The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 10, 1960, Image 2
PAGE TWO Williams to Speak At Schwab Service The Rev. Preston N. Williams, assistant University chap lain, will speak at the Protestant service of worship at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab on "Salvation for the Strong." The Meditation Chapel Choirs, directed by James Beach, will sing for the service. Special Christmas numbers will SGA OK's peachment kmendment SGA Thursd# night gave 'inal approval to an amend ment which clarifies the im peachment procedure for As sembly members. In effect. the new ruling makes the already existing impeachment procedures for SGA officers ap plicable to all Assembly mem bers. The SGA constitutjon in the past had not stipulated exactly how Assemblymen were to be im-, peached, although it did streifV; that they could be impeached, The clarification became IleCeS nry when SGA Rules Commit tee was considering the legality of the absences of three members late in October. Th e three had been absent at least three times, which is a vi olation of Assembly's procedural. rules. These rules, in part, pro-1 hibit more than three absences. Robert Harrison, chairman of rules committee, clarif led this procedural rule at the time by saying that the validity of ab sences should be taken into ac count after "removal procedures are nromuh - cAted." There must be a two-thirds vote of Assembly in launch the impeachment of an officer or As semblyman. The chairman of the Supreme • Court then hears the! case, with the remainder of As-! sembly serving as jury. The defendent can then plead' his case and may have one ad visor with him. This is the only time that the legality or illegality of the deefndents' absences can' be taken into account, Harrison, taken into account, Harrison added. WDFM to Conduct Audience Survey WDFM station personnel will conduct a random survey of its listening audience beginning aft er the Christmas holidays. The survey, which - wilj, be held by phone, will include the student, faculty and State College resident audience. Information from the survey show the estimated size of the listening audience and will indicate the hours of greatest listening coverage. Future station programming will,be based on these findings, Sally Layton, sta tion publicity director, said. You'll Never - Know About It Unless Y©u Try It Gus 's PIZZA (of course) AD 8.1461 AD C 9012 be Buxtehude's "Der Tag, Der ist so Freudenreich," Panchelbel's "Von Himmel Koch, da komm ich her," and "Von Himmel kommt" and "-En natus est Emanuel" by Michael Praetorius. Next Sunday two services, at 9 a.m. and II a.m. in the Helen Eakin - Eisenhower Chapel, will replace the 10:55 a.m. service at Schwab. Dr. Luther H. Harsh barger, University Chaplin, will speak. The Rev. Theodore Braun, Unit ed Church of Christ Chaplain to the University, will speak at the Protestant Worship Service at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Chapel on "An Apple Shrine Christmas." Morning seminars will be held at 9:39 and 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at the Presbyterian University Center. Discussion leaders will be Dr. Robert Murray on "Modern Rivals to Christian Faith," James Halfaker on "Psychology and Re ligion" and Pat Smathers on "Bib lical Studies in Basic Christian Beliefs." Coffee and rolls will be served at 9:15 in the Fireside Room. The Sunday Evening Fellowship will meet with the Christian, Evangelical United Brethren and United Student Fellowships at 6:20 p.m. at the Faith United Chuych of Christ to discuss sum mer service opportunities. The Rev. William F. McClain will speak on "The Lighted Way" at the Presbyterian Church serv ices at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. tomor row. Roman Catholic masses wilt be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab and 8, 9:30, 11 a.m.. and 4:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory Church. Father McGowan, a member of the. Maryknoll order, will speak to the Graduate Newman Club at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow in the Chapel. The Wesley Foundation Choir will present its Christmas program at 9:15 a.m. tomorrow, The serv ices at 9:45 a.m. and 610 p.m. will be in charge of Jane Hahne, Al Last! Della Tau Della Fraternity is having a Smoker For Freshman Men on SUNDAY December 11th from 2-4 P.M. Everything right ( l k '..:p ~..,.., V IV IM po ;la tif \ t „ ~..;,.‘ \I .1.:, - .y _ 4 , 1 i': 1 \ s* 1 ,‘, i ir , Ile ' pl./ I ti t ' f; ', :, ---)1.4" ----1:, ,`':./ You're sure to enjoy our THICK U.S. PRIME STEAK RoaLturg, SteaL ,ilou3e 4 Miles South of State College on Route 322 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ISA Approves Plan to Operate in All Terms ' The Independent Student Asso ciation approved a recommenda tion Wednesday that the organi zation should actively operate during all four terms. ISA members felt that since in! the past no independent group! was active during the summer session, there was an inadequate social program for independent students and that if ISA remained active all year-round this situa tion would be remedied. It was also recommended that to be eligible for the office of president an independent student should be required to have an All- University average of 2.4 or high er and that other officers main tain an All-University average of 2.2 or higher. The average of 2.4 for presi dthat was set because ISA mem bers thought anyone with a low er average would not have the free time required of the presi dent of a major campus organi zation. 26141,04' ,' .-' . :. ..4o4Piti . AP% ..<5.1A,,,,,i,,,, , ii ‘ •• . ~:-.. STATE CORM „, • ' - ' ': - i OPEN t DAYS . i . ...../ , RESTRVAIIIMS'. . SDNDAYS 121T05? -.P.M.- TAXI RETURN GRATIS - NOW Escort your lady to the Boals burg Steak House for memor able dining. A superb cuisine and courteous service make the occasion an event! . ' for your dinner dale! Polish Professor To Speak on Bible Dr. Ludwik Stefaniak, profes sor of archaeology at the Univer sity, of Krakow, Poland, will be on campus through next Tues day, according to Dr. Luther H. Harshbarger, professor of relig ious studies. He will give a public lecture on "Archaeology and the Bible" at 8 p.m. Monday in the Memorial Lounge of the 'Helen Eakin Ei senhower Chapel_ ' VlZZk th I 4-.6:41,75;.c. Just What You Need For A Party Bar-B-Qued Chicken Halves and Wholes 50c and up FRANK'S HIE HAVEN (Formerly Morrell's) 112 S. Frazier St. SPEEDY DELIVERY ' 5 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. CALL: AD 8-8381 • • '3' 4i ; 4 `:, - - - * 76. 11 i27 '. ~„ t 74 A r . , 4 ik , . /4 4 `~ ~j i ,~ sweet as sugar candy! Faberge Travel 2 cologne and matching bath powder in charming flip-top gift box, the set 2.50 Aphrodisia Woodhue Tigress Flambeau f' McLANAHAN'S SELF SERVICE, 414 E. College Ave. McLANAHAN'S.DRUG STORE, 134 S. Allen St. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1960 LAST Brigitte Bardot in DAY "Come Dance With Me" 0 Starts SUNDAY 0 RAGING INFERNO OF WAR , ~ j.'-•.. . ..'' -- Ix ' y ' ll ' ./- - - • ...,"›,.: 2 ': ` . '-, t ) 1 - 1) 5 - 11 , ,--..; - k l. 1.- c' ' k A Filmed during the fighting EVERY SCENE IS TRUE ! 1 I ~~)~ r ,; iIP gi t OP' handy little dandy traveling companion UHMlffi=fililll