PAGE SIX THEY'RE OFF as AOPi's entry in the wheelbarrow race leaves the starting line during Sunday'i; Derby Day festivities sponsored by Sigma Chi. Elaine 'Miele is in the driver's scat while Peggy Russell supplies the locomotion. Alpha Derby A muddy field and cloudy skies couldn't stop 20 sororities from participating in Sigma Chi's second annual Derby Day held Sunday at Holmes Field. Alpha Phi was the winner of the "sports" event with 48 points including 10 for spirit. Delta Gamma was second with 37 points, and Zeta Tau Alpha, third with 29. Derby Day was (I.,cliutted to Delta Phi Epsilon sorority in a pile of flour, then tried to which rece i ve d i ts national char- find her other shoe in a pile of ter Saturday. shoes. The flour-covered winners The winners of the Derby were Phi Mu, Beta Sigma Omi- Snatch, held Thursday and Fri- crop and Alpha Epsilon Phi. day, were Delia Gamma with The wheelbarrow contest fea -22 derbies; Alpha Phi, 9; Kappa lured one girl walking on her Delta and Phi Mu, 6 each; Alpha Delta Pi, 5; Delta Zeta, 2. hands with a water balloon tied around her middle. Her partner The eight events were "refer- . grasped her ankles and steered eed" by Jack Dellastat . ions and her around the field. Sigma Delta James dandora, co-chairmen of Tau placed first. Alpha Phi was Derby Day, with Bert Berths act-second and Alpha Delta Pi and ing as master of ceremonies. Zeta Tau Alpha tied for third. Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sigma Chi's next event was Guccione (Mrs. Guccione is the Sigma Chi sweetheart) and Ilan_ the egg throwing contest. After old Deisher, president of the each toss, the egg-throwers were - house. moved further apart, until the egs were soarin acros the, Alpha Phi, Sigma Delta Thu f i eld. The winner g was f. Delta and Sigma Sigma Sigma were the, Delta Delta, second was Delta winners of the first even t, the' Zeta, tied for third were Alpha sack race. Two girls from each: Chi Omega and Alpha Omicron sorority participated. Pi. . . ; "Limbo, limbo, limbo like me Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma . . . " The limbo was Derby Sigma ,Sigma and Delta Gamma Day's second game of skill. Tall, ‘yere the best fish-pole racers of short, fat and thin alike twist- 'the rainy day. Four girls from, ed and turned to get under the each sorority. two faced front and bar. Winners were Alpha Phi, 'two faced hack, hooi)ed across the' Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Del- 'field on a long stick, to Pi. ' The eighth and final contest Ever tt'Y to finch a marble in a was the surprise event. One girl chocolate pie without using your. wore an egg under a bathing cap; hands? Twenty sorority girl' did, a second girl was perched on her The chocolate-faced champions shoulders armed with a glove andJ were Delta Gamma. Zeta Tail Al- a raw trout. Object: to smash] pica and Alpha Phi. ' !everbody else's egg with the Event number four was the trout. The champs in this event' flour contest in which each girl were Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Phi tried to find her sorority letters'and Alpha Delta Pi, respectively.' Young Republicans and College Youth for Nixon-Lodge presents Senator Hugh Scott Wednesday, 0ct.26 All Students 12:30 P.M. HUB Ballroom Welcome Regular Meeting on Thursday 7 P.M. - 121 Sparks Phi Captures Day Honors THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 'Leadership Speakers Announced The slate of speakers for the 18-week Leadership Training program has been scheduled. Patricia Schaaf and Steven Klein, co-chairmen of the program, said the training will consist of talks by administrators and faculty members followed by informal discussions. The program will begin with an orientation meeting at 7 p.m. to- morrow in 119 Osmond. The first speaker will be Dr. Earl P. Strong. assistant dean of business administration, who will discuss the qualities that make a good leader. Talking about the speech of a Oeader will be Dr. Paul D. Holtz man. associate professor of speech. Dr. Francis L. Whaley, associate ;professor of psychology, will speak about psychology and the leader. Dr. Emory J. Brown, associate professor of agriculture eco nomics and rural sociology. will conduct a forum discussion on committee work. Parliamen tary procedure will be the sub ject of Dr. Robert E. Dunham, instructor of speech. Major Earl F. Roth, assistant professor of naval science, will sneak on military leadership as applied to the student. Dorothy J. Lipp, dean of wom en, will conclude the training by speaking on the importance of activities in developing the indi vidual on campus. Students may sign up for the program at the Hetzel Union desk. H Ec Sponsors `Refresher' Day The Office of Continuing Edu cation and the College of Home Economics Nvill sponsor a one day refresher course for home economics next Tuesday in Nor ristown. Dr. Barbara E. Densmore, as sociate professor of clothing and textiles, will present "W hat 's New in Textiles?" Dr. Joseph F. Krawiec, associ ;ate professor of clothing and tex itiles will present a lecture and discussion on "Care of Today's 'Textiles." in which he will ex plain the effect of today's varied detergents, bleaches and f iber softeners on most wash and wear :garments. Skell to Present Papers On Chemistry of Carbon Dr. Philip S. Shell, professor of 'chemistry, will presmt three pa pers next month on the subject, "Chemistry of Bivalent Carbon." He will address Phi Lambda Upsilon at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N. J., on Nov. 16; Dow Chemical of Canada, Ltd.,', at Sarnia. Ont.. Canada, on Nov.! 17; and Parma Research Lahora-; tory of Union Carbide Corp. at; Cleveland, Ohio, on Nov. 18. DARE Will Fight Local Discrimination The major goal of DARE, Direct Action for Racial Equal ity, this year will be the elimination of.discriminatory prac tices in the area of housing for students of all minority groups. This proposal was presented to an open meeting of DARE on. Sunday. This objective will be primary in DARE's concern with securing equal rights and treat-, went for minority groups, espe-were presented to the group for chilly Negroes and internationaldiscussion and debate. Plans for students. definite action on theSe and other It was proposed at the meeting!problems will be discussed at the nest meeting of DARE to be held that DARE should cooperate with , the newly formed Burgess' Com-'at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Faith mittee, composed of business me n Evangelical & Reformed Church on College Ave. and Locust Lane. from State College. This commit tee plans to study discriminatory DARE is the name taken by a practices and attitudes in Stategroup of students and others as- College and seek ways to elimksociated with the University who nate them. last spring used non-violent tech- DARE petitioned' the State Col- piques to oppose racial discrimi lege Borough Council last spring nation in local barbershops. to establish a bi-racial Human , Although it is primarily a stu- Rights Commission„ As a result dent group, DARE will not be of DARE's interest, the Burgess' come a University chartered or- Committee has asked a member ganization or attach itself to any of DARE to sit permanently on other groups or agencies. the committee. DARE has also decided to work with the SGA Committee on Inter-racial Problems support the committee's proposals on the off campus housing list These main proposals for DARE SPORTS FEATURES- NEWS- IN THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS is now on sale at the following locations on the same day as early as three o'clock. Waring Hall on Campus Warnock Hall on Campus Pollock Hall on Campus Boots Dairyette Beaver & Atherton Cooks Market S. Atherton St. Autoport Restaurant S. Atherton St. McLanahan's Garner & College Ave, Penn Hi-Boy Rest. —S. Atherton St. Kaye's Korner Beaver & Allen Graham's News S. Allen & College Nittany News W. College & Allen Penn United E. College & Pugh St. Tasty Spot E. College Ave. Nittany Dell E. College Ave, Nittany Motel All the news in easy-to-read capsule form, plus these great features: • Earl Wilson, Dorothy Kilgallen, Jerry Gaghan. • and the best Sports Section anywhere. *Now, also read Zsa Zsa Gabor's own story as written for her by Gerold Frank. Fn. dormitory or home delivery call PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1960 SGA Cabinet Meeting The SGA Cabinet will meet at 8 tonight after the IFC ban quet, according to SGA-Presi dent Richard Haber. AFTERNOON THE Adams 8-0716
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