The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 19, 1960, Image 8

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New Machine Turns
Numbers to Music
The numbers racket has taken a new twist!
Numbers can now be used for anything from testing
military programs to playing music by mathematics as a
result of research in the recently developed field of digital
A new machine which not only reproduces radio pro-
On Display
An exhibition of photo
graphs and drawings of the
works of one of Mexico's fore
most modern architects, Felex
Candela, is on display on the
first floor of the Hetzel Union
Milton S. Osborne., head of the
Department of Architecture, said
the display traces the develop
ment of Candela's style and shows
his experimenting with plasticity
of form and design.
. Candela, who is an archite ctural
engineering consult ant, has
worked with many architectural
firms both in Mexico and the
United States.
Osborne describes Candela as
a "genius in thin-shell design be
cause he is able to. translate this
design into simple erection tech
niques which are important in
a rch i tecture."
Osborne added that while Can
dela's buildings are inexpensive,
they require a great deal of hand
craftsmanship if they are to be
The exhibit which is being
sponsored by the Department of
Architecture and the Architec
tural League of New York City
will be shown until Nov. 213.
M Boxing
Intramural Director Dutch
ykes announced today that box
ng will begin Nov. 30.
grams by analyzing the sounds
into numerical components, but
also shows the sound simultane
ously on nn oscilloscope, has been
on display during the past week
in the Conference Center.
The machine has been used
to demonstrate the uses of dig
ital collection and recording
techniques for a seminar on
"Digital Data," sponsored by
the College of Engineering and
Architecture and the Continu
ing Education Services in con
nection with the Ordinance Re
search Laboratory.
Digital data involves the meth
nds of obtaining data from such
,testing programs as those by the
defense department for missiles
and rockets so that the data may
be entered into machines for proc
essing, according to Francis P.
IFinlon, associate professor of en
,gineering research at the Ord
nance Research Laboratory, chair-
man of the seminar.
Digital data is a new field,
really developed within the past
five years, Finlon said. Without
these techniques it would be al
most impossible to conduct the
testing programs. for it would he
impossible to reduce the data by
: manual methods, he added.
"By 1965 we may be trusting
our souls to number systems,
Finlon said. Techniques intro
duced in this field will prob
ably be used in future air 'rats
fic control, process contzol,
missile fire control and auto=
matic checkout systems.
About 40 members of the mili
tary services and civilians at
tended the 'seminar. Lectures
were presented by faculty mem
bers of the engineering research
staff and by speakers from other
institutions and from commercial
and military organizations.
The participants in the seminar
covered in detail the collection,
recording, and conversion of test
data to a form compatible with
digital computers.
By the time most of you *ill
be getting around to reading
this column, I'll be in Pitts
burgh rooting the Collegian
Cowards on to victory. For all
you gamblers on campus, the
Cowards are picked by two
It might be a long time be
fore a certain nine coeds will
ride the elevator in McElwain
again. It seems they were rid
ing in it on Wednesday -when
the electricity went off and
they were stranded.
A music professor was in
structing his class in music
history when the lights went
off. He told the class that it
would only be a short delay
until they were back on and
said he would play a record
to illustrate one of his points
in order to waste no time. He
walked over to the phonograph
with record in hand before he
realized the machine wouldn't
work without electricity either.
The class was excused.
Most coeds ask for only half
Study of Coal Changes
Changes that occur in coal
,when subjected to high tern
peratures and pressures are being
studied by researchers in the
department of geophysics and
geochemistry under a one-year
grant of $4OOO.
GIBSON 4-string Banjo with resonator,
over 130 metal parts, price reasonable
at $lO. Also Spanish Guitar 515. Call
AD 8-9432 nights.
FRESH CIDER. No preservatives. added
Truck at Freezer Fresh, Dale, Summit,
on Saturday evening; Sunday afternoon
and evening. Bring jugs. Phone HA
1966 VOLKSWAGEN convertible, good
condition—s6so.oo. 110 6-6329.
TURKEY DINNERS, Saturday, Nov. 19,
6-7 p.m. United Church of Christ (E&R)
Boalsburg. Adults $1.60 and children The.
1663 FORD V-8, standard transmission.
Rood tires and radio. Reasonable. AD
8-9071 after 6 o'clock.
FOUR ROOM furnished apartment 'with
private entrance. Located on north side
of campus, suitabk for a couple or stu
dent. AD 7-7218.
suitable fur couple. Parking facilities.
Available Feb. 1. Phone AD 7-7792 or
AD 8-2201
MODERN SPACIOUS furnished apart-
molt, one bedroom, in new building
adjacent to College Township school. Avail
able Dec, 1. Just 6 minutes drive from
downtown- State College on 4 lane high
way. Everything provided, you need only
your cooking utensils and linens; ample
closet and storage space. Quiet neighbor
hood in country setting. Enjoy ' close,
friendly tenant owner relationship. Phone
AD 7-2055.
CLEAN PLEASANT rooms, quiet street,
free parking. 730 W. Foster Ave. AD
FURNISHED OR -unfurnished 3 rooms;
both heat, water and electricity fur
nished. Phone AD 8-9995.
MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy in fur
- - -
nished apartment for two—s 39 eget
month ; including everything. Call AE
8-1409 after 3:30 p.m.
GOLD FRAMED Glosses. Call Linda, UN
5-2325. Need desperately. Reward.
needed desperately. reward. Call Cisco
19 Kappa Alpha AD 8-9082.
MATRIC CARD, Chem breakage, meat
ticket, and black glasses. Kapo UN
WOMAN'S GLASSES In gold ease, beige
frame. Reward. Al) 74302.
;NAVY BOYCOAT Nov. 6 outside 310
OVTIOTItI. Swap for coat left before
,IThankagiving. Call Ann UN 6-4197:
jnet.. HUB Reading Room, 10:06 a.m.
Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday.
RIDERS FOR taxi to Lewistown, leaving
noon, Nov. 22. Contact Artie UN 6-7175.
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for waiter's job.
Call AD 7-4979.
KITCHEN HELP needed at Kappa Sigma
Cull Bob McLaughlin AD S-6464.
(male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call
Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and $ p•ao
AD 6.2061. Salary S4IS a week.
Will Roar
portions when they go through
line in the dining halls: What
this columnist can't figure out
is why a certain junior walked
out of the Waring Dining Hall
with 10 rolls concealed under
her coat.
There are now two graves on
Campus. The latpst one is in the
West Halls quadrangle. The in
scription on it reads."to Bruce,
R.1.P." I guess poor Bruce had
one too many bluebooks.
One fraternity will be hav
ing a gay time tonight. It rent
ed a complete motel near Pitts
burgh for a post game celebra
tion. Let's hope it will be a
happy affair after a romp over
Pitt in the afternoon.
Since this wiTl be the last
I'll have a chance to, talk with
you until 'after Thanksgiving,
let's POUND PITT this after
noon and have plenty of turkey
on Thursday.
—P rof . Wayne
Your razor rides easy all the way. Softens
the most stubborn beard instantly for a faster,
closer shave, soothes and lubricates your skin.
Extra-rich, extra-thick, push-button quick
Regular or Mentholated, only 1.00
These. fine Shult - on Products
Can be purchased at
121 S. Allen St.
Loan Applications
Due December 2
Students who wish to apply for
a loan from the National Defense
Student Loan Fund must turn in
their applications by Friday, Dec.
2, to the Office of Student Aid,
205 Old Main.
All full-time graduate or under
graduate students may apply, but
special consideration will be giv
en to superior students planning
careers in elementary or secondary
education, science, mathematics,
or a modern foreign language.
The application, besides the in
formation from' the student, re
quires a confidential statement
of financial resources which must
be submitted by the parents or
guardian of the student.
Dunlop Replies—
_ (Continued from page one)
ceive scholarships."
One member said he thought
most of his fellow members were
"apathetic" toward student and
faculty opinions of them, because
they realize .most students and
faculty do not understand the pol
icies of the group.
Conversely, andther member
said he intended to cheer for Pitt
"just for spite."
The Pennsylvania State 'Uni
versity :-✓as the first to use lab
oratory methods of instruction on
a wide scale (1866).