The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 04, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Prof Discusses- (continued from page two) definitely ahead of the Russians,” Chisman said. In discussing the Quemoy-Ma tsu issue, he said that it is 'strict ly a military matter.” The prob lem involved is a question of mil itary strategy, concerning the po sition of the two islands, Chisman said. "Whether or not the islands should be defended is not the policy making decision of presi dential candidates, Chisman said, “but rather the military decision of an area commander.” Nittany Dell home of delicious sandwiches LOX and BAGELS SERVED SUNDAY TILL 2 P.M. across from girls dorms 362 Shortlidge Rd. FREE PARKING IN REAR ... and our opportunities and rewards are great. Be cause data processing applications have been grow ing rapidly, we have a number of different kinds of openings in Data Processing Marketing for outstand ing men with exceptional ability and ambition. The rewards are excellent and the work challenging. Men who qualify will be trained to introduce the most modern data processing techniques to top executives in business and industry, and to act as consultants, to present users You naturally have a better chance to grow. T l)u| data PROCESSING DIVISION with a growth company, g BWfl IBM wifi Interview November 10 &11 ““ TH® Davis to Speak at HUB Dr. James M. Davis, director of the International Center at the University of Michigan, will speak at the meeting of Foreign Student Advisors at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 12 in the Hetzel Union assembly room. He will discuss "The Cultural Significance of East-West Ex change.” POLLOCK AREA HOP FRIDAY, NOV. 4 8:30-12:00 EVERYONE WELCOME (INCLUDING MARYLAND VISITORS) WOMEN ADMITTED FREE FOR FIRST HALF HOUR Music by the BILL BAILEY COMBO • OUR STANDARDS ARE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA SGA Opposes— (Continued from page one) on the referendum valid. A sim ple majority could repeal the law. However, Assembly could again vote on the law and, if passed by three-fourths of the constitutional membership (42), it would become valid over the veto of the stu dent body. We would like to talk to you if you will be . .ng a bachelor’s or advanced degree in engineering, sci ence, mathematics, economics, or business admin istration. IBM will interview on your campus soon. See your Placement Director for additional Informa tion and to arrange an appointment. Or, if you prefer, please write: Mr. S. F. Davis, Branch Manager, IBM Corporation, 206 Main Street, Johnstown, Pa., JO 7-5181 ■ Over 15,000 Readers See These ... + CLASSIFIEDS + ley FOR SALE DORM’ cONTRAcf for Pollock C. Call UN 6-4083. TWO TICKETS for Maryland game 46- yard line in front of press box. Call Dick UN 6-7995. TWO MARYLAND game tickets. Call UN 6-6901. 1969 REMBRANDT Trailer 43x10, two bedrooms, front kitchen, full bath, wrought iron porch, patio awning includ ing patio furniture and TV areial, Park Forest. Phone AD 7-2819. , FRESH CIDER. No preservatives added. Truck at Freezer Fresh, Dale Summit on Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon and evening. Bring jugs. Phone HA 2- 8342. RECORD CABINETS for music minders. Many sizes, styles and models in beau tiful finishes. Priced from 117.96. 6 r /c eas and carry, convenient terms. O. W. Houts and Son, State College, Pa. 1952 FORD convertible, R&H, new top, new tires, good condition. Contact Bill UN 5-8167. 1954 CHEVROLET. Recently overhauled, 62,000 miles, new battery, muffler, tail pipe, current Ptnna. inspection. Asking $350. MAin 6-5435. ’63 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, excellent con dition : radio, heater and overdrive. Needs seatcovers. Call UN 5-2953 or UN 5-7648 before 5 *63 CHEVROLET, radio, heater, automatic, very good tires, excellent running con dition. Must sacrifice. Ed Sigal AD 8-3129. HIGH, TOO receivi FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1960 FOR SALE TRAILER 27’, excellent condition. Ideal for married couple desiring low cost housing, comfortable living. Call AD 7- 7994. STOP LOOKING for that gift—O. W. Houts and Son have thousands of gift items that would please any friend, sister, brothel, mother or father for any gift giving occasion. 6% cash and carry dis count. Shop the base gift wares dept., and save, O. W, Houts and Son, State College, Pa. f HOUSE TRAlLER—immediate possession, includes all modern conveniences in cluding Television. Call _AD 8-D644. Perfect way to avoid high rentals. USED'TELEVISION sets. 17” - 21”, table and floor models. Burn's TV. AD 7-3962. FOR RENT APARTMENT, three bedroom duplex, 732 East Foster Ave. Rent $95 month. Ten ant pays heat, water, sewer, garbage and trash. Stove and refrigerator. Available Feb. 1, 1961. Call AD 8-8500. DOUBLE AND one-half single room for students, 433 W. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-4147. TRAILER FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms. 322 North Penn State Trailer Park M B’\ Apply Trailer 4 or 10. _____ FURNISHED ,2-ROOM Apartment, cen- trally located. Available on, or about Feb. 1, 1961. Call AD 7-7792 or AD 8-6254. ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend accommodations for PARENTS and FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave. Telephone AD 7*7792 or AD 7-4850, ask for Mrs. Cox. MEN STUDENTS; One vacancy in fur nished apartment 'for two —$39 each month; including everything. Call AC 8-1409 after 3:30 p.m. HELP WANTED WAITER DISHWASHER lunch dinner furnished, no Sunday meals, caterer, Alpha Rho Chi. AD 7-4232. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Contact caterer. Phi Mu Delta, AD 8-2-173. DISHWASHERS AND Waiters. Phi Sigma Delta. Call Bruce Edelson AD 7-4409. PART TIME WORK—college student* (male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. AD 8-2051. Salary $45 a week. WANTED PROOFREADER FOR Collegian, two nights a week. See John Black in .Col legian office or call AD 8-2761. WANTED," UR^NT~‘lti ; de“ to~NYC «r vicinity for two, Tuesday, Nov. 22. Call Sky UN 5-2310. WANTED 15 CENTS' on Monday for . the “Penn State Countryman” on campus or the Nittany Newsstand. Especially for the outrof-doors man. Special introductory price while they last. RIDE TO Syracuse, Ithica or Elmira for two anytime Thursday or Friday, Nov. 10. 11.-Call UN 0-8223. GOOD OPPORTUNITY for waiter's job. Call AD 7-1070. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call caterer AD 7-2161. LOST iiai i mu lit TWO BLACK Berets along College Ave, between South Allen and South Halls or Pollock Dorms. Call AD 8-3162. TAN WALLET between Alpha Gamma Rho and Patterson. Keep money and return cards. Phone AD 8-0066. LOST—SIGMA DELTA TAU sorority pin around Pollock area. Call UN 6-8700, Linda. LEATHER JACKET at Theta Delta Chi Friday night. Have yours. Call Diane UN 6-4955. SET OF diamond rings, Beaver Stadium parking area. Call Virginia Forsythe AD 7-2134. LOST: BAND’S Microphone stand behind Delta Phi Saturday night. We need it. Reward. Call AD 7-8309. GREEN CORDUROY stadium coat; lost outside 312 Boucke on Saturday. Cell UN 6-8527 or return to finding place. SILVER .J.D. Bracelet. Jim Inscribed on front. Call Jim Sloane UN 6-6713. FOUND FOUND PAIR OF black leather gloves in Boucke Building. Phone AD 8-9677 and pay for «d. MISCELLANEOUS •••lIIIIIIIIIIIMHIIIMIMIIIIIIIIiniIIIIIItIIIIMIIIIIMII WATCH FOR the Ying Yang Band, parade thru the dorm areas Saturday before Maryland game. Lick 'em Lionel ;Show the team we’re behind them. URGENT RIDE needed to Washington, D.C. Friday after 3:00. Call Arlene Kir son UN 5-7-190. PR: SORRY CANNOT buy candy for you this weekend. ’’The Countryman” swings on campus on Monday. Only 15 cents! Bet ter bargain! WT. IS YOUR VISION getting worse year after year? A new method makes it possible to improve vision. For free in formation write to Dr. D. S. Rehme, Ivar Vidfnmnos, Gat* 29, Hngcrsten, Sweden. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN: Jam Sessions Qur Specialty. The STATESMEN now Avail able nt reasonable rates. Call Craur Ycrkea AD 7-4928. ' wt": fgß(Tet^rTfi- candy this weekend. I want to sen the “Countryman" on Monday too! (let it on campus or the Nittnny Newsstand. Only i 5 cents? Great! PR. NEED HELP? The originator of MAD magazine has done it again—only this time for college students! He’s created a hilarious new magazine called 11KLP1 Want to see how funny an adult satire mag can be? Send 50c to HELP!. Dept. A-10, Box 6573, Philadelphia 28, Penna. $lO REWARD for helping rent a two bedroom house trailer on big beautiful