The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 02, 1960, Image 5
WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1960 Teaching Machines To Aid Education By MEG TEICHHOLTZ Second of a series What is a teaching machine? The aim of the educational research project under Title VII of the National Defense Ed ucation Act is to find out exactly what it is and what it can do for education. According to Henry W. Sams, head of the English depart- Ed Council Asks Study Of Advisors The Education Student Council recommended last night that new professors not be made student advisors. The council also recommended a complete college career plan be mapped out for each student when he is a freshman or a sophomore and that there be a correlation between advisors on opinions of what courses must be taken be fore student teaching Sharon Hoffman, council pres ident. will take these recommen dations to the Student Personnel and Welfare Committee, which consists of a faculty representa tive from each department of ed ucation and the three council of ficers. This committee, acting on an earlier council recommenda tion, is making an inquiry into the advisory system. In other business, the council decided to sponsor a volleyball game between education students and faculty members. A definite time and place for the game has not been announced. If this first game is successful, the council plans to hold other student-faculty sports events. Prybyla Writes in 'Wealth' Dr. Jan S. Prybyla, assistant professor of economics, is the author of an article, ‘ The World of the ‘Wealth of Nations’,” pub lished in the October issue of the Toronto Quarterly. FREE! Any fraternity or sorority making composite arrange ments this week will be eligible to win a color composite taken of the entire house absolutely free! Here's how it works. The names of sororities and fraternities that make arrangements this week will be drawn from a hat Saturday. A rep resentative from your house may be present for the drawing. This is a $500.00 value, so don't delay make arrangements today! Infinity Enterprises 319 W. Beaver Ave. AD 8-0583 for appointment Free Parking ment and consultant to the proj ect in the English subject area, teaching machines can take the basic teaching of English skills and designate them to a machine thus “excusing the instructor and the student from boredom.” But what exactly is this mys terious machine that can light up or make noise and signals errors a student nas made as it teaches? Sams said that there are about 26 varieties of the "teaching machine," each using elaborately programmed cards, to leach the basic skills of lan guage to a student who is not adequately prepared in these skills. The program, sets of questions, really do the teaching as the an swer to a preceding question sup plies knowledge required to an swer the next. “All sophistication In language is eliminated from the pro grammed cards,” Sams said. Ex amples of things which would be taught by machines are the dis tinctions between such homo nyms as “there and their; to, too and two.” Sams stated that linguistics problems are “part of a compli cated national problem that in creases just as the number of stu dents seeking admissions to high er educational institutions in creases." Sams also added that after 1962, a non-credit English com position course now offered to aid students deficient in Eng lish will be eliminated and may (Continued on page eight) I. Theme: All banners must, in some way, pertain to the Penn State vs. Maryland football game. Penn State spirit in any form can be used. The purpose of this general ized theme is to colorfully illustrate to the adminis tration, faculty, students, and townspeople that Penn State Is giving their full support to the Nittany Lions. HI. Judging: The ease with which the Judges may interpret or understand the meaning or theme of your banner will mean much in the judging of these banners. The breakdown of ihe scoring points is as fol lows: clarity 20 points originality 30 poirits expression of Penn State spirit 30 points craftsmanship 20 points ALL DORM UNITS ELIGIBLE-TROPHY PROVIDED BY A.I.M. LICK UM LIONS! y v (Flip fatly THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Student Tickets Remain for Talk On Arab Problem About 700 student tickets still remain for the first University Lecture Series of the semester, a talk by Lieutenant General Sir John Eiagot Glubb at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Schwab. Nearly 200 faculty and non student tickets also remain for the lecture. Glubb, a legendary figure in the Arab world and’ a noted author ity on the Middle East, will speak on “The Middle East Storm Center of the World." For 36 years he lived among the Arabs as friend and confident. Glubb also.served as Commander of the Arab Legion in the 1940’5. He lived almost" entirely with the Bedouins, rarely meeting Eu ropeans and sometimes not speak ing a word of English for weeks on end. He dressed in their garb, ate their food, traveled by camel and slept in tents. He has always re mained a British subject. The personal prestige of Glubb grew to the point where he ad judicated disputes between Arab chieftains and became known as the “uncrowned King of Jordan.” USAF Selection Team A United States Air Force offi cer selection team will be on campus from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. next Monday at the Hetzel Union Building. Information will be available to students, male or female, in terested in commissions as offi cers in the U.S. Air Force. PARISH'S MENS SHOP Shortlidge Rd. at College Ave. SPECIAL! Boatneck Sweaters 17.9 S MR A BETTER PENN STATS (Mlwuan DARE Wants More Study On Town Survey After much discussion on the proposal that DARE, Direct Action for Racial Equality, assist a town committee on discrimination in its proposed survey of housing situations in State College, DARE postponed its decision until fur ther organization of "the survey by a committee. The survey, which will be spon sored by the Burgess’ committee of State College, is intended to determine the exact housing situ ation in State College in regard to discrimination against all mi nority groups. . Although the survey would be underwritten by some town group, the committee wants the help of sludent groups to carry out the actual work of the sur vey. In other business in its week end meeting, DARE decided to in vite the Student Goevrnment As sociation Committee on Inter racial Problems to their next The Men of Phi Kappa Psi invite nil eligible Ist semester freshmen to a Rushing Smoker at the chapter house on Wed., Nov. 2, 1960 from 7-9. Refreshments will be served. RUSHING SMOKER, WED. 7-9 BANNER If. Banner requirements and contest rules: 1. Banners must be completed by 5-'OO p.m., Nov. 4. 1960. They will be judged between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 2. Banners must be intact until 5:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. slli, 1960. No display will cost more than twenty-five dollars ($25) Displays will be disqualified for failure to adhere to con test rules. The Daily Collegian reserves the right to remove any banner that is in any way derogatory, demoralizing, or in poor taste to our University ideals. Any dorm unit is eligible to participate. IV. Awards: 1. The first place winner shall receive a trophy from the Association of Independent men. The first three winning banners will be announced at the Penn State vs. Maryland football game on Saturday, Nov. 5, 1960. The trophy will be awarded at the Friday Pep Rally, Nov. 4, 1960, the evening prior to the Maryland game. meeting to explain how DARE could assijst : n maintaining of the housing list which SGA will con trol. QIBBS ItFTP msxeatssm dm 3obS Gibbs-trained college women are In demand to assist executives in every field. Write College Dean about Special Course tor College Women. Ask for GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK. KATHARINE GIBBS BOSTON 16, MASS. . . NEW YORK 17, N. Y. . MONTCEMR, N, I. . . PROVIDENCE 6, R. I. . PHI KAPPA PSI 403 LOCUST LANE PAGE FIVE secretarial 21 Marlborough Street . . 230 Park Avenue . 33 Plymouth Street . . 155 Angcll Street