The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 18, 1960, Image 3
FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1960 80 Coeds Surveyed On Junior Residents By POLLY DRANOV First of a Series Reorganization has become prevalent in almost every phase of campus life this year. One of the largest reorganization processes undertaken has been the community living plan introduced in most residence areas. In a series co the Daily Collegian, students at: feeted by the new system will give their opinions on community living. Yesterday approximately BO coeds gave their opinions on the junior resident plan, part of the overall community living pro gram. Of the coeds interviewed. about 92 per cent knew who their jun ior residents were. Mast of the girls 72 per cent had had some contact with their junior residents, mostly through floor meetings. About 18 per cent of the coeds said that they had no contact with their junior resident in her official capacity. A large proportion of the girls 68 per cent said they had observed their junior resi dents performing certain duties in the residence halls, citing the maintenance of quiet hours and explanation of signing in and signing out procedures as ex amples. In discussing the beneficial as pects of the program the opinions varied widely. Among sorority girls, enthusiasm for it generally ran low. They said that independ ents might be more affected by the program and thus would get more out of it than sorority girls. In ouestioning the independ ents of upper 'lass standing, it was found that many of them felt the program would be useful to freshman but would not be of much heln to upperclasswomen. About 26 per cent of the coeds questioned gave a flat "no" an swer to the question, "Do you think this program is benefi cial to the individual girl'?" Those in favor of the program. said that airing complaints to' junior residents was less diificult than approaching the senior res idents or hostesses. Another fa- SAVE UP TO 50% DANCE PROGRAMS Personalized matches. napkins Commercial Printing 852 IL College Me. AD 84794 Nittany Dell home of delicious sandwiches LOX and BAGELS SERVED SUNDAY TILL 2 P.M. across from girls dorms 362 Shortlidge Rd. FREE PARKING IN REAR PULVERIZE PITT! GET SCHOOL SPIRIT by Starting Your Weekend with the WEST HALLS RECORD HOP GIRLS: Free Admission From 8:00 to 8:30 Time: 8:0042:30 Place: Waring Lounge on Friday Night articles based on surveys by vocable aspect of the program ac cording to the girls interviewed was the availability of someone to clarify procedural rules im mediately. An overwhelming majority of the coeds questioned said they did not think the program im posed any restrictions on the in dividual girls. The 8 per cent of girls who did think that restric tion would result felt that jun ior residents would attempt to expect too much a control on their groups. Most of the girls interviewed had only a vague knowledge of how the program• operates. RUSHING SMOKER Sunday, Nev, 20 7:00-9:00 P.N. Delta Theta Sigma, 101 N. Patterson St. ALL INTERESTED RUSHEES IN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE ARE INVITED . Dr. Pasta Will Show Slides On the Middle East Anyou Student Luncheon Special Alyout We are serving this Fri., Sat., and Sun., Nov. 17. 19, 19 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Fresh Baked Bread Garden Fresh Medley Salad Creamery Butler Apple Butter Tea or Coffee only 99c the DUTCH PANTRY All you All You 230 E. C o ll ege Ave. • can eat C ll can eat For Hungry Students Only I HERLOCHER'S has Submarines 50c made at the store Chix Stix 35e Chickens .... 65c and up ALL ORDERS DELIVERED Coffee Spot Bldg, AD 8-5108 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA New 'Leaders' To Be Chosen For Orientation All students wishing to partici pate in future Orientation Week programs must now apply for the position through the Orientation Week committee. This revision of the former , counselor-selection procedure in, which only students selected from hat societies and by special recom mendation could participate, was. ;announced yesterday by Barbara !Hackman and Marianne Ellis. ;Orientation program co-chairmen. Under the new plan, any stu dent may apply for a post as an ;Orientation Leader, which the !former "counselors" will now be !called or as a chairman or mem ber of numerous committees formed for Orientation events. Applications for participants in spring Orientation Week to be held Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, 1961, are available today at the Hetzel Union desk. Forms must be re turned to the HUB desk by Nov. 30. La Vie Gets Top Rating The 1960 La Vie received a top rating of "Excellent" in the judg ing of the National School Year book Association, of Columbia, Mo, In a judging conducted by As sociated Collegiate Press, Minne apolis, Minn., the book was awarded a Second Class Honor Rating. REMEMBER Miss Noel Gordon demonstrating the exciting uses of Revlon beauty aids and beauty help for YOU at Mctanahan's Self Service Today, Friday Last Day LITTON LOG IC All Droons arc the same size and shape. All Green Slackens th - e the same size and shape. Twenty Droons just fill a Mukha. All Wallaxes contain Green Slackens. A Green Slacken' is 10% bigger than a Droon. A Waliax is smaller than a Muldruff. What is the largest possible number of Green Slackens in a Wallax? ANSWER TO PROBLEM WHICH APPEARED IN LAST "LITTON LOGIC": Brown's barn is burning. If you enjoy the challenge of thought-provoking situations, you will enjoy the environment surrounding our company in San Carlos, California. The Litton Industries Electron Tube Division facili ties there will be of added interest to engineers and scientists who wish to obtain advanced degrees. Under Litton's Advanced Scientific Study Program, Fellowships are available in nearby • San Jose State College, Santa Clara University, Stanford Uni versity, or the University of California at Berkeley. Obtain full information from the Litton Industries representa tive who will interview E.E., M.E., and Physics graduates for positions involving R&D and construction of exotic generators of microwave energy, display devices, and linear beam tubes. INTERVIEWS ON NOVEMBER 29 I . LITTON INDUSTRIES Electron Tube Division . „mpg. SAN CARLOS, CALIFORNI ODK Will Meet Today , Omicron Delta Kappa, men's leadership honorary society, will hold its monthly luncheon meet ing at 12 noon today in the lletiel Union terrace room. Penn State is the only univer sity in the world offering courses in Pennsylvania German lan guage, culture and folklore. PAGE THREE