The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 03, 1960, Image 3
THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1960 Politics and Power Kennedy Proposes New Peace Corps SAN FRANCISCO f/P) Sen. John F. Kennedy proposed Inst night the establishment of a peace corps in which young men could serve in underdeveloped nations for three years instead of being drafted for military duty. In his speech here Kennedy pro posed that present efforts to aid underdeveloped areas of the world be supplemented by a corps of "talented young men willing and able to serve in countries in this fashion for three years as an al ternative to peacetime Selective Service.” Saying that "the enemy ad vances now by nonmilitary meth ods,” the Democratic presidential candidate said this country must have representatives abroad of greater talent and training, espe cially in the newly emerging na tions that need specialized help. "We can push a button to start the next war, but there is no push-button magic to bring a just and lasting peace,” Kennedy said in a speech prepared for delivery at the Cow Palace. The talk marked the windup of Kennedy’s final two-dav bid for the 32 electoral votes of Califor nia. home state of his Republican opponent. Vice President Rich ard M. Nixon. Credit Staff Meeting TONIGHT 7:15 p.m. in the Collegian Office (very short) Refreshments ATTENTION \! ALL STUDENTS INTERESTED IN PROMOTING BETTER STUDENT GOVERNMENT JOIN Campus Party TONIGHT 6:30-7:30 212 HUB Nominations Will Be Held Sunday, Nov. 6, 7-9 p.m. in 119 Osmond ior Fall Semester Candidates for SGA Assembly Seats end Freshman and Sophomore Class Presidents. Eisenhower Calls U.S.ATop Power j NEW YORK (/P) President iEisenhower said last night that Idespite the "bewailing” com [plaints of Sen. John F. Kennedy, jAtnerica’s military retaliatory [power is at "a peak of power.” j Supporting a theme which Nix jon has been pounding in cam paigning in all sections of the 'country, Eisenhower told a par j tisan crowd which interrupted ! his speech with applause 20 times: | "In every index by which we [measure strength and develop ment, the past eight years have 'been the brightest of our history. [Such strength and development form the sturdy foundation on which are built all our necessary programs for national prosperity |and security at home and waging peace abroad.” | In another obvious dig at Ken nedy, Eisenhower said he can’t lunderstand "how, in the face of The record, anyone can seriously contend that the world leadership iof the United States has been im paired.” j Eisenhower called America "the [mightiest temporal power that [has ever been developed here on God's footstool.” THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA [U.S. Conductor [Dies in Italy [Of Heart Attack MILAN, Italy (JP) Dimitri Mitropoulos, an austere musical perfectionist who conducted or chestras in the United Stales lor many years, toppled from the po dium at La Scala Opera House yesterday and died, apparently a victim of a heart attack. Mitropoulos. born in Greece 64 years ago. had spent 10-year ten ures as conductor of the Minneap olis Symphony and then the New York Philharmonic. Laier he con ducted at New York’s Metropoli tan Opera and toured extensively in Europe. Mitropoulos was rehearsing Gustav Mahler’s Third Symphony for a concert here Monday. A few minutes before taking up his ba ton, he had complained of being tired. "I feel very fatigued,” he said. “I am an old automobile that still works, however.” Then he rehearsed the orches tra for about 10 minutes. Sudden ly he stopped and put a hand to his heart. Before any of the mu sicians could reach him, he col lapsed and fell from the podium. He was rushed to Milan's Poly clinic Hospital but died on the way. Mitropoulos suffered a heart at tack early last year in Germany! hut he appeared to have recov ered. tniitiiitfitimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiit£ 1 LION HOP | 5 sponsored by ihe Inde- El ,5 pendent Student Asso- = = ciation will be held in Ej S place of Club Hubana on = || Saturday Night f PENN STATE 9:00-12:00 Admission Free Vote for the Candidate FRIDAY. POLLING BOOTHS in... Pollock Dining Area at Lunch and Dinner ANYONE CAN VOTE Bring Your Matric Card Congo Leaders Refuse Panhel OK's— Lumumba Patch-Up LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo'plained. This would also tend to W) —Pro-Western Congolese lead-discourage sororities from wear ers warned the United Nations in K. ful ] length gowns in favor of I a simpler costume, sne <ta<ica. Tuesday they will not accept Tho main objection to the African-Asian efforts to patch up change was voiced by Jan Catlo ■ their dispute with the Commu- : way. Alpha Chi Omega, when she nist-backed ex-premier, Patrice said \ "ihis would defeat ! * whole purpose of cotfer houis Lumumba. which is to show the sorority in The warning was served by a different light than at other Col. Joseph Mobutu, the Army.rush parties.’’ chief, and President Joseph Kasa- matter how you diess the , , ~ .. ,1 sorority members, just holding vubu, who was theoretically neu- thp ev ’ nt in lhc Mliu , s wi n Wilkv tralized by Mobutu's Sept. 14 essentially just a 01011101- chat coup d’etat. iter date,” she added. of Your Choice MOCK ELECTION 9:00-7:00 Sparks HUB Electrical Engineering (Continued from page one) coffee hours. Miss Hamm tx- PAGE THREE