The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 10, 1961, Image 7
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1961 Matmen, Navy Sport 4-2 Logs Tlie Penn State grapplers and Navy will match identical 4-2 records when they meet at An napolis tomorrow at 4:15 p.m. But the competition both teams have faced this year is far from identical. While Penn State has met such national mat power houses as Michigan and Lehigh plus local powers like Maryland, Cornell and Army, the Middies have been beating Hofstra, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, and VPI. Tlie teams have two common Basketball Scores NBA Cincinnft-ti 1)9 New York 115 College Dayton 112 Seton Hall 77 Duke 100 Wake Forest 90 Amherst 7$ Trinity 6,1 Cincinnati 61 St. Louis 52 Tufts 9? Lowell Tech 72 West Virginia 75 NYU 65 Susquehanna 83 Scranton 65 (NIIHMUHItilimilHIIIMIIUIIItl■•■••■I COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS CASH—I 7 words or less CHARGE —13 words or leas $.50 one Insertion $.75 two insertions $l.OO three insertions Additional words —3 for $.05 for each day of insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY ...........'..Mt.i FOR SALE 1959 GOLDSEAL Deluxe Zimmer, 2 bed rooms, 53x10, practically new, fireplace, 0x25 aluminum porch awning. Located in Dav View Acres. Available immediately. Call AD 8-0189 after 3:30 or AD 8-1720. TROPHIES AND Carnival Novelties in stock for any occasion-—immediate de livery. Engraving—"big discounts"—Quick "Sign Painting and Show Card Service. S«m Troutman's "Trophy and Novelty" Shop, UD 1, State College, Pa. Phone AD 7-2492 after 6 p.m. SINGER ELECTRIC Portable Sewing Ma- chine, used and in perfect condition. Can he guaranteed If desired, $29.95. AD 8-8367. J3&W REVOLVER, lined case, excellent condition—s6s.oo; 722 Remington (.222 cat. i, lined case, 6x Bushnell scope—sloo.oo; f. 3.5 Ricoh, case, flash, filters —$50.00. Dorworth, AD 7-2777. 1956 MGA white convertible, all extras, top condition $llOO.OO. Call AD 7-7G83. DORM CONTRACT. Pollock A. Call Harry Higgins UN 5-7971. SPORTS CARS; 1958 Triumph TR3 Road ater, electric overdrive disc brakes in front, Beal belts, etc. —§1475. 1958 Chevro let Sport Coup, 348 cu. in. engine, three 2-barrel carburatora, high lift cam. for speed, floor shift transmission, positraction axle, etc. —$2095. Keckler Chevrolet, Inc., Benner Pike, Kellefonte. 1959 MGA, blue, carefully maintained for 20,000 miles. Call UN 6-6862. 1950 NASHUA House Trailer, 3,VxB\ two bedrooms, good condition. Reasonably priced. Hilltop. Lot No. 17, AD 7-4G60. CAMERAS, guaranteed, like new, 50% off 35 mm. Argus C-3, wide angle lens and case. Also Kodak movie 200m»8, elec tric eye 8 mm and case. Phone AD 7-7285. 1959 TRIUMPH Tiger-Cub Motorcycle, 200 cubic centimeters, fully equipped and in excellent condition. AD 8-0904. 85-FOOT. TWO-BEDROOM House Trailer. No down payment. Pine Grove Mills. AD 8-8596. COMPLETE DRAWING Set—instruments, T-square, board, triangles, etc. Jack Davis AD 7-7583. LADIES WHITE Figure Skates in excel lent condition, size 6. Call UN 5-8877. MEN'S FIGURE SKATES, size 10. Call UN 5-7759. USED TV set, 21" console—s4o. Cal! Larry AD 8-1612, tin 11, tint it FOR RENT nine LARGE DOUBLE room, private entrance and bath. 512 Waring Ave. AD 8-0114. SINGLE ROOM in private home—ss per week. 636 W. College Ave, foes. Lehigh defeated both Penn State and Navy by identical 24-8 scores. Maryland downed the Mid dies, 18-8, while the Lions beat Maryland, 18-12. Navy’s wins were 18-11 over VPI; 19-13 over Hofstra; 23-3 over Kings Point; and 25-2 over the Coast Guard. CUPID'S CAPER The FIRST BIG DANCE of the New Semester sponsored by North, West & Pollock Councils SATURDAY, FEB. 11,1961 8:30-12:30... HUB Ballroom Music by Jack Cassidy and the Smart Set Tickets on Sale at HUB Desk and at the door $1 per couple FOR RENT SINGLE OR double room for rent: one block from campus. Private entrance. 602 Holmes St. AD 7-4720, • TRAILER JUST suited for three under graduate or graduate students who de sire inexpensive housing. For further infor mation call Don, AD 8-OGBG after G p.m. LARGE FURNISHED basement room in private home on W. Park Ave. Private entrance and private bath. $4O monthly. Call AD 8-2387 or AD 8-2254. LOW-COST HOUSING: Rent or buy two- bed room trailer: tub bath, already set up. Phone AD 7-2607. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY Apartment for one or two students: two blocks west of campu:i. Phone AD 8-1409. Free parking. FURNISHED APARTMENT vacancy for one student to share with male student; two blocks from West Campus. Free park ing. Call AD 8-1409. NEW STUDENTS and upperclassmen Three very large comfortable double rooms. Very reasonable rates. One and one-half blocks from campus. 236 S. Frazier St. Call AD 8-1434. ONE ROOM—will rent double or single. AD 7-4147, 433 West Beaver. TRAILER WITH two bedrooms, T.V., washing machine and patio. Ideal for married couple. Further information call Don AD 8-0G36 after 6 p.m. SINGLE ROOM for working man, office man. or student. Call Al) 7-419 G. IDEAL MODERN furnished efficiency apartment—own parlor, own thermostat, private entrance, parking. Suitable coup!' or bachelor. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4800. NICELY FURNISHED apartment in new home. Includes all utilities, disposal, washer, private entrance, terrace and yard. Phone AD 7-7141 after 5:00 THREE-ROOM Apartment. 904 S. Pugh St. AD 8-1458 after 4:00. Available immediately. Large basement. SSO.OO per month. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED apartment south of Potters Mills. Secluded location by mountain stream, pines and hemlocks in back yard, near highway. Kitrhcn, large living room-bedroom cominbation, private entrance, private bath, efficient oil heat on own thermostat —only $5O. month. UN 5-7648 before 6 p.m., EM 4-1548 after HEATED GARAGE. 444 W. Fairrnount Ave. Call AD 8-2368. ___ SINGLE QUIET room in fraternity sec tion. No other roomers. Call AD 7-232 G. SINGLE FRONT ROOM, private home, 2nd floor. Call AD 8-8743. _____ HALF DOUBLE room in private home. Private bath and entrance. Call AD 8-9689. GRAD STUDENTS, upperclassmen. Com- fortable rooms with running water or private bath. Colonial Hotel, 123 West Nittany. Parking, location central. Quietly operated for aleep, rest and study. Low student rates. Phone AD 7-7798 or AD 7-4850, ask for Mrs. Cox. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Red Sox Slugger Signs for $40,000 BOSTON (/P)—The Boston Red Sox have announced receipt of the signed contract of outfield er Jackie Jensen, who is making a comeback after a year of retire ment. As usual, no salary terms were disclosed, but it was generally be lieved the husky slugger would receive about $40,000. •••»•!«•» ■•**••••*> ItMtattMttiMMIttIMIIIIMI LONG DARK BLUE hand knit scarf—lost in HUB beginning of finals. Reward. Call UN 5-7948. BLACK LEATHER Gloves, white fur lined—on Tuesday, second floor Willard. Please call UN 6-5004. PAIR OF glosses between Osmond and Rpc Hall, half brown, half clear frame. Call Dave AD 7-7021. Howard. .WHITE GOLD Rulova, ladies wrist watch, expansion band—HUß, Jan. 22. Reward. Call Sharon, UN 5-2329. TWO WEEKS AGO in town—Post slide rule. Finder please call Robert Battle, AD 8-9411. REWARD FOR return of Post Sliderule left in 215 Hammond last semester. Ken AD 8-2007. LOST: HISTORY 21 text and red note book outside U.B.A. Urgently needed by owner. Please return to HUB desk or .call UN 6-2775. No questions asked. iMMMitnHMMiuuMMiimmiMMMiMiiiMnuunnai MALE STUDENTS who wish to travel around the country during July—call UN 5-5060. PEOPLE INTERESTED “in fun, meet in 214 HUB Tuesday evening, Feb. 14, 7 p.m. Entertainment, refreshments, no dues. Schuhplattlers. RIDE TO Cornell (Ithiea, N.Y.) today. Call UN 6-8105. BUY OR Rent pair of anowshoea. Call UN 5-6460. MALE STUDENT to share large 3-man apartment near campus, averages s6f. monthly, room and meals. Call AD 8-1436. MALE ROOMMATE to share comfortable trailer with two other students. Many conveniences. Please contact Don at AD 8-0686. SOPHOMORE OR Junior campus repre sentatives to book top flight collegiate jazz band. Commission basis. Send resume. P.O. Box Wrightstown. N.J. HELP WANTED WAITKR WANTED—work for meals. Cull Delta Upsilon at AD 7-3398. MISCELLANEOUS EXPEHT SHOE SHlNE—Da,idson’a Bar her Shop next to Murphy's—B a.m. to 5 :30 v p.m. daily. PART TIME Insurance Salesman wanted. Will train ami arrange for license. Age 21 or over. Only those persons who me graduating on or after January 1962. Reply to Box 781 State College, stating name, address, phone number. THIRD LECTURE of the Liberal Arts Series will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Speaker ia Dr. Lawrence Latt man. All students and faculty invited to attend in HUB assembly room. MR. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN*: the George Softer Quartet ho« these Saturday nights open. Feb. 11, IR, April 8, 22, May 6, 13. Cali AD 7-2496. LOST WANTED Offensive Power Former Lion Penn State was the nation’sj John Potsklan, newly-appoii 12th-best team in total offense ed end coach at Tulane and ft ■during the 1960 grid season. Thejmer Albright College head coat Lions gained 2914 yards in nine was co-captain of Penn Stat< games. 1 1947 Cotton Bowl team. PART TIME WORK for College Students Afternoon and evening employment available for college men with nationally known concern. Salary—s47.oo per week Call 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MR. EDGE AD 8-2051 OPPORTUNITY FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT GIRLS Enjoy e cool summer at the New Jersey Seashore, working on the Boardwalk in a ROHR'S THE ORIGINAL FROZEN CUSTARD STORE Good wages, excellent hours, a split schedule so you do get lots of time for the Beach. Write for applications to; KOHR'S FROZEN CUSTARD CO. 1508 E. Market Street York. Pennsylvania LINCOLN THOUGHT A HUNDRED YEARS AHEAD Abraham Lincoln was prophetic on many issues facing us today. Nowhere more than when he said: “In all that the people can individually do for themselves, government ought not to interfere But today, the U.S. government runs thou sands of “businesses/’ As one example, take the electric light and power business, where the federal government has already spent more than $5,000,000,000 of taxpayers’ money. And pressure groups want it to spend billions more. Yet independent electric light and power companies like yours are able and ready to supply all the low-price electricity America will need ... without depending on your tax money. WEST PENN POWER owned, tax-peylna-ww-eervlng Western' F’enn'eylywil* PAGE SEVI