The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 02, 1960, Image 7
WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1960 Tigers Now Second In AP Football Poll lowa’s rating as the No. 1 college football team of the nation will be challenged Saturday at Minneapolis when it meets the strong Minnesota team which is ranked No. 3 in the weekly Associated Press poll of a 48-man panel of sports writers and sportscasters. The lowa team, which has rolled over Oregon State, Northwestern, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Purdue and Kansas for six straight victories, was a near-unanimous choice in this week's poll. The Hawkeyes re ceived 46 first place ballots as compared to one each for Minne sota and Washington. Minnesota also takes impres sive credentials into this vital clash for the Big Ten lead. The Gophers have won six in a row in their march past Nebraska, Indiana, Northwestern, Illinois, Michigan and Kansas State. Number two team, Missouri, winner of seven straight includ ing a 21-8 triumph over Penn State, also faces an important opponent Saturday when it meets once-beaten Colorado in a Big Eight clash that could decide the championship. Navy, the No. 4 club with seven in a row this year, meets a rugged opponent on the road when the Middies travel to Durham, N.C., to play Duke, beaten only by Michigan. Ohio State, which has lost only to Purdue 24-2! in six games and is rated filth, is not expected to have too much trouble with Indiana. Mississippi, tumbled to sixth after its 6-6 tie with Louisiana State, hopes to make up ground against Chattanooga, Washington, rShked No. 7 plays Southern California in a game which should go far toward firm COME ON AND VOTE! FRESHMEN ...* THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO ELECT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO STUDENT COUNCILS DON'T PASS UP the OPPORTUNITY ... VOTE T Business Administration Boucke Chemistry-Physics Osmond Division of Counseling HUS Education HUB Engineering Sackett Home Economics Home Economics Liberal Arts HUB Remember, this election is for freshmen only . Come on and vote for your chokes for student council representatives . By The Associated Press ing up the Rose Bowl situation. Tennessee’s 27-14 victory over North Carolina on a day when Mississippi was being tied and Baylor and Syracuse were losing put the Vols into the No. 8 posi tion. Despite Syracuse’s 10-0 defeat by Pitt, the Orange remains in the top ten, dropping from third to ninth. Syracuse plays Army Saturday at New York. The new No, 10 team is Rice. Rice risks a share of the South west Conference lead Saturday night in a game with Arkansas at Little Rock. 1. Jmva 4f* (6-0* 476 2, Missouri (7-0 1 359 8. Minnesota 1 (fi*ol 350 4, Navy (7-0 1 324 5. Ohio State <5-1» 279 f». Mississippi (6-Q-ll 205 7. Washington 1 (0-1) 142 8. Tennessee (5-0*1» 108 9. Syracuse (5-1) 91 10. Rice (5-11 .73 Williams Cool To Manager's Job MIAMI, Fla. (/P) Ted Wil liams wants to stay in baseball but “emphatically, i have no de sire or ambition to become a manager.” “I would like to work into the administrative end, but hope it could be in some role where I would be close to the players,” the retired Boston Red Sox slug ger told sports editor Tommy De vine of the Miami News yester day. THE DAILY COtLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Phi Gam Enters IM Playoffs By JIM BUKATA [touchdown and John McSparran Phi Gamma Delta, one ofjadded a 15-yard field goal, the top threats for the IM fra- Bob Schrecengost's 15-yard ternity football championship, runback , °' an ! n,ercepted t pass J c provided the winning points as moved into the playoffs last Tau Phr Della beat Phi sigma night with a 14-0 victory over Upsilon. 7-0. Alpha Epsilon Pi. In independent action. Wesley Skip Finkelston again led the gm-t's th s? of * H tra y pass gavei victois by tossing a 4-yard TDi NiUan y 33 pass to Bob Snyder. He scored E ar iy in the second half Rod the other six pointer on a 9-yard Raynwich hit Sam Vilaro on a run. Jim Oltinger booted both pass-run play that covered 56- extra points. yards, giving Nittanv 27 a 8-0 win Beta Theta Pi scored two first half touchdowns, then held off! numerous last half threats byj Phi Sigma Kappa, to record a! 13-7 win. George Irvin scored both touch downs for the winners on pass es from Howie Spencer and Lew Paulin. Phi Sig ma Kappa’s score came on a pass' from John Shoi-| t. i s to John Lloyd. | A touchdown and a field goal were the margin! of victory in; Howie Spencer Acacia’s 9-0 shut-1 out over Delta Phi. John Black! connected with Bill Paris for the! Meet the Varsity Penn State tackle Slew Barber! will appear on Jerry Abrams’! “Meet the Varsity” show tonight) at .9:43 over radio station WMAJ.i 1952 Le Mans Films PENN STATE SPORTS CAR CLUB 8 P.M., 214 HUB over Nittany 24. Nittany 40 stayed in conten tion for the playoffs with a 6-0 victory over Nittany 35. The Brilliant Guard Dave Robinson, sophomore Penn State guard, scored more than 1400 points of a possible IGOO on the national college board [entrance exams. He’s majoring in: Imechanical engineering. Olde Burger Shoppe Directly Across from Old Main DAY! FRESHMEN ONLY . only score of the contesl cai j on Burt Rudy's 25-yard pass ! Mike Flitter, To preserve t victory, however, Nittany had to hold the losers on t 4-yard line. An early first half safety g Nittany 28 a 2-0 win over Nitti 25. Nittany 43 and Nittany battled to a scoreless tie but I tany 23 won the game, 1-0, first downs. Ag Hill Parly M.C. and Song Leader Tryouts: Thurs., Nov. From 7 to 9 p.m. 109 Armsby K Dinner For $1.2 T' RIGHT. 1.29 BUYS AN ENTIRE DINNER OF oz. Rib Steak U.s. Choice ench Fries Lettuce & Tomato Salad le Burger Shoppe has many other deli dishes cheeseburgers, hotdogs wit! rkraut (only 2 for 45c). Now open fo breakfast too! Today WED., NOV. 2 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PAGE SEV Bread & Butter