaret K. Spangler, assistant librarian, announced yesterday A page of microfilm Ag Faculty Hears Talks On Teaching Official business was held to an unprecedented two min utes in yesterday's Agriculture faculty meeting. The rest of the meeting was allocated to representatives of the Division of Academic Research and Services and their talks on new developments - in teaching. Leslie Greenhill, associate di rector of DARS, told faculty members that there has been "a tremendous empha3is on research in instruction recently." The main reason, he said, was be cause of vast increases in the Fol lowing five areas: •Educational enrollments. • Complexity of human knowl edge. • Cost of maintaining an insti tution. •Public pressure. •Available money for research projects. The University's research in "programmed learning," a form of self-instruction, was the main topic of the talks. L.S.A. FORUM Sun., Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m. • "SCIENCE AND RELIGION" SPEAKER: DR. HAROLD SHILLING Dean of Graduate School Lutheran Student Center "ALL WELCOME" 412 W. College Ave. Try our excellent cuisine with Catering to discriminating '=! tastes, ----,, ----..-- tastes, we know you'll be CO pleased with our delicious foods so expertly prepared, Sizzling steak dinners so graciously servedl with tasty trimmings Try a delicious Steak Dinner at The EUTAW HOUSE 13 Miles East of State College ... Potters Mills can be reproduced onto an 8 1 / 2 " x 11" sheet of paper in eight seconds through the use of the Thermo-fax Reader-Printer, a machine recently purchased by the library. The machine, which cost ap proximately $6OO, is located in a! small room adjoining the periodi cals room on the second floor. Requests to use the machine should be made at the periodicals desk and library assistants will make the prints. The ten cents is charged to cover the costs of paper and the chemicals Used to operate the ma chine. The time needed to make a copy may vary from one to 30 seconds depending on the de gree of lightness of the page being copied, according to Mrs. Spangler. Most of the copy - paper will be printed, with white words on .a black background since the micro film is usually printed the op posite way—black words on white background. The 'copied page. though, is easy to read and will not fade. Though the Reader-Printer can be used only with micro film in making copies, the Pat tee Library has on file about 8000 reels of film. Included in this collection are copies of early American and English periodicals, several newspapers, theses and the complete Adams family papers. • The library is acquiring more and more microfilm because it takes less storage space, is easier t() handle and lasts longer than bound volumes, Mrs. Spangler said. master chef ;allies! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA AEC Announces Loan to University The Atomic Energy Commis sion announced yesterday that it will lend to the University with out charge the enriched uranium contained in fuel and fission counters for the University's newly-acquired research reactor at Quehanna: The Commission also an nounced that it will provide funds or services for reprocessing the spent fuel. The reactor was acquired by gift last fall from the Curtiss- Wright Corporation of Wqod ridge, N.J. i s , s , 1 .„1.4 ? Freshmen, Sophomores! Men and Women! Tuesday, March 7 Meetings Tuesday and Thursday Becky Kohudic, in charge Your student newspaper needs you on the businesS staff. We need you to deliver Collegians, we need you to sell classified ads, we need you to service our State College merchants, we need you to plan our party pages, we• need you to write radio spot announce ments to promote the Collegian. We need you whether you are an engineer or in dairy science. You need not be a business or jour nalism major. Film to Show Navy Flights Colored movies, highlighting the Naval aviation program, will be shown at'7 p.m. Monday in 121 Sparks. Y Y. 01..).1 'YEA IkE • NOW • tTHAUM The most tender and touching love story of our time! OUR NEXT ATTRACTION The Maddest & Merriest Melange of Mirth Terry Thomas in "Make Mine Mink" x:f — lk:fl. -- '• W4F",'FR TA6adr , TTAN V . NOW SHOWING I at 2:10. 4:30. 6:55, 9:05 p.m. ' poit'',..o ~11 oilree 4t,,. m .1,..,„..:,i,,, 1 0 1.. ...,. it, ~kc, ...,t i; .......:, i - in* . . . .11 Nell # - ...,-... ~ u No nles er n s e o co n m t i ;n . k: n e i : d 1 6 , ,,, a ft ri s tt d el . ... Coming WEDNESDAY . . . "One of the liveliest, roost thoroughly entertaining Pictures to have OM out of England! Mark "Express* Bongo" at the top of your list!" N.Y. Post . iliaAsit.ene; "EXPRESSO BONGO" Daily Collegian Business Candidate School Starting: 6:30 - 7:30 119 Osmond SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1961 —Graduates of the University since 1861 number 74,832 40,- 000 of whom live and work in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. Vow 4?..) ?Go loarfitrock • %AIME • TECRECIter ..;,......friakionakaispiwww.lllllllolllllll93l , ~.2,,, at 2:02 - 4:3$ I:00 - 9:20 p.m