The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 07, 1961, Image 11
TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1961 Lion Gymnasts Hope to Start On Comeback Trail Saturday By JOHN MORRIS A deleat usually aoesn’t do much good, but coach Gene Wettstone hopes that his Penn State gymnasts are an excep tional case. Wettstone watched Navy rout his previously unbeaten G-men, 58%-37%, Saturday to boost the Middies into the favorite’s role for the EIGL crown. But now the veteran coach is hoping that ihi» year's team can rebound like last season's squad/ which came back to win the NCAA championship after an early season dual meet loss. Army upset the Lions, 54 ! /2- 41 y 2 at West Point early last year and went on to win the Eastern crown, but the Nittanies came on strong to cop national honors. Army invades Rec Hall Satur day and the Lions would like nothing better than to avenge last year's defeat. GERRY SCHAEFER “We’ll really have to be up .. , against Army,” Wettstone said. support if ihey hope to win. The Cadets have a strong The Lions won their first two group of lettermen back from meets of the season, but Weiss last year's well-balanced squad, (has been Wettstone’s only consis and the Lions will have to give dent performer. The stern-faced scoring star Greg Weiss more junior had two firsts and a sec- Tiros has broadened man's scope of the heavens and earth. From an orbiting observation post high in the sky, it transmits a new wealth of meteorolog ical information to earth-bound stations below. Tiros is only one of many RCA successes in the wide, wide world of electronics. And as the horizons of electronics steadily expand, the need for more and more competent and creative engineers in creases in direct ratio. That’s why RCA, now in the forefront of electronic progress, offers such tremendous opportunities for Electrical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and Physicists. if you already know what you want to do in engineering ... and are qualified, RCA can offer you direct assignments in your chosen field, and back you up with training and guidance by ex perienced engineers. If you’re not quite sure which direction you want to go ... RCA’s Design and Development Special ized Training will help to point the way. You’ll receive full engineering salary while you progress RCA, builder of Tiros Satellite, needs young engineers today for spectacular achievements tomorrow THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ond in a losing cause against Navy. “This year's team is different from last year's team," Wettstone said. “Last year we had three guys who could lead and inspire the team." The three Weiss and the “Golddust Twins," Jay Werner and Lee Cunningham carried the bulk of the scoring for the Lions. With Werner and Cunningham gone, the Nittanies lack the all around strength which made them so tough in previous years. "This is basically a young team." Wettstone said. "With the exception of the rope climb ers we have mostly sophomores and a few juniors." One of those juniors ringman Gerry Schaefer has been a big scorer for State. Schaefer took first on the fly ing rings in the Temple and Springfield wins, but Van Tem ple edged him out, 274-272 at Navy. Schaefer pulled a muscle in his left leg practicing his fallawav dismount Saturday, but he should be ready for the Army meet. through engineering assignments that give you a clear picture of various fields you might choose. Or, If you’d like to continue your graduate study ... RCA will pay full cost—tuition, fees and ap proved text—while you go to school or study two days a week, and work at RCA three days. These are only a few of the many reasons for getting all the facts about a career with RCA. See your placement officer now about getting together with an RCA representative, for an interview on: Or, send your rtsumt to: Mr. Donald M, Cook College Relations, Dept. CR-8 Radio Corporation of America Camden 2, New Jersey FEBRUARY 20 The Most Trusted Name in Electronics RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA' Ohio State Has Little Trouble 'Getting Up for Key Games By FRITZ HOWELL Associated Press Sports Writer COLUMBUS, Ohio (/P) Coach Fred Taylor needs no needle, emo tional or otherwise, in pregame buildups to keep his brilliant Buckeye basketeers on the vic tory trial. The Ohio State mentor, sur veying the team’s 21-game win ning streak, the unblemished 16 conquests this year, the 1960 na tional championship and current unanimous No. 1 ranking, said - . “Frankly, I like it up here. So do the boys. “When you are on top, you're everybody’s target. Every team we play is sky high. We have to be just as hight—but we do it naturally, by just accepting the challenge. “Winning is nothing new to our five starters. All were all-Ohio high school players. There’s no friction anywhere. “In addition to their ability, Grad Gymnast Armando Vega, Penn State gym nastics captain and national all around champion in 1959, is pur suing graduate studies at the University of New Mexico. He lives in Los Angeles. CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS our boys have intense pride in their record. They know that one slip can shove them off the top. With that knowledge as an in centive, they need no pep talks.” Jerry Lucas, the all-America junior and Olympic star, is Ohio State’s marked man. As a rule five defenders collapse on him every time he’s within range of the basket which opens path ways for some of his friends. So big Jerry, despite his 25-pius scoring average, spends much of his time passing off or grabbing rebounds. That’s the type of team play which has paid off. In most of the contests each of the five starters has scored in double fig ures—and any of them can break a game open at any time. CLASSIFIEDS CASH—I 7 words or Its# CHARGE—I 2 words or I*m on* insertion $.76 two Insertions fI.M three insertions Additional words—3 for $.06 for each day of insertion AOS MUST HE IN BY U A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE MHtlMtlMMMlltMtlMltMMMHKUHttMHilliimimtt SLIDKRULK —in Rood condition—sl6. Call AD 7-704 G. TWO SUN SLIDING rules. Call after 5:09 at AD 8-1210. FOR RENT SINGLE, IH/KASANri'wXfirn^hVd’^m, quiet home. Serving - brcakfftwt. $lO.OO weekly, parking free. Call AD 7.703 ft. 242 W. Irvin St. HEATED GARAGE, 444 W. pnirmount Ave. Call AD 8-2368. MALE STUDENT to share apartment for three—s3o.oo per moth. Call Ken, AD 8-OS IS after p.iu. QUIET SINGLE ahd double room wftb shower in fraternity section for male students. Call Mrs. Lemmon, Al> 7-7Rf>i. VACANCY IN furnished apartment with two male .students. Reasonable. AI os furnished room for rout. AD 8-27fil or AD 8-0602. ONE HALE double room, * warm, quiet, pine-panelied. Private bath, private phone, private entrance. 212 Nimitx Ave. ADnms 7-3302. ONE SINGLE room in quiet horn**. Tice parking available. ItA SEM KNT HU OM Al) 7-Frj 1 .! work. Af) 7-4021! after 3:50. UNI*'UR N i SHED THREE ‘ ROOM apart ment with hath, stove and refrigerator furnished. AD 7-4022 after 2:30. SINGLE QUIET room in fraternity sec tion. No other roomers, ('nil AD 7-232 G. FIIUNisUEI) APA KTMENT in "private house, large room plus bedroom and hath suitable for two. Call A!) 8-0290. SINGLE OH Double rooms, two bbiekn from campus; quiet stieet. Rhone AD R-IMM4. SiNGLI* FRONT ROOM 2ml floor. Cali All 8-8743. SINGLE ROOM for male student or work- ing man—ss.oo per week. See 120 S. Spnrkfl St. or cull AD 7*2X31 evenings and mornings. HALE DOUBLE room in private home. Private bath and entrance. Call M) 8-00X9. GRAD STUDENTS, uppetclnssmen, forlable rooms with running water or private bath. Colonial . Hotel, 123 Went Nittany. Parking, location central. Quietly operated for sleep, rest and study. Low student rates. Phone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4850, ask for Mra. Cox. LOST NmniiiiiiHiiniiiiiMmuMdiMmmuiiitMiMi.Mii LOST 1959 Penn Slate class ring, near graduate hall. Initials J.C.L. Call Joel Leininger UN 5-4420. Reward. WANTED WANTED—third roan for three-man apart ment ; two blocka from campus. Call AI) 8-2796. ■LARGE DOUBLE room. Prefer graduate student. 525 S. Pugh. Cull AO 7-2791 PEOPLE INTERESTED in. lining a pro- • gram of classical music for station WDEM. Contact Ronald Shiban at UN 5-2381. SOPHOMORE OK Junior enrnpus ropri*- ftuntntivc* to book top flight collegiate jaaz band. Commission basis. Send resume, P.O. Box 592, Wrightrttown, N.J. HELP WANTED DISHWASHER FOK spring semester. Lunch, dinner furnished. No Sunday meals. Apply caterer, Alpha Uho Chi, AD 7-4232. MISCELLANEOUS THERE WILL Ik* a meeting for all people Interested in. working in any capacity for station WDFM on Wednesday, Keb. 3 at 8:00. 121 Sparks. WATCH FOR a big change coming noon to Penn State. ATTEN TIO N A L 1 7.1 ollrii A big cabin party on Friday, Feb. 10 at 8:00 in C.K. cabin. Tickets can be obtained at HUB desk or in Journ. office. S.oO for membera, $l.OO non-members. CLASSIFIED AD STAFF meeting—Wed. at 6:30. Please bring schedule'- .attention'~iT6mk'~k eonmnica Club inceUiiif Tucßdßy, Feb. 7. Everyone In* PAGf ELEVEN reasonable private home. Club members,