The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 15, 1960, Image 2
PAGE Two. Snow, Colder Weather To Reach Area Tonight The second snowstorm in five days is expected to sweep into the Keystone state tonight and continue into tomorrow. However, it is unlikely that this new storm will be as intense as the one that paralyzed the state earlier this week. The amount of snow that can be expected and the time AWS Okays Fire Drill Resolution The Association of Women Students senate voted last night to recommend to the Dean of Women's office that no fire drills be conducted in the future between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 a.m. When questioned• as to why a fire drili was conducted at ap proximately 2:39 a.m. last Satur day, Mrs. Marian A. Davison, as sistant to the dean of women. stated that this drill was held be cause the dean of women's office (which schedules drills for wom en► knew that most of the woman would still be up. It was found, she added, that many sleeping girls did not hear the alarm, but this problem will be corrected. The yellow traveling sheets will be eliminated in Christmas vaca tion sign -out, Sandra Slish, chair man of the AWS Central Judicial Board, said in a judicial report. All necessary information will go on the white sign-out sheets only, she added. The new procedure is being conducted as an experiment to eliminate mass sign -out confu sion, Miss Slislt said. Also in the judicial report Miss Slish noted: •A withdrawal of privileges for a weekend night for failure to sign out or in after warning will he given in the future. •A failure to take a with drawal for, late minutes consti tutes two withdrawals to be taken the next month. ♦Failure to appear before the judicial board when notified con stitutes a withdrawal to be taken within two weeks time. CATIL4VM NO Fature Bein W 2:90, e 4:25. 6:95, g 9: s 05 ""•" Rollicking All for Fun" —N.Y Daily News *Tonne at 7:25, 9:00 INGMAR BERGNIAN'S most personal film! "lilicit Interlude" Starring MAY BRITT ~S7ATE~~w "ON THE BEACH" FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARLON MIVIA i NDO -ON of its arrival are somewhat in doubt because of the early stage of development of the threaten ing storm. Another complicating factor is the Southeastward movement of another Canadian air mass. This new batch of arctic air will over spread Pennsylvania tonight and should bring an end to the slight warming trend that began yester day. In fact, this new arctic air mass is just one of a series of frigid blasts that should maintain quite cold weather for several days. Temperature readings, which have remained consistently be low She freezing mark for the past six days in this area, will climb into the middle 30's for a short while this afternoon. However, the arrival of the arc-1 tic air this evening will send the mercury tumbling to 20 degrees or lower, by early tomorrow morning. Snow and strong winds will prevent the temperature from rising much tomorrow and the maximum reading will only be about 25 degrees. The strong and gusty winds may cause much blowing and drifting snow tomorrow, espe cially in the mountainous areas around State College. The snow should diminish to flurries tomorrow afternoon, but the winds and cold temperatures will continue tomorrow night and Saturday. The storm system that is ex pected to bring the snow to Pennsylvania tonight originated in the western Gulf of Mexico early yesterday. this will cause rain, snow and sleet to spread northward into the Middle Atlantic states and New England today and to night. Most of the precipitation fr o m Maryland northward should fall as snow. Philadelphia, which was vir tually paralyzed by a 15 to 20 inch snowfall earlier this week, also expects to receive more snow. European and Middle Eastern TRAVEL SEMINAR COMMITTEE ON INTER-RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Observe first-hand the Social, Political, Economic and Religious scene-in 11 European and Middle Eastern countries. Hear lectures by leaders of each country visited and discuss vital issues with them. Meet and talk with students and other repre sentatives of these countries. Visit the following major cities: London, Amsterdam, Bonn, Rome, Athens, Tel Aviv, Beirut, Lourdes, Cyprus, Geneva, and Paris. Trans-Atlantic travel via air—New York to London on June 11— Paris to New York on July 23. 6 weeks-61259 all inclusive travel seminar contact: Preston N. Williams Assistant University Chaplain Room 211 Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel Phone UN 5-6548 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Cattle Judges Win Fourth in Contest Penn State's Dairy Cattle judg ing Team placed fourth in the international contest held Dec. 3 in Chicago. The team missed placing third by one point, com peting against 16 other teams. The team ranked second in judging Guernseys, sixth in Ayr shires, seventh in Holsteins, eighth in Jerseys and tenth in Brown Swiss. Fred Foreman, junior in dairy science from Meadville was the tenth highest individual judge. Other team members were Frank Madden, junior in dairy science from. Newfoundland, Pa., and Charles Replogle, junior in dairy science from Martinsburg. Chapel Program Center To Close for Holidays During, -the Christmas vacation period, the program center of the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel will be closed from Friday, Dec. 23, to Wednesday, Dec. 28, and from Saturday, Dec. 31 to Tues day, Jan. 3. From Dec. 21 to Jan. 4, both the Meditation Chapel and the Ro man Catholic Chapel will be open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. r uttetagaptemtometervegvtiocw* Penn State Friendship $3OO and tax $350 and tax MOYER—Jeweler 218 E. College Ave. idaIIIatfrtIMAANIMAAIMMONIMotkk742O674I4 B. P. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State University Sterling Silver Rings of the Bookstore Report-- (Continued from page one) major school in the country has a bookstore. In discussing location, the re port suggests that a bookstore might be included in the pro posed expansion of the Hetzel Union Building or in the present Armory building with a few al terations. ATTENDING LIBERTY BOWL IN PHILADELPHIA? On Saturday, December 17, 1960 Special Hotel Room Rates at Philadelphia's Largest Hotel Room For 0119 Person $B.OO Room For Two Persons $12.00 • AU Rooms with Bath - Radio - TV The BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOTEL CHESTNUT AT Bth, PHILADELPHIA S. PA. iipmemitteig " IlllllUSN/NSNIIIN llllllvlltllvNlHHlll VIMINH• Sterling Silver Gold filled Penn Slate Charms $759 and tax THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1960 Police Will Sell Bikes The police department will hold their Christmas bicycle sale Saturday. Lost bicycles which are not claimed at the Borough Build ing before 10:30 a.m. Saturday will be put up for sale at public auction. CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS Sec BUYS 17 WORDS nun urlun J] U. I campus character: ==:l PSAMUEL PSYCHE A thinking man's thinking man. Psamuel finds that thoughts come easiest when he is most cornfort able. That's why he always wears Jockey brand T. shirta. He likes the way the fine combed cotton feels next to his skin:He likes the way the twin stitched, nylon-reinforced collar keeps its shape. And he likes the full-pro portioned body and extra long tail that never creeps. You, too, will like your self better when you enjoy the comfort of Jockey brand T-shirts. Your favorite campus store has them. $1.50 COMM& INCORPORATED • PUMA, 1111, 'Jockey T-shirts