The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 30, 1960, Image 3

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Must Avoid
Fire Hazard
Three neW faculty members have been appointed to the
staff of the Department of Nuclear Engineering.
• They are Dr. Ward Diethorn, as assistant professor of
All students and student or- nuclear engineering; William Sjoborg, as research associate;
ganizations planning to put up and Gordon Robinson, as research assistant.
Diethorn came to the University
Christmas decorations in the 'from Battelle Memorial Institute
residence halls must have all where he was employed as assist
the combustible materials fire-; ant division chief of the Radioiso
proofed, John P. Fishburn,l topes and Radiation Division and
where he spent five years in re-i
head of operation division of the H search on radiation effects on
Department of Housing, said yes-'
terday. reactor fuels.
• , He received his bachelor of
Fireproofing will be done from science degree in chemistry
l to 3 p.m. beginning tomorrow; from Lake Forest College, Lake
at the Landscape Maintenance De- ;
pot which is Forest, 111., and his master of
east of the Petro-! science and doctor of philosophy
leum Refining Laboratory. Other degrees in chemistry from the
times for fire-proofing are from Carnegie Institute of Technol- :
1 to '3 p.m. on Tuesdays and'
ogy. •
Thursdays until Dec. 15. .
Diethorn will assume teaching,
This service is for on-campus; and research duties in the field ,
student organizations and indi- of reactor materials and in the ,
victuals only. Trees may be pus- 1
I FATHER KNOWS BEST in this family scene from the Players' application of radioisotopes to in
chased from the Maintenance and,'
Production of Tennessee Williams' , Summer and Smoke," opening (.11.1strial uses,
utility department and will al-!
ready be fireproofed. 1 Friday at Center Stage. Left to right; Mary Lee Sheltie, Vincent i Sjobiirg , has been with Curtiss-'
Plans to construct decorations Scassellati and Anne Lausch. I Wright Corp. as head of the Ex-,
outside the residence halls must; . ' Iperimental Physies Sectiun for the
/ ' -
1/ 'past. five years. Prior to that, he
be submitted beforehand to they with '
Department of Housing. The de-',
partment itself will be putting up ayer resear c h.
sto Present ion was
wor k ing the
on Aer theo nautics
applieatioD ivis-n
radioisotopes to aircraft engine'
decorations in the residence areas,;
Fishburn said. They will be most- .
ly lighted signs saying "Seasons, f / Sjoborg received his. bache.
for of science and master of sci-
Greetings," "Merry Christmas," j
etc. ; he added. ' urnmer and Smoke once degrees in physics from
the University of Maryland. He
Decorations within the resi
dence halls must be hung from did additional graduate work in
picture moldings or bulletin The Penn State Players will present their second pro-; physics at Penn State. •
boards. They may not be attached , Robinson came to. the Univer
to the walls, ceilings, or wood-duction of the season, Tennessee Williams' "Summer aridl s oy from the Babcock and Wilcox,
work nor may paste, glue, scotchlSmoke" at 8 p.m. Friday at Center Stage.'Co., Nuclear Division, Lynchburg,:
_tape or masking. tape be used to Va., where he participated in the'
attach the decorations, Fishburn; Directed by Ellis Grove, instructor in theater arts, the start-up of nuclear reactors and:
said. Water-soluble paint may be play r
concerns a harried love affair between Alma Wienmiller,lthe instruction of new reactor
used to decorate windows and: . operators.
mirrors,He received his bachelor of
,a shy daughter of a southern min-I
• the essence of Williams' stage - di-
Under no conditions should,ister, played by Mary Lee Shef- ' sections. , iscience degree in fuel technology'
paraffin wax, be melted in theitic, and John Buchannan Jr., a . at Penn State in 1952 and did
Other members of the cast tn-, .
halls since it is very inflammable,Vorldly medical student, played Anne graduate work in nuclear engi
elude Vincent Landro,
he said. Students should also con-!by Edward Anderson. - IA eering.
tact the supervisor of the hall! While John has been awayat Lausch, Susan Brown, Eileen Me- ;
Cann, Basil Augustine, .Robert
or houseman in situating Christ- h 1 burdened b , neu- .
Christ-school, oo , Alma,a _
Pikulsky Roxanna Walton, Sara Candidates--
mas trees. rotic mother and an '
The Department of Housingßransdorf, Ronald Jackson, Jo-j
slather, haswithdrawn into her- seph DeVivo, Stuart Fischoff and! . (Coin hilted from page one)
hopes to have this information self to'thinks "they have a good idea."
find life's meaning on "the' •
Vincent Scassellati. ,
placed on all bulletin boards inispiritual plane." If enough "influential people"
the residence halls by today. Ifi i Tickets for the play are avail-;
, Upon John's return the two .able at the Hetzel Union desk, were informed of these needs by
students do not adhere to this.,letters from students and their
are drawn to each other despite now through Saturday.
information, and damage to thel
th . e . differences in their person- iparents, the administration might
halls results, it might be neces-1 hhes —and Alma is certain .Eng Dean Wins Post :be moved to do something about
sary to take down the decorations! a( she is in love.i Dean Merritt A. Williatnson, them, Stout added.
and the individual or organiza-j
lion would be held responsible,, The plot follows the develop-,dean of the College of Engineer-; Stout said he could not speak
Fishburn said. ,ment of their love and the effectsjing and Architecture, was elected, for his party but felt it is "pos-
Students are reminded that alllof their personalities on each vice-chairman of the Engineering;sible" that the .University party
decorations put up on the win- other. , Division of the American Associ-,might adopt the plan if they re
dows or in the rooms must be! Acording to Grove, the stag- alien of Land-Grant Colleges an d;tained control of SGA Assembly.
removed before they leave for ing for "Summer and Smoke" , State Universities at its annual 1 Stout is running for junior as-
Christmas vacation, i has presented some unique meeting held in Washington, D.C. semblyman,
problems. The production calls
Election Commission for symbolic lighting effects in
Election commission members' setting the mood in certain
may pick up their SGA campaign scenes. ,
posters and delivery assignments Working with limited facilities
after 2 p.m. today at the Hetzelat Center Stage, - Grove has had to
Union desk, chairman Bob Um-introduce his own variations in
stead said. lighting and set design to express
7:30 Tonight
Zeta Tau Alpha Suite
Pollock 5
Please Bring Pens!
Thursday 7:00 P.M.
All Members
Nuclear Eng. Dept.
Names 3 to Faculty
Viceroy's got it...
at both ends
WRA to Add
Last night the Women's Roc
l'eation Association Council
decided to add a rule which
clarifies the official's right to
;disqualify a team from play
for unsportsmanlike conduct
to their handbook, "General
Rules of WRA Intramurals."
The addition states, "The deci
sion of the referee (umpire or
other official fora contest) will
be final. This official shall have
the power to disqualify a team
an individual member of a
team for unsportsmanlike con
WRA Council recommended,
however, that before an official
takes such action, she consult the
faculty member present at the
game for her opinion.
In other business, WRA passed
a motion to allow the clubs under
its jurisdiction to adopt symbols
to be made into charms or anoth- .
er type of jewelry. These will be
bought at the expense of Lthe in
dividual club members.
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