The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 03, 1960, Image 5
THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1960 Freshmen To Sign Out For Lounge All freshmen must sign out after 8 p.m. whether entertain ing guests in the lounge areas or leaving the residence area, the AWS Senate ruled last night. Upperclasswomen will continue to sign out when leaving the building after 8 p.m. but need not sign out to entertain in the, lounge. It was decided that freshmen may be in the lounge, however, after the sign-in hour of 10:30 p.m. during the week without a date. This ruling and clarification were made to eliminate the prob lem of freshmen women remain ing in the lounges after 10:30 p.m. with a date. In other business, it was decid ed that one member of each local area judicial board will sit, as a non-voting delegate, on her res pective Community Council to co ordinate council activities with those of both local and central judicial boards. Officers of each Community Council were elected prior to the Senate meeting. Chairmen and treasurers of each council will sit on AWS Senate as voting dele gates. Jean Demeycr was appointed senior senator to replace' Sheila Gallagher, who will be 3tudent teaching. PRINTING Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. College AD 8-6794 LOOK SHARP THIS WEEKEND . . . GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT ONE OF THESE LOCAL SHOPS FOLLOW THE MALL TO RINALDO'S • 7 Expert Barbers • Variety of Styles • Fast Serlvce RINALDO'S BARBER SHOP 107 S. Allen St. Two Handy Locations To Serve You TONY'S BARBER SHOP 231 B. BEAVER AVENUE UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP 134 E. COLLEGE AVENUE Dorms—lt's Now or Never ; Banners Due Tomorrow PLAN AHEA oops! This to get their displays up as soon is not an error made by the as P° ss ib le - Collegian reporter, copyread- a trophy from the Association of er or linotype operator . . . Independent Men at the pep rally but 'this is something that tomorrow night. could happen to those dormi- ne T s he w m S U^announceTat b me tory units that wait until the p e nn State - Maryland game on last minute before making their Saturday. banners for the Collegian Banner All banners should have as a . central theme the promotion of The last minute will be approx-spirit for the Lions - Terrapins imately 4:45 p.m. tomorrow. Ban- game. ners should be displayed at the No banner should cost more participating dormitory and the than $25 and all banners must con judges will go to each dorm unit, form to the main idea without be- Smce ihs judging has to be fin- ing derogatory or in poor taste ished before dark, units are asked to the University ideals. and Chemistry-Physics RETURN YOUR LA VIE PROOFS Pa y V' . to the Penn State Photo Shop Immediately FINE HAIRCUTS IN A Pleasant Surrounding "We Cut Your Hair As Neat As We Keep Our Shop" • Quick Service • All Styles DAVIDSON'S 145 S. Allen "Next to Murphy's" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA SENIORS GET CLIPPED (YOUR HAIR OF COURSE) BARBER SHOP 107 S. PUGH "Across the Street From The "Skeller" gill COME IN and BOB'S Two-Bike Collision Hospitalizes Frosh A bicycle accident Tuesday sent ■ two students to the Ritenour Health Center. Karen Crickahank, a freshman in agriculture from Freeport, N.Y., collided >vith James McMaster, a freshman in engineering from Smock, near Pollock C. Miss Crickahank was uncon scious when taken to the infir mary but is in satisfactory con dition now according to' hospital officials. There is a possibility she will be released tomorrow, they added. LIKE COUNTRY AUCTIONS? • Want to go to Florida or Maine? Here's a golden opportunity at a bargain price. Thirty-five vacations valued at $3000.00 will be auc tioned to the highest bidders. •All proceeds go to charity. Won't you come and join the fun? 1U E. College Ave. NO MASS PRODUCTION HAIRCUTS HERE Old Fashioned Shop Old Fashioned Prices Bill's Barber Shop T BLOCK WEST OF ALLEN ON BEAVER Look for the Sign Pointing DOWNSTAIRS Does It Take You ALL AFTERNOON To Get a Haircut? Avoid Waiting Call: AD 8-0222 For An APPOINTMENT AND FIND US READY WHEN YOU COME IN -Appointments not necessary SMITH'S BARBER SHOP 210 S. ALLEN WE HAVE 5 EXPERT BARBERS WHO DO ALL STYLES EQUALLY WELL • MINIMUM WAITING • COURTEOUS SERVICE MADDEN'S BARBER SHOP JIOS. Allen "Just Down From the Corner Room" WRA Bridge Lists Due Preference sheets from indi vidual and sorority groups wish ing to participate in the WRA Bridge Intramurals must be turned in today to the main desk at White Hall. Preference sheets for valleyball must be turned in tomorrow. After preference sheets have been received, entry lists will also be requested from the parti cipating groups. —When it opened its doors in 1859, the Farmer’s High School had 69 students who studied, ate, slept and went to classes in the only building on campus Old Main. • Don't miss the Jr. Wom en's Club auction and fash ion show at the Hillel~ Foundation on Nov. Ist. The fashion show will fea ture the latest in fall fash ions from Hur's worn by prominent local men. This Ad Sponsored by Across from Old Main Come In and Lei EXPERT BARBERS GROOM YOUR HAIR AND (INCH YOUR DATE FOR THE WEEKEND JACK'S BARBER SHOP 131 8. PUGH NEXT TO GLENNLAND POOL PAGE FIVE