The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 02, 1960, Image 8

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Sociology Club
To Hold Drive
The philanthropic program
sponsored by the Sociology Club
will be discussed at a meeting at
7:15 p.m. tomorrow in Simmons
The club will collect Items to
be distributed at Christmas time
to the patients of the state-operat
ed institutions for mental illness
at Laurelton and Hollidaysburg.
A drive will be conducted after
Thanksgiving in which any of the
following items, new or used and
in good condition, will be accept
ed: books, outer clothing, jewelry,
toilet articles except for liquid
lotions, creative art materials,
writing materials, games, tobacco
articles such as cigarette holders
and food stuffs such as candy,
cookies, dried fruit and canned
Teaching Machine—
(Continued from page five)
be replaced with some teaching
According to .Tames B. Bartoo,
acting department head of mathe
matics and a consultant in the
mathematics subject area, a course
taught with a teaching machine is
only as good as the pei'son who
writes the programmed cards.
“He is’ the key person involved,”
Bartoo added.
He said that a unit in basic al
gebra designed for students with
inferior background in algebra
is the first one being studied icr
teaching via machine.
The machine method may be
used for teaching slower students
but in high school testing it has
proved very effective in teaching
advanced courses, Bartoo said.
Tareyton has the
Dual Filter
does it!
Product of *J&dmvußan Jtj<sase(>-£cryjwtp Jtdax&s is our middlt namt 9*r «*
Jazz Workshop
To Be Held
The Penn State Jazz Club will
hold a workshop from 1:30 to
4:30 p.m. Sunday in 117 Carnegie.
The workshop will feature the
Don Krebs quartet; a new group
on campus, the Collegiates; Miss
Frieda Lee and other Penn State
A demonstration of different
types of jazz drumming will be
given at the workshop.
The purpose of this workshop
is to give jazz musicians a chance
to play before an audience which
has come for the explicit purpose
of hearing jazz and to give the
audience a chance to hear what is
happening musically in jazz on
campus, according to Alan Pollon,
president of the Jazz Club.
Filters for
-finest flavor by far!
taste —
The Inland Steel Company invites you to investi
gate career opportunities at our Indiana Harbor
Works, East Chicago, Indiana.
Our representative will be on your campus on No
vember 10th. Contact Mr. Robert G. Schnelle for
an oppointment.
East Chicago, Indiana
Sigma Tau Delta
Opens Membership
The deadline for application for
membership in Sigma Tau Delta,
honorary English fraternity, is
Nov. 18.
To be eligible for membership
students must have a major or
minor in English (in the College
of Liberal Arts or Education); an
All-University average of 2.5 or
better with an English average
of 3 or better; a semester stand
ing above third; attendance at
open meetings of Sigma Tau Del
ta and/or membership in the Eng
lish Club.
Application forms are available
in 222 Sparks or 305 Burrowes.
—Penn State first organized
curriculums in meteorology, min
eral economics and mineral prep
aration engineering in 1946.
' w
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Here's how the DUAL FILTER DOES IT:
1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL '
... definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and •
2/with a pure white outer filter. Together they select and balance
the flavor elements in the smoke.. Tareyton’s flavor-balance gives
you the best taste of the best tobaccos.
French Film 'Manon'
Scheduled for Showing
The French film, “Manon,” will
be presented at 7:30 p.m. to
day in the Auditorium of Home
Economics South.
Presented as the second in a
series of films by the French In
stitute, the program will be open
to all interested, except that at
tendance is limited to 200 persons.
—ln 1926 there was only one
sorority on the Penn State cam
pus Chi Omega. Today there
are 25 national sororities..
1954 PLYMOUTH cnvertible. Call Don
Wilson AD 8-9067.
1957 CORVETTE and 1955 T-Bird, both
with 2 tops, automatic trans., and ex
cellent condition. Call Frank UN 5-4597.
’63 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, excellent con
dition ; radio, heater and overdrive.
Needs seatcovers. Call UN 5-2953 or UN
6-7648 before 5 p.m.
FM ANTENNA in new condition. Very
slightly U3ed. Call AD 8-8309.
SMITH-CORONA Super portable type
writer, little used. $7O. See Mr. Espen
shade, Agricultural Library, Tuesday,
Thursday or Sunday nights.
TRAILER 27’, excellent condition. Ideal
for married couple desiring low cost
housing, comfortable living. Call AD 7-
MEN’S SIZE 8 Ice Skates, good condition,
reasonably priced. Call Barry UN 5-7107.
STOP LOOKING for that gift—O. W.
Houts and Son have thousands of gift
items that would please any friend, sister,
brother, mother or father for any gift
giving occasion. 6 c /o cash and carry dis
count. Shop the base gift wares dept,
and save. O. W. Houts and Son, State
College, Pa.
RACOON COAT, good condition. Call
Lynn UN 5-8724.
MOVIE CAMERA Bmm with telephoto
lenß and carrying case. Excellent con
dition, reasonable. Phone AD 8-2663, ask
!for Bill.
*>♦*>'*. safe
/ >
* . » 4 l >.
Danner Judglng--
(continued from page two)
ceive a trophy from the Associa
tion of -Independent Men at the
pep rally on Friday night.
The first three winning banners
will be announced at the game on
- So in order to make the banner
in next week’s Collegian real “Nit
tany Lions Wallop Maryland Ter
rapins,” let’s get those other ban
ners out for the Collegian Banner
Contest. Remember, “Lick ’Urn,
HOUSE TRAlLER—immediate possession-
Includes nil modern conveniences in
cluding Television. Call AD 8-0544. Perfect
way to avoid high rentals.
DORM CONTRACT for Pollock A. Call
UN 5-6064.
USED TELEVISION seta. I V* - 21” table
and floor model*. Burn’s TV. AD 7-3962.
WANTED —TYPING by experienced the*!*
typist. Cal! AD 8-8638.
TYPING QUICK, accurate work. Call
AD 8-0998.
RIDE WANTED to Jnncaville. Ohio or
vicinity for Thanksgiving. Will share
expenses. Call AD 8-6831.
GOOD OPPORTUNITY for waiter’s job.
Cali AD 7-4979.
KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call caterer
AD 7-2161.
SINGLE ROOM, bath, private entrance;
walking distance to campus. AD 8-2774.
TYPING UP Term Papers and TheeJs.
Call EL 6-4554.
DEXTER CLUB Room—single $9.00, dou
ble $6.00. 129 Locust Lane. Four minute
walk to HUB. See Dick, walk in.
ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend
accommodations for PARENTS and
FRIENDS- Colonial Hotel, 123 W. NitUny
Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4850 a
ask for Mrs. Cox.
MEN STUDENTS! One vacancy in fur«
nished apartment for two—s 33 eack
month; including everything. Call AD
8-1409 after 3:30 p.m.
SSSwatod" ’
MALE INSTRUCTORS for ice-skating
classes, graduate or undergraduate Mu
dents who are qualified to teach beginning
skaters in Physical Education classes. Must
have some vacant sequences Mon., Wed.
and Fri. Good pay. Call UN 6-2162 for
DISHWASHERS AND Waiters. Phi Sigma
Delta. Call Bruce Edolson AD 7-4409.
PART TIME WORK—college student.
(male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call
Mr. Rogers between 9 a.rn. and 2 p.m.
AD 8-2051. Salary $46 a week.
around Pollock area. Call UN 6-8700,
LEATHER JACKET at Theta Delta Chi
Friday night. Have yours. Call Diane
UN 5-4055.
SET OF diamond rings. Reaver Stadium
parking area. Call Virginia Forsvlhe
AD 7-2134.
LOST: BAND’S Microphone stand behind
Delta Phi Saturday night, Wc need
it. Reward. Call AD 7-3300.
TAKEN BY mistake, P.S. Jacket with
emblem. Have your jacket. Call UN
(.KEEN CORDUROY stadium coat: lost
outside 312 Boucke on Satnuiay. Call
UN 5-8527 or return to finding place.
jacket with black leather gloves in
pocket, accidentally picked up at West
Halls record-hop Oct. 28. Call Norm
A D 8-6203.
SILVER .I.D. Bracelet. Jim inscribed on
front. Call Jim Sloane UN 5-5713.
JlO REWARD for “Grackle," grey tiger
cat wearing cloth collar with btlis,
nick in one ear. Missing since Wed., Oct.
26. Last seen Thursday night in College
Heights area. May be anywhere in and
around State College. Any information
call AD 8-0407.
IS YOUR VISION getting worse year
after year? A new method makes it
possible to improve vision. For free in
formation write to Dr. D. S. Rrhme,
lva'r Vidfamnca, Gnta 29, Hagen-ten,
PLAN FOR Robert Kcnhedy Young Demo
crats Meet, 121 Sparks, 8:80 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1960.
JAZZ TONIGHT. Qt .the Rathskeller, Col
lego Ave. A Pugh St.
ROCK N* ROLL Thursday night at the
* Rathskeller.
JACK: ONR DEBATE for Friday is can
celled. Everyone is going to the West
Halls Record Hop. Dick.
Specialty. The STATESMEN now avail
able at reasonable rates. Call Craig Yerkea
AD 7-4928.
AG HILL PARTY M.C. ami Song Leader
tryouts: Thursday, Nov, 3 from 7-9
in 109 Armehy.
NEED HELP? The originator of MAD
magazine has done it again—only this
time for college students! He’s created
a hilarious new magazine called HELP I
Want to see how funny an adult satire
mag can bo? Sertd 60c to HELP!, Dfpt.
A-10, Box 6673, Philadelphia 28, Penna.
MY OLD Ivor-Johnaon bike isn’t worth
getting kicked out of school for. No
questions asked if returned to same place.
Reward for Information. AD 8-1616 t
$lO REWARD for helping rent a two
bedroom house trailer on big beautiful