WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1960 U.S., Russia Confer On Disarmament UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (#*) —U.S. Ambassador James J. Wadsworth conferred yesterday with the Soviet Union’s Valerian A. Zorin on disarmament. There was no indication of progress on breaking the East-West deadlock over re suming negotiations. They met after a session of the UN Political Committee Macmillan Offers Nuclear Sub Base LONDON PP) —' Prime Minis ter Harold Macmillan told the House of Commons yesterday Britain will furnish the United States a base for roving nuclear submarines armed with Polaris missiles. The site is in Scotland, in the Holy Loch of the River Clyde. February is the planned date for anchoring a submarine ’tender there. A floating dock will come later. Macmillan’s statement, heard with hostility by the opposition i Labor members, came after Queen Elizabeth II opened a new ses sion of Parliament. Macmillan said the agreement will serve and strengthen the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion—an alliance the queen her self characterized as vital to peace. Labor party members in Com mons immediately attacked the Macmillan plan, saying the peo ple of Scotland would resent ex posur to destruction. But the prime minister retorted that a Polaris sub base would be less an enemy target than would bomber bases. Philadelphia Daily Paper Keeps Republican Policy PHILADELPHIA (JP) The Philadelphia Bulletin, largest af ternoon newspaper in the nation, yesterday editorially endorsed Vice President Richard M. Nixon for the presidency. The Bulletin said the Republi can candidate “offers more ra tional programs and displays deeper understanding of the means to further them,” than does his Democratic opponent, Sen. John F. Kennedy. The Bulletin supported Presi dent Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 against Democrat Adlai Steven son. No need to be. really. If thoughts of life insurance planning bring a cold chill to your bones, you aren’t thinking in the right direction. Starting an adequate life insur ance program now, while you’re still at college, gives you a head start on the future. Provident Mutual offers a variety of plans with guaranteed savings end pro tection features; only through life insurance can you buy such a combination in one package! We’d like to tell you more about these flexible plans which are now available. Just phone or stop by our office. George A. Borosque, Jr. Robert A. Szeyller 103 East Beaver Avenue ADams 8-9421 PROVIDENT MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia where Canada proposed creation of a small special committee of non-nuclear nations to help break the deadlock. One obvious U.S. aim was to , sound out the Soviet delegation on whether it intends to carry out its threat to quit' the U.N. disarmament debate unless So viet proposals are accepted as a basis for new negotiations. Howard Green, Canadian for eign secretary, submitted a reso lution to the committee with a declaration it aims at resumption of serious disarmament negotia tions at the earliest possible mo ment. Just before Green spoke, the iCuban delegate, Ambassador Manuel Bisbe, lauded the Soviet Union as the only major power offering concessions on disarma ment. . , • will be conducted November 16 by a senior member of the Hughes Research St nn-ramniJS intPr\/IGWS Development Staff. Consult your College Placement Officer for an appointment. Vll uicviwiwvo Or write Hughes College Placement Office, P.O. Box 90515, Los Angeles 45, CaliL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA U.S. Must Hold Cuban Base-Ike WASHINGTON (/P) Presi dent Eisenhower declared yester day the U.S. Naval Base at Guan tanamo, Cuba, is important .to the defense of the entire Western Hemisphere and this country will take whatever steps may be ap propriate to defend it. } The President’s declaration was jin a statement which took note of; ;the growing intimacy of Fidel j Castro’s government with Soviet Russia and Communist China. : Thus it was a warning to the Communist powers as well as .Castro not to believe the United i States can be bluffed into pulling iOut of Guantanamo.- S In' giving Eisenhower's stctc jment to newsmen, presidential press secretary James C. Hagtr ily said Eisenhower wanted to iinake this country’s policy posi tion perfectly clear “so there can be no misunderstanding.” Here are excerpts from the iPresident’s statement: ! “Our rights in Guantanamo are based on international agreements !with Cuba and include the exer icise by the United States of com iplete jurisdiction and control over ithe area. j “These agreements with Cuba jean be modified or abrogated only by agreement between the two parties, that is, the United States and Cuba.” engineers & receiving M.S. Ph.D. degrees electrical physicists '.<* _ w- Nixon Accuses Dems Of Creating Unfair Issue ERIE, Pa. (/P) Vice Presi dent. Richard - M. "Nixon charged yesterday that Democrats had made a “political football out of a pressing human problem by sending President Eisenhower two distressed areas bills he had to jveto.” He hammered at this theme in two Pennsylvania appearances be fore swinging into New York State. In other aspects of his cam paign Nixon: Promised to work for doubling the nation’s immigration quotas; Again challenged his Democrat ic rival, Sen. John F. Kennedy, to say how he would pay for promises made in the Democratic platform; and Voiced optimism about his pros pects in the seven largest states. / If you want your hair to look its best Then put De Victor's to the test De Victor’s 220 A S. Allen St. AD 8-0213 We invite you to consult with us regarding new positions in Hughes Advanced Research and Development activities. Hughes offers you an atmosphere most productive of creative work in your specialty. Your assignment will be to help forward basic theoretical progress in areas such as these: ■ Meteor Communications ■ Solid State Physics Research • Satellite Interceptor Systems ■ Air Launched Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles • Communications Satellites ■ Space Ferry Systems • Futuristic Instrumentation Systems • Global Surveillance Satellite Systems • Three-Dimensional Radar Systems • Electronics in Oceanography ■ Infrared Detection Systems ■ Industrial Controls ■ Data Processing Systems • Electroluminescence • Plasma Physics • lon Propulsion Hughes is an engineering-oriented company, and as such has become one of America's leading producers of advanced electronics. This leadership is based upon the efforts of over 5,000 engineers and scientists. One In 15 is a Ph.D. One in 4 has a master's degree. CftC* T *NC A NCW WORLD WITH ft.tCTBONICt | HUGHES | i t i HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY Culver City, El Segundo, Fullerton, Malibu, Newport Beach, Oceanside, Los Angeles, Calif.; Tucson, Arizona -ii "TfW.-VtlKi'pi- California Votes Sought By Jack on 2-Day Tour LOS ANGELES (/P) Sen. John F. Kennedy flew into Cali fornia yesterday for a 2-dny bid ito win its 32 electoral votes from native son Richard M. Nixon and got a wild welcome. | Kennedy made an overnight flight from Philadelphia, started la day-long tour by jabbing at the jvice president ns a stand-patter in a revolutionary era, then was engulfed in a huge demonstration during a noon hour motorcade through llie heart of the city. At the University of Southern California, addressing around 6000, Kennedy said that Nixon is ja conservative and a “conserva itive believes in the status quo.” “I can’t believe the people will choose the status quo,” the Sena tor said. PAGE THREE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers